Abortion, provision, and core values of family medicine, 36(4):583–590
Academic detailing, panel management, and colorectal cancer stool-DNA testing, 36(6):933–941
Access to health care, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Access to primary care, integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
Accountable care organization, deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
Acute pain, initial care for low back pain, 36(6):986–995
failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
Advance care planning, deployment of digital platform, 36(6):966–975
Advanced practice providers, in family medicine departments, 36(6):1058–1061
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), parental, and child weight, 36(1):39–50
Adverse drug event, ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
peripheral neuropathy and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
Altruism, an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
Introducing the Inaugural ABFM Research and Editing Fellow, 36(4):530
Angioedema, of the small bowel, ACE inhibitor-induced, 36(1):160–163
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
Antibacterial drug resistance, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Antidepressants, tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
Antimicrobial stewardship, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Anxiety disorders, antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
Arizona, ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Artificial intelligence (AI), applications in primary care, 36(2):210–220
diagnosis documentation, childhood wheeze and, 36(6):1038–1042
quality of care for Latinx children with, 36(4):616–625
reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
what patients call their inhalers, 36(4):650–661
Athletes, failure of preparticipation sports physicals, 36(6):1033–1037
Behavioral medicine
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Behavioral science, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Bipolar disorder, antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
Bisphosphonates, versus denosumab, for reducing fractures, 36(1):175–185
Body composition
models for delivering weight management, 36(4):603–615
weight loss management in primary care, 36(1):51–65
Body mass index, parental ACEs and child weight, 36(1):39–50
Breast cancer
lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
women at high risk for, 36(6):1029–1032
Breast density, patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
infant and maternal vitamin D supplementation, 36(1):95–104
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
follow-up care, nurse standing orders for, 36(5):723–730
Burden of illness, ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
AI applications in primary care, 36(2):210–220
continuity, payment, and terms in Canadian health, 36(1):130–141
providers and staff perceptions of AI, 36(2):221–228
Cancer, survivorship guidelines, use of, 36(5):789–802
Cancer screening
data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
effects of multi-component intervention, 36(6):933–941
experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Cancer survivors, use of cancer survivorship guidelines, 36(5):789–802
Cannabinoids, integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
use for pain versus use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
Carbon dioxide, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Carbon footprint, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
Cardiovascular diseases
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
Career choice
practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
reflections in family medicine, 36(5):873–875
Caregiver burden, ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
Case report, ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
Catastrophization, high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
Cesarean section, family physicians providing, 36(4):565–573
Chemoprophylaxis, women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Chief executive officers, increasing primary care physicians in top leadership roles, 36(4):687–689
Child health
childhood wheeze and asthma diagnosis documentation, 36(6):1038–1042
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
Childhood obesity, parental ACEs and, 36(1):39–50
Chronic disease
adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
obesity and patient-physician relationship, 36(2):325–332
tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Chronic pain
cannabis use for pain versus use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
Climate change, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Clinical competence, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Clinical decision-making
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Clinical decision rules, patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Clinical decision support systems, clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
Clinical medicine
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
Clinical pharmacy service, home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
Clinical trials
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
Coccidioides, extra-articular coccidioidomycosis in the knee, 36(2):376–379
Coccidioidomycosis, extra-articular coccidioidomycosis in the knee, 36(2):376–379
Cohort studies, use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Collaborative learning, implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Colorado, weight loss management in primary care, 36(1):51–65
Colorectal cancer
data challenges for rural screening, 36(1):118–129
effects of multi-component intervention on screening, 36(6):933–941
guidelines for germline testing of, 36(2):360–365
severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
The ACGME's New Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy: Just the Beginning, 36(1):190–192
Delivering High-Quality Primary Care Requires Work That Is Worthwhile for Medical Assistants, 36(1):193–199
Diversifying the Federal Family Medicine Physician Workforce, 36(1):200–202
The End of the X-waiver: Excitement, Apprehension, and Opportunity, 36(5):867–872
Ensuring Community Is at the Table in Family and Community Medicine Research: Highlighting Dr. Kevin Grumbach’s Speech as Recipient of the 2022 NAPCRG Wood Award, 36(6):1068–1070
The FDA Initiative to Assure Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Clinical Trials, 36(2):366–368
Few Primary Care Physicians Lead Hospitals, Despite Their Immense Value: Systems Change and Delivery System Evolution Can Reverse This Trend, 36(4):687–689
Fraud, Access, and the Future of Telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
Medicare Advantage: Growth Amidst Mounting Scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
Pharmacy Benefit Managers in the Eye of the Storm: Growing Multipartite Scrutiny, 36(6):1065–1067
A Response to the Decline in Family Practitioners Performing Obstetric Care, 36(4):690–691
Supporting the Capture of Social Needs Through Natural Language Processing, 36(3):513–514
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Community-based research
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Community health centers
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Community medicine
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Community resources, social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
Competency-based education, implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
Comprehensive health care, clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
Connective tissue, extra-articular coccidioidomycosis in the knee, 36(2):376–379
Continuing medical education, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Continuity of patient care
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
continuity, payment, and terms in Canadian health, 36(1):130–141
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
approach to hair loss in hijab-wearing individuals in primary care, 36(1):186–187
developing and validating a novel tool to enhance functional status assessment: the Tennessee Functional Status Questionnaire (TFSQ), 36(6):1094–1095
estimate of severe harms due to screening colonoscopy: a systematic review, 36(6):1092–1093
estimating the cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative in primary care: findings from EvidenceNOW, 36(6):1087–1090
evaluating the uptake of antiracism training, policies, and practices in departments of family medicine, 36(6):1090–1092
expert consensus statement on proficiency standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(4):695–696
FDA initiative to assure racial and ethnic diversity in clinical trials, 36(6):1095–1096
integrating a systematic, comprehensive e-cigarette and vaping assessment tool into the electronic health record, 36(6):1096–1097
it’s time to retire the term “provider” from JABFM’s pages, 36(3):520–521
keeping score of the scores: additional perspectives on the decline of family medicine ITE scores, 36(5):876–877
local economic inequality and the primary care physician workforce in North Carolina, 36(4):697
prevalence of low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care clinics: a study using the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 36(3):521
programs can improve the diversity workforce in family medicine, 36(4):695–696
Cost, of care, physician continuity and, 36(6):976–985
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
adherence to diabetes medications during, 36(2):289–302
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
burnout and commitment after, 36(1):105–117
children's special health care needs during, 36(5):731–738
colorectal cancer screening outreach during, 36(6):933–941
and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
death, risk of, telephonic follow-up and, 36(1):164–169
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
hospitalization, COVID-19-related, delays in, 36(5):832–838
hospitalization, health care costs following, 36(6):883–891
IBH adaptations during, 36(6):1023–1028
impact of on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
impact on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
Medicaid expansion and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
mRNA vaccination trends, 36(6):927–932
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
vaccination and financial incentives, 36(1):170–174
vaccine, mRNA vaccination trends, 36(6):927–932
Craving, virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Cross-cultural comparison, FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
Cross-sectional studies
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
non-adherence behaviors and diabetes outcomes, 36(1):15–24
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
periodontitis among US adults with multimorbidity, 36(2):313–324
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
Cultural diversity, FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
Culturally sensitive research
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Culture change, increasing primary care physicians in top leadership roles, 36(4):687–689
Data set, landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Decision-making, clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
Delivery of health care
high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
Delphi method, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Demography, demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
Denosumab, versus bisphosphonates, for reducing fractures, 36(1):175–185
antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
perinatal, detection and management in primary care, 36(6):1071–1086
Dermoscopy, education, standards for, in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Diabetes mellitus
adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
non-adherence behaviors and diabetes outcomes, 36(1):15–24
Diagnostic imaging, women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Dietary supplements, infant and maternal vitamin D supplementation, 36(1):95–104
Disability, hearing loss with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
Disease management
ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
use of cancer survivorship guidelines, 36(5):789–802
utilization of MAT for opioid use disorder, 36(2):251–266
Disinformation, reflections in family medicine, 36(4):692–694
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
DNA, colorectal cancer stool-DNA testing, 36(6):933–941
Drug costs, pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
Drug prescriptions, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Drug tapering, antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
Dry powder inhalers, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Early detection of cancer
low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Early medical intervention, virtual Medicare Annual Wellness Visit intervention, 36(3):501–509
Editorial Office News and Notes
Introducing the Inaugural ABFM Research and Editing Fellow, 36(4):530
Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2022, 36(3):386–389
Editors' Notes
Family Physicians Can/Should Do: What? Where? And How?, 36(1):1–3
Lingering Impact of COVID-19, Preventive Care Considerations, and US Health System Challenges, 36(6):879–882
Practicing Family Medicine in a Pandemic World: Lessons for Telemedicine, Health Care Delivery, and Mental Health Care, 36(5):709–711
Research Addressing the Ongoing Changes in the Practice of Family Medicine, 36(3):383–385
Research Representing the Changing Landscape of Family Medicine, 36(2):207–209
Thinking and Practicing Thoughtfully and Thoroughly, 36(4):527–529
Elderly, Medicare Advantage, growth amidst mounting scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
Electronic cigarettes, integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
Electronic health records
attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
childhood wheeze and asthma diagnosis documentation, 36(6):1038–1042
COVID-19 and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
determining patients' social needs in, 36(3):510–512
integrating a vaping assessment tool into, 36(3):405–413
Empathy, clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
End of life care, clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
Entrustable professional services, implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
Environmental medicine, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
patient's characteristics and management of symptom diagnoses, 36(3):477–492
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
Ethnic and racial minorities, race and ethnicity differences in solo practices, 36(2):380–381
Evidence-based medicine, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Expert opinion, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Family health history, women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Family leave, ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
Family medicine
academic detailing, panel management, and colorectal cancer stool-DNA testing, 36(6):933–941
ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
AI applications in primary care, 36(2):210–220
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
core values of, and abortion provision, 36(4):583–590
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
departments, advanced practice providers in, 36(6):1058–1061
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
family physician early-career compensation, 36(5):851–863
federal, diversifying, 36(1):200–202
high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
IBH adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
patient's characteristics and management of symptom diagnoses, 36(3):477–492
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
providers and staff perceptions of AI, 36(2):221–228
reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
weight loss management in primary care, 36(1):51–65
Family physicians
advanced practice providers in family medicine departments, 36(6):1058–1061
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
decline in provision of obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
determining patients' social needs in EHRs, 36(3):510–512
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
early-career compensation, 36(5):851–863
impact of COVID-19 on, 36(6):905–915
providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
race and ethnicity differences in solo practices, 36(2):380–381
racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
Focus groups
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Follow-up care, experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
Follow-up studies
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
telephonic follow-up and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
Food assistance, food insecurity screening in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
Food insecurity, screening, in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
Fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
Friendship, reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
Functional performance, tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Gender differences, demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
Gender equity, family physician early-career compensation, 36(5):851–863
General practitioners, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Genetic testing, guidelines for germline testing of colorectal cancer, 36(2):360–365
deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
peripheral neuropathy and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
virtual Medicare Annual Wellness Visit intervention, 36(3):501–509
Germline mutation, guidelines for germline testing of colorectal cancer, 36(2):360–365
Global warming, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Government regulation and oversight, pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
Graduate medical education, ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
Greenhouse gases, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Harm reduction, integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
HCV antibodies, increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
Health behavior, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Health care disparities
childhood wheeze and asthma diagnosis documentation, 36(6):1038–1042
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
COVID-19 and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Health care economics, health care costs following COVID-19 hospitalization, 36(6):883–891
Health care financing
Medicare Advantage, growth amidst mounting scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
Health care seeking strategies of patients, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Health care surveys, obesity and patient-physician relationship, 36(2):325–332
Health communication, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Health equity
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
Health expenditures
health care costs following COVID-19 hospitalization, 36(6):883–891
home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
Health-harming legal needs, medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
Health information technology, social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
Health insurance
and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
Medicare Advantage, 36(6):1062–1064
pharmacy benefit managers, 36(6):1065–1067
Health literacy
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
what patients call their inhalers, 36(4):650–661
Health personnel, high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
Health policy
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
Health promotion
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Health services
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
Health services accessibility
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
COVID-19, and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
race and ethnicity differences in solo practices, 36(2):380–381
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Hearing loss, with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
Heart failure, home health workers' interactions, 36(2):369–375
Hepatitis C, increasing treatment rates for, 36(4):591–602
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Hoax, reflections in family medicine, 36(4):692–694
Home care services, home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
Home health care, home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
Homebound persons, home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
Homelessness, reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
Hospitalists, ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
COVID-19, health care costs following, 36(6):883–891
COVID-19-related, delays in, 36(5):832–838
hearing loss with, 36(3):439–448
increasing primary care physicians in top leadership roles, 36(4):687–689
primary care leadership in top ranked US hospitals, 36(4):682–684
Humanities, an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
Hypertension, ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of the small bowel, 36(1):160–163
ICAN Discussion Aid, and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Immunization, adult MMR boosters and seroconversion, 36(1):142–144
Immunocompromised patients, COVID-19 mRNA vaccination trends, 36(6):927–932
Implementation science
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
Income, family physician early-career compensation, 36(5):851–863
Infectious diseases, use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Influenza, predicting, use of patient-reporting system for, 36(5):766–776
Informatics, providers and staff perceptions of AI, 36(2):221–228
reducing carbon footprint when prescribing, 36(2):356–359
what patients call, 36(4):650–661
Integrated behavioral health (IBH)
adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
Integrated delivery systems, IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
Integrated health care systems, IBH adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
Integrative medicine
implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Interdisciplinary health team, demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
Interpersonal psychotherapy, detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
Intimate partner violence, and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM)
it’s time to retire the term “provider” from JABFM’s pages, 36(3):520–521
peer reviewers for, 36(3):386–389
Judgment, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Knowledge translation, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Lactation, detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
Language concordance, quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
increasing primary care physicians in top leadership roles, 36(4):687–689
in top ranked US hospitals, 36(4):682–684
Life expectancy, reduced, and peripheral neuropathy, 36(3):431–438
Lifestyle, goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
Linear regression
demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
weight loss management in primary care, 36(1):51–65
Logistic models
low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
telephonic follow-up and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
Logistic regression
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
periodontitis among US adults with multimorbidity, 36(2):313–324
urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
use of cancer survivorship guidelines, 36(5):789–802
intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
Long-term adverse effects, severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Longitudinal studies
COVID-19 and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
Low back pain, acute, initial care for, 36(6):986–995
Lung cancer, screening
among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
implementation, experiences with, 36(6):952–965
Lung injury, integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
patients, lung cancer screening among, 36(4):557–564
screening, patient confidence in, 36(6):942–951
women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Maryland, integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
Mass screening, acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
Massachusetts, delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
Maternal health services
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, adult MMR boosters and seroconversion, 36(1):142–144
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
expansion, COVID-19, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
Medical assistants, high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
Medical decision-making, urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
Medical education
implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
Medical ethics, clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
Medical information, clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
Medical marijuana
physician perspectives on, 36(4):670–681
use for pain versus use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
Medically underserved areas
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Medically uninsured
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
Medicare Advantage, growth amidst mounting scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
virtual Medicare Annual Wellness Visit intervention, 36(3):501–509
Medicare Advantage, growth amidst mounting scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), utilization of MAT for opioid use disorder, 36(2):251–266
Melanoma, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Men's health, low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
Mental health
antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
IBH adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
parental ACEs and child weight, 36(1):39–50
Meta-analysis, denosumab versus bisphosphonates for reducing fractures, 36(1):175–185
Metabolic equivalent, tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Metered dose inhalers, carbon footprint, 36(2):356–359
Michigan, hearing loss with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
Minnesota, parental ACEs and child weight, 36(1):39–50
Minority health
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Monetary incentives, and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
Morbidity, patient's characteristics and management of symptom diagnoses, 36(3):477–492
Motivation, high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
Multidisciplinary care team, home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
periodontitis among US adults with, 36(2):313–324
Musculoskeletal diseases, outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
Musculoskeletal pain, initial care for acute low back pain, 36(6):986–995
Music therapy, virtual, for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Narcotics, utilization of MAT for opioid use disorder, 36(2):251–266
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
obesity and the patient-physician relationship, 36(2):325–332
Natural language processing (NLP), capture of social needs through, 36(3):513–514
New York
home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Nicotine, integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
Norflurane, reducing carbon footprint when prescribing inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Nurses, standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Nutrition surveys
cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
periodontitis among US adults with multimorbidity, 36(2):313–324
models for delivering weight management, 36(4):603–615
and patient-physician relationship, 36(2):325–332
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Occupational burnout
after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
Ohio, financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
Opiate substitution treatment, integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
Opioid-related disorders
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
utilization of MAT for, 36(2):251–266
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
Organizational innovation
implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
models for delivering weight management, 36(4):603–615
Orthopedics, outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
Osteoporosis, denosumab versus bisphosphonates for reducing fractures, 36(1):175–185
Osteoporotic fractures, reducing, denosumab versus bisphosphonates, 36(1):175–185
Outcomes assessment
non-adherence behaviors and diabetes outcomes, 36(1):15–24
quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
what patients call their inhalers, 36(4):650–661
Outcomes research, home health workers' interactions for heart failure, 36(2):369–375
Outpatients, virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Pain, high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
Palliative care, clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
children's special health care needs during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
COVID-19 and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
health care costs following COVID-19 hospitalization, 36(6):883–891
IBH adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
Parenting, parental ACEs and child weight, 36(1):39–50
Patient adherence, lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
Patient care team
an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
continuity, payment, and terms in Canadian health, 36(1):130–141
demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Patient-centered care
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Patient-centered medical home, pharmacist e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
Patient confidence, in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
Patient education, high pain catastrophizing and opioid-related awareness, 36(2):267–276
Patient harm, severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Patient-oriented research, non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
Patient readmission
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
hearing loss with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
Pediatrics, childhood wheeze and asthma diagnosis documentation, 36(6):1038–1042
Pennsylvania, physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
Periodontitis, among US adults with multimorbidity, 36(2):313–324
Peripheral nervous system, diseases, and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
Peripheral neuropathies, and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
Person-centered care, implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
Personal satisfaction, intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
Personnel relations, attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
Pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
Physician-patient relations
and obesity, 36(2):325–332
reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
what patients call their inhalers, 36(4):650–661
attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
leadership in top ranked US hospitals, 36(4):682–684
low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
utilization of MAT for opioid use disorder, 36(2):251–266
Physician's role, practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
Population health, community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
Population health management, data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
Postmenopause, denosumab versus bisphosphonates for reducing fractures, 36(1):175–185
Postpartum depression, detection and management of, 36(6):1071–1086
Postpartum period
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Practice-based research
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
Practice guidelines, clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
Practice management, practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Prenatal care, in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
Preparticipation physical examinations, and failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
Prescription drugs, pharmacy benefit managers, growing scrutiny of, 36(6):1065–1067
end of the “X-waiver” program, 36(5):867–872
Medicare Advantage: growth amidst mounting scrutiny, 36(6):1062–1064
Preventive care
cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
Preventive health services, virtual Medicare Annual Wellness Visit intervention, 36(3):501–509
Preventive medicine
lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Primary care
adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
cannabis use for pain versus use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
continuity, payment, and terms in Canadian health, 36(1):130–141
continuity of care and hospitalization, 36(2):303–312
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
COVID-19 and community health center care delivery, 36(6):916–926
demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
food insecurity screening in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
goal-oriented prevention, 36(2):333–338
guidelines for germline testing of colorectal cancer, 36(2):360–365
high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
home-based primary care for older adults with limited mobility, 36(4):550–556
IBH adaptations during COVID-19, 36(6):1023–1028
IBH implementation and training in, 36(6):1008–1019
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
initial care for acute low back pain, 36(6):986–995
integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
low-value prostate cancer screening in, 36(1):152–159
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
obesity and patient-physician relationship, 36(2):325–332
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
peripheral neuropathy and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
pharmacist e-consult in, 36(3):425–430
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
quality of care for Latinx children with asthma, 36(4):616–625
role of practical wisdom in, 36(4):531–536
standards for dermoscopy education in, 36(1):25–38
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
telephonic follow-up and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
use of cancer survivorship guidelines, 36(5):789–802
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
weight loss management in, 36(1):51–65
Primary care physicians
leadership in top ranked US hospitals, 36(4):682–684
top leadership roles, increasing, 36(4):687–689
Professionalism, an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
Prognosis, peripheral neuropathy and reduced life expectancy, 36(3):431–438
Program evaluation, nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Propensity score, health care costs following COVID-19 hospitalization, 36(6):883–891
Prospective studies
hearing loss with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
initial care for acute low back pain, 36(6):986–995
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Prostate cancer, low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
Prostate-specific antigen, low-value prostate cancer screening in primary care, 36(1):152–159
antidepressant tapering routine, 36(1):145–151
detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
Psychological burnout
ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
Psychosocial intervention, detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
Public health
adult MMR boosters and seroconversion, 36(1):142–144
FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
food insecurity screening in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
Qualitative research
AI applications in primary care, 36(2):210–220
attrition in a multispecialty ambulatory practice network, 36(6):1050–1057
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
core values of family medicine and abortion provision, 36(4):583–590
delays in COVID-19-related hospitalization, 36(5):832–838
financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
food insecurity screening in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
impact of COVID-19 on care coordination patients, 36(4):662–669
integrating harm reduction into medical care, 36(3):449–461
models for delivering weight management, 36(4):603–615
non-prescription antibiotic use among Hispanic patients, 36(3):390–404
physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
providers and staff perceptions of AI, 36(2):221–228
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Quality improvement
cardiovascular disease risk reduction of quality improvement initiative, 36(3):462–476
clinical decision support and medication prescribing, 36(5):777–788
deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
physician perspectives on medical cannabis, 36(4):670–681
Quality of life
clinical model of suffering, 36(2):344–355
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
Radiography, outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
Referral and consultation
experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
pharmacist e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Remote consultation
pharmacist e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
telephonic follow-up and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
Residency, IBH implementation and training in primary care, 36(6):1008–1019
Respiratory tract diseases, patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Retrospective studies
appointment cancellations and hospital utilization, 36(2):339–343
COVID-19 mRNA vaccination trends, 36(6):927–932
deployment of digital advance care planning platform, 36(6):966–975
health insurance and chronic health conditions, 36(5):839–850
hearing loss with hospitalization, 36(3):439–448
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
patient's characteristics and management of symptom diagnoses, 36(3):477–492
urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
Rickets, infant and maternal vitamin D supplementation, 36(1):95–104
Risk assessment, guidelines for germline testing of colorectal cancer, 36(2):360–365
Rural health
data challenges for colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
multi-component intervention for colorectal cancer screening, 36(6):933–941
practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
Rural population
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
Safety-net clinics
food insecurity screening in, 36(2):240–250
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
SARS-CoV-2, telephonic follow-up and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
Scope of care, practice type and, 36(1):79–87
Scoping review, implementation of social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
data challenges for rural colorectal cancer screening, 36(1):118–129
experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
implementation of social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
lung cancer screening among mammography patients, 36(4):557–564
multi-component intervention and colorectal cancer screening, 36(6):933–941
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
preparticipation sports physicals, 36(6):1033–1037
reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
women at high risk for breast cancer, 36(6):1029–1032
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
Seroconversion, adult MMR boosters and seroconversion, 36(1):142–144
Shared decision-making, ICAN Discussion Aid and patient burdens, 36(2):277–288
Sick leave, ACGME's new family and medical leave policy, 36(1):190–192
Signs and symptoms, patient's characteristics and management of symptom diagnoses, 36(3):477–492
Skin cancer, standards for dermoscopy education in primary care, 36(1):25–38
Small intestine, ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema of, 36(1):160–163
Social care, patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
Social determinants of health
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
capture of social needs through NLP, 36(3):513–514
community health center social risk screening initiatives, 36(5):817–831
determining patients' social needs in EHRs, 36(3):510–512
FDA initiative for diversity in clinical trials, 36(2):366–368
food insecurity screening in safety-net clinics, 36(2):240–250
implementation of social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
medical-legal partnership randomized clinical trials, 36(3):414–424
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
Social isolation, reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
Social problems, reflections in family medicine, 36(6):1020–1022
Social risk factors
implementation of social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
social isolation and a resource referral platform, 36(5):803–816
Socioeconomic factors, patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
Solo practice, race and ethnicity differences in solo practices, 36(2):380–381
Southwestern United States, extra-articular coccidioidomycosis in the knee, 36(2):376–379
Special communications
An Exploration of Professionalism in Everyday Practice, 36(3):515–519
A Comprehensive Clinical Model of Suffering, 36(2):344–355
Thinking “Green” When Treating “Pink Puffers” and “Blue Bloaters”--Reducing Carbon Footprint When Prescribing Inhalers, 36(2):356–359
Special health care needs, children's, during COVID-19, 36(5):731–738
Specialty boards, implementing competency-based ABFM board eligibility, 36(4):703–707
Sports medicine
extra-articular coccidioidomycosis in the knee, 36(2):376–379
failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
Standards, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Standing orders, nurse, for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Structural equation modeling, parental ACEs and child weight, 36(1):39–50
failure to participate in sports, 36(6):1033–1037
use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Substance-abuse testing, urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
Substance-related disorders
an exploration of professionalism in practice, 36(3):515–519
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Substance use disorders, nurse standing orders for buprenorphine follow-up care, 36(5):723–730
Suffering, clinical model of, 36(2):344–355
Surveys and questionnaires
advanced practice providers in family medicine departments, 36(6):1058–1061
comparing cannabis use for pain to use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
detection and management of perinatal depression, 36(6):1071–1086
determining patients' social needs in EHRs, 36(3):510–512
financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
patient confidence in screening mammography, 36(6):942–951
tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Survivorship, use of cancer survivorship guidelines, 36(5):789–802
Sustained virologic response, increasing treatment rates for hepatitis C, 36(4):591–602
Systematic review
implementation of social screening within US health care settings, 36(4):626–649
patient and patient caregiver perspectives on social screening, 36(1):66–78
severe harm due to screening colonoscopy, 36(3):493–500
Systems change, increasing primary care physicians in top leadership roles, 36(4):687–689
acceptance of social needs navigation, 36(2):229–239
FQHC telemedicine care redesign, 36(5):712–722
fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
intimate partner violence and telemedicine usage, 36(5):755–765
outcomes of in-person and telemedicine musculoskeletal radiographs, 36(5):739–745
telehealth and policy implications for equity, 36(5):746–754
use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Telephone, follow-up, and risk of COVID-19 death, 36(1):164–169
Tennessee, tool to enhance functional status assessment, 36(1):4–14
Training, implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
Treatment adherence, non-adherence behaviors and diabetes outcomes, 36(1):15–24
Triage, use of patient-reporting system for predicting influenza, 36(5):766–776
Uncertainty, role of practical wisdom in primary care, 36(4):531–536
Urgent care, practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87
Urine collection, urine drug testing in patients prescribed opioid therapy, 36(4):537–541
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, fraud, access, and future of telemedicine, 36(5):864–866
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
adult MMR boosters and seroconversion, 36(1):142–144
COVID-19 mRNA vaccination trends, 36(6):927–932
health care costs following COVID-19 hospitalization, 36(6):883–891
Vaccination hesitancy, financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccination, 36(1):170–174
Values, core, of family medicine, and abortion provision, 36(4):583–590
Vaping, assessment tool, integrating into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
Veterans, adherence to diabetes medications during COVID-19, 36(2):289–302
Veterans Health Administration, pharmacist e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
physician continuity and cost of care, 36(6):976–985
Virtual systems, Medicare Annual Wellness Visit intervention, 36(3):501–509
Vitamin D, infant and maternal vitamin D supplementation, 36(1):95–104
Vulnerable populations
integrating a vaping assessment tool into the EHR, 36(3):405–413
landscape of pregnancy care in community health centers, 36(4):574–582
virtual music therapy for substance use disorders, 36(6):1043–1049
Washington, cannabis use for pain versus use for other reasons, 36(6):996–1007
Weight loss
models for delivering weight management, 36(4):603–615
weight loss management in primary care, 36(1):51–65
Workflow, experiences with lung cancer screening implementation, 36(6):952–965
advanced practice providers in family medicine departments, 36(6):1058–1061
attending deliveries and providing perinatal care, 36(4):685–686
burnout and commitment after COVID-19, 36(1):105–117
COVID-19, Medicaid expansion, and practice ownership, 36(6):892–904
decline in family practitioners performing obstetric care, 36(4):690–691
demographics and engagement in interprofessional collaboration, 36(1):88–94
diversifying federal family medicine, 36(1):200–202
family physician early-career compensation, 36(5):851–863
family physicians providing cesarean sections, 36(4):565–573
high-quality care requires worthwhile work, 36(1):193–199
impact of COVID-19 on family physicians, 36(6):905–915
implementing whole person primary care, 36(4):542–549
pharmacist e-consult in primary care, 36(3):425–430
physician racial diversity in federal sites, 36(1):188–189
practice type and scope of care, 36(1):79–87