Research ArticleSpecial Communications
The Marriage of Community-based Participatory Research and Practice-based Research Networks: Can It Work? –A Research Involving Outpatient Settings Network (RIOS Net) Study
Robert L. Williams, Brian M. Shelley, Andrew L. Sussman and ; on behalf of RIOS Net clinicians
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine July 2009, 22 (4) 428-435; DOI:
Robert L. Williams
Brian M. Shelley
Andrew L. Sussman
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In this issue
The Marriage of Community-based Participatory Research and Practice-based Research Networks: Can It Work? –A Research Involving Outpatient Settings Network (RIOS Net) Study
Robert L. Williams, Brian M. Shelley, Andrew L. Sussman
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine Jul 2009, 22 (4) 428-435; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2009.04.090060
The Marriage of Community-based Participatory Research and Practice-based Research Networks: Can It Work? –A Research Involving Outpatient Settings Network (RIOS Net) Study
Robert L. Williams, Brian M. Shelley, Andrew L. Sussman
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine Jul 2009, 22 (4) 428-435; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2009.04.090060
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