Submit Manuscripts to JABFP On-Line
Starting in March 2004, authors can submit manuscripts on-line at The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice website ( using Rapid Review. A link on the JABFP homepage will take authors to a step-by-step guide for establishing an account that will enable them to upload manuscripts and related files. Authors can use these accounts to log on and check the status of their articles.
The new Rapid Review system will enhance the speed with which manuscripts are processed and decisions are communicated by reducing the time that it takes for postal delivery. Rapid Review allows the editorial staff to distribute materials, select reviewers, track inquiries, and finalize decisions through e-mail. It will also increase the speed with which the publisher processes a manuscript, resulting in a tighter production schedule.
JABFP Announces Addition to Editorial Staff
Nancy Jacobson is the new JABFP Senior Editorial Assistant, replacing Virginia Gessner, who has retired. Many thanks to Ms. Gessner for her hard work and contribution to the Journal over the years. Ms. Jacobson joins Deputy Editor Victoria Neale, PhD, and Associate Editor Kendra Schwartz, MD, in the new editorial office in Detroit.
Ms. Jacobson handles JABFP correspondences and manuscripts. She also manages requests for classified ads and books submitted for review. New contact information for the JABFP is:
Nancy Jacobson, Senior Editorial Assistant
Journal of the American Board of Family Practice
Department of Family Medicine
Wayne State University
101 E. Alexandrine, Room 249
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone: 313-577-5205
E-mail: jabfp{at}
Web site:
Features of
Physicians certified or recertified in 2003 become the first group of Diplomates to participate in Maintenance of Certification for Family Physicians (MC-FP). This new process, which replaces recertification, is more focused and encompasses multiple dimensions of physician performance. In addition to a cognitive examination every 7 years, MC-FP will involve annual participation throughout each 7-year cycle. To make this process convenient for the practicing physician, it will be completed over the Internet. Most components of MC-FP can be accessed in the comfort of one’s home or office at a time convenient to the participant.
A new ABFP web portal,, will be used to navigate and manage MC-FP and track individual progress throughout the certification cycle. To view a brief tutorial on how to use the web portal, please visit the address listed above and click on the tutorial link, conveniently located at the top of the page. (The tutorial requires the free Flash player, which is standard on all modern web browsers.) Furthermore, comprehensive information on the ABFP will be posted for our Diplomates and for the public. Information regarding these features is provided below.
General Information (No Login Required)
MC-FP Instruction Booklet
ABFP has compiled an instruction booklet to aid our Diplomates in understanding the new MC-FP process and its components. This downloadable instruction book may be accessed at
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about MC-FP may be found at
MC-FP Payment Plans
ABFP offers three payment options for MC-FP fees. A list of the payment options for Diplomates entering MC-FP in 2004 is included in the MC-FP Instruction Booklet.
MC-FP and Diplomate Portfolio (Login, User ID and Password Required)
You should have received a login ID and password that allows you to access your information via the web portal. Each time you visit the ABFP web portal, you may login to access your personal and professional information. If you have not received your login information, please contact the ABFP Help Desk at the number below. To login, visit
Lifelong Learning
Clinical self-assessment modules (SAMs), and patient simulation modules using the new Computer-Based Assessment System (CBAS) will permit educational and appraisal opportunities for each physician during the MC-FP cycle. To learn more about these exciting new technologies, visit
MC-FP Tutorials
The web portal offers online tutorials for SAM and CBAS components, accessible through and, respectively.
The web portal will permit each physician to access his or her unique Diplomate Portfolio. Your portfolio will contain your personal and professional history and will track your progress in completing components of MC-FP. To view your portfolio, visit
Should you have any questions regarding MC-FP or the web portal, please do not hesitate to contact the ABFP Help Desk at 877-223-7437.
This site was designed to help all Diplomates in their professional endeavors. Whether you are seeking a verification to present to a hospital or participating in the MC-FP program, this website will be a valuable resource for you. We at the ABFP are making every effort to make it easy and efficient for you to participate in our new MC-FP Program and successfully maintain your certification as a Diplomate of the ABFP. As we continue to roll out this new program and add new resources and features, we encourage you to offer your advice and suggestions on how we can make it more beneficial for you.
First Diplomate to Complete the MC-FP Diabetes SAM Online
Within days after the ABFP launched its new website,, Natan Khotianov, MD, completed the Diabetes Self-Assessment Module (SAM) for the MC-FP. Dr. Khotianov, who is 37 years old, completed his family practice residency as Chief Resident at SUNY in Buffalo, NY. He maintains a practice in Toronto, Canada, and in outlying rural areas. The Board contacted Dr. Khotianov and asked him to share his thoughts about his experience using the website and completing his first SAM.
What were your initial thoughts about the website and the MC-FP process?
Dr. Khotianov: At first, all I wanted to do was to see what this new process was all about, take it, and get it over with. But once I logged on and followed the tutorial for the website and the SAM, I was intrigued. I couldn’t believe how everything was so easy to understand and navigate.
Would you consider yourself proficient with the Internet and computers?
I do have some experience with both computers and the Internet, but even if I didn’t, the way the website is designed makes it easy for anyone to use. The steps outlined in the tutorial explain everything to you.
Describe your experience with regard to the 60-question portion of the SAM.
When I went into this area of the website, it told you what is expected of you. I was then able to review the new guidelines for Diabetes. To me, this is a good review exercise for everyone—no matter how long they have been practicing. This exam is not set up to make you fail; instead, it is designed to improve and update your knowledge of Diabetes. What I really appreciated was if you have difficulty with a question, there are linked reference articles on your screen for you to review. After you have reviewed the linked reference material, you can go back and answer the question. Another advantage is you can answer any number of questions at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from your home, office, or wherever you have Internet access.
Can you describe your experience with the Interactive Patient Simulator portion of the Diabetes SAM?
The introductory content and graphics were unbelievable! I felt like a real patient actually walked into my office. At the end, when I finished the management of the patient, the SAM provided a great summary, which addressed what I did and also what could have been done. It was exactly what I was expecting from this module.
You said that you used the Help Desk and technical support, can you elaborate?
In the beginning, I had some technical problems with my computer when I was trying to take the SAM. The problem was on my end. I called the Help Desk and they helped me resolve it so I could continue. They were very professional. They made me feel that every question I asked was important to them.
What would you say to other Diplomates who certified or recertified in 2003 who haven’t taken the SAM yet?
I would encourage them to go on-line and see it for themselves. As I said earlier, I was apprehensive and wanted to get it over with. But once I logged on, I couldn’t believe how easy it was! It made me want to proceed further. It was a great educational experience and I’m proud that my specialty has invented this process.