Introducing the Inaugural ABFM Research and Editing Fellow
The editorial team of JABFM is pleased to announce that Dr. Jacqueline Britz, MD, MSPH has been selected as the inaugural ABFM Research and Editing Fellow. Dr. Britz completed her MSc in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She received her medical degree from Virginia Commonwealth University where she is currently an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Population Health. She is the Co-Director of the Virginia Ambulatory Care Outcomes Network (ACORN).
Dr. Britz is an accomplished, yet early career, investigator focused on community and population-based research, as well as health equity. She has researched and published on substance use and opioid overdoses. She has also studied patient navigation and enhanced care planning to address behavioral factors, mental health conditions, and social needs for patients with chronic diseases.
During her two years in the fellowship, she will build upon her research base by learning additional study methodologies and analysis techniques. She will develop skills as a manuscript reviewer and editor while as part of the JABFM editorial team. She will mature her ability to critically appraisal the medical literature. During her second year, she will participate in creating items for the ABFM’s National Journal Club.
Congratulations to Dr. Britz and welcome to the team!
Dean A. Seehusen, MD, MPH - Deputy Editor
Christy J. W. Ledford, PhD - Associate Editor
Marjorie A. Bowman, MD, MPA - Editor
- Welcome, Family Medicine Residents!
- Research Representing the Changing Landscape of Family Medicine
- Family Physicians Can/Should Do: What? Where? And How?
- Mental Health of Patients and Clinicians Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Family Medicine Researchers Explore the Social Determinants of Health, COVID-19 Issues, and Cancer Survivor Care
- Three JABFM Articles Are in the Primary Care Collaborative Curated List of 24 Essential Primary Care Research Articles
- The “Telehealth Divide”—Who Are the Underserved, and What Care Is Improved?
- This Issue's Emphasis: Inequity and COVID-19, Intertwined
- Health Care Equity for Family Medicine Patients and Family Physician Equity
- Must-Read Family Medicine Research—Glucosamine/Chondroitin Supplements and Mortality, Telomere Length and the Doctor-Patient Relationship, Reducing Opioid Use, and More
- JABFM Welcomes a New Deputy Editor
- Practical Family Medicine: After-Hours Video Telehealth, Office Procedures, Polyp Follow-up in Older Patients, Terminology for Domestic Violence Intervention
- Dr. Victoria Neale Retires As Deputy Editor of JABFM
- Medications, Medicating, and Medicated - When, Where, and How - Opioids and Others
- Well-Being, New Technologies, and Clinical Evidence for Family Physicians
- Many Family Medicine Successful Interventions and Clinical Reviews for Common Illnesses