Research ArticleOriginal Research
Smoking As a Vital Sign: Prompts to Ask and Assess Increase Cessation Counseling
Anna McCullough, Michael Fisher, Adam O. Goldstein, Kathryn D. Kramer and Carol Ripley-Moffitt
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine November 2009, 22 (6) 625-632; DOI:
Anna McCullough
Michael Fisher
Adam O. Goldstein
Kathryn D. Kramer
Carol Ripley-Moffitt
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In this issue
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Vol. 22, Issue 6
November-December 2009
Smoking As a Vital Sign: Prompts to Ask and Assess Increase Cessation Counseling
Anna McCullough, Michael Fisher, Adam O. Goldstein, Kathryn D. Kramer, Carol Ripley-Moffitt
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine Nov 2009, 22 (6) 625-632; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2009.06.080211
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