Access to health care, multisite practicing and, 31(2):260–269
Acupuncture, in family medicine, 31(2):236–242
Acute pain
greater occipital nerve block for migraine headache, 31(2):211–218
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
Administrative personnel, strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
Africa, culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
Alabama, rural, obstetrics and infant mortality, 31(4):542–549
opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music, 31(5):761–767
depression screening and symptom severity, 31(5):724–732
risky, in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
Allergy, meat, diagnosing, after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
Allied health personnel, practitioner participation in national dental PBRN studies, 31(6):844–856
Ambulatory care
access to, after disasters, 31(2):252–259
decreasing pediatric emergency visits, 31(4):550–557
diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
facilities, recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
election of new officers and board members, 31(4):665–666
message from the President, 31(3):492–494
new center to be opened in Washington, DC, 31(5):831–832
selection of new Chief Executive Officer and President, 31(1):169–170
2017 NAM Puffer/ABFM Fellow, 31(2):305
2018 Pisacano Scholars, 31(6):959
American Medical Association, multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
Angioedema, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
Aniridia, reflections in family medicine, 31(2):303–304
Antibiotics, ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
Anticoagulants, oral, in preprocedural and acute settings, 31(5):817–827
Antidepressive agents, and incident hypertension, 31(1):22–28
Antigen receptors, side effects of new immunotherapies in oncology, 31(4):620–627
Antimicrobial stewardship, ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
Antipsychotic agents, for dementia, 31(1):9–21
Anxiety disorders, problem-solving therapy, 31(1):139–150
Asia, culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
Asian Americans, iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
Behavioral medicine, behavioral health integration at high performing practices, 31(5):691–701
Behavioral sciences, diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
Benzodiazepines, pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Blood coagulation, oral anticoagulants in preprocedural and acute settings, 31(5):817–827
Blood glucose
gender, diabetes, and medication cost non-adherence, 31(5):743–751
patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
Blood pressure
disparities in hypertension control, 31(6):897–904
incident hypertension, and antidepressants, 31(1):22–28
measuring and managing, 31(3):375–388
Breast cancer, mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
Burnout, professional
observations on working with medical scribes, 31(1):49–56
in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
state chapter perspective, 31(1)5–6
task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
in young family physicians, 31(1):7–8
mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
shared decision making trends in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
side effects of new immunotherapies in oncology, 31(4):620–627
Cancer screening
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
mailed letter versus phone call to increase, 31(6):857–868
Capacity building, implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
Cardiovascular diseases, collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
Career choice, young family physician hospitalists, 31(5):680–681
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US), interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
Certification, diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
Cervical cancer, mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
Cesarean section, neonatal thrush and, 31(4):537–541
Cetuximab, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
postpartum opioid prescribing, 31(6):944–946
decreasing pediatric emergency visits, 31(4):550–557
improving screenings during well-child visits, 31(4):558–569
socioeconomics and childhood obesity, 31(4):514–521
Children's Health Insurance Program, improving primary care quality management, 31(6):931–940
Cholesterol, management of hyperlipidemia with PCSK9 inhibitors, 31(4):628–634
Chronic disease
behavioral health integration at high performing practices, 31(5):691–701
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
visit agenda setting by complex patients and physicians, 31(1):29–37
Chronic kidney disease, patients' feelings about, 31(4):570–577
Chronic pain
doctor-patient trust among patients on chronic opioid therapy, 31(4):578–587
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
rural management of, with opioids, 31(1):57–63
Cinnamon, for treatment of diabetes, edema from, 31(5):809–811
Clinical decision making, patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
Clinical decision support systems
ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
Cohort studies, ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
Colorado, patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
Colorectal cancer, mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
Advancing Primary Care Through Alternative Payment Models: Lessons from the United States & Canada, 31(3):322–327
Advancing Social Prescribing with Implementation Science, 31(3):315–321
Family Medicine and Obstetrics: Let us Stop Pretending, 31(3):328–331
Family Medicine Hospitalists Three Years Out of Residency: Career Flexibility or a Threat to Office-Based Family Medicine?, 31(5):677–679
Is the National Health Service Corps the Answer? (for Placing Family Doctors in Underserved Areas), 31(4):499–500
Potentially Alarming Trends in the Scope of Practice for Family Physicians, 31(2):178–180
Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) Engagement: 20+ Years and Counting, 31(6):833–839
Slow Progress and Persistent Challenges for the Underrepresented Minority Family Physician, 31(6):840–841
A State Chapter Perspective on Burnout and Resiliency, 31(1):5–6
doctor-patient, medical marijuana and, 31(5):805–808
implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
Community health centers
ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
implementing health insurance support tools, 31(3):410–416
Comorbidity, depression screening and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
Comprehensive health care
diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
preparation and scope of family physicians, 31(2):181–182
Continuing medical education, future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
Control groups, decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
Coronary artery disease
inpatient, pretest probability for, 31(2):219–225
management of hyperlipidemia with PCSK9 inhibitors, 31(4):628–634
burnout in young family physicians: variation across states, 31(4):663–664
diplomate status, 31(1):167
doctor-patient trust among chronic pain patients on chronic opioid therapy after opioid risk reduction initiatives: a survey, 31(6):957–958
dysrhythmias with loperamide used for opioid withdrawal, 31(3):488–489
evaluation of diabetes group medical visit in family medicine practice, 31(5):828–829
numbers quandary in family medicine obstetrics, 31(1):167–168
predicting risk for opioid misuse in chronic pain with single-item measure of catastrophic thinking, 31(3):490–491
wide gap between preparation and scope of practice of early career family physicians, 31(5):829–830
Corticosteroids, plantar fascia rupture ultrasound, 31(2):282–285
Cough, concern for menthol cough drops, 31(2):183–191
Counseling, physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
Critical illness, satisfaction with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
Cross-sectional analysis
burnout in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
depression screening and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
screening for urinary and fecal incontinence, 31(5):774–782
Cross-sectional studies
multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
patient perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
risky alcohol and opioid use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
Dangerous behavior, antipsychotic agents and other medications for dementia, 31(1):9–21
Decision making
clinical, patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
shared, for critically ill, satisfaction with, 31(1):64–72
trends, shared, in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
Delivery of health care
iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
implementation science in research and practice, 31(3):466–478
U. S. payment models' impact on the quadruple aim, 31(4):588–604
Dementia, antipsychotic agents and other medications for, 31(1):9–21
Demography, family physician workforce and diversity progress, 31(6):842–843
collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
Depressive disorder
problem-solving therapy, 31(1):139–150
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
Diabetes mellitus
ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
cinnamon for treatment of, edema from, 31(5):809–811
collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
evaluating an ongoing diabetes group medical visit, 31(2):279–281
gender, diabetes, and medication cost nonadherence, 31(5):743–751
geriatric, patient-centered guidelines, 31(2):192–200
prevention, for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
Differential diagnosis, MRI application in soft tissue wrist injury, 31(5):795–804
Disasters, ambulatory access to care after, 31(2):252–259
Documentation, visit agenda setting by complex patients and physicians, 31(1):29–37
Drug costs, gender, diabetes, and medication cost nonadherence, 31(5):743–751
Drug monitoring, pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Drug overdose
opioid hospitalizations among Medicare beneficiaries, 31(6):881–896
postpartum opioid prescribing, 31(6):944–946
Early detection of cancer
mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
shared decision making trends in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
Edema, from cinnamon for treatment of diabetes, 31(5):809–811
Editorial Office News and Notes
Content Usage and the Most Frequently Read Articles of 2017, 31(3):312–314
Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2017, 31(2):174–177
advancing the science of implementation in primary health care, 31(3):307–311
beware of predatory journals: a caution from editors of 3 family medicine journals, 31(5):671–676
Editor's Notes
Health Care Integration and Coordination with Emphasis on Mental Health, but Not for Medical Marijuana, 31(5):667–670
Interventions Must Be Realistic to Be Useful and Completed in Family Medicine, 31(1):1–4
The Potpourri of Family Medicine, in Sickness and in Health, 31(4):495–498
Real-Life Observational Studies Provide Actionable Data for Family Medicine, 31(2):171–173
Electronic cigarettes, patient perspectives, 31(1):73–82
Electronic health records (EHRs)
data challenges to QI, practice facilitator strategies for, 31(3):398–409
decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
impact of medical scribes in primary care, 31(4):612–619
patient perspectives on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
Emergency departments
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
patient perspectives on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
Emergency preparedness, ambulatory access to care after disasters, 31(2):252–259
Endocrinologists, clinical trial data and prescription drug promotion, 31(4):645–649
Epidural analgesia, vaginal laceration and, 31(5):768–773
Ethics, moral distress and hepatitis C treatment, 31(2):286–291
EvidenceNOW, practice facilitator strategies for EHR data challenges to QI, 31(3):398–409
Exercise therapy, novel exercises for restless legs syndrome, 31(5):783–794
Family, satisfaction with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
Family medicine
decreasing pediatric emergency visits, 31(4):550–557
graduates and loan repayment programs, 31(4):501–502
improving screenings during well-child visits, 31(4):558–569
obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
and obstetrics, commentary, 31(3):328–331
office-based, family medicine hospitalists and, 31(5):677–679
practice rurality of family physicians, 31(6):952–956
reflections on parenting, aniridia, and being a doctor, 31(2):303–304
US payment models' impact on the quadruple aim, 31(4):588–604
Family physicians
burnout in young physicians, 31(1):7–8
current adult pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, 31(1):94–104
diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
enrolled in Practice Transformation Networks, practice rurality of, 31(6):952–956
epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
FM graduates and loan repayment programs, 31(4):501–502
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
observations on working with medical scribes, 31(1):49–56
obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
obstetrics and infant mortality in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
patients' feelings about kidney disease, 31(4):570–577
perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
practicing medical acupuncture, 31(2):236–242
preparation and scope of, 31(2):181–182
reflections on parenting and aniridia, 31(2):303–304
scope of practice, potentially alarming trends in, 31(2):178–180
trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
workforce, progress in racial and ethnic diversity, 31(6):842–843
young family physician hospitalists, 31(5):680–681
Fecal incontinence, screening for, 31(5):774–782
Fees and charges, delivery and outcomes for direct primary care, 31(4):605–611
Focus groups
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
Food hypersensitivity, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
Galactosyl-(1–3)galactose, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
Georgia, multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
Geriatric health services
implementing a VA geriatric patient-aligned care team model, 31(3):456–465
patient-centered guidelines for diabetes, 31(2):192–200
behavioral health integration at high performing practices, 31(5):691–701
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
Grounded theory
expanding roles of medical assistants in PCMHs, 31(2):226–235
observations on working with medical scribes, 31(1):49–56
patient perspectives on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
Group practice, multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
Gynecology, epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
Health care costs
multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
Health care policy, practice rurality of family physicians, 31(6):952–956
Health care quality improvement, impact of health technology implementation, 31(3):445–455
Health care surveys, diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
Health equity, Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
Health expenditures
gender, diabetes, and medication cost nonadherence, 31(5):743–751
US payment models' impact on the quadruple aim, 31(4):588–604
Health information technology, practice facilitator strategies for EHR data challenges to QI, 31(3):398–409
Health insurance, support tools, implementing, 31(3):410–416
Health occupations, practitioner participation in national dental PBRN studies, 31(6):844–856
Health personnel
culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
depression screening and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
Health policy
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
Health resources
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
implementation science in research and practice, 31(3):466–478
Health services, “cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
Health services research
depression screening and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
impact of health technology implementation, 31(3):445–455
recruiting primary care practices for, 31(6):947–951
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
Health status
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
Health workforce, young family physician hospitalists, 31(5):680–681
Heart failure, edema from cinnamon for treatment of diabetes, 31(5):809–811
Hemoglobins, ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
Hepacivirus, moral distress and hepatitis C treatment, 31(2):286–291
Hepatitis C, treatment, moral distress and, 31(2):286–291
Hispanic Americans
diabetes prevention, 31(3):364–374
risky alcohol and opioid use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
Hospital emergency service, decreasing pediatric visits, 31(4):550–557
Hospitalists, family physician
characteristics, 31(5):680–681
office-based family medicine and, 31(5):677–679
opioid overdose, among Medicare beneficiaries, 31(6):881–896
patient perspectives on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
Humor, during clinical practice, 31(2):270–278
Hyperlipidemic agents, management of hyperlipidemia with PCSK9 inhibitors, 31(4):628–634
Hypersensitivity, food, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
control, disparities in, 31(6):897–904
incident, and antidepressants, 31(1):22–28
measuring and managing blood pressure, 31(3):375–388
shared decision making and medication adherence, 31(5):752–760
Hypoglycemic agents, patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 31(1):151–162
culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
Immunotherapy, new therapies, side effects of, in oncology, 31(4):620–627
Implementation science
advancing social prescribing with, commentary, 31(3):315–321
implementing a VA geriatric patient-aligned care team model, 31(3):456–465
implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
implementing health insurance support tools, 31(3):410–416
measuring and managing blood pressure, 31(3):375–388
in primary health care, editorial, 31(3):307–311
in research and practice, 31(3):466–478
Inappropriate prescribing, postpartum opioids, 31(6):944–946
Incentives, patient satisfaction, opioid prescribing and, 31(6):941–943
Incontinence, urinary and fecal, screening for, 31(5):774–782
Infant mortality, obstetrics and, in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
Infants, neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
Inpatients, opioid hospitalizations among Medicare beneficiaries, 31(6):881–896
Insurance coverage, current adult pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, 31(1):94–104
Intensive care units, satisfaction with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
Intention to treat analysis, mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
Interactive mobile doctor (iMD), discussing tobacco use and, 31(6):869–880
Interconception care, during well-child visits, 31(2):201–210
Interdisciplinary studies, implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
International Classification of Diseases
antidepressants and incident hypertension, 31(1):22–28
diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
Internship and residency, FM graduates and loan repayment programs, 31(4):501–502
Intimate partner violence, disclosure, and physician's role, 31(4):635–644
Iron overload, decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM)
content usage and the most frequently read articles of 2017, 31(3):312–314
peer reviewers for, 31(2):174–177
Journals, family medicine, caution from editors, 31(3):307–311
Kidney disease, patients' feelings about, 31(4):570–577
Lacerations, epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
Latino populations, diabetes prevention, 31(3):364–374
Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
Learning disabilities, reflections in family medicine, 31(2):303–304
patients' feelings about kidney disease, 31(4):570–577
visit agenda setting by complex patients and physicians, 31(1):29–37
Logistic models, depression screening and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
Logistic regression
burnout in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
shared decision making trends in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
Long-term care, behavioral health integration at high performing practices, 31(5):691–701
Lower extremity, novel exercises for restless legs syndrome, 31(5):783–794
Lyrics, opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music, 31(5):761–767
Magnetic resonance imaging, application in soft tissue wrist injury, 31(5):795–804
doctor-patient communication and, 31(5):805–808
health care integration and coordination, 31(5):667–670
opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music, 31(5):761–767
Marketing, clinical trial data and prescription drug promotion, 31(4):645–649
Maternal assessment, interconception care during well-child visits, 31(2):201–210
Meat allergy, diagnosing, after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
Medical decision making, satisfaction with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
Medical directors, diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
Medical errors, trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
Medical ethics, moral distress and hepatitis C treatment, 31(2):286–291
Medical history taking, concern for menthol cough drops, 31(2):183–191
Medical informatics, implementing health insurance support tools, 31(3):410–416
Medical schools, family physician workforce and diversity progress, 31(6):842–843
Medical subject headings, trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
Medically underserved areas, national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
Medically uninsured
ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
depression screening and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
beneficiaries, opioid hospitalizations among, 31(6):881–896
improving primary care quality management, 31(6):931–940
Medication adherence
gender, diabetes, and medication cost nonadherence, 31(5):743–751
shared decision making and medication adherence, 31(5):752–760
MEDLINE, trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
Mental health
ambulatory access to care after disasters, 31(2):252–259
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
depression screening
and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
health care integration and coordination, 31(5):667–670
novel exercises for restless legs syndrome, 31(5):783–794
problem-solving therapy for depressive and anxiety disorders, 31(1):139–150
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
Menthol, cough drops, concern for, 31(2):183–191
Mentoring, implementing health insurance support tools, 31(3):410–416
Middle East, culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
Migraine headache, greater occipital nerve block for, 31(2):211–218
Military personnel, plantar fascia rupture ultrasound, 31(2):282–285
Morbid obesity, physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
Multimorbidity, trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
Multivariate analysis, disparities in hypertension control, 31(6):897–904
Music, top 40's, opioid and drug prevalence in, 31(5):761–767
Naloxone, pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Native Americans, risky alcohol and opioid use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
Needs assessment, screening for social needs, 31(3):351–363
Nerve block, greater occipital, for migraine, 31(2):211–218
New Jersey, expanding roles of medical assistants in PCMHs, 31(2):226–235
New York City, burnout in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
NHS, trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
Nutrition, weight loss, physicians' perspectives on, 31(4):522–528
Nutrition surveys, multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
pediatric, socioeconomics and, 31(4):514–521
physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
and family medicine, commentary, 31(3):328–331
infant mortality in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
postpartum opioid prescribing, 31(6):944–946
Ohio, neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
Oncologists, side effects of new immunotherapies in oncology, 31(4):620–627
Opioid analgesics
chronic therapy, doctor-patient trust and, 31(4):578–587
overdose hospitalizations among Medicare beneficiaries, 31(6):881–896
patient satisfaction incentives and, 31(6):941–943
pharmacist input to providers, 31(1):105–112
postpartum, 31(6):944–946
risky use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
rural management of chronic pain with, 31(1):57–63
Opioids, and drug prevalence in top 40's music, 31(5):761–767
Opportunistic infection, neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
Oral candidiasis, neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
Organizational innovation, collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
Outcome measure, gender, diabetes, and medication cost nonadherence, 31(5):743–751
Overthe-counter drugs, concern for menthol cough drops, 31(2):183–191
Pain management
doctor-patient trust and chronic opioid therapy, 31(4):578–587
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
postpartum opioid prescribing, 31(6):944–946
Parenting, reflections in family medicine, 31(2):303–304
Parity, epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
Parturition, obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
Patient care team, task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
Patient-centered care
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
expanding roles of medical assistants in PCMHs, 31(2):226–235
getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
humor during clinical practice, 31(2):270–278
patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
Patient-centered medical home, implementing a VA geriatric patient-aligned care team model, 31(3):456–465
Patient compliance, rural management of chronic pain with opioids, 31(1):57–63
Patient engagement, getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
Patient health questionnaire
depression screening and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
Patient preference
perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
shared decision making and medication adherence, 31(5):752–760
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), expansion, visit rates for diabetes and, 31(6):905–916
Patient safety
ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
Patient satisfaction
incentives, opioid prescribing and, 31(6):941–943
patient perspectives on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
Pediatric obesity, socioeconomics and, 31(4):514–521
Pediatrics, decreasing pediatric emergency visits, 31(4):550–557
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, edema from cinnamon for treatment of diabetes, 31(5):809–811
Personal satisfaction
measuring and managing blood pressure, 31(3):375–388
with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
Personnel turnover, task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
Pharmacists, input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Pharmacy, rural management of chronic pain with opioids, 31(1):57–63
Physical examination
culturally related findings on refugee physicals, 31(4):653–657
improving screenings during well-child visits, 31(4):558–569
Physician-patient relations
communication, medical marijuana and, 31(5):805–808
humor, during clinical practice, 31(2):270–278
impact of medical scribes, 31(4):612–619
trust, chronic opioid therapy and, 31(4):578–587
Pilot study
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
Plantar fasciitis, plantar fascia rupture ultrasound, 31(2):282–285
Pneumococcal vaccine, adult, current recommendations, 31(1):94–104
Point-of-care testing, ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
Policy, antipsychotic agents and other medications for dementia, 31(1):9–21
Population health
improving primary care quality management, 31(6):931–940
obstetrics and infant mortality in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
Poverty, “cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
Practice based research networks
dental, practitioner participation in studies, 31(6):844–856
future directions for, 31(6):917–923
Practice facilitation, strategies for EHR data challenges to QI, 31(3):398–409
Practice gaps, preparation and scope of family physicians, 31(2):181–182
Practice transformation, practice rurality of family physicians, 31(6):952–956
Prediabetic state, ACA expansion and visit rates for diabetes, 31(6):905–916
interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
neonatal thrush and mode of delivery, 31(4):537–541
obstetric delivery barriers faced by graduates, 31(3):332–333
Prenatal care, obstetrics and infant mortality in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
clinical trial data and prescription drug promotion, 31(4):645–649
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Preterm birth, interconception care during well-child visits, 31(2):201–210
Pretest probability, for inpatient coronary artery disease, 31(2):219–225
burnout in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
depression screening and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
shared decision making trends in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
Primary care physicians
antipsychotic agents and other medications for dementia, 31(1):9–21
clinical trial data and prescription drug promotion, 31(4):645–649
current adult pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, 31(1):94–104
decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
doctor-patient communication and medical marijuana, 31(5):805–808
intimate partner violence disclosure and, 31(4):635–644
multisite practicing and access to care, 31(2):260–269
rural management of chronic pain with opioids, 31(1):57–63
visit agenda setting by complex patients, 31(1):29–37
Primary health care
ambulatory access to care after disasters, 31(2):252–259
antidepressants and incident hypertension, 31(1):22–28
behavioral health integration at high performing practices, 31(5):691–701
burnout in small independent primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
concern for menthol cough drops, 31(2):183–191
direct, delivery and outcomes for, 31(4):605–611
disparities in hypertension control, 31(6):897–904
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
evaluating an ongoing diabetes group medical visit, 31(2):279–281
expanding roles of medical assistants in PCMHs, 31(2):226–235
FM graduates and loan repayment programs, 31(4):501–502
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
humor during clinical practice, 31(2):270–278
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 31(1):151–162
iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
impact of health technology implementation, 31(3):445–455
impact of medical scribes in, 31(4):612–619
implementation science in research and practice, 31(3):466–478
implementing a VA geriatric patient-aligned care team model, 31(3):456–465
implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
implementing health insurance support tools, 31(3):410–416
improving quality management, 31(6):931–940
mailed letter versus phone call to increase cancer screening, 31(6):857–868
measuring and managing blood pressure, 31(3):375–388
multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
observations on working with medical scribes, 31(1):49–56
patient-centered guidelines for geriatric diabetes, 31(2):192–200
patient perspectives
on care coordination, 31(5):682–690
on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
patients' feelings about kidney disease, 31(4):570–577
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
practice facilitator strategies for EHR data challenges to QI, 31(3):398–409
practice rurality of family physicians, 31(6):952–956
problem-solving therapy for depressive and anxiety disorders, 31(1):139–150
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
risky alcohol and opioid use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
for depression, 31(5):724–732
for social needs, 31(3):351–363
for urinary and fecal incontinence, 31(5):774–782
shared decision making and medication adherence, 31(5):752–760
socioeconomics and childhood obesity, 31(4):514–521
strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
trigger tools to detect preventable adverse events, 31(1):113–125
US payment models' impact on the quadruple aim, 31(4):588–604
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
visit agenda setting by complex patients and physicians, 31(1):29–37
Probability, interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
Problem solving
implementing complex interventions, 31(3):431–444
therapy for depressive and anxiety disorders, 31(1):139–150
Proof of concept study, EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
Propensity score, evaluating an ongoing diabetes group medical visit, 31(2):279–281
Proportional hazards models, antidepressants and incident hypertension, 31(1):22–28
Prospective studies
impact of medical scribes in primary care, 31(4):612–619
screening for social needs, 31(3):351–363
Prostate cancer, shared decision making trends in prostate-specific antigen testing, 31(4):658–662
Prostate-specific antigen, testing, shared decision making trends in, 31(4):658–662
Psychotherapy, problem-solving therapy for depressive and anxiety disorders, 31(1):139–150
Public health
interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
socioeconomics and childhood obesity, 31(4):514–521
Qualitative research, patients' feelings about kidney disease, 31(4):570–577
Quality improvement
ambulatory antibiotic stewardship, 31(3):417–430
collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
disparities in hypertension control, 31(6):897–904
EHR data challenges to, practice facilitator strategies for, 31(3):398–409
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
impact of health technology implementation, 31(3):445–455
improving screenings during well-child visits, 31(4):558–569
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
postpartum opioid prescribing, 31(6):944–946
Quality of health care
improving primary care quality management, 31(6):931–940
observations on working with medical scribes, 31(1):49–56
Quality of life
novel exercises for restless legs syndrome, 31(5):783–794
screening for social needs, 31(3):351–363
Rare diseases, decision support based intervention and sickle cell disease, 31(5):812–816
Referral and consultation
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
pharmacist input to providers on opioid prescribing, 31(1):105–112
Refugees, physicals, culturally related findings on, 31(4):653–657
Registries, collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
Research personnel, future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
Resiliency, professional, state chapter perspective, 31(1):5–6
Restless legs syndrome, novel exercises for, 31(5):783–794
Retrospective studies
antidepressants and incident hypertension, 31(1):22–28
disparities in hypertension control, 31(6):897–904
greater occipital nerve block for migraine, 31(2):211–218
opioid hospitalizations among Medicare beneficiaries, 31(6):881–896
practitioner participation in national dental PBRN studies, 31(6):844–856
rural management of chronic pain with opioids, 31(1):57–63
strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
Risk, visit agenda setting by complex patients and physicians, 31(1):29–37
Risk adjustment, strategies to address health equity and disparities, 31(3):479–483
Risk factors, socioeconomics and childhood obesity, 31(4):514–521
Risk reduction behavior, doctor-patient trust and chronic opioid therapy, 31(4):578–587
Rupture, plantar fascia, ultrasound, 31(2):282–285
Rural communities
management of chronic pain with opioids, 31(1):57–63
practice rurality of family physicians, 31(6):952–956
Rural population
national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
obstetrics and infant mortality in rural Alabama, 31(4):542–549
Sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 31(1):151–162
“cold-spot” communities and poor health, 31(3):342–350
mailed letter versus phone call, 31(6):857–868
and symptom severity by alcohol use, 31(5):724–732
and treatment in the United States, 31(3):389–397
social needs, 31(3):351–363
urinary and fecal incontinence, 31(5):774–782
during well-child visits in primary care, 31(4):558–569
Scribes, medical
impact of, in primary care, 31(4):612–619
observations on working with, 31(1):49–56
Secondhand smoke, patient perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
evaluating an ongoing diabetes group medical visit, 31(2):279–281
patients' feelings about kidney disease, 31(4):570–577
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
patient perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
Sensitivity and specificity, interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
Serologic tests, interpreting and managing Zika test results, 31(6):924–930
Shared decision making, medication adherence and, 31(5):752–760
Sickle cell anemia, decision support based intervention and, 31(5):812–816
Smartphones, diabetes prevention for Latinos, 31(3):364–374
Smoke, secondhand, patient perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
Smoking cessation, iMD and discussing tobacco use, 31(6):869–880
Social determinants of health, Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
Social responsibility
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
Socioeconomic factors, multimorbidity trends in US adults, 31(4):503–513
Socioeconomic status, and childhood obesity, 31(4):514–521
Soft tissue injuries, wrist, MRI application in, 31(5):795–804
Southeastern United States, diagnosing meat allergy after tick bite, 31(4):650–652
Special communications
Direct Primary Care: Applying Theory to Potential Changes in Delivery and Outcomes, 31(4):605–611
Dissemination and Implementation Science in Primary Care Research and Practice: Contributions and Opportunities, 31(3):466–478
How Evolving United States Payment Models Influence Primary Care and Its Impact on the Quadruple Aim, 31(4):588–604
Impact of Medical Scribes in Primary Care on Productivity, Face-to-Face Time, and Patient Comfort, 31(4):612–619
Improving the Quality of Primary Care by Optimizing Implementation Research Reporting, 31(3):484–487
Practice Rurality of Family Physicians Enrolled in a Practice Transformation Network, 31(6):952–956
Proactive Strategies to Address Health Equity and Disparities: Recommendations from a Bi-National Symposium, 31(3):479–483
Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders, 31(6):947–951
Revisiting Primary Care's Critical Role in Achieving Health Equity: Pisacano Scholars' Reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
Spouse abuse, intimate partner violence disclosure and physician's role, 31(4):635–644
Stress test, pretest probability for inpatient coronary artery disease, 31(2):219–225
Student loans, FM graduates and loan repayment programs, 31(4):501–502
Students, family physician workforce and diversity progress, 31(6):842–843
Substance abuse, risky alcohol and opioid use in underserved patients, 31(2):243–251
Surgeons, MRI application in soft tissue wrist injury, 31(5):795–804
Surveys and questionnaires
collaborative care management for disease, 31(5):702–711
decreasing pediatric emergency visits, 31(4):550–557
diagnosis frequency and criticality in family medicine, 31(1):126–138
doctor-patient relations
communication and medical marijuana, 31(5):805–808
trust and chronic opioid therapy, 31(4):578–587
EHR tool for integrated behavioral health, 31(5):712–723
future directions for PBRNs, 31(6):917–923
getting patients engaged at the practice level, 31(5):733–742
measuring and managing blood pressure, 31(3):375–388
moral distress and hepatitis C treatment, 31(2):286–291
patient satisfaction incentives and opioid prescribing, 31(6):941–943
practitioner participation in national dental PBRN studies, 31(6):844–856
satisfaction with shared decision making for critically ill, 31(1):64–72
depression, 31(3):389–397
social needs, 31(3):351–363
urinary and fecal incontinence, 31(5):774–782
Telemedicine, ambulatory access to care after disasters, 31(2):252–259
Thiazolidinediones, edema from cinnamon for treatment of diabetes, 31(5):809–811
Tick bites, diagnosing meat allergy after, 31(4):650–652
Tobacco, opioid and drug prevalence in top 40's music, 31(5):761–767
Tobacco products, patient perspectives on electronic cigarettes, 31(1):73–82
Tobacco use, discussing, iMD and, 31(6):869–880
Top 40's, music, opioid and drug prevalence in, 31(5):761–767
Treatment outcome, greater occipital nerve block for migraine, 31(2):211–218
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
Ultrasound, plantar fascia rupture, 31(2):282–285
Underserved populations, national immigration and health care policy, 31(1):163–165
Unplanned pregnancy, interconception care during well-child visits, 31(2):201–210
Urban areas, burnout in small primary care practices, 31(4):529–536
Urban hospitals, epidural analgesia and vaginal laceration, 31(5):768–773
Urinary incontinence, screening for, 31(5):774–782
Vaccination, current adult pneumococcal vaccine recommendations, 31(1):94–104
implementing a VA geriatric patient-aligned care team model, 31(3):456–465
task delegation and burnout trade-offs in VA PACTs, 31(1):83–93
VA primary care mental health integration, 31(1):38–48
antipsychotic agents and other medications for dementia, 31(1):9–21
screening for social needs, 31(3):351–363
Visual analog scale, novel exercises for restless legs syndrome, 31(5):783–794
Vulnerable populations, Pisacano Scholars' reflections from Starfield Summit II, 31(2):292–302
Weight loss, nutrition, physicians' perspectives on, 31(4):522–528
Well-child visits, interconception care during, 31(2):201–210
West Virginia, physicians' perspectives on weight loss nutrition, 31(4):522–528
Wisconsin, concern for menthol cough drops, 31(2):183–191
challenges of PCMH implementation, 31(3):334–341
recruiting primary care practices for research, 31(6):947–951
Workforce, family physician, progress in racial and ethnic diversity, 31(6):842–843
Wrist injuries, soft tissue, MRI application, 31(5):795–804
Zika virus, interpreting and managing test results, 31(6):924–930