Adashi EY, O’Mahony DP, Glenn Cohen IG. And Then There Were Three: The Decimation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) CO-OPs, 35(4):867–869
Adepoju OE, Tran L, Agwuncha R, Chae M, Franco-Castano J, Angelocci T, Liaw W. Associations between Patient- and Provider Level Factors, and Telemedicine Use in Family Medicine Clinics, 35(3):457–464
Adetoye M, Gold K. Race and Gender Disparities Among Leadership in Academic Family Medicine, 35(5):902–905
Adhikari K, Manalili K, Law J, Bischoff M, Teare GF. Interventions to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake in Primary Care: A Systematic Review, 35(4):840–858
Adler RN. see Drabkin A
Agnoli A. see Drabkin A
Agwuncha R. see Adepoju OE
Albert SL. see Cohen DJ
Alende-Castro V, Gonzalez-Quintela A. Response: Re: C-Reactive Protein versus Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: Implications Among Patients with No Known Inflammatory Conditions, 35(1):209
Ali AS, Khan M, Ortega D, Jaffery S, Lamerato LE, Budzynska K. Prescription Patterns of Novel Antihyperglycemic Medications, 35(2):255–264
Alper BS. see Drabkin A
Altman W. see Drabkin A
Altschuler A. see Gopalan A
Amaechi O. Intentionality Required to Equip a Diverse Physician Workforce with Tools and Infrastructure to Deliver Comprehensive Care, 35(3):597–600
Amechi C. see Wang T
Anaya YB-M, Mota AB, Hernandez GD, Osorio A, Hayes-Bautista DE. Post-Pandemic Telehealth Policy for Primary Care: An Equity Perspective, 35(3):588–592
Anderson A, Morgan ZJ, Olaisen RH, Bazemore A, Taylor MK, Wang T, Eden AR. Family Physician Income Disparities by Race and Gender, 35(4):859–861
Anderson A. The Need for Expanding Physician Language Diversity is Too Great to be Left to Chance, 35(1):200–202
Anderson AA. see Wang T
Anderson ML. see Green BB
Anderson ML, Ehrlich K, Hall YN, Hansell LD, Hsu C, Joseph D, Margolis KL, McClure JB, Munson SA, Thompson MJ, Green BB. Response: Re: Blood Pressure Checks for Diagnosing Hypertension: Health Professionals’ Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practice, 35(4):877
Angelocci T. see Adepoju OE
Apathy NC. see Rotenstein LS
Arenas DJ, Beltrán S, Montgomery C, Pharel M, Lopez-Hinojosa I, Vilá-Arroyo G, DeLisser HM. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Food Insecurity and Dyslipidemia, 35(4):656–667
Arndt BG, Jones J, Simpson AN. see Tuan W-J
Arsic B, Zebic K, Sajid A, Bhave N, Passalacqua KD, White-Perkins DD, Lamerato L, Rees D, Katarzyna Budzynska K. Assessing the Adequacy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosis for High-Risk Patients in Primary Care, 35(2):320–328
Aryal S. see Licciardone LC
Ayala J. see Owens CD
Balasubramanian BA. see Cohen DJ; Hemler JR
Balasubramanian BA, Lindner S, Marino M, Springer R, Edwards ST, McConnell KJ, Cohen DJ. Improving Delivery of Cardiovascular Disease Preventive Services in Small-to-Medium Primary Care Practices, 35(5):968–979
Baldwin L-M, Tuzzio L, Cole AM, Holden E, Powell JA, Parchman ML. Tailoring Implementation Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Calculator Adoption in Primary Care Clinics, 35(6):1143–1155
Baldwin S. see Saluja S
Ballering AV, Rosmalen JGM, olde Hartman TC. Differences Between Women and Men Are Present in the Rate of Diagnosed Diseases After a Diagnostic Intervention is Conducted in Primary Care, 35(1):73–84
Banegas MP. see Mosen DM
Banik E. see Newton WP
Barber JM. see White RS
Baron A. see Cohen DJ; Hemler JR
Bartels SJ. see Burdick TE
Bates DW. see Rotenstein LS
Baumgardner D. see Dilworth TJ
Baxley E. see Newton WP
Baxley EG. see Price DW
Bazemore A. see Anderson A; Wang T
Bazemore AW. see Eden AR; Jabbarpour Y
Bazemore AW, Ireland J, Cattoi R, Newton WP. Fostering Generalist Leaders in a Subspecialized World: Congratulations to an Expanded Cohort of New Pisacano Scholars, 35(1):210–213
Bedell D, Sevcik T, Daly JM, Levy BT. Food Intake Compared to Exercise Association with Obesity in Children Ages 3–6, 35(6):1072–1080
Beidler LB. see Fraze TK
Beltrán S. see Arenas DJ
Benjenk I. see Yamane D
Bennett IM. see Sturges D
Bentivegna M. see Ebell MH
Berg A. see Schlegel D
Berry CA. see Cohen DJ
Bettger JP. see Sandhu S
Bhatt RA. see Gong JH
Bhave N. see Arsic B
Bischoff M. see Adhikari K
Blatchins MA. see Gopalan A
Bodkins E. see Haggerty T
Boness CL, Nelson M, Douaihy AB. Motivational Interviewing Strategies for Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, 35(2):420–426
Bonnell LN. see Rose GL
Bonnell LN, Clifton J, Wingood M, Gell N, Littenberg B. The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health and Walking During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(5):897–901
Bonsu P. see Cohen DJ
Borisova E. see Darrow JJ
Boull CL. see Rasner CJ
Bowman M. Three JABFM Articles Are in the Primary Care Collaborative Curated List of 24 Essential Primary Care Research Articles, 35(4):655
Bowman MA. see Seehusen DA
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Ledford CJW, Lupo P. Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2021, 35(2):219–222
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Ledford CJW, Lupo P. The Most Frequently Read Articles of 2021, 35(4):652–654
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Ledford CJW. Mental Health of Patients and Clinicians Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(5):883–885
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Ledford CJW. The “Telehealth Divide”—Who Are the Underserved, and What Care Is Improved?, 35(3):451–453
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Ledford CJW. This Issue’s Emphasis: Inequity and COVID-19, Intertwined, 35(2):215–218
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Mahoney MR, Ledford CJW. Health Care Equity for Family Medicine Patients and Family Physician Equity, 35(1):1–4
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA. Welcome, Family Medicine Residents!, 35(6):1042
Boyd JW. see Messinger JC
Braddock A, Koopman RJ, Smith J, Lee AS, McNair SH, Hampl S, Wareg N, Clary M, Miller N, Turer CB. A Longitudinal Effectiveness Study of a Child Obesity Electronic Health Record Tool, 35(4):742–750
Brahmbhatt D. see Leung PB
Bresz K. see Fogleman C
Breton M. see Sullivan EE
Britton E. see Britz JB
Britz JB, Huffstetler AN, Henry TL, Ragunanthan B, Britton E, Doshi N, Stange KC, Etz RS. Primary Care: A Critical Stopgap of Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(5):891–896
Broadbent G. see Nobles A
Broaddus-Shea ET. see Nederveld A; Nederveld AL
Brooks EM, Tong ST, Krist AH, Kuzel AJ. Emergence of Gun Violence as a Patient Priority, 35(5):961–967
Brownstein HH. see Haggerty T
Budzynska K. see Ali AS; Arsic B
Burdick TE, Moran DS, Oliver BJ, Eilertsen A, Raymond J, Hort S, Bartels SJ. Transitional Care Management Quality Improvement Methods That Reduced Readmissions in a Rural, Primary Care System, 35(3):537–547
Butler AJ. see Mohile NV
Byrne NW, Parente DJ, Yedlinsky NT. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Exercise Habits Among US Primary Care Patients, 35(2):295–309
Cai X, Ebell MH, Russo G. A Quantitative Study of the Decision Threshold for the Diagnosis of Infectious Mononucleosis, 35(6):1065–1071
Caldwell J. see Ulrich IP
Callen EF. see Loskutova NY
Campbell KM. see Jan Q; Nenow J
Capizzano JN, O’Dwyer M-C, Furst W, Plegue M, Tucker R, Theyyunni N, Harper DM. Current State of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Use Within Family Medicine, 35(4):809–813
Cardarelli R. see Shabu T
Caretta MA. see Haggerty T
Carlin C. see Schreck K
Caruso DM. see Komenaka IK
Carvajal DN. see Edgoose JYC
Cary M. see Haggerty T
Casimir J. see Nobles A
Castro-Valdes I. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Cattoi R. see Bazemore AW
Cawse-Lucas J. see Sturges D
Chae M. see Adepoju OE
Chang T. see Raj M
Chavey WE. see Schacht K
Chavez A, Pullins C, Yennie J, Singh C, Kosiorek H. Association of Telehealth with Short-Interval Follow-Up, 35(3):485–490
Cheung K. see Shadowen H
Chicoine BA. see Chicoine C
Chicoine C, Hickey EE, Kirschner KL, Chicoine BA. Ableism at the Bedside: People with Intellectual Disabilities and COVID-19, 35(2):390–393
Chin MH. see Wan W
Chukka A, Boyd JW. see Messinger JC
Chung Y. see Jabbarpour Y
Clary M. see Braddock A
Claus LE, Leland EM, Tai KY, Schlosser RJ, Kamath V, Lane AP, Rowan NR. Olfactory Loss and Beyond: A Practical Review of Chemosensory Dysfunction, 35(2):406–419
Clemings K. see Hall A
Clifton J. see Bonnell LN; Rose GL
Cloum HM. see Mirer AG
Coffman J. see Shimkhada R
Cohen AJ. see Poleshuck E
Cohen D. see Fogleman C
Cohen DJ. see Balasubramanian BA; Hall JD; Hemler JR
Cohen DJ, Balasubramanian BA, Lindner S, Miller WL, Sweeney SM, Hall JD, Ward R, Marino M, Springer R, McConnell J, Hemler JR, Ono SS, Ezekiel-Herrera D, Baron A, Crabtree BF, Solberg LI. How Does Prior Experience Pay Off in Large-Scale Quality Improvement Initiatives?, 35(6):1115–1127
Cohen DJ, Wyte-Lake T, Bonsu P, Albert SL, Kwok L, Paul MM, Nguyen AM, Berry CA, Shelley DR. Organizational Factors Associated with Guideline Concordance of Chronic Disease Care and Management Practices, 35(6):1128–1142
Cole AM. see Baldwin L-M
Connelly L, Staton EW, Holtrop JS, Sieja A, Knierim K, Holmstrom H. see Hall JD
Constable P. see Hiefner AR
Corbett G. see Shimkhada R
Costa J. see Patel M
Cousineau M. see Saluja S
Couture AD. see Michael W
Crabtree BF. see Cohen DJ; Hemler JR
Cramer J. A Linguist’s Perspective on the American Board of Family Medicine’s Differential Item Functioning Panel, 35(2):387–389
Critchlow R. see Newton WP
Cronholm PF. see Sanders M
Cuellar A. see Kuzel AJ
Dalia Y. see Sharma D
Daly JM. see Bedell D
Damschroder L. see Hemler JR
Dania A, Nagykaldi Z, Haaranen A, Muris JWM, Evans PH, Mäntyselkä P, van Weel C. A Review of 50 Years of International Literature on the External Environment of Building Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs), 35(4):762–792
Danna MN. see Hall JD
Darrow JJ, Borisova E. Communication of Drug Efficacy Information via a Popular Online Platform, 35(4):833–835
Davies T. see Franks AM
Davis CL. see Stewart JL
Davis S. see Segal JB
Davison D. see Yamane D
Dawood FS. see Stockwell MS
Day PG. see Lennon RP
De Marchis EH. see Fraze TK
DeBar LL. see Muench J
Dehlendorf C. see Razon N
Dekeseredy P. see Haggerty T
DeLisser HM. see Arenas DJ
Dempster J. see Paladine H
Devine K. see Yamane D
Dickinson LM. see Nederveld AL
Dilworth TJ, Hietpas K, Kram JJF, Baumgardner D. Impact of Geodemographic Factors on Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute, Uncomplicated Bronchitis or Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, 35(4):733–741
Dino GA. see Haggerty T
Dixon A. see Stockwell MS
Doescher MP, Nagykaldi Z, Zhao YD, Dwyer K. Oncology and Primary Care Provider Views on Cancer Survivorship Care: Mind the Gap, 35(2):329–340
Dokko R. see Saluja S
Doshi N. see Britz JB
Douaihy AB. see Boness CL
Drabkin A, Adler RN, Altman W, Ehrlich AM, Agnoli A, Alper BS. Clinical Quality Measures: A Challenge for–and to–Family Physicians, 35(2):427–434
Drake C. see Sandhu S
Duarte KF. see Nederveld A; Nederveld AL
Dukhanin V. see Segal JB
Dukhanin V, Davis S. see Segal JB
Duque J. see Stockwell MS
Dwyer K. see Doescher MP
Ebell MH. see Cai X
Ebell MH, Forgacs D, Shen Y, Ross TM, Hulme C, Bentivegna M, Hanley HB, Jefferson AM, Hainess L. High Prevalence of Both Previous Infection with SARS-CoV-2 and Persistent Symptoms, 35(3):570–578
Ebell MH, Hamadani R, Kieber-Emmons A. Development and Validation of Simple Risk Scores to Predict Hospitalization in Outpatients with COVID-19 Including the Omicron Variant, 35(6):1058–1064
Echiverri AT. see Edgoose JYC
Eden AR. see Anderson A; Jabbarpour Y; Jetty A; Price DW; Wang T
Eden AR, Bazemore AW, Morgan ZJ, Jabbarpour Y. Family Physicians Increasingly Deliver Care in Diverse Languages, 35(1):5–6
Eden AR, Jones DD, Bazemore AW, Jabbarpour Y. Informing Equity & Diversity in Primary Care Policy and Practice: Introducing a New Series of Policy Briefs, Commentaries, and Voices in JABFM, 35(1):190–196
Eden AR, Taylor MK, Wang T, Ha E. Family Physician Racial Identity: An Analysis of “Other” Race Selection and Implications for Future Data Collection, 35(5):1030–1031
Edgoose J. see Sanders M
Edgoose JYC, Carvajal DN, Reavis KMP, Yogendran L, Echiverri AT, Rodriguez JE. Addressing and Dismantling the Legacy of Race and Racism in Academic Medicine: A Socioecological Framework, 35(6):1239–1245
Edwards-Johnson J, Lee Y, Wendling A, Patel B, Phillips J. Predictors of Primary Care Practice Among Medical Students at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, 35(2):370–379
Edwards ST. see Balasubramanian BA; Hemler JR
Eglash A. see Michael W
Ehrlich AM. see Drabkin A
Ehrlich K. see Anderson A; Green BB
Eilertsen A. see Burdick TE
Eisenson H. see Sandhu S
Elango S. see Go E-M
Ellis J. You Can Call Me “Doctor” and “Friend,” 35(2):443–444
Ertz-Berger BL. see Mosen DM
Espinoza A. see Young RA
Espinoza AM. see Shabu T
Etz R. see Li E
Etz RS. see Britz JB
Evans PH. see Dania A
Ezekiel-Herrera D. see Cohen DJ
Factora R. see Hall A
Fain R. see Newton WP
Faldmo DN. see Wan W
Fannell J. see Pathman DE
Farrar K. see Yamane D
Farrell D. see Fogleman C
Featherstone E. see Sanders M
Feldman SJ. see Raj M
Fernandez A. see Gopalan A
Fields AB. see Razon N
Fiscella K. see Sanders M
Fogarty CT. see Poleshuck E; Sanders M
Fogleman C, Cohen D, Mercier A, Farrell D, Rutz J, Bresz K, Vernon T. A Pilot of a Randomized Control Trial of Melatonin and Vitamin C for Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19, 35(4):695–707
Fontil V. see Holt HK
Forgacs D. see Ebell MH
Fortney JC. see Hall JD
Fox E. see Razon N
Franco-Castano J. see Adepoju OE
Franks AM, Seaman C, Franks EK, Rollyson W, Davies T. Parental Reading to Infants Improves Language Score: A Rural Family Medicine Intervention, 35(6):1156–1162
Franks EK. see Franks AM
Fraze TK, Beidler LB, De Marchis EH, Gottlieb LM, Potter MB. “Beyond Just a Supplement”: Administrators’ Visions for the Future of Virtual Primary Care Services, 35(3):527–536
Fuentes L, Shah N, Kelly S, Harnett G, Schulman KA. Exploring Workplace Testing with Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction SARS-CoV-2 Testing, 35(1):96–101
Fulda KG. see Shabu T; Young RA
Funderburk JS. see Poleshuck E
Furst W. see Capizzano JN; Schacht K
Gell N. see Bonnell LN
Gildengorin G. see Holt HK
Glazier RH. see Li E
Glenn Cohen IG. see Adashi EY
Go E-M, Elango S. The Collateral Benefit of COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies on Influenza, 35(4):680–685
Gold K. see Adetoye M
Gong JH, Mehrzad R, Bhatt RA. Practical Management of Lumps and Bumps of the Fingers, Hand, and Wrist, 35(6):1194–1203
Gonzalez-Quintela A. see Alende-Castro V
Gopalan A, Blatchins MA, Xu KK, Altschuler A, Marshall CJ, Hessler DM, Fernandez A, Grant RW. All in the Family: A Qualitative Study of the Early Experiences of Adults with Younger Onset Type 2 Diabetes, 35(2):341–351
Gottlieb L. see Razon N
Gottlieb LM. see Fraze TK
Grant RW. see Gopalan A
Green BB. see Anderson A
Green BB, Anderson ML, Ehrlich K, Hall YN, Hansell LD, Hsu C, Joseph D, Margolis KL, McClure JB, Munson SA, Thompson MJ. Blood Pressure Checks for Diagnosing Hypertension: Health Professionals’ Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices, 35(2):310–319
Green LV, Savin S, Greenberg G, Hines S, Lake D, Minear M, Murphy RX Jr. The Impact of Telehealth on Primary Care Physician Panel Sizes: A Modeling Study, 35(5):1007–1014
Greenberg G. see Green LV
Gritz RM. see Nederveld AL
Guglani S. see Liddy C
Guízar-Sánchez D, Yoldi-Negrete M, Robles-García R, López-Ortiz G, Rivero-López C, Castro-Valdes I, Tovilla-Zárate CA, Orellana AF. Self-Perceived Mental Health and Perceived Discrimination in Family Physicians and Residents: A Comparative Study Between Men and Women, 35(5):912–920
Gurfinkel D. see Nederveld AL
Gurses AP. see Young RA
Ha E. see Eden AR
Haaranen A. see Dania A
Haggerty T, Sedney CL, Dekeseredy P, Nwafor D, Brownstein HH, Caretta MA, Pollini RA. Pain Management During West Virginia’s Opioid Crisis, 35(5):940–950
Haggerty T, Stephens HM, Peckens SA, Bodkins E, Cary M, Dino GA, Sedney CL. Telemedicine versus in-Person Primary Care: Impact on Visit Completion Rate in a Rural Appalachian Population, 35(3):475–484
Hainess L. see Ebell MH
Hal Al, Clemings K, Factora R, Meyyazhagan S. How Telehealth Addresses the Needs of Vulnerable Elders, 35(3):638–639
Hall JD. see Cohen DJ; Hemler JR
Hall JD, Danna MN, Hoeft TJ, Solberg LI, Takamine LH, Fortney JC, Nolan JP, Cohen DJ. Patient and Clinician Perspectives on Two Telemedicine Approaches for Treating Patients with Mental Health Disorders in Underserved Areas, 35(3):465–474
Hall K. see Wang T
Hall TL, Connelly L, Staton EW, Holtrop JS, Sieja A, Knierim K, Holmstrom H. Points of Concordance, Points of Discordance: A Qualitative Examination of Telemedicine Implementation, 35(3):517–526
Hall YN. see Anderson A; Green BB
Haller DM. see Sebo P
Hamadani R. see Ebell MH
Hammes NE. see Mirer AG
Hampl S. see Braddock A
Hampton A. see Michael W
Handler L. see Newton WP
Hanley HB. see Ebell MH
Hanna K. see Patel M
Hanrahan KD. Ready (or Not)—Here They Come, 35(6):1187–1190
Hansell LD. see Anderson A; Green BB
Harless C. see Ulrich IP
Harnett G. see Fuentes L
Harp JP. see White RS
Harper DM. see Capizzano JN
Hatzigeorgiou C. see Stewart JL
Hayashi AS. Support Physicians Who Identify as Underrepresented Minorities—But All Physicians Should Care for Vulnerable Populations, 35(2):398–399
Hayes-Bautista DE. see Anaya YB-M
Heiden-Rootes K. see Levine S
Heinz E. see Yamane D
Hemler JR. see Cohen DJ
Hemler JR, Edwards ST, Valenzuela S, Baron A, Hall JD, Perry CK, Balasubramanian BA, Damschroder L, Solberg LI, Crabtree BF, Cohen DJ. The Effects of Major Disruptions on Practice Participation in Facilitation During a Primary Care Quality Improvement Initiative, 35(1):124–139
Hendrix ZN. see Young RA
Henry TL. see Britz JB
Hernandez GD. see Anaya YB-M
Heron C. see Schlegel D
Hessler DM. see Gopalan A
Hickey EE. see Chicoine C
Hiefner AR, Constable P, Ross K, Sepdham D, Ventimiglia JB. Protecting Family Physicians from Burnout: Meaningful Patient-Physician Relationships Are “More than Just Medicine,” 35(4):716–723
Hietpas K. see Dilworth TJ
Hines S. see Green LV
Hinesley J. see Shadowen H
Hitt JR. see Rose GL
Hochman M. see Saluja S
Hoefling E. see Wan W
Hoeft TJ. see Hall JD
Hoekzema G. see Newton WP
Hoff T, Stephenson A. Changes in Career Thinking and Work Intentions Among Family Medicine Educators in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(5):933–939
Holden E. see Baldwin L-M
Holmstrom H. see Hall JD
Holt HK, Gildengorin G, Karliner L, Fontil V, Pramanik R, Potter MB. Differences in Hypertension Medication Prescribing for Black Americans and Their Association with Hypertension Outcomes, 35(1):26–34
Holt K. see Razon N
Holtrop J. see Nederveld AL
Holtrop JS. see Hall JD
Hooker SA. see Lonergan-Cullum M
Hoopes M. see Muench J
Hort S. see Burdick TE
Hosokawa P. see Nederveld AL
Hsu C. see Anderson A; Green BB
Hsu C-H. see Komenaka IK
Huang H-K. see Tien Y-Y
Huffstetler AN. see Britz JB
Hughes A, Khan T, Kirley K, Moin T, Mainous A, Sachdev N, Williams J, Wozniak G. Metformin Prescription Rates for Patients with Prediabetes, 35(4):821–826
Hughes L. see Newton WP
Huh J. see Martinez B
Hulme C. see Ebell MH
Hyppolite J. see Jetty A
Ireland J. see Bazemore AW
Jabbarpour Y. see Eden AR; Jetty A
Jabbarpour Y, Wendling A, Taylor M, Bazemore AW, Eden AR, Chung Y. Family Medicine’s Gender Pay Gap, 35(1):7–8
Jaffery S. see Ali AS
Jamoulle M. Re: Addressing Post-COVID Symptoms: A Guide for Primary Care, 35(4):874
Jan Q, Campbell KM. Re: Diversity of Department Chairs in Family Medicine at US Medical Schools, 35(4):875
Jefferson AM. see Ebell MH
Jetty A, Hyppolite J, Eden AR, Taylor MK, Jabbarpour Y. Underrepresented Minority Family Physicians More Likely to Care for Vulnerable Populations., 35(2):223–224
Jicha GA. see White RS
Jimbo M. see Schacht K
Johansen ME, Sicker K. Psychotherapy and Psychiatry Visits in the United States: A Study of MEPS, 2017–2019, 35(5):886–890
Johnson EM. see Poleshuck E
Jones DD. see Eden AR
Jones J, Simpson AN. see Tuan W-J
Joseph D. see Anderson A; Green BB
Kamath V. see Claus LE
Kara GC, Yalcin BM. Comparison of In-Person vs. Video Directly Observed Therapy (VDOT) on Stigma Levels in Tuberculosis Patients, 35(5):951–960
Karliner L. see Holt HK
Kawada T. Re: To Treat or Not to Treat? Effect of Urate-Lowering Therapy on Renal Function, Blood Pressure and Safety in Patients with Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, 35(3):640
Keast EM. see Mosen DM
Keely E. see Liddy C
Kellerman R. see Ofei-Dodoo S
Kelly S. see Fuentes L
Kenny T. see Young RA
Kern LM. see Pinheiro LC
Khan M. see Ali AS
Khan T. see Hughes A
Kieber-Emmons A. see Ebell MH
Kim A. see Ulrich IP
Kim J. see Yamane D
Kiran T. see Li E
Kirley K. see Hughes A
Kirschner KL. see Chicoine C
Knierim K. see Hall JD
Knoll H. see Ulrich IP
Komenaka IK, Nodora J, Martinez ME, Hsu C-H, Wong T, Shah A, Caruso DM. Mastalgia is Not An Indication for Mammogram, 35(5):998–1006
Kondrad EC, Reed AJ. Colorado Family Physicians and Medical Marijuana: Has Recreational Marijuana Changed Physician Attitudes and Behaviors?, 35(1):102–114
Koopman RJ. see Braddock A
Kosiorek H. see Chavez A
Kram JJ. see Dilworth TJ
Krist AH. see Brooks EM; Shadowen H
Kuczmarski AS. see Mohile NV
Kullberg SA. see Rasner CJ
Kuzel AJ. see Brooks EM
Kuzel AJ, Cuellar A, Nichols L. The EvidenceNOW Practice Support Initiative: The Heart of Virginia Healthcare, 35(5):979–989
Kwan BM. see Nederveld AL
Kwok L. see Cohen DJ
LaFavor KJ. see Mirer AG
Lake D. see Green LV
Lamb C. see Owens CD
Lamerato L. see Arsic B
Lamerato LE. see Ali AS
Landon B. see Rotenstein LS
Lane AP. see Claus LE
Latifovic L. see Li E
Law J. see Adhikari K
Ledford CJW. see Bowman MA; Seehusen DA; Stewart JL; Williamson LD
Lee AS. see Braddock A
Lee D. see Mohile NV
Lee Y. see Edwards-Johnson J
Leland EM. see Claus LE
Lennon RP, Day PG, Marfin EC, Onks CA, Silvis ML. A General Framework for Exploring Ethical and Legal Issues in ports Medicine, 35(6):1230–1238
Leonard M. see Ludden T
Leung PB, Nahid M, Rusli M, Brahmbhatt D, Pelzman FN, Tung J, Sterling MR. Factors Associated with Never Having Had A Video Visit, 35(3):634–637
Levine S, Heiden-Rootes K, Salas J. Associations Between Healthcare Experiences, Mental Health Outcomes, and Substance Use Among Transgender Adults, 35(6):1092–1102
Levy BT. see Bedell D
Levy R. see Lonergan-Cullum M
Li E, Latifovic L, Etz R, Ramji N, Glazier RH, Kiran T. How the Novel Person-Centered Primary Care Measure Performs in Canada, 35(4):751–761
Li V. see Wan W
Lian T. see Sandhu S
Liaw W. see Adepoju OE
Licciardone LC, Aryal S. Nonadherence to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Opioid Prescribing in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pain Research Registry–Based Study, 35(4):724–732
Liddy C, Singh J, Mitchell R, Guglani S, Keely E. How One eConsult Service Is Addressing Emerging COVID-19 Questions, 35(3):601–604
Lin S. A Clinician’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI35(1): Why and How Primary Care Should Lead the Health Care AI Revolution, 35(1):175–184
Lin W. see Mohan S
Lindner S. see Balasubramanian BA; Cohen DJ
Littenberg B. see Bonnell LN
Livingston CJ. see Muench J
Lonergan-Cullum M, Hooker SA, Levy R, Ricco J. A New Pandemic of Loneliness, 35(3):593–596
Loo-Gross C. see Ofei-Dodoo S
López AO, Sanz EP, Pibernat AD. Re: Blood Pressure Checks for Diagnosing Hypertension: Health Professionals’ Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practice, 35(4):876
Lopez-Hinojosa I. see Arenas DJ
López-Ortiz G. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Loskutova NY, Callen EF, Westfall JM. Standardized Patient Assessments at the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit: Results from the AAFP National Research Network, 35(3):605–609
Ludden T, Shade L, Thomas J, Russo MW, Leonard M, Zamor PJ, Patterson CG, Tapp H. Primary Care Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Screening Education Intervention, 35(5):990–997
Lupo P. see Bowman MA
Magill M. see Newton WP
Magnan E. see Shimkhada R
Mahoney A. see Mohan S
Mahoney MR. see Bowman MA
Mainous A. see Hughes A
Mainous AG III. Re: Impact of Geodemographic Factors on Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute, Uncomplicated Bronchitis or Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, 35(6):1246
Maisonneuve H. see Sebo P
Malak M. see Patel M
Maldonado L. see Razon N
Manalili K. see Adhikari K
Manning S. see Shabu T
Mäntyselkä P. see Dania A
Marfin EC. see Lennon RP
Margolis KL. see Anderson A; Green BB
Marino M. see Balasubramanian BA; Cohen DJ
Marshall CJ. see Gopalan A
Martin BA. see Nobles A
Martinez B, Huh J, Tsui J. Validating the Group-Based Medical Mistrust Scale with English and Spanish Speaking Latino Parents of Adolescents, 35(2):244–254
Martinez ME. see Komenaka IK
Mayhew M. see Muench J
Mayo YEL. see Owens CD
McClure JB. see Anderson A; Green BB
McConnell KJ. see Balasubramanian BA; Cohen DJ
McDaniel SH. see Sanders M
McKinstry D. see Sullivan EE
McNair SH. see Braddock A
McNeil S. see Razon N
Mehrzad R. see Gong JH
Mehrzad R, Bhatt RA. see Gong JH
Mellott M, Arndt BG, Jones J, Simpson AN. see Tuan W-J
Mercier A. see Fogleman C
Messinger JC, Chukka A, Boyd JW. Against Our Instincts: Decriminalization of Buprenorphine, 35(2):394–397
Meyyazhagan S. see Hall A
Michael W, Couture AD, Swedlund M, Hampton A, Eglash A, Schrager S. An Evidence-Based Review of Vitamin D for Common and High-Mortality Conditions, 35(6):1217–1229
Michelfelder A. see Newton WP
Miller J. see Shimkhada R
Miller M. see Shimkhada R
Miller N. see Braddock A
Miller WL. see Cohen DJ
Miller WL. The Impending Collapse of Primary Care: When is Someone Going to Notice?, 35(6):1183–1186
Minear M. see Green LV
Mirer AG, Tiemstra JD, Hammes NE, Cloum HM, LaFavor KJ. Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use with Primary Care is Associated with Greater Retention in Treatment, 35(1):206–208
Mitchell R. see Liddy C
Mohammed-Strait A, Umah M. Family Medicine is Not Immune to Racial and Gender Wage Gaps, 35(4):870–871
Mohan S, Lin W, Orozco F R, Robinson J, Anjali Mahoney A. Patient Perceptions of Video Visits in a Fee-for-Service Model, 35(3):497–506
Mohile NV, Kuczmarski AS, Lee D, Warburton C, Rakoczy K, Butler AJ. Spondylolysis and Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management, 35(6):1204–1216
Moin T. see Hughes A
Montgomery C. see Arenas DJ
Moran DS. see Burdick TE
Morgan ZJ. see Anderson A; Eden AR; Sonoda K
Morrison JL. see Saluja S
Mosen DM, Banegas MP, Keast EM, Ertz-Berger BL. The Association Between Social Isolation and Memory Loss Among Older Adults, 35(6):1168–1173
Mota AB. see Anaya YB-M
Muench J, Hoopes M, Mayhew M, Pisciotta M, Shortreed SM, Livingston CJ, Von Korff M, DeBar LL. Reduction of Long-Term Opioid Prescribing for Back Pain in Community Health Centers After a Medicaid Policy Change, 35(2):352–369
Munson SA. see Anderson A; Green BB
Muris JWM. see Dania A
Murphy RX Jr. see Green LV
Nagykaldi Z. see Dania A; Doescher MP
Nahid M. see Leung PB
Nanus DM. see Pinheiro LC
Natkin LW. see Rose GL
Nederveld A, Duarte KF, Broaddus-Shea ET. Growing PEACHnet: Building a Practice-Based Research Network in Western Colorado, 35(1):115–123
Nederveld AL, Gurfinkel D, Hosokawa P, Gritz RM, Dickinson LM, Phimphasone-Brady P, Waxmonsky JA, Kwan BM. The Psychosocial Needs of Patients Participating in Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments, 35(6):1103–1114
Nederveld AL, Holtrop J, Duarte KF, Skalecki M, Broaddus-Shea ET. Multistakeholder Perspectives on Data Sharing to Address Patient Food Insecurity, 35(1):85–95
Nelson M. see Boness CL
Nenow A. see Nenow J
Nenow J, Nenow A, Priest A, Campbell KM, Tumin D. Local Economic Inequality and the Primary Care Physician Workforce in North Carolina, 35(1):35–43
Newton WP. see Bazemore AW; O'Neill TR; Price DW; Wang T
Newton WP, Baxley E, Price D, Phillips B, O’Neill T, Stelter K, Rode K, Peterson L, Fain R. Advances in the Cognitive Science and Their Implications for ABFM Knowledge Assessment, 35(4):878–881
Newton WP, Hoekzema G, Magill M, Hughes L. Dedicated Time for Education Is Essential to the Residency Learning Environment, 35(5):1035–1037
Newton WP, Magill M. It Takes a Village to Redesign Residencies. . ., 35(2):445–448
Newton WP, Michelfelder A, Stutzman K, Critchlow R, Wergin R. A Leadership Challenge: Providing Hope for Our Patients, Practices and Communities, 35(6):1247–1248
Newton WP, Quan M, Handler L, Banik E. The ABFM National Journal Club: Early Outcomes and Next Steps, 35(3):643–647
Nguyen AM. see Cohen DJ
Nichols L. see Kuzel AJ
Nivet MA. see Xierali IM
Nobles A, Martin BA, Casimir J, Schmitt S, Broadbent G. Stalled Progress: Medical School Dean Demographics, 163–168
Nodora J. see Komenaka IK
Nolan JP. see Hall JD
Nwafor D. see Haggerty T
O’Dwyer M-C. see Capizzano JN
Ofei-Dodoo S, Loo-Gross C, Kellerman R. Burnout, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among Family Physicians in Kansas: 18 Months into the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(5):921–932
Ofei-Dodoo S. My Experiences with the North American Primary Care Research Group: A Reflection from an Emerging Primary Care Researcher, 35(4):872–873
Olaisen RH. see Anderson A
olde Hartman TC. see Ballering AV
Oliver BJ. see Burdick TE
O’Loughlin K. see Shadowen H
O’Mahony DP. see Adashi EY
O’Neill T. see Newton WP
O’Neill TR. see Wang T
O’Neill TR, Wang T, Newton WP. The American Board of Family Medicine’s 8 Years of Experience with Differential Item Functioning, 35(1):18–25
Onks CA. see Lennon RP
Ono SS. see Cohen DJ
Orellana AF. see Guízar-Sánchez D
O’Rourke-Lavoie J. see Rose GL
Orozco FR. see Mohan S
Ortega D. see Ali AS
Osorio A. see Anaya YB-M
Overbeck M. see Pathman DE
Owens CD, Pertuz GM, Sanchez JC, Ayala J, Pimentel LH, Lamb C, Mayo YEL, Yunez AL. The COVID-19 Pandemic in a Hispanic Population: A Primary Care Perspective, 35(4):686–694
Paladine H, Dempster J. The Gender Pay Gap in Family Medicine: Evidence and Next Steps, 35(1):197–199
Parascando J. see Schlegel D
Parchman ML. see Baldwin L-M
Parente DJ. see Byrne NW
Park OL. see Yamane D
Passalacqua KD. see Arsic B
Patel B. see Edwards-Johnson J
Patel M, Malak M, Swanson J, Costa J, Turner K, Hanna K. Mammogram Order Completion Rates Among Women with Diabetes, 35(1):158–162
Patel TS. see Sharma D
Pathman DE, Sewell RG, Rauner T, Overbeck M, Fannell J, Resendes J. Outcomes of States’ Loan Repayment and Forgiveness Programs From the Perspective of Safety Net Practice Administrators, 35(5):1015–1025
Patterson CG. see Ludden T
Patterson DG. see Sturges D
Paul MM. see Cohen DJ
Pearson DR. see Rasner CJ
Peckens SA. see Haggerty T
Pelzman FN. see Leung PB
Perez C. see Razon N
Perry CK. see Hemler JR
Pertuz GM. see Owens CD
Peterson L. see Newton WP
Peterson LE. see Sonoda K
Pharel M. see Arenas DJ
Phillips B. see Newton WP
Phillips J. see Edwards-Johnson J
Phillips RS. see Sullivan EE
Phimphasone-Brady P. see Nederveld AL
Pibernat AD. see López AO
Pierre G. Re: Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in Primary Care to Redress Health Inequities, 35(3):641–642
Piggott C. see Sanders M
Pimentel LH. see Owens CD
Pinheiro LC, Rajan M, Safford MM, Nanus DM, Kern LM. Nearly All Cancer Survivors Return to Primary Care, 35(4):827–832
Pisciotta M. see Muench J
Plegue M. see Capizzano JN
Poleshuck E, Possemato K, Johnson EM, Cohen AJ, Fogarty CT, Funderburk JS. Leveraging Integrated Primary Care to Address Patients’ and Families’ Unmet Social Needs: Aligning Practice with National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Recommendations, 35(1):185–189
Pollini RA. see Haggerty T
Ponce NA. see Shimkhada R
Porucznik CA. see Stockwell MS
Possemato K. see Poleshuck E
Potter MB. see Fraze TK; Holt HK
Powell JA. see Baldwin L-M
Pramanik R. see Holt HK
Price D. see Newton WP
Price DW, Eden AR, Baxley EG, Williamson A, Newton WP. Practice Adjustments Made by Family Physicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 35(2):274–283
Priest A. see Nenow J
Proser M. see Wan W
Pullins C. see Chavez A
Quan M. see Newton WP
Quinio C. see Sebo P
Ragunanthan B. see Britz JB
Raj M, Feldman SJ, Chang T. Policies and Resources Identified by Youth as Being Important to Prepare for Caregiving Responsibilities, 35(4):814–820
Rajan M. see Pinheiro LC
Rakoczy K. see Mohile NV
Ramji N. see Li E
Rasner CJ, Kullberg SA, Pearson DR, Boull CL. Diagnosis and Management of Plantar Dermatoses, 35(2):435–442
Rauner T. see Pathman DE
Rayburn WF. see Xierali IM; Xierali XM
Raymond J. see Burdick TE
Razon N, Gottlieb L. Content Analysis of Transportation Screening Questions in Social Risk AssessmentTools: Are We Capturing Transportation Insecurity?, 35(2):400–405
Razon N, Wulf S, Perez C, McNeil S, Maldonado L, Fields AB, Holt K, Fox E, Silverstein I, Dehlendorf C. Family Physicians’ Barriers and Facilitators in Incorporating Medication Abortion, 35(3):579–587
Reavis KMP. see Edgoose JYC
Reed AJ. see Kondrad EC
Reed L. see Ulrich IP
Rees D. see Arsic B
Resendes J. see Pathman DE
Ricco J. see Lonergan-Cullum M; Schreck K
Richards A. see Shadowen H
Rivero-López C. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Robinson J. see Mohan S
Robles-García R. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Rode K. see Newton WP
Rodriguez JE. see Edgoose JYC
Rollyson W. see Franks AM
Rose GL, Bonnell LN, Clifton J, Natkin LW, Hitt JR, O’Rourke-Lavoie J. Outcomes of Delay of Care After the Onset of COVID-19 for Patients Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions, 35(6):1081–1091
Rosmalen JGM. see Ballering AV
Ross K. see Hiefner AR
Ross TM. see Ebell MH
Rotenstein LS, Apathy NC, Bates DW, Landon B. Variation in Support for Documentation Among Primary Care Physicians by Gender, 35(5):906–911
Rowan NR. see Claus LE
Rusli M. see Leung PB
Russo G. see Cai X
Russo MW. see Ludden T
Rutz J. see Fogleman C
Sabo R. see Shadowen H
Sachdev N. see Hughes A
Safford MM. see Pinheiro LC
Sajid A. see Arsic B
Salas J. see Levine S
Saluja S, Hochman M, Dokko R, Morrison JL, Valdez C, Baldwin S, Tandel MD, Cousineau M. Community-Based Health Care Navigation’s Impact on Access to Primary Care for Low-Income Latinos, 35(1):44–54
Sanchez JC. see Owens CD
Sanders M, Cronholm PF, Edgoose J, Fiscella K, Piggott C, McDaniel SH, Featherstone E, Fogarty CT. Evaluating the Uptake of Antiracism Training, Policies, and Practices in Departments of Family Medicine, 35(4):803–808
Sandhu S, Lian T, Smeltz L, Drake C, Eisenson H, Bettger JP. Patient Barriers to Accessing Referred Resources for Unmet Social Needs, 35(4):793–802
Sanz EP. see López AO
Savin S. see Green LV
Schacht K, Furst W, Jimbo M, Chavey WE. A Malpractice Claims Study of a Family Medicine Department: A 20-Year Review, 35(2):380–386
Schlegel D, Heron C, Berg A, Parascando J, Silvis M. Diagnoses per Encounter by Telephone, Televideo, and In-Office Visits, 35(3):491–496
Schlosser RJ. see Claus LE
Schmitt S. see Nobles A
Schrager S. see Michael W
Schreck K, Carlin C, Ricco J. Risk of Thromboembolic Events Following COVID-19 Diagnosis Without Hospitalization, 35(6):1163–1167
Schulman KA. see Fuentes L
Seaman C. see Franks AM
Seamon G. see Ulrich IP
Sebo P, Quinio C, Viry M, Haller DM, Maisonneuve H. Perceived Effectiveness and Overall Satisfaction of Using a Toilet Stool to Prevent or Treat Constipation: An Analysis of Online Comments, 35(4):836–839
Sedney CL. see Haggerty T
Seehusen DA. see Bowman MA
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA, Ledford CJW. Clinically Useful Family Medicine Research, 35(6):1039–1041
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA, Ledford CJW. Family Medicine Researchers Explore the Social Determinants of Health, COVID-19 Issues, and Cancer Survivor Care, 35(4):649–651
Segal JB, Davis S, Dukhanin V. Working Framework for Appropriate Use of Virtual Care in Primary Care, 35(3):629–633
Segal JB, Dukhanin V, Davis S. Telemedicine in Primary Care: Qualitative Work Towards a Framework for Appropriate Use, 35(3):507–516
Sepdham D. see Hiefner AR
Sevcik T. see Bedell D
Sewell RG. see Pathman DE
Shabu T, Espinoza AM, Manning S, Cardarelli R, Fulda KG. Patient Research Interest Differences by Gender and Race/ Ethnicity: A North Texas Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network (NorTex) Study, 35(2):225–234
Shade L. see Ludden T
Shadowen H, O’Loughlin K, Cheung K, Thornton W, Richards A, Sabo R, Hinesley J, Krist AH. Exploring the Relationship Between Community Program Location and Community Needs, 35(1):55–72
Shah A. see Komenaka IK
Shah N. see Fuentes L
Sharma D, Dalia Y, Patel TS. Ethnic Equity Implications in the Management of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, 35(1):173–174
Shelley DR. see Cohen DJ
Shen Y. see Ebell MH
Shih M-C. see Tien Y-Y
Shimkhada R, Miller J, Magnan E, Miller M, Coffman J, Corbett G. Policy Considerations for Routine Screening for Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs), 35(4):862–866
Shimkhada R, Tse HW, Ponce NA. Life Satisfaction and Social and Emotional Support Among Asian American Older Adults, 35(1):203–205
Shortreed SM. see Muench J
Sicker K. see Johansen ME
Sieja A. see Hall JD
Silverstein I. see Razon N
Silvis M. see Schlegel D
Silvis ML. see Lennon RP
Simpson AN. see Tuan W-J
Singh C. see Chavez A
Singh G. Re: C-Reactive Protein versus Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: Implications Among Patients with No Known Inflammatory Conditions, 35(1):209
Singh J. see Liddy C
Skalecki M. see Nederveld AL
Smeltz L. see Sandhu S
Smith J. see Braddock A
Solberg LI. see Cohen DJ; Hall JD; Hemler JR
Sonoda K, Morgan ZJ, Peterson LE. Pandemic Disruption in Residency Did Not Alter Trends in Intended Scope of Practice, 35(6):1191–1193
Springer R. see Balasubramanian BA; Cohen DJ
Stanford JB. see Stockwell MS
Stange KC. see Britz JB
Staton EW. see Hall JD
Stelter K. see Newton WP
Stephens HM. see Haggerty T
Stephenson A. see Hoff T
Sterling MR. see Leung PB
Stewart JL, Hatzigeorgiou C, Davis CL, Ledford CJW. DPPFit: Developing and Testing a Technology-Based Adaptation of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) to Address Prediabetes in a Primary Care Setting, 35(3):548–558
Stockwell MS, Porucznik CA, Dixon A, Duque J, Stanford JB, Veguilla V, Dawood FS. Factors Associated with Intention to Vaccinate Children 0-11 Years of Age Against COVID-19, 35(6):1174–1178
Sturges D, Patterson DG, Bennett IM, Cawse-Lucas J. Can Family Medicine’s Counterculture History Help Shape an Anti-Racist Future?, 35(1):169–172
Stutzman K. see Newton WP
Sullivan EE, Breton M, McKinstry D, Phillips RS. COVID-19’s Perceived Impact on Primary Care in New England: A Qualitative Study, 35(2):265–273
Sullivan L. see Ulrich IP
Swanson J. see Patel M
Swedlund M. see Michael W
Sweeney SM. see Cohen DJ
Tai KY. see Claus LE
Takamine LH. see Hall JD
Tanael M. Response: Re: Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in Primary Care to Redress Health Inequities, 35(3):642
Tandel MD. see Saluja S
Tapp H. see Ludden T
Taylor M. see Jabbarpour Y
Taylor MK. see Anderson A; Eden AR; Jetty A
Teare GF. see Adhikari K
Theyyunni N. see Capizzano JN
Thomas J. see Ludden T
Thompson KM. see Williamson LD
Thompson MJ. see Anderson A; Green BB
Thornton W. see Shadowen H
Tiemstra JD. see Mirer AG
Tien C-P. see Tien Y-Y
Tien Y-Y, Shih M-C, Tien C-P, Huang H-K, Tu Y-K. To Treat or Not to Treat? Effect of Urate-Lowering Therapy on Renal Function, Blood Pressure and Safety in Patients with Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis, 35(1):140–151
Tien Y-Y, Tu Y-K. Response: Re: To Treat or Not to Treat? Effect of Urate- Lowering Therapy on Renal Function, Blood Pressure and Safety in Patients with Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, 35(3):640–641
Tong ST. see Brooks EM
Tovilla-Zárate CA. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Tran L. see Adepoju OE
Truong O. Promoting Health Equity: A Call for Data Disaggregation on Race and Ethnicity, 35(5):1032–1034
Tse HW. see Shimkhada R
Tsui J. see Martinez B
Tu Y-K. see Tien Y-Y
Tuan W-J, Mellott M, Arndt BG, Jones J, Simpson AN. Disparities in Use of Patient Portals Among Adults in Family Medicine, 35(3):559–569
Tucker R. see Capizzano JN
Tumin D. see Nenow J
Tung J. see Leung PB
Turer CB. see Braddock A
Turner K. see Patel M
Tuzzio L. see Baldwin L-M
Ulrich IP, Harless C, Seamon G, Kim A, Sullivan L, Caldwell J, Reed L, Knoll H. Implementation of Transgender/Gender Nonbinary Care in a Family Medicine Teaching Practice, 35(2):235–243
Umah M. see Mohammed-Strait A
Valdez C. see Saluja S
Valenzuela S. see Hemler JR
van Weel C. see Dania A
Veguilla V. see Stockwell MS
Ventimiglia JB. see Hiefner AR
Vernon T. see Fogleman C
Vilá-Arroyo G. see Arenas DJ
Viry M. see Sebo P
Volcy J. The Warmth of Strangers, 35(5):1026–1029
Von Korff M. see Muench J
Wan W, Li V, Chin MH, Faldmo DN, Hoefling E, Proser M, Weir RC. Development of PRAPARE Social Determinants of Health Clusters and Correlation with Diabetes and Hypertension Outcomes, 35(4):668–679
Wang T. see Anderson A; Eden AR; O'Neill TR
Wang T, Amechi C, Anderson AA, Eden AR, Bazemore A. Variation in Scope and Area of Practice by Family Physician Race and Ethnicity, 35(3):454–456
Wang T, O’Neill TR, Newton WP, Hall K, Eden AR. Racial/Ethnic Representation Among American Board of Family Medicine Certification Candidates from 1970 to 2020, 35(1):9–17
Warburton C. see Mohile NV
Ward R. see Cohen DJ
Wareg N. see Braddock A
Waxmonsky JA. see Nederveld AL
Weir RC. see Wan W
Wendling A. see Edwards-Johnson J; Jabbarpour Y
Wergin R. see Newton WP
Westfall JM. see Loskutova NY
White-Perkins DD. see Arsic B
White RS, Barber JM, Harp JP, Jicha GA. Examining the Effects of Formal Education Level on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, 35(6):1043–1057
Williams J. see Hughes A
Williamson A. see Price DW
Williamson LD, Thompson KM, Ledford CJW. Trust Takes Two. . ., 35(6):1179–1182
Wingood M. see Bonnell LN
Wong T. see Komenaka IK
Wozniak G. see Hughes A
Wulf S. see Razon N
Wyte-Lake. see Cohen DJ
Xiao Y. see Young RA
Xierali IM, Nivet MA, Rayburn WF. Diversity of Department Chairs in Family Medicine at US Medical Schools, 35(1):152–157
Xierali XM, Rayburn WF. Growing Need for Primary Care Physicians Caring for Cancer Survivors, 35(4):708–715
Xu KK. see Gopalan A
Yalcin BM. see Kara GC
Yamane D, Zarabian K, Devine K, Benjenk I, Farrar K, Park OL, Kim J, Davison D, Heinz E. Hospital-Based Healthcare Worker Perceptions of Personal Risk Related to COVID-19: One Year Follow-Up, 35(2):284–294
Yedlinsky NT. see Byrne NW
Yennie J. see Chavez A
Yogendran L. see Edgoose JYC
Yoldi-Negrete M. see Guízar-Sánchez D
Young RA, Fulda KG, Espinoza A, Gurses AP, Hendrix ZN, Kenny T, Xiao Y. Ambulatory Medication Safety in Primary Care: A Systematic Review, 35(3):610–628
Yunez AL. see Owens CD
Zamor PJ. see Ludden T
Zarabian K. see Yamane D
Zebic K. see Arsic B
Zhao YD. see Doescher MP