We are pleased to provide feedback about the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM) articles of greatest interest to our readers during the previous calendar year (2010) and also to provide an update on the usage statistics of our content over the last 5 years. Figure 1 illustrates the number of total access events for JABFM content from 2006 to 2010. With an average of almost 225,300 monthly and a total of 2.47 million yearly content usage requests, 2010 proved to be the busiest year for online usage activity in JABFM's history. Content activity was up 5% in 2010 compared with content usage requests during 2009, and when compared with 2006, a 234% increase is noted. Full-text HTML articles were the most accessed during 2010, with an average of 90,500 monthly requests, followed by PDF articles, with 61,000 average monthly requests, and then abstracts, with 46,000 average monthly requests.
Table 1 shows the top 20 most frequently read articles in the JABFM for January through December 2010. Specific articles have ongoing relevance to readers; 65% of the articles appeared on the 2009 top 20 list as well, 1 and the oldest article is from 2001.
As always, we welcome reader feedback about published articles. Comments about specific articles can be posted on the JABFM website by clicking on “Rapid Response” in the right column of the article.
Journal of the American Board of Femiliy Medicine Online Content Usage by Year, 2008–2010.
The 20 Most Frequently Read Articles in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine during January 2010 through December 2010*