Agrawal N. see Zakrzewski L
Aikin KJ. see Sullivan HW
Alexander SC. see Bodner ME
Anderson ML. see Green BB
Angier H, Likumahuwa S, Finnegan S, Vakarcs T, Nelson C, Bazemore A, Carrozza M, DeVoe JE. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Identify Communities in Need of Health Insurance Outreach: an OCHIN Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Report, 27(6):804–810
Arndt B, Tuan W-J, White J, Schumacher J. Panel Workload Assessment in US Primary Care: Accounting for Non–Face-to-Face Panel Management Activities, 27(4):530–537
Ashburner JM. see Atlas SJ
Atkinson LL. see Cave AJ
Atlas SJ, Zai AH, Ashburner JM, Chang Y, Percac-Lima S, Levy DE, Chueh HC, Grant RW. Non-Visit-Based Cancer Screening Using a Novel Population Management System, 27(4):474–485
Attanasio L. see Gjerdingen D
Avery DM Jr, Hooper DE, McDonald JT Jr, Love MW, Tucker MT, Parton JM. The Economic Impact of Rural Family Physicians Practicing Obstetrics, 27(5):602–610
Baldwin L-M. see Bauer AM; Dolor RJ
Balyakina E. see Espinoza A
Baquero V. see Feldman MD
Bastani R. see Rodriguez HP
Battle C. see Magee SR
Bauer AM, Rue T, Keppel GA, Cole AM, Baldwin L-M, Katon W. Use of Mobile Health (mHealth) Tools by Primary Care Patients in the WWAMI Region Practice and Research Network (WPRN), 27(6):780–788
Bazemore A. see Angier H; Miller BF; Petterson S
Bazemore AW. see Puffer JC; Sharma MA
Beck A. see Solberg LI
Beebe DK. see Puffer JC
Bertens LCM. see Van Mourik Y
Bertram S. see Yawn BP
Binienda J. see Meyers MA
Blackburn B. see Elward K
Blacker M. see Elder NC
Blair G. see Callegari LS
Blank AE. see Carvajal DN
Bodenheimer T. see Willard-Grace R
Bodner ME, Dolor RJ, Østbye T, Lyna P, Alexander SC, Tulsky JA, Pollak KI. Accuracy and Congruence of Patient and Physician Weight-Related Discussions: From Project CHAT (Communicating Health: Analyzing Talk), 27(1):70–77
Boehm DH. see Bouma AB
Bonham AJ. see Singh G
Bouma AB, Tiedje K, Poplau S, Boehm DH, Shah ND, Commers MJ, Linzer M, Montori VM. Shared Decision Making in the Safety Net: Where Do We Go from Here?, 27(2):292–294
Bowman MA. see Lupo P Jr; Seehusen DA
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA. This Issue: Important Clinical Studies with New Useful Information on Problems Encountered Daily by Family Physicians, 27(5):579–580
Bowman MA, Neale AV. A Panoply of Information for the Practice of Family Medicine, 27(3):303–305
Bowman MA, Neale AV. Family Physicians are Complex Care Physicians and Quality of Care Advancement Experts, 27(1):1–3
Bowman MA, Neale AV. Investigating Patient-Centered Care, 27(2):169–171
Brandt EC. see Galliher JM
Brody D. see Keeley RD
Brown AE. see Pavlik V; Spears W
Brown SL. see Schulte BM
Brunisholz K. see Scammon DL
Buckley DI. see Liu BY
Burfeind G, Seymour D, Sillau SH, Zittleman L, Westfall JM. Provider Perspectives on Integrating Primary and Behavioral Health: A Report from the High Plains Research Network, 27(3):375–382
Burhan U. see Leiva R
Burke BL. see Keeley RD
Callegari LS, Darney BG, Godfrey EM, Sementi O, Dunsmoor-Su R, Prager SW. Evidence-Based Selection of Candidates for the Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device (IUD), 27(1):26–33
Calviño O, Llor C, Gómez F, González E, Sarvisé C, Hernández S. Association between C-Reactive Protein Rapid Test and Group A Streptococcus Infection in Acute Pharyngitis, 27(3):424–426
Campbell-Voytal K. see Spears W
Cardarelli R. see Espinoza A
Cardinali G, Rhyne RL, Fleg A, Corum BN, Tsewang D, Jo A, Leiderman J, North C. Underinsurance Before the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: From the Research Involving Outpatient Settings Network (RIOS Net), 27(6):855–857
Carney PA. see Liu BY
Carrozza M. see Angier H
Carvajal DN, Blank AE, Lechuga C, Schechter C, McKee MD. Do Primary Care Patient Experiences Vary by Teaching versus Nonteaching Facility?, 27(2):239–248
Cave AJ, Atkinson LL. Asthma in Preschool Children: A Review of the Diagnostic Challenges, 27(4):538–548
Cerimele JM, Halperin AC, Saxon AJ. Tobacco Use Treatment in Primary Care Patients with Psychiatric Illness, 27(3):399–410
Chang T. see Maurer D
Chang Y. see Atlas SJ
Chapman HJ, Lauzardo M. Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection, 27(5):704–712
Chauhan B, Panchal P, Szabo E, Wilkins T. Split Peroneus Brevis Tendon: An Unusual Cause of Ankle Pain and Instability, 27(2):297–302
Chen C-C. see Shi L
Cheng N. see Sharma MA
Chermack S. see Singh V
Chiu K-W. see Wang D
Chiu T. see Wang D
Chubak J. see Green BB
Chueh HC. see Atlas SJ
Cipri C. see Feldman MD
Cochrane A. see Hagen MD
Coco A. see Cohen D
Coffman M. see Petterson S; Sharma MA
Cohen D, Coco A. Do Physicians Address Other Medical Problems During Preventive Gynecological Visits?, 27(1):13–18
Cohen R. see Endevelt R
Cole AM. see Bauer AM
Commers MJ. see Bouma AB
Coombs L. see Hissett J
Coombs LJ. see Stewart TV
Cooper GS. see Wells BJ
Corum BN. see Cardinali G
Crabtree BF. see Etz RS; Hahn KA; Solberg LI
Crain AL. see Solberg LI
Cramer MJM. see Van Mourik Y
Crawford P. see Maurer D
Crosson J. see Heintzman J
Crownover B. see Maurer D
Culpepper L. Counterpoint: Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):441–443
Cunningham R. see Singh V
Dalzell C. see Leiva R
Davis M, Balasubramanian BA, Waller E, Miller BF, Green LA, Cohen DJ. Re: Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health Care in the Real World: Early Lessons from Advancing Care Together, 27(1):161
Day J. see Scammon DL
deGruy F. see Keeley RD
DeVoe JE. see Angier H; Doohan NC; Heintzman J
DeWalt DA. see Halladay JR
Dickinson LM. see Galliher JM; Mitchell NS
Dietrich A. see Yawn BP
Dimidjian S. see Keeley RD
Dolor RJ. see Bodner ME
Dolor RJ, Schmit KM, Graham DG, Fox CH, Baldwin LM. Guidance for Researchers Developing and Conducting Clinical Trials in Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs), 27(6):750–758
Donahue K. see Halladay JR
Doohan NC, Duane M, Harrison B, Lesko S, DeVoe JE. The Future of Family Medicine Version 2.0: Reflections from Pisacano Scholars, 27(1):142–150
Doohan NC, Endres J, Koehn N, Miller J, Scherger JE, Martin J, Devoe JE. Back to the Future: Reflections on the History of the Future of Family Medicine, 27(6):839–845
Dreyfus D, Lauer E, Wilkinson J. Characteristics Associated With Bone Mineral Density Screening in Adults With Intellectual Disabilities, 27(1):104–114
Duane M. see Doohan NC
Dubé K. see Willard-Grace R
Duke CC. see Hickner J
Dunsmoor-Su. see Callegari LS
Elder NC, Sawyer W, Pallerla H, Khaja S, Blacker M. Hand Hygiene and Face Touching in Family Medicine Offices: A Cincinnati Area Research and Improvement Group (CARInG) Network Study, 27(3):339–346
Elder NC, Sawyer W. Response: Re: Hand Hygiene and Face Touching in Family Medicine Offices: A Cincinnati Area Research and Improvement Group (CARInG) Network Study Correspondence, 27(5):717
Elder WG, Munk N. Using the Pragmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicator Summary (PRECIS) Model in Clinical Research: Application to Refine a Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Study, 27(6):846–854
Elkayam O. see Endevelt R
Elward K, Blackburn B, Peterson LE, Greenawald M, Hagen MD. Improving Quality of Care and Guideline Adherence for Asthma Through a Group Self-Assessment Module, 27(3):391–398
Emsermann C. see Keeley RD; Mitchell NS
Endevelt R, Elkayam O, Cohen R, Peled R, Tal-Pony L, Grunwald RM, Valinsky L, Porath A, Heymann AD. An Intensive Family Intervention Clinic for Reducing Childhood Obesity, 27(3):321–328
Endres J. see Doohan NC
Engel M. see Keeley RD
Epner P. see Hickner J
Espinoza A, Malone K, Balyakina E, Fulda KG, Cardarelli R. Incidental Computer Tomography Radiologic Findings through Research Participation in the North Texas Healthy Heart Study, 27(3):314–320
Etz RS. see Hahn KA
Etz RS, Hahn KA, Gonzalez MM, Crabtree BF, Stange KC. Practice-Based Innovations: More Relevant and Transportable Than NIH-funded Studies, 27(6):738–739
Fagnan LJ. see Liu BY
Farrell TJ. see Scammon DL
Fehring R. see Leiva R
Feldman MD, Cipri C, Nishio D, Knoepfler A, Wooddell MK, Baquero V, Franks P. Potential Antidepressant Overtreatment Associated with Office Use of Brief Depression Symptom Measures, 27(5):611–620
Fenton JJ, Jerant AF, Franks P. Influence of Elective versus Emergent Hospital Admission on Patient Satisfaction, 27(2):249–257
Fernald DH. see West DR
Fink-Miller EL, Long DM, Gross RT. Comparing Chronic Pain Treatment Seekers in Primary Care versus Tertiary Care Settings, 27(5):594–601
Finnegan S. see Angier H; Petterson S
Fleg A. see Cardinali G
Flottemesch TJ. see Solberg LI
Folks B. see Hissett J
Fontaine PL. see Solberg LI
Fox CH. see Dolor RJ
Frankel ES. see Ho TF
Franks P. see Feldman MD; Fenton JJ
Froelich J. see Herman L
Fulda KG. see Espinoza A
Fuller S. see Green BB
Galliher JM. see Stewart TV
Galliher JM, Manning BK, Petterson SM, Dickinson LM, Brandt EC, Staton EW, Phillips RL, Pace WD. Do Professional Development Programs for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Affect Quality of Patient Care?, 27(1):19–25
Ganiats TG, Kempster JA. Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):439–441
Ganiats TG, Kempster JA. Re: Counterpoint: Rationing on the Fly: The Opportunity Cost of Clinical Guidelines, 27(4):443
Getrich CM. see Spears W
Gjerdingen D, McGovern P, Attanasio L, Johnson PJ, Kozhimannil KB. Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Employment, and Social Support, 27(1):87–96
Glenn BA. see Rodriguez HP
Godfrey EM. see Callegari LS
Gold R. see Heintzman J
Goldstein AO. Poetry in a Pill, 27(4):575
Gómez F. see Calviño O
Gonzalez MM. see Etz RS; Hahn KA
Gossey JT. see Pavlik V
Graham D. see Kessler R; Yawn BP
Graham DG. see Dolor RJ
Grant RW. see Atlas SJ
Green BB, Anderson ML, Wang C-Y, Vernon SW, Chubak J, Meenan RT, Fuller S. Results of Nurse Navigator Follow-up After Positive Colorectal Cancer Screening Test: A Randomized Trial, 27(6):789–795
Green LA. Who Will Establish a Proper Data Model for Family Medicine and Primary Care?, 27(6):736–737
Greenawald M. see Elward K
Gren LH. see Scammon DL
Groh CJ. see Meyers MA
Gross RT. see Fink-Miller EL
Grumbach K. see Willard-Grace R
Grunwald RM. see Endevelt R
Hagen MD. see Elward K; Lainhart N
Hagen MD, Cochrane A. Clinical Informatics as an Option for American Board of Family Medicine Diplomates, 27(6):863–864
Hahn KA. see Etz RS
Hahn KA, Gonzalez MM, Etz RS, Crabtree BF. National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition Is Suboptimal Even Among Innovative Primary Care Practices, 27(3):312–313
Halladay JR, DeWalt DA, Wise A, Qaqish B, Reiter K, Lee S-Y, Lefebvre A, Ward K, Mitchell CM, Donahue KE. More Extensive Implementation of the Chronic Care Model is Associated with Better Lipid Control in Diabetes, 27(1):34–41
Halperin AC. see Cerimele JM
Hargraves JL. see Saver BG
Harrison B. see Doohan NC
Hawkins CB. see Oliver MN
Hayes M. see Saver BG
Heintzman J, Gold R, Krist A, Crosson J, Likumahuwa S, DeVoe JE. Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs) Are Promising Laboratories for Conducting Dissemination and Implementation Research, 27(6):759–762
Heintzman JD. see Liu BY
Herman L, Froelich J, Kanelos D, St. Amant R, Yau M, Rhees B, Monane M, McPherson J. Utility of a Genomic-based, Personalized Medicine Test in Patients Presenting With Symptoms Suggesting Coronary Artery Disease, 27(2):258–267
Hernández S. see Calviño O
Hessler D. see Willard-Grace R
Heurtin-Roberts S. see Rodriguez HP
Heymann AD. see Endevelt R
Hickner J, Thompson PJ, Wilkinson T, Epner P, Shaheen M, Pollock AM, Lee J, Duke CC, Jackson BR, Taylor JR. Primary Care Physicians' Challenges in Ordering Clinical Laboratory Tests and Interpreting Results, 27(2):268–274
Hickner JM. see Wolff CM
Hissett J, Folks B, Coombs L, LeBlanc W, Pace WD. Effects of Changing Guidelines on Prescribing Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events, 27(1):78–86
Ho TF, Rowland-Seymour A, Frankel ES, Li SQ, Mao JJ. Generational Differences in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use in the Context of Chronic Diseases and Pain: Baby Boomers versus the Silent Generation, 27(4):465–473
Hoes AW. see Van Mourik Y
Holt K. An Argument for Comprehensiveness as the “Special Sauce” in a Recipe for the Patient-Centered Medical Home, 27(1):8–10
Hooker JB, Mold JW, Kumar S. Sterile Pyuria in Patients Admitted to the Hospital With Infections Outside of the Urinary Tract, 27(1):97–103
Hooper DE. see Avery DM Jr
Hu R. see Chen C-C
Huff JM. see Stewart TV
Huffman MM, Mounsey AL. Hepatitis C for Primary Care Physicians, 27(2):284–291
Ireland J. American Board of Family Medicine Elects New Officers and Board Members, 27(5):718–720
Ireland J. Pisacano Leadership Foundation, 27(5):721–723
Ireland J. Pisacano Leadership Foundation Names 2013 Pisacano Scholars, 27(1):162–166
Jackson BR. see Hickner J
Jackson L. see Wells BJ
James KA. see West DR
Jerant AG. see Fenton JJ
Jo A. see Cardinali G
Johnson AO. see Riddell MC
Johnson PJ. see Gjerdingen D
Jones CM. see Paulozzi LJ
Joy-Gaba JA. see Oliver MN
Kanelos D. see Herman L
Kaplan J. see Keeley RD
Karahan TF. see Yalcin BM
Katerndahl D. Providing Complex (Rather Than Complicated) Chronic Care, 27(1):6–7
Katon W. see Bauer AM
Kattan MW. see Wells BJ
Keeley RD, Burke BL, Brody D, Dimidjian S, Engel M, Emsermann C, deGruy F, Thomas M, Moralez E, Koester S, Kaplan J. Training to Use Motivational Interviewing Techniques for Depression: A Cluster Randomized Trial, 27(5):621–636
Kelly M. see Kessler R
Kempster JA. see Ganiats TG
Kennedy A. see Kessler R
Keppel GA. see Bauer AM
Kessler K. see Rodriguez HP
Kessler R, Miller BF, Kelly M, Graham D, Kennedy A, Littenberg B, MacLean CD, van Eeghen C, Scholle SH, Tirodkar M, Morton S, Pace WD. Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Health Behavior Services in Patient-Centered Medical Homes, 27(5):637–644
Khaja S. see Elder NC
Kim J. see Scammon DL
Klink K. Urgent and Emergency Family Physicians in Rural Communities, 27(4):444–446
Knoepfler A. see Feldman MD
Koehn N. see Doohan NC
Koester S. see Keeley RD
Kohzhimannil KB. see Gjerdingen D
Koroukian S. see Wells BJ
Krist A. see Heintzman J
Krist AH. see Rodriguez HP
Kruse-Jarres R, Singleton TC, Leissinger CA. Identification and Basic Management of Bleeding Disorders in Adults, 27(4):549–564
Kuhn C. see Skelton A
Kumar S. see Hooker JB
Kurland M. see Yawn BP
Kyrillos E. see Leiva R
Lainhart N, Hagen MD. The Evolution of Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians (MC-FP) Part IV, Performance in Practice, 27(4):576–577
Lammers J-W J. see Van Mourik Y
Lauer E. see Dreyfus D
Lauzardo M. see Chapman HJ
LeBlanc W. see Hissett J
Lechuga C. see Carvajal DN
Lee J. see Hickner J
Lee S-Y. see Halladay JR
Lefebvre A. see Halladay JR
Légaré F. see Robitaille H
Leiderman J. see Cardinali G
Leissinger CA. see Kruse-Jarres R
Leiva R, Burhan U, Kyrillos E, Fehring R, McLaren R, Dalzell C, Tanguay E. Use of Ovulation Predictor Kits as Adjuncts When Using Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs): A Pilot Study, 27(3):427–429
Lesko S. see Doohan NC
Levey SMB. see Miller BF
Levy DE. see Atlas SJ
Li SQ. see Ho TF
Lieberman D. see Liu BY
Likumahuwa S. see Angier H; Heintzman J
Lin SY, Stevens MB. The Symptom Cluster-Based Approach to Individualize Patient-Centered Treatment for Major Depression, 27(1):151–159
Linden L. see Muschalla B
Linzer M. see Bouma AB
Littenberg B. see Kessler R
Littlefield D. see Yawn BP
Liu BY, Malley J, Mori M, Fagnan LJ, Lieberman D, Morris CD, Buckley DI, Heintzman JD, Carney PA. The Association of Type and Number of Chronic Diseases with Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening, 27(5):669–681
Llor C. see Calviño O
Lodhia N. see Thomas A
Long DM. see Fink-Miller EL
Loskutova N. see Stewart TV
Love MW. see Avery DM Jr
Lupo P Jr, Neale AV, Bowman MA. Call for Papers and JABFM Editorial Board Member Honored with Fellowship, 27(4):437–438
Lupo P Jr, Neale AV, Bowman MA. Content Usage and the Most Frequently Read Articles by Issue in 2013, 27(3):306–308
Lupo P Jr, Neale AV, Bowman MA. Introduction of New Editorial Board Members and Appointment of New Associate Editor, 27(1):4–5
Lupo P Jr, Neale AV, Bowman MA. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Announces Completion of Archiving Project, 27(2):176
Lupo P Jr, Neale AV, Bowman MA. Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2013, 27(2):172–175
Lyna P. see Bodner ME
Mack KA. see Paulozzi LJ
MacLean CD. see Kessler R
Madison S. see Yawn BP
Madlon-Kay DJ. see Wolff ER
Magee SR, Battle C, Morton J, Nothnagle M. Promotion of Family-Centered Birth With Gentle Cesarean Delivery, 27(5):690–693
Magill MK. see Scammon DL
Malley J. see Liu BY
Malone K. see Espinoza A
Manning BK. see Galliher JM; Mitchell NS
Manning D. see Yawn BP
Mannino DM. see Schulte BM
Mao JJ. see Ho TF
Martin J. see Doohan NC
Maurer D, Stephens M, Reamy B, Crownover B, Crawford P, Chang T. Family Physicians' Knowledge of Commonly Overused Treatments and Tests, 27(5):699–703
Mazor KM. see Saver BG
McDonald JT Jr. see Avery DM Jr
McGovern P. see Gjerdingen D
McKee MD. see Carvajal DN
McLaren R. see Leiva R
McPherson J. see Herman L
Meenan RT. see Green BB
Meyers MA, Groh CJ, Binienda J. Depression Screening and Treatment in Uninsured Urban Patients, 27(4):520–529
Miller BF. see Kessler R
Miller BF, Petterson S, Levey SMB, Payne-Murphy JC, Moore M, Bazemore A. Primary Care, Behavioral Health, Provider Colocation, and Rurality, 27(3):367–374
Miller BL. see Stogner JM
Miller J. see Doohan NC
Miller N. see Ravi A
Miller WL. Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition: A Time for Promoting Innovation, Not Measuring Standards, 27(3):309–311
Mitchell CM. see Halladay JR
Mitchell NS, Manning BK, Staton EW, Emsermann CD, Dickinson LM, Pace WD. Outcomes of Biomarker Feedback on Physical Activity, Eating Habits, and Emotional Health: From the Americans in Motion-Healthy Intervention (AIM-HI) Study, 27(1):61–69
Mold JW. see Hooker JB
Monane M. see Herman L
Montori VM. see Bouma AB
Moore M. see Miller BF; Petterson S; Sharma MA
Moralez E. see Keeley RD
Mori M. see Liu BY
Morris CD. see Liu BY
Morton J. see Magee SR
Morton S. see Kessler R
Mounsey AL. see Huffman MM
Munk N. see Elder NC
Murdoch W, Sadoski J, Rosin FC. Multisystem Manifestations of Benign Ovarian Teratomas, 27(3):421–423
Muschalla B, Linden L. Workplace Phobia, Workplace Problems, and Work Ability among Primary Care Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders, 27(4):486–494
Nagykaldi Z. Practice-based Research Networks at the Crossroads of Research Translation, 27(6):725–729
Nash S. see Pavlik V
Neale AV. see Bowman MA; Lupo P Jr; Seehusen DA; Spears W
Nelson C. see Angier H
Nie X. see Shi L
Nishio D. see Feldman MD
North C. see Cardinali G
Nosek BA. see Oliver MN
Nothnagle M. see Magee SR
Nowacki AS. see Wolff CM
O'Donoghue AC. see Sullivan HW
Oliver MN, Wells KM, Joy-Gaba JA, Hawkins CB, Nosek BA. Do Physicians' Implicit Views of African Americans Affect Clinical Decision Making?, 27(2):177–188
Olmos TT. see Rodriguez HP
Østbye T. see Bodner ME
Pace W. see Yawn BP
Pace WD. see Galliher JM; Hissett J; Kessler R; Mitchell NS; Stewart TV
Pallerla H. see Elder NC
Panchal P. see Chauhan B
Parton JM. see Avery DM Jr
Pascoe J. see Spears W
Paulozzi LJ, Zhang K, Jones CM, Mack KA. Risk of Adverse Health Outcomes with Increasing Duration and Regularity of Opioid Therapy, 27(3):329–338
Pavlik V, Brown AE, Nash S, Gossey JT. Association of Patient Recall, Satisfaction, and Adherence to Content of an Electronic Health Record (EHR)–Generated After Visit Summary: A Randomized Clinical Trial, 27(2):209–218
Payne-Murphy JC. see Miller BF
Pearce KA. see Riddell MC
Peled R. see Endevelt R
Percac-Lima S. see Atlas SJ
Peterson L. see Petterson S
Peterson LE. see Elward K; Schulte BM
Peterson LE. Response: Re: Trends in Physician House Calls to Medicare Beneficiaries, 27(1):160–161
Petterson S. see Miller BF
Petterson S, Peterson L, Phillips RL, Moore M, Finnegan S, Coffman M, Bazemore A. One in Fifteen Family Physicians Principally Provide Emergency or Urgent Care, 27(4):447–448
Petterson SM. see Galliher JM
Phillips RL. see Galliher JM; Petterson S; Puffer JC
Pirdal H. see Yalcin BM
Pollak KI. see Bodner ME
Pollock AM. see Hickner J
Pope A. see Skelton A
Poplau S. see Bouma AB
Porath A. see Endevelt R
Potter MB. see Spears W
Prager SW. see Callegari LS
Prine L. see Ravi A
Puffer JC. see Royal KD; Schulte BM
Puffer JC, Bazemore AW, Phillips RL, Beebe DK. Certification Status of Family Physicians in the Initial Cohort Entering Maintenance of Certification, 27(5):581–582
Qaqish B. see Halladay JR
Raab SS. see West DR
Ravi A, Prine L, Waltermaurer E, Miller N, Rubin SE. Intrauterine Devices at Six Months: Does Patient Age Matter? Results from an Urban Family Medicine Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Network, 27(6):822–830
Reamy B. see Maurer D
Reiter K. see Halladay JR
Rhees B. see Herman L
Rhyne RL. see Cardinali G
Riddell MC, Sandford KG, Johnson AO, Steltenkamp C, Pearce KA. Achieving Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in Primary Care: Proposed Critical Processes from the Kentucky Ambulatory Network (KAN), 27(6):772–779
Robitaille H, Légaré F, Tre G. A Systematic Process for Recruiting Physician-Patient Dyads in Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs), 27(6):740–749
Rodriguez HP, Glenn BA, Olmos TT, Krist AH, Shimada SL, Kessler K, Heurtin-Roberts S, Bastani R. Real-World Implementation and Outcomes of Health Behavior and Mental Health Assessment, 27(3):356–366
Rogers E. see Willard-Grace R
Rosin FC. see Murdoch W
Rothenburg D. see Skelton A
Rowland-Seymour A. see Ho TF
Royal KD. see Schulte BM
Royal KD, Puffer JC. The Consequential Validity of ABFM Examinations, 27(3):430–431
Rubenstein L. see Solberg LI
Rubin SE. see Ravi A
Rue T. see Bauer AM
Rutten FH. see Van Mourik Y
Sadoski J. see Murdoch W
Sairenji T. Re: Trends in Physician House Calls to Medicare Beneficiaries, 27(1):160
Sanders A. see Stogner JM
Sandford KG. see Riddell MC
Sarvisé C. see Calviño O
Saver BG, Mazor KM, Hargraves JL, Hayes M. Inaccurate Risk Perceptions and Individualized Risk Estimates by Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, 27(4):510–519
Sawyer W. see Elder NC
Saxon AJ. see Cerimele JM
Scammon DL, Tabler J, Brunisholz K, Gren LH, Kim J, Tomoaia-Cotisel A, Day J, Farrell TW, Waitzman NJ, Magill MK. Organizational Culture Associated With Provider Satisfaction, 27(2):219–228
Schechter C. see Carvajal DN
Scherger JE. see Doohan NC
Schmit KM. see Dolor RJ
Scholle SH. see Kessler R; Solberg LI
Schulte BM, Mannino DM, Royal KD, Brown SL, Peterson LE, Puffer JC. Community Size and Organization of Practice Predict Family Physician Recertification Success, 27(3):383–390
Schumacher J. see Arndt B
Scott A. Pisacano Leadership Foundation Names 2014 Pisacano Scholars, 27(6):858–862
Seehusen DA. see Bowman MA
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA, Neale AV. Context and Trade-offs in Family Medicine, 27(4):433–436
Sementi O. see Callegari LS
Seymour D. see Burfeind G
Shah NS. see Bouma AB
Shaheen M. see Hickner J
Sharma MA, Cheng N, Moore M, Coffman M, Bazemore AW. Patients with High-Cost Chronic Conditions Rely Heavily on Primary Care Physicians, 27(1):11–12
Shi L, Chen C-C, Nie X, Zhu J, Hu R. Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Access to Primary Care Among People With Chronic Conditions, 27(2):189–198
Shimada SL. see Rodriguez HP
Siano KA. Renal Failure in a Soldier Taking N.O.-Xplode, 27(4):565–569
Sillau SH. see Burfeind G
Singh G, Bonham AJ. A Predictive Equation to Guide Vitamin D Replacement Dose in Patients, 27(4):495–509
Singh V, Tolman R, Walton M, Chermack S, Cunningham R. Characteristics of Men Who Perpetrate Intimate Partner Violence, 27(5):661–668
Singleton TC. see Kruse-Jarres R
Skelton A, Kuhn C, Rothenberg D, Pope A. Older Women's Willingness to Discontinue Papanicolaou Test Screening, 27(2):295–296
Smail C. see Yawn BP
Smith ML. see West DR
Solberg LI, Crain AL, Rubenstein L, Unützer J, Whitebird RR, Beck A. How Much Shared Decision Making Occurs in Usual Primary Care of Depression?, 27(2):199–208
Solberg LI, Crain AL, Tillema JO, Fontaine PL, Whitebird RR, Flottemesch TJ, Scholle SH, Crabtree BF. Challenges of Medical Home Transformation Reported by 118 Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Leaders, 27(4):449–457
Spears W, Tsoh JY, Potter MB, Weller N, Brown AE, Campbell-Voytal K, Getrich CM, Sussman AL, Pascoe J, Neale AV. Use of Community Engagement Strategies to Increase Research Participation in Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs), 27(6):763–771
St. Amant R. see Herman L
Stange KC. see Etz RS; Werner JJ
Staton EW. see Galliher JM; Mitchell NS; Stewart TV
Steltenkamp C. see Riddell MC
Stephens M. see Maurer D
Stevens MB. see Lin SY
Stewart TV, Loskutova N, Galliher JM, Warshaw GA, Coombs LJ, Staton EW, Huff JM, Pace WD. Practice Patterns, Beliefs, and Perceived Barriers to Care Regarding Dementia: A Report from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Research Network, 27(2):275–283
Stogner JM, Sanders A, Miller BL. Deception for Drugs: Self-Reported “Doctor Shopping” Among Young Adults, 27(5):583–593
Sullivan HW, O'Donoghue AC, Aikin KJ. Primary Care Physicians' Use of FDA-Approved Prescription Drug Labels, 27(5):694–698
Sur DK. see Zakrzewski L
Sussman AL. see Spears W
Szabo E. see Chauhan B
Tabler J. see Scammon DL
Tal-Pony L. see Endevelt R
Tanguay E. see Leiva R
Taylor JR. see Hickner J
Terpening C. MALAdaptive: Do We Avoid Metformin Unnecessarily?, 27(1):136–141
Thomas A, Lodhia N. Advanced Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Guide for the Primary Care Physician, 27(3):411– 420
Thomas M. see Keeley RD
Thomassin SS, Zinn S. Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosed through Sensory Complaints, 27(4):570–574
Thompson PJ. see Hickner J
Thomson M, Corbin R, Leung L. Effects of Ginger for Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis, 27(1):115–122
Tiedje K. see Bouma AB
Tillema JO. see Solberg LI
Tirodkar M. see Kessler R
Tolman R. see Singh V
Tomoaia-Cotisel A. see Scammon DL
Tre G. see Robitaille H
Tsewang D. see Cardinali G
Tsoh JY. see Spears W
Tuan W-J. see Arndt B
Tucker MT. see Avery DM Jr
Tulsky JA. see Bodner ME
Tyler CV, Werner JJ. Community-Engagement Strategies of the Developmental Disabilities Practice-based Research Network (DD-PBRN), 27(6):831–838
Unal M. see Yalcin BM
Unützer J. see Solberg LI
Vakarcs T. see Angier H
Valinsky L. see Endevelt R
van Eeghen C. see Kessler R
Van Mourik Y, Bertens LCM, Cramer MJM, Lammers J-W L, Reitsma JB, KGM, Hoes AW, Rutten FH. Unrecognized Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Frail Elderly Detected Through a Near-Home Targeted Screening Strategy, 27(6):811–821
Ventres W. Educating our Patients about Life and the End of Life: Toward a Pedagogy of Dying, 27(5):713–716
Vernon SW. see Green BB
Waitzman NJ. see Scammon DL
Walsh K. Re: Hand Hygiene and Face Touching in Family Medicine Offices: A Cincinnati Area Research and Improvement Group (CARInG) Network StudyCorrespondence, 27(5):717
Waltermaurer E. see Ravi A
Walton M. see Singh V
Wang C-Y. see Green BB
Wang D, Chiu T, Chiu K-W. Clinical Implication of Immunoglobulin G levels in the Management of Patients with Helicobacter pylori Infection, 27(5):682–689
Ward K. see Halladay JR
Warshaw GA. see Stewart TV
Weller N. see Spears W
Wells BJ, Kattan MW, Cooper GS, Jackson L, Koroukian S. Colorectal Cancer Predicted Risk Online (CRC-PRO) Calculator Using Data from the Multi-Ethnic Cohort Study, 27(1):42–55
Wells KM. see Oliver MN
Werner JJ. see Tyler CV
Werner JJ, Stange KC. Praxis-based Research Networks: An Emerging Paradigm for Research That is Rigorous, Relevant, and Inclusive, 27(6):730–735
West DR, James KA, Fernald DH, Zelie C, Smith ML, Raab SS. Laboratory Medicine Handoff Gaps Experienced by Primary Care Practices: A Report from the Shared Networks of Collaborative Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP), 27(6):796–803
Westfall JM. see Burfeind G
White J. see Arndt B
Whitebird RR. see Solberg LI
Wilkins T. see Chauhan B
Wilkinson J. see Dreyfus D
Wilkinson T. see Hickner J
Willard-Grace R, Hessler D, Rogers E, Dubé K, Bodenheimer T, Grumbach K. Team Structure and Culture Are Associated With Lower Burnout in Primary Care, 27(2):229–238
Wise A. see Halladay JR
Wolff CM, Nowacki AS, Yeh J-Y, Hickner JM. Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Interventions to Improve Medication Reconciliation, 27(3):347–355
Wolff ER, Madlon-Kay DJ. Childhood Vaccine Beliefs Reported by Somali and Non-Somali Parents, 27(4):458–464
Wooddell MK. see Feldman MD
Yalcin BM, Unal M, Pirdal H, Karahan TF. Effects of an Anger Management and Stress Control Program on Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 27(5):645–660
Yau M. see Herman L
Yawn BP, Dietrich A, Graham D, Bertram S, Kurland M, Madison S, Littlefield D, Manning B, Smail C, Pace W. Preventing the Voltage Drop: Keeping Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) Practices Engaged in Studies, 27(1):123–135
Yeh J-Y. see Wolff CM
Zai AH. see Atlas SJ
Zakrzewski L, Sur DK, Agrawal N. Staff versus Physician Vaccine Protocols for Influenza Immunization During Pregnancy, 27(1):56–60
Zelie C. see West DR
Zhang K. see Paulozzi LJ
Zhu J. see Chen C-C
Zinn S. see Thomassin SS
Zittleman L. see Burfeind G