Article Figures & Data
1. What is your current gender identity? (Check and/or circle ALL that apply) ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Transgender male/Trans man ☐ Transgender female/Trans woman ☐ Genderqueer/Gender nonconforming ☐ Additional identity (fill in) ______________________ ☐ Decline to answer 2. What sex were you assigned at birth? (Check one) ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐ Decline to state World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) University of California at San Francisco Center of Excellence for Transgender Health Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline: Masculinizing SURGERIES Feminizing SURGERIES Bilateral mastectomy: removal of both breasts, usually with nipple grafts Breast augmentation: surgery usually requires insertion of silicone or saline breast implants Masculinization laryngoplasty: vocal cord surgery that augments the vocal fold contours to deepen the voice Feminization laryngoplasty: vocal cord surgery that reduces the larynx and shortens the length of the vibratory vocal fold resulting in higher pitch Facial masculinization surgery: this may include forehead lengthening, jaw augmentation and genioplasty (chin reshaping) Facial feminization surgery: can include rhinoplasty, jaw reduction, cheek augmentation and brow lift Thyroid cartilage enhancement: surgical augmentation of the size of the laryngeal prominence using rib cartilage or an implant Chondrolaryngoplasty: tracheal shave, reduces the size of the laryngeal prominence Hysterectomy/oophorectomy: removal of uterus and ovaries Orchiectomy: removal of the testicles Vaginectomy: removal of the vaginal epithelium and obliteration of the vaginal canal. This is done after hysterectomy. Vaginoplasty: creation of a vagina using penile and scrotal skin or intestinal graft Metoidioplasty: creation of a neophallus from the clitoris Phalloplasty: use of a free flap to create a neophallus Scrotoplasty: creation of a scrotum using the labia majora with placement of testicular implants