Access to health care, disparities in, chronic conditions and, 27(2):189–198
Adolescents, patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
underinsurance before implementation of, 27(6):855–857
African Americans, physicians' views and clinical decision making, 27(2):177–188
Age factors
generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
Alternative medicine
generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
Ambulatory care, predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
diplomates, clinical informatics as option for, 27(6):863–864
election of new officers and board members, 27(5):718–720
examinations, consequential validity, 27(3):430–431
Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians, Part IV, performance in practice, 27(4):576–577
Americans in Motion-Healthy Interventions (AIM-HI), outcomes of biomarker feedback, 27(1):61–69
Analgesics, health outcomes with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
Anger, management program, effects on smoking cessation, 27(5):645–660
Ankle, split peroneus brevis tendon, 27(2):297–302
Antibiotics, sterile pyuria with infections outside of the urinary tract, 27(1):97–103
Antibodies, C-reactive protein rapid test and acute pharyngitis, 27(3):424–426
Antidepressive agents, overtreatment of brief depression, 27(5):611–620
Anxiety, patients with chronic mental disorders and the workplace, 27(4):486–494
Aspirin, prescribing, for prevention of cardiovascular events, 27(1):78–86
in preschool children, 27(4):538–548
quality of care and guideline adherence, 27(3):391–398
Atrial fibrillation, diagnosed through sensory complaints, 27(4):571–574
Autism, Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
Behavioral sciences
maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
Biologic therapy, advanced therapy for inflammatory bowel disease, 27(3):411–420
Biomarker feedback, outcomes of, in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
Birth, family-centered, with gentle cesarean delivery, 27(5):690–693
Blood coagulation disorders, management in adults, 27(4):549–564
Blood platelet disorders, management in adults, 27(4):549–564
Bone density, screening, in adults with intellectual disabilities, 27(1):104–114
Breast cancer, screening, chronic diseases associated with, 27(5):669–681
Breast feeding, family-centered birth with gentle cesarean delivery, 27(5):690–693
C-reactive protein, rapid test and acute pharyngitis, 27(3):424–426
Cancer, Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
Cancer screening
chronic diseases associated with, 27(5):669–681
non-visit, using a management system, 27(4):474–485
nurse navigator follow-up after positive CRC screening test, 27(6):789–795
Cardiovascular abnormalities
coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
elderly heart failure and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Cardiovascular diseases, prescribing aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular events, 27(1):78–86
Case reports
atrial fibrillation diagnosed through sensory complaints, 27(4):571–574
split peroneus brevis tendon, 27(2):297–302
Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians, Part IV, performance in practice, 27(4):576–577
quality of care and guideline adherence for asthma, 27(3):391–398
recertification success, prediction of, by community size and organization of practice, 27(3):383–390
status of physicians entering MOC, 27(5):581–582
Cervical cancer, screening, chronic diseases associated with, 27(5):669–681
Cesarean section, family-centered birth, 27(5):690–693
Childhood obesity, family intervention clinic for reducing, 27(3):321–328
Children, preschool, asthma in, 27(4):538–548
Chronic care, complex, providing, 27(1):6–7
Chronic disease
associated with cancer screening, 27(5):669–681
chronic care model and lipid control in diabetes, 27(1):34–41
chronic conditions and disparities in access to care, 27(2):189–198
generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
high-cost, patients with, reliance on primary care physicians, 27(1):11–12
medical care, complex, providing, 27(1):6–7
use of mobile health tools in the WPRN, 27(6):780–788
using PRECIS to refine a PBRN study, 27(6):846–854
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), detection, through screening, elderly heart failure and, 27(6):811–821
Chronic pain, treatment seekers, primary care versus tertiary care settings, 27(5):594–601
Clinical trials as topic, conducting clinical trials in PBRNs, 27(6):750–758
Coagulation protein disorders, management in adults, 27(4):549–564
Cognitive therapy, anger management and stress control program for smoking cessation, 27(5):645–660
Colonoscopy, nurse navigator follow-up after positive CRC screening test, 27(6):789–795
Colorectal cancer
risk calculator, 27(1):42–55
chronic diseases associated with, 27(5):669–681
test, positive, nurse navigator follow-up after, 27(6):789–795
An Argument for Comprehensiveness as the “Special Sauce” in a Recipe for the Patient-Centered Medical Home, 27(1):8–10
Counterpoint: Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):441–443
Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition: A Time for Promoting Innovation, Not Measuring Standards, 27(3):309–311
Praxis-Based Research Networks: An Emerging Paradigm for Research that is Rigorous, Relevant, and Inclusive, 27(6):730–735
Providing Complex (Rather Than Complicated) Chronic Care, 27(1):6–7
Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):439–441
Re: Counterpoint: Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):443
Urgent and Emergency Family Physicians in Rural Communities, 27(4):444–446
Who Will Establish a Proper Data Model for Family Medicine and Primary Care?, 27(6):736–737
patient and physician weight-related discussions, 27(1):70–77
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
risk perceptions and estimates by diabetes patients, 27(4):510–519
to increase research participation in PBRNs, 27(6):763–771
strategies of the DD-PBRN, 27(6):831–838
size, prediction of family physician recertification success, 27(3):383–390
Community-based participatory research, strategies of the DD-PBRN, 27(6):831–838
Community medicine
patient and physician weight-related discussions, 27(1):70–77
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
Complementary medicine
generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
Complex chronic care, providing, 27(1):6–7
Comprehensiveness, in the patient-centered medical home, 27(1):8–10
Computed tomography (CT), radiologic findings through research participation, 27(3):314–320
levonorgestrel intrauterine device, evidence-based selection of candidates for, 27(1):26–33
ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
hand hygiene and face touching in family medicine offices, 27(5):717
integrating behavioral and physical health care in the real world, 27(1):161
trends in physician house calls to Medicare beneficiaries, 27(1):160–161
Cost effectiveness, Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
Critical care, family physicians principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
Cross-sectional studies, organizational culture and provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
Data model, proper, for family medicine and primary care, 27(6):736–737
Decision making
clinical, physicians' views of African Americans and, 27(2):177–188
colorectal cancer risk calculator, 27(1):42–55
coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
risk perceptions and estimates by diabetes patients, 27(4):510–519
for depression, 27(2):199–208
in the safety net, 27(2):292–294
Delivery of health care
bone density screening, adults with intellectual disabilities, 27(1):104–114
hospital admissions and patient satisfaction, 27(2):249–257
integrated, health services in patient-centered medical homes, 27(5):637–644
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
Dementia, patterns, beliefs, and perceived barriers to care, 27(2):275–283
brief, antidepressant overtreatment of, 27(5):611–620
major, treatment, symptom cluster-based approach, 27(1):151–159
maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
motivational interviewing techniques for, 27(5):621–636
shared decision making for, 27(2):199–208
uninsured urban population, 27(4):520–529
Depressive disorder, motivational interviewing techniques for, 27(5):621–636
Developmental disabilities
adults with, bone density screening in, 27(1):104–114
community engagement strategies of the DD-PBRN, 27(6):831–838
Diabetes, type 2, risk perceptions and estimates by diabetes patients, 27(4):510–519
Diabetes mellitus
chronic care model and lipid control in diabetes, 27(1):34–41
professional development programs for Maintenance of Certification, quality of patient care and, 27(1):19–25
risks and benefits of metformin use, 27(1):136–141
Diagnosis, asthma in preschool children, 27(4):538–548
Diagnostic services, challenges in laboratory test ordering and results interpretation, 27(2):268–274
Diet, outcomes of biomarker feedback in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
Dissemination and implementation science, research, in PBRNs, 27(6):759–762
Domestic violence, men who perpetrate, 27(5):661–668
Down syndrome, adults with, bone density screening in, 27(1):104–114
Drug abuse
health outcomes with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
self-reported “doctor shopping” among young adults, 27(5):583–593
Drug dosage calculations, predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
Drug labeling, Physicians' Use of FDA-Approved Prescription Drug Labels, 27(5):694–698
Dysosmia, atrial fibrillation diagnosed through sensory complaints, 27(4):571–574
Dyspnea, elderly heart failure and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Early medical intervention, family intervention clinic for reducing childhood obesity, 27(3):321–328
Editorial, PBRNs at the crossroads of research translation, 27(6):725–729
Editorial Office News and Notes
Call for Papers and JABFM Editorial Board Member Honored with Fellowship, 27(4):437–438
Content Usage and the Most Frequently Read Articles by Issue in 2013, 27(3):306–308
Introduction of New Editorial Board Members and Appointment of New Associate Editor, 27(1):4–5 Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Announces Completion of Archiving Project, 27(2):176
Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2013, 27(2):172–175
Editor's Notes
Context and Trade-Offs in Family Medicine, 27(4):433–436
Family Physicians are Complex Care Physicians and Quality of Care Advancement Experts, 27(1):1–3
Investigating Patient-Centered Care, 27(1):169–171
A Panoply of Information for the Practice of Family Medicine, 27(3):303–305
This Issue: Important Clinical Studies with New Useful Information on Problems Encountered Daily by Family Physicians, 27(5):579–580
Education, patient, life and the end of life, 27(5):713–716
Educational assessment, quality of care and guideline adherence for asthma, 27(3):391–398
Elderly, heart failure and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Electronic health records (EHRs)
after-visit summary, effects on patient recall, satisfaction, and adherence to EHR content, 27(2):209–218
meaningful use of, 27(6):772–779
using GIS for health insurance outreach, 27(6):804–810
Emergency medicine
family physicians principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
urgent and emergency family physicians in rural communities, 27(4):444–446
Employment, maternal depressive symptoms and social support, 27(1):87–96
End-of-life care, educating patients about life and the end of life, 27(5):713–716
Epidemiology, generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
Evidence-based medicine
dissemination and implementation research in PBRNs, 27(6):759–762
Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
selection of candidates for levonorgestrel intrauterine device, 27(1):26–33
symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
Exercise, outcomes of biomarker feedback in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
Exercise tolerance, elderly heart failure and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Face touching, hand hygiene and, in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
Family, family-centered birth with gentle cesarean delivery, 27(5):690–693
Family medicine
history of the future of, 27(6):839–845
offices, hand hygiene and face touching in, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
proper data model for, 27(6):736–737
reflections in, poetry in a pill, 27(4):575
Family physicians
certification status of physicians entering MOC, 27(5):581–582
economic impact of practicing rural obstetrics, 27(5):602–610
knowledge of commonly overused treatments and tests, 27(4):699–703
principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
recertification success, prediction of, by community size and organization of practice, 27(3):383–390
urgent and emergency family physicians in rural communities, 27(4):444–446
Fertility, ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
Fever, sterile pyuria with infections outside of the urinary tract, 27(1):97–103
Frail elderly, heart failure and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Gastric ulcer, Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
Gastrointestinal disorders
Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
hepatitis C for primary care physicians, 27(2):284–291
Genetics, coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
Geographic information systems (GIS), using GIS for health insurance outreach, 27(6):804–810
Ginger, for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
Graduate education, levonorgestrel intrauterine device, evidence-based selection of candidates for, 27(1):26–33
Guideline adherence, for asthma, improving through group self-assessment module, 27(3):391–398
changing, prescribing aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular events, 27(1):78–86
counterpoint: rationing on the fly: the opportunity cost of clinical guidelines, 27(4):441–443
rationing on the fly: the opportunity cost of clinical guidelines, 27(4):439–441
re: counterpoint: rationing on the fly: the opportunity cost of clinical guidelines, 27(4):443
benign ovarian teratomas, 27(3):421–423
older women discontinuing Papanicolaou test screening, 27(2):295–296
ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
preventive visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
selection of candidates for levonorgestrel intrauterine device, 27(1):26–33
Hand hygiene, face touching and, in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
Headache, benign ovarian teratomas, 27(3):421–423
Health behavior
health services in patient-centered medical homes, 27(5):637–644
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
Health care disparities
in access to care, chronic conditions and, 27(2):189–198
physicians' views of African Americans and clinical decision making, 27(2):177–188
Health care economics and organizations, economic impact of practicing rural obstetrics, 27(5):602–610
Health care systems
hospital admissions and patient satisfaction, 27(2):249–257
meaningful use of EHRs, 27(6):772–779
Health education, family intervention clinic for reducing childhood obesity, 27(3):321–328
Health insurance
underinsurance before Affordable Care Act, 27(6):855–857
using GIS for health insurance outreach, 27(6):804–810
Health policy
certification status of physicians entering MOC, 27(5):581–582
family physicians principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
history of the future of family medicine, 27(6):839–845
practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
primary care, behavioral health, provider colocation, and rurality, 27(3):367–374
Health services misuse, antidepressant overtreatment of brief depression, 27(5):611–620
Health services research, patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
Heart failure, elderly, and COPD detection through screening, 27(6):811–821
Helicobacter pylori, infections, immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
Hepatitis C, for primary care physicians, 27(2):284–291
Hygiene, hand, and face touching in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
Immunization, Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
Immunoglobulin G, levels, patients with Helicobacter pylori infections, 27(5):682–689
Immunomodulatory therapy, advanced therapy for inflammatory bowel disease, 27(3):411–420
Incidental findings, CT radiologic findings through research participation, 27(3):314–320
Infections, Helicobacter pylori, immunoglobulin G levels in patient management, 27(5):682–689
Infectious diseases
hand hygiene and face touching in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
hepatitis C for primary care physicians, 27(2):284–291
influenza immunization during pregnancy, vaccine protocols for, 27(1):56–60
measles, Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
pharyngitis, acute, C-reactive protein rapid test, 27(3):424–426
tuberculosis, latent infection, diagnosis and treatment, 27(5):704–712
Inflammatory bowel disease, advanced therapy for, 27(3):411–420
Influenza, immunization, during pregnancy, vaccine protocols for, 27(1):56–60
Integrated delivery systems, primary care, behavioral health, provider colocation, and rurality, 27(3):367–374
Integrated health care systems, provider perspectives on integrating primary and behavioral health, 27(3):375–382
Intellectual disabilities, adults with, bone density screening in, 27(1):104–114
Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
levonorgestrel, evidence-based selection of candidates for, 27(1):26–33
patient age and, 27(6):822–830
Joint instability, split peroneus brevis tendon, 27(2):297–302
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM), content usage and the most frequently read articles by issue in 2013, 27(3):306–308
Kidneys, renal failure using N.O.-Xplode, 27(4):565–569
challenges in laboratory test ordering and results interpretation, 27(2):268–274
laboratory medicine handoff gaps, 27(6):796–803
predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
Lactic acidosis, metformin-associated, 27(1):136–141
Levonorgestrel intrauterine device, evidence-based selection of candidates for, 27(1):26–33
Lipid control, in diabetes, chronic care model, 27(1):34–41
Luteinizing hormone, ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
certification status of physicians entering, 27(5):581–582
professional development programs for, quality of patient care and, 27(1):19–25
Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians (MC-FP)
certification status of physicians entering MOC, 27(5):581–582
Part IV, performance in practice, 27(4):576–577
Meaningful use, after-visit summary, effects on patient recall, satisfaction, and adherence to EHR content, 27(2):209–218
Measles, Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
Measures, panel workload assessment in US primary care, 27(4):530–537
Medical decision making
colorectal cancer risk calculator, 27(1):42–55
coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
Medical education
history of the future of family medicine, 27(6):839–845
motivational interviewing techniques for depression, 27(5):621–636
Medical ethics
CT radiologic findings through research participation, 27(3):314–320
educating patients about life and the end of life, 27(5):713–716
Medical home
challenges of medical home transformation, 27(4):449–457
National Committee for Quality Assurance patient-centered medical home recognition among primary care practices, 27(3):312–313
organizational culture and provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
argument for comprehensiveness, 27(1):8–10
comprehensiveness in, 27(1):8–10
health behavior services, 27(5):637–644
National Committee for Quality Assurance recognition among primary care practices, 27(3):312–313
patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
preventive gynecological visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
Medical informatics, meaningful use of EHRs, 27(6):772–779
Medical residency, patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
Medication reconciliation, interventions to improve medication reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
Men's health, men who perpetrate intimate partner violence, 27(5):661–668
Mental disorders, tobacco use treatment in patients with psychiatric illness, 27(3):399–410
Mental health
maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
patients with chronic mental disorders and the workplace, 27(4):486–494
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
primary care, behavioral health, provider colocation, and rurality, 27(3):367–374
provider perspectives on integrating primary and behavioral health, 27(3):375–382
services in patient-centered medical homes, 27(5):637–644
Metformin, use, risks and benefits, 27(1):136–141
Methods, keeping PBRN practices engaged in studies, 27(1):123–135
Minority health, physicians' views of African Americans and clinical decision making, 27(2):177–188
Mobile health, tools, use in the WPRN, 27(6):780–788
Mother-infant interaction, family-centered birth with gentle cesarean delivery, 27(5):690–693
Motivational interviewing, techniques, for depression, 27(5):621–636
National Institutes of Health (NIH), practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
Natural family planning, ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
Nausea, in early pregnancy, ginger for, 27(1):115–122
Nursing homes, predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
childhood, family intervention clinic for reducing, 27(3):321–328
outcomes of biomarker feedback in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
patient and physician weight-related discussions, 27(1):70–77
Obstetrics, rural, economic impact of practicing, 27(5):602–610
Older patients, women discontinuing Papanicolaou test screening, 27(2):295–296
Opioid therapy, increasing, health outcomes with, 27(3):329–338
Opioids, pain treatment in primary care versus tertiary care, 27(5):594–601
Organizational culture
associated with provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
team structure, culture, and burnout in primary care, 27(2):229–238
Organizational innovation, challenges of medical home transformation, 27(4):449–457
Organizational structure, organization of practice, family physician recertification success, 27(3):383–390
bone density screening in adults with intellectual disabilities, 27(1):104–114
predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
biomarker feedback in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
health, with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
Ovarian teratomas, benign, multisystem manifestations, 27(3):421–423
Ovulation predictor kits, as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
ankle, split peroneus brevis tendon, 27(2):297–302
chronic, treatment seekers, primary care versus tertiary care settings, 27(5):594–601
generational differences in CAM use, 27(4):465–473
Pain management, health outcomes with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
Palliative care, educating patients about life and the end of life, 27(5):713–716
Papanicolaou test
addressing other problems during preventive gynecological visits, 27(1):13–18
screening, older women discontinuing, 27(2):295–296
Partial thromboplastin time, management of bleeding disorders in adults, 27(4):549–564
Patient adherence, motivational interviewing techniques for depression, 27(5):621–636
Patient admissions, sterile pyuria with infections outside of the urinary tract, 27(1):97–103
Patient care team, team structure, culture, and burnout in primary care, 27(2):229–238
Patient-centered care
challenges of medical home transformation, 27(4):449–457
investigating, 27(2):169–171
organizational culture and provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
preventive gynecological visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
shared decision making for depression, 27(2):199–208
symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
Patient-centered medical home
comprehensiveness in, 27(1):8–10
health behavior services, 27(5):637–644
National Committee for Quality Assurance recognition among primary care practices, 27(3):312–313
recognition, promoting innovation, 27(3):309–311
Patient navigators, nurse navigator follow-up after positive CRC screening test, 27(6):789–795
Patient recruitment
community engagement to increase research participation in PBRNs, 27(6):763–771
recruiting physician–patient dyads in PBRNs, 27(6):740–749
Patient safety
challenges in laboratory test ordering and results interpretation, 27(2):268–274
interventions to improve medication reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
Patient satisfaction
effects of EHR-generated after-visit summary, 27(2):209–218
hospital admissions and, 27(2):249–257
patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
shared decision making for depression, 27(2):199–208
Pharmacotherapy, symptom cluster-based approach for major depression, 27(1):151–159
Pharyngitis, acute, C-reactive protein rapid test and, 27(3):424–426
Physician-patient dyads, recruiting, in PBRNs, 27(6):740–749
Physician-patient relations
educating patients about life and the end of life, 27(5):713–716
hospital admissions and patient satisfaction, 27(2):249–257
patient and physician weight-related discussions, 27(1):70–77
patients with high-cost chronic conditions rely on primary care physicians, 27(1):11–12
self-reported “doctor shopping” among young adults, 27(5):583–593
Poetry, reflections in family medicine, 27(4):575
Poisoning, health outcomes with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
Postpartum care, maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
Postpartum depression, employment and social support, 27(1):87–96
Practice-based research
coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
depression in an uninsured urban population, 27(4):520–529
hand hygiene and face touching in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
interventions to improve medication reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
laboratory medicine handoff gaps, 27(6):796–803
meaningful use of EHRs, 27(6):772–779
National Committee for Quality Assurance patient-centered medical home recognition among primary care practices, 27(3):312–313
outcomes of biomarker feedback in AIM-HI, 27(1):61–69
patterns, beliefs, and perceived barriers to dementia care, 27(2):275–283
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
underinsurance before Affordable Care Act, 27(6):855–857
use of mobile health tools in the WPRN, 27(6):780–788
using GIS for health insurance outreach, 27(6):804–810
Practice-based research networks (PBRNs)
community engagement
to increase research participation, 27(6):763–771
strategies of the DD-PBRN, 27(6):831–838
conducting clinical trials in, 27(6):750–758
at the crossroads of research translation, 27(6):725–729
CT radiologic findings through research participation, 27(3):314–320
dissemination and implementation research in, 27(6):759–762
keeping PBRN practices engaged in studies, 27(1):123–135
recruiting physician–patient dyads in, 27(6):740–749
using PRECIS to refine a PBRN study, 27(6):846–854
Practice management, organizational culture and provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
Pragmatic clinical trials, using PRECIS to refine a PBRN study, 27(6):846–854
Pragmatic trials, dissemination and implementation research in PBRNs, 27(6):759–762
Praxis-based research networks, emerging paradigm for research, 27(6):730–735
early, ginger for nausea and vomiting, 27(1):115–122
vaccine protocols for influenza immunization, 27(1):56–60
Prenatal care, ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
Preschool, asthma in preschool children, 27(4):538–548
Prescribing patterns, poetry in a pill, 27(4):575
Prescription drugs
Physicians' Use of FDA-Approved Prescription Drug Labels, 27(5):694–698
self-reported “doctor shopping” among young adults, 27(5):583–593
non-visit cancer screening using a management system, 27(4):474–485
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
Prevention and control, colorectal cancer risk calculator, 27(1):42–55
Preventive health services, gynecological visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
Primary health care
asthma in preschool children, 27(4):538–548
behavioral health, provider colocation, and rurality, 27(3):367–374
in laboratory test ordering and results interpretation, 27(2):268–274
of medical home transformation, 27(4):449–457, 27(4):549–557
chronic care model and lipid control in diabetes, 27(1):34–41
chronic conditions and disparities in access to care, 27(2):189–198
community engagement to increase research participation in PBRNs, 27(6):763–771
dissemination and implementation research in PBRNs, 27(6):759–762
family physicians principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
health services in patient-centered medical homes, 27(5):637–644
history of the future of family medicine, 27(6):839–845
interventions to improve medication reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
laboratory medicine handoff gaps, 27(6):796–803
meaningful use of EHRs, 27(6):772–779
non-visit cancer screening using a management system, 27(4):474–485
pain treatment in primary care versus tertiary care, 27(5):594–601
panel workload assessment in US primary care, 27(4):530–537
patterns, beliefs, and perceived barriers to dementia care, 27(2):275–283
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
practices, National Committee for Quality Assurance patient-centered medical home recognition among, 27(3):312–313
predictive equation for vitamin D replacement, 27(4):495–509
preventive gynecological visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
proper data model for, 27(6):736–737
provider perspectives on integrating primary and behavioral health, 27(3):375–382
recruiting physician–patient dyads in PBRNs, 27(6):740–749
shared decision making for depression, 27(2):199–208
team structure, culture, and burnout in primary care, 27(2):229–238
underinsurance before Affordable Care Act, 27(6):855–857
use of mobile health tools in the WPRN, 27(6):780–788
Primary prevention, prescribing aspirin for prevention of cardiovascular events, 27(1):78–86
Problem solving, organizational culture and provider satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
Progesterone, ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
Program effectiveness, keeping PBRN practices engaged in studies, 27(1):123–135
Program sustainability, practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
Prothrombin time, management of bleeding disorders in adults, 27(4):549–564
Provider satisfaction, organizational culture associated with, 27(2):219–228
Psychiatric illness, patients with, tobacco use treatment, 27(3):399–410
Psychological stress, stress control program for smoking cessation, 27(5):645–660
Public health, Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
Pyuria, sterile, with infections outside of the urinary tract, 27(1):97–103
Quality improvement, chronic care model and lipid control in diabetes, 27(1):34–41
Quality of health care
for asthma, improving through group self-assessment module, 27(3):391–398
challenges of medical home transformation, 27(4):449–457, 27(4):549–557
chronic conditions and disparities in access to care, 27(2):189–198
National Committee for Quality Assurance patient-centered medical home recognition among primary care practices, 27(3):312–313
patient experiences by teaching vs. nonteaching facility, 27(2):239–248
patients with high-cost chronic conditions rely on primary care physicians, 27(1):11–12
Pisacano Scholars' reflections on family medicine's future, 27(1):142–150
professional development programs for Maintenance of Certification and, 27(1):19–25
Quality of life, using PRECIS to refine a PBRN study, 27(6):846–854
Quantitative evaluation, using PRECIS to refine a PBRN study, 27(6):846–854
Racial bias, physicians' views of African Americans and clinical decision making, 27(2):177–188
Randomized clinical trials, effects of EHR-generated after-visit summary, 27(2):209–218
Randomized controlled clinical trials, keeping PBRN practices engaged in studies, 27(1):123–135
Randomized controlled trials
interventions to improve medication reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
motivational interviewing techniques for depression, 27(5):621–636
Renal failure, using N.O.-Xplode, 27(4):565–569
Research subjects, CT radiologic findings through research participation, 27(3):314–320
Respiratory tract diseases
COPD, detection, through screening, elderly heart failure and, 27(6):811–821
hand hygiene and face touching in family medicine offices, 27(3):339–346, 27(5):717
latent tuberculosis infection, diagnosis and treatment of, 27(5):704–712
colorectal cancer risk calculator, 27(1):42–55
risk perceptions and estimates by diabetes patients, 27(4):510–519
Rural health
chronic diseases associated with cancer screening, 27(5):669–681
community size, organization of practice, and recertification, 27(3):383–390
economic impact of practicing rural obstetrics, 27(5):602–610
family physicians principally providing urgent care, 27(4):447–448
provider perspectives on integrating primary and behavioral health, 27(3):375–382
urgent and emergency family physicians, 27(4):444–446
Safety net clinics, shared decision making in the safety net, 27(2):292–294
bone density, adults with intellectual disabilities, 27(1):104–114
cancer, chronic diseases associated with, 27(5):669–681
non-visit cancer, using a management system, 27(4):474–485
Papanicolaou test, older women discontinuing, 27(2):295–296
point-of-care behavioral health assessment, 27(3):356–366
Shared decision making
for depression, 27(2):199–208
in the safety net, 27(2):292–294
Sick leave, patients with chronic mental disorders and the workplace, 27(4):486–494
Smoking cessation, anger management and stress control program for, 27(5):645–660
Social problems
depression in an uninsured urban population, 27(4):520–529
maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
Somalia, Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
Special communications
Back to the Future: Reflections on the History of the Future of Family Medicine, 27(6):839–845
Community-Engagement Strategies of the Developmental Disabilities Practice-based Research Network (DD-PBRN), 27(6):831–838
The Future of Family Medicine Version 2.0: Reflections from Pisacano Scholars, 27(1):142–150
Promotion of Family-Centered Birth With Gentle Cesarean Delivery, 27(5):690–693
Using the Pragmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary (PRECIS) Model in Clinical Research: Application to Refine a Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Study, 27(6):846–854
Specialty boards, community size, organization of practice, and recertification, 27(3):383–390
Streptococcus group A, C-reactive protein rapid test and acute pharyngitis, 27(3):424–426
Stress control, program, effects on smoking cessation, 27(5):645–660
Substance abuse
health outcomes with increasing opioid therapy, 27(3):329–338
health services in patient-centered medical homes, 27(5):637–644
men who perpetrate intimate partner violence, 27(5):661–668
self-reported “doctor shopping” among young adults, 27(5):583–593
Summary report, effects of EHR-generated after-visit summary, 27(2):209–218
Team structure, culture and burnout in primary care, 27(2):229–238
Technology assessment, coronary artery disease and a genomic-based test, 27(2):258–267
Tendons, split peroneus brevis tendon, 27(2):297–302
Tertiary care, chronic pain treatment seekers, 27(5):594–601
anger management and stress control program for smoking cessation, 27(5):645–660
use, treatment, patients with psychiatric illness, 27(3):399–410
keeping PBRN practices engaged in studies, 27(1):123–135
professional development programs for Maintenance of Certification, quality of patient care and, 27(1):19–25
Translational medical science, practice-based innovations vs. NIH-funded studies, 27(6):738–739
Tuberculosis, latent infection, diagnosis and treatment, 27(5):704–712
Underinsurance, before implementation of Affordable Care Act, 27(6):855–857
Underserved populations
community engagement strategies of the DD-PBRN, 27(6):831–838
depression in an uninsured urban population, 27(4):520–529
Urban health services
depression in an uninsured urban population, 27(4):520–529
patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
Urinary tract infections, sterile pyuria with infections outside of the urinary tract, 27(1):97–103
Utilization, hospital admissions and patient satisfaction, 27(2):249–257
protocols for influenza immunization during pregnancy, 27(1):56–60
Somali and non-Somali parents' vaccine beliefs, 27(4):458–464
Vitamin D, replacement, predictive equation for, 27(4):495–509
Vomiting, in early pregnancy, ginger for, 27(1):115–122
Women's health
benign ovarian teratomas, 27(3):421–423
economic impact of practicing rural obstetrics, 27(5):602–610
ginger for nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, 27(1):115–122
maternal depressive symptoms, employment, and social support, 27(1):87–96
older women discontinuing Papanicolaou test screening, 27(2):295–296
ovulation predictor kits as adjuncts when using FAMS, 27(3):427–429
patient age and intrauterine devices, 27(6):822–830
preventive gynecological visits, addressing other medical problems during, 27(1):13–18
selection of candidates for levonorgestrel intrauterine device, 27(1):26–33
vaccine protocols for influenza during pregnancy, 27(1):56–60
Workload, panel workload assessment in US primary care, 27(4):530–537
Workplace, patients with chronic mental disorders, 27(4):486–494