Article Figures & Data
Any Opioid Use (n = 169) No Opioid Use (n = 2780) Prevalence Ratio 95% CI n % n % Age Group (years) 65 to 69 69 5.6 1153 94.4 — — 70 to 74 60 5.8 967 94.2 1.04 0.73, 1.48 75 to 79 40 5.7 660 94.3 1.01 0.68, 1.51 Gender Male 73 5.3 1309 94.7 0.86 0.63, 1.17 Female 96 6.1 1471 93.9 — — Race White/Caucasian 143 5.5 2440 94.5 — — Nonwhite 22 6.9 297 93.1 1.26 0.79, 2.01 Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino 5 6.3 75 93.7 1.12 0.45, 2.81 Non-Hispanic/Latino 155 5.6 2600 94.4 — — Highest level of education Less than bachelor's degree 93 8.9 949 91.1 2.42 1.69, 3.47 Bachelor's degree 29 4.2 662 95.8 1.08 0.68, 1.74 Master's or higher degree 47 3.9 1161 96.1 — — Total household income past year Less than $50,000 78 10.2 686 89.8 — — $50000 to <$80,000 42 5.9 668 94.1 0.55 0.38, 0.82 $80,000 to <$100,000 17 4.0 410 96.0 0.37 0.21, 0.63 $100,000 or more 29 3.1 913 96.9 0.28 0.18, 0.43 ED visit in the past year None 98 4.3 2161 95.7 — — At least one 71 10.5 607 89.5 2.58 1.88, 3.55 Hospital visit in the past year None 115 4.6 2371 95.4 — — At least one 53 11.8 398 88.2 2.74 1.95, 3.87 Ever spoken to doctor about driving safety No 145 5.1 2675 94.9 — — Yes 24 14.5 141 85.5 3.14 1.98, 4.99 Alcohol use past 3 months None 64 8.0 738 92.0 1.68 1.22, 2.33 Any 105 4.9 2041 95.1 — — 4+ drinks on one occasion past 3 months 12 4.1 295 95.9 0.65 0.36, 1.18 Limited physical function None to slight (T-score > 55) 27 1.7 1548 98.3 — — Mild (T-score 40 to 55) 88 7.9 1020 92.1 4.95 3.19, 7.67 Moderate to severe (T-score < 40) 52 21.7 188 78.3 15.86 9.73, 25.86 Average pain past 7 days 0 29 1.9 1510 98.1 — — 1 to 3 37 5.6 623 94.4 3.09 1.89, 5.07 4 to 6 70 12.2 506 87.8 7.20 4.62, 11.23 7 to 10 33 19.3 138 80.7 12.45 7.34, 21.12 Morphine milligram equivalents per day, median (IQR) 20.0 20.0 — — — — AAA, American automobile association; LongROAD, Longitudinal research on aging drivers; ED, emergency department; CI, confidence interval.
Any Opioid Use (n = 169) No Opioid Use (n = 2821) Unadjusted OR Partially Adjusted OR Fully Adjusted OR* n % n % OR 95% CI AOR 95% CI AOR 95% CI Self-regulated driving reduction Yes 19 11.2 151 5.4 2.21 1.33, 3.66 2.38 1.42, 3.99 0.99adg 0.55, 1.80 No 149 88.2 2615 94.1 — — — — — — Any crash or police action in past year Yes 48 28.4 640 23.0 1.31 0.94, 1.87 1.34 0.93, 1.91 1.25bcg 0.86, 1.83 No 120 71.0 2119 76.2 — — — — — — AOR, adjusted odds ratio; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
↵* In addition to age, gender, race and ethnicity, models may be adjusted for atotal household income, bhighest level of education, cemergency department visit in the past year; dhospital visit in the past year, ealcohol use in the past 3 months, fhad 4 or more drinks on 1 occasion in the past 3 months, gphysical function.
Mean SD Mean SD Unadjusted Beta Estimate Partially Adjusted Beta Estimate* Fully Adjusted Beta Estimate† β 95% CI β 95% CI Β 95% CI Self-rated driving ability 5.7 0.7 5.9 0.7 −0.18 −0.29, −0.08 −0.19 −0.30, −0.08 0.04ag −0.08, 0.15 Self-rated driving comfort 5.8 0.9 5.8 1.0 −0.02 −0.17, 0.13 <0.00 −0.15, 0.15 0.21adg 0.05, 0.36 Lapses 1.8 0.4 1.8 0.4 −0.03 −0.09, 0.04 −0.04 −0.11, 0.03 −0.08befg −0.15, −0.01 Errors 1.4 0.3 1.4 0.3 <0.00 −0.04, 0.06 <0.00 −0.05, 0.06 −0.03befg −0.09, 0.02 Violations 1.6 0.4 1.6 0.4 −0.02 −0.08, 0.04 −0.03 −0.10, 0.03 −0.02abef −0.08, 0.04 ↵* Adjusted for age, gender, race, and ethnicity.
↵† In addition to age, gender, race and ethnicity, models may be adjusted for atotal household income, bhighest level of education, cemergency department visit in the past year; dhospital visit in the past year, ealcohol use in the past 3 months, fhad 4 or more drinks on 1 occasion in the past 3 months, gphysical function.
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval.