Research ArticleOriginal Research
How Reliable is Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign?
Karl A. Lorenz, Cathy D. Sherbourne, Lisa R. Shugarman, Lisa V. Rubenstein, Li Wen, Angela Cohen, Joy R. Goebel, Emily Hagenmeier, Barbara Simon, Andy Lanto and Steven M. Asch
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine May 2009, 22 (3) 291-298; DOI:
Karl A. Lorenz
Cathy D. Sherbourne
Lisa R. Shugarman
Lisa V. Rubenstein
Li Wen
Angela Cohen
Joy R. Goebel
Emily Hagenmeier
Barbara Simon
Andy Lanto
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In this issue
How Reliable is Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign?
Karl A. Lorenz, Cathy D. Sherbourne, Lisa R. Shugarman, Lisa V. Rubenstein, Li Wen, Angela Cohen, Joy R. Goebel, Emily Hagenmeier, Barbara Simon, Andy Lanto, Steven M. Asch
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine May 2009, 22 (3) 291-298; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2009.03.080162
How Reliable is Pain as the Fifth Vital Sign?
Karl A. Lorenz, Cathy D. Sherbourne, Lisa R. Shugarman, Lisa V. Rubenstein, Li Wen, Angela Cohen, Joy R. Goebel, Emily Hagenmeier, Barbara Simon, Andy Lanto, Steven M. Asch
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine May 2009, 22 (3) 291-298; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2009.03.080162
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