Despite producing mountains of data in the daily course of care, the documentation labors of frontline clinicians currently return very little value to them or to the health system. The potential of these painstakingly collected data are enormous and clinical registries can extract the extraordinary capacity of these data and transform them into research-ready datasets while protecting the confidentiality of the patients and clinicians. Clinical registries represent transformative tools for primary care research, bringing together the dimensions of clinical practice, research, quality improvement, and policy impact from a large, nationally reflective, diverse sample of practices and patients. The PRIME Registry is one such clinical registry that extracts electronic health record data from more than 600 primary care practices across the United States that is helping advance research, improve quality, and shape the policies required to achieve high-performing primary care for all. Other examples of primary care registries exist, but most of the painstakingly captured data from frontline care remains fallow. Enabling use of these data are important for research, to prevent harm from mis-trained machine learning algorithms, and for monitoring the health of the public.
- ADFM/NAPCRG Research Summit 2023
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Primary Health Care
- PRIME Registry
- Quality Improvement
- Quality of Care
- Registries
- Research
More than 2 decades ago, Stange and Crabtree conducted groundbreaking observational studies in primary care clinics, novel for their capture of detailed elements of routine care and for characterizing the practices, their workforce, and their communities.1,2 These studies produced dozens of secondary studies over a decade that lifted the veil on the details and relationships at the heart of primary care, where more than half a billion health care visits take place annually in the United States. More importantly they showed the richness and value of trusted health care relationships in the setting where more than 8 in 10 people in the US go when they have health concerns. At the time, primary care was an unexplored continent where National Institutes of Health (NIH) rarely funded expeditions or sought to establish outposts. Twenty years later it remains unexplored, but the stakes are now higher since the consequences are not just about ignorance, the advent of new technologies threaten to leave it behind or even do harm to the millions of people who come here for care.
The 2021 National Academies report Implementing High Quality Primary Care updated the considerable evidence that primary care remains the largest and most widely distributed platform of US Health care delivery and still devoid of sufficient research investment.3 The report acknowledged that primary care receives 5 to 7 cents of every health care dollar for care delivery and less than 3 cents of every 10 dollars invested in health-related research.3,4 The hundreds of millions of visits that happen in primary care annually generate terabytes of structured and unstructured data that is almost entirely fallow–not producing any residual net benefit to patients, public health, or science. It is a tragedy of epic scale. Any future success for primary care research in an era of big data and large language models will depend on access to authentic data from primary care. The Framingham Study taught us that community-level primary care data and its epidemiology can, over time, help us understand patients’ risks of developing diseases and preventing them. The US could enjoy the fruits of a thousand Framinghams every year and with improved diversity and fit for the patients we care for. Instead, we face the risk of the development of machine learning derived algorithms designed for primary care but trained on data from nonprimary care settings. Past disease-oriented guidelines proved untrustworthy for primary care, but what is coming in the Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) revolution in health care has the potential to be far more dangerous if directly applied in electronic health records (EHRs).
Primary Care Clinical Registries
Compared with claims data, the traditional sandbox for health services research, registries permit broader tracking of health indicators and patient characteristics and offer deeper insights into the rationale behind physician decision making. Their promise for research can be understood through several key lenses: the advancement of high-quality patient care, the facilitation of primary care clinical research, sentinel surveillance for population health and security, training large language models, and evidence capable of informing health policy. Recognizing the absence of real primary care data in a growing universe of registries, the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) in 2016 created the PRIME Registry, a Qualified Clinical Data Registry that extracts EHR data from more than 600 primary care practices across the United States.5 Over its nearly 8 years in operation, PRIME has gathered data from more than 1200 practices caring for more than 8 million patients living in all 50 states (Table 1). Data elements include patient demographics, diagnoses, medication, test results, imaging reports, encounter-specific data, care planning conversations, patient-reported outcomes, and some limited clinician-specific details. All data are collected during routine clinical care of patients with the related goals of supporting practice-specific quality improvement and quality reporting for payment. Five different small-area deprivation indices have also been applied to patients based on their home address. The American Family Cohort (AFC) is a research dataset derived from the PRIME Registry and there are several versions curated for different research use cases.6 To better understand the functions and intentions of the PRIME Registry we recommend seeing our publications about its launch and the PRIME Registry website.5,7 To better understand the American Family Cohort, the researchable data derivatives, partnerships, and publications, please see the AFC website.6
PRIME is hardly alone. The federal government has funded 9 clinical research networks through PCORNet.8 Health Center Controlled Networks also enable tapping of EHRs of federally qualified health centers to create research capacity.9 There is tremendous capacity for these real world, primary care data to be used to inform the epidemiology, care, and innovation but they are too often harnessed to disease specific research interests that have less utility for primary care. There are also countless other collections of EHR data from primary care captured by health systems that are simply siloed and untapped.
EHR registries collectively represent years of painstaking clinician data entry and conversations capturing care and planning; data capable of generating high value returns in the hands of purposeful primary care researchers. The current PRIME registry participants are estimated to write the equivalent of 10,000 “novels” (the average novel being 75,000-words long) each month in addition to a mountain of structured data. These large, longitudinal, frontline epidemiologic, relationship-rich data are an underutilized research asset. The volume and duration of care they represent are not an unexplored continent, they are the health research equivalent of the earth’s oceans or what lies below its mantle. Currently, we only study what washes up on shore or erupts on the surface. And it will become more important as we look to train machine learning and large language models to work for primary care.
Building Registry Research Capacity
Using EHR data for research is most often restricted by legal and regulatory concerns and by the lack of primary care research capacity prepared to manage enormous data sets. The ABFM has managed these problems in critical ways that could be enabling for others. Our partnership with the Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences has safely, legally lowered these barriers and streamlined the research process by offering a rich and research-ready national database for investigators. Protected Health Information from EHRs are managed under Business Associate Agreements (BAA) with practices and the vendor who pulls data from practices or receives on their behalf from their EHR vendor. Stanford also receives it under BAA and maintains it on secure servers with IRB oversight. Stanford cleans and normalizes the data (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) transformation, for example) and adds additional enhancements (deprivation indices, for example) that improve value for research. They can then generate several derivatives based on risk reduction:
AFC OMOP DID: De-Identified Data (DID) have been transformed into the OMOP common data model and are sufficient for most research projects.
AFC OMOP LDS: Limited Data Set (LDS) data have additional variables not available in the DID data such as more granular date and geography variables. These data are suitable for studies which require overlay of social, environmental, or similar exposures.
AFC OMOP RIF: Research Identifiable Files (RIF) data have had person readable identifiers removed but retain other information such granular dates, geography and detailed health data. These data are highly restricted and require significant additional regulatory and security steps to access.
AFC LDS and RIF including de-identified notes: For research which requires data that have not been transformed to OMOP.
Researchers using registries like PRIME access large diverse samples difficult to compile independently, helping to generate reliable and broadly applicable results unavailable in single system data sources. This is particularly valuable for studying less common conditions or the effects of interventions across different populations and geographic locations. The diversity of the data in registries can also enhance comparative effectiveness research in primary care, offering a window on different health care interventions and informing best approaches for priority primary care conditions. The ABFM chose Stanford for the express purpose of allowing other, external partners to apply to use the data with appropriate review, protections, and in a reduced-risk data environment. Stanford also has many data scientists and related centers that are increasingly discovering the AFC dataset and are willing to partner and secure funding for questions of interest to primary care. Building primary care research capacity with AFC is also a goal. The ABFM has built up its own research capacity, its foundation is also investing to enhance capacity in family medicine departments, and ABFM data, like AFC, are attracting exceptional researchers to collaborate on topics important to primary care.10⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓–17
Research using PRIME Registry has harmonized outcome measures for depression and explored the relationship between core dimensions of primary care (clinician and practice level Continuity, Comprehensiveness) and outcomes important to patients and policy makers.18 It has furthered our understanding of gender-related income differences.12 Research collaborations with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will produce nearly a dozen studies that offer an important window on pandemic response and recovery and could be the basis for longitudinal public health monitoring.13,19,20 Research supported by National Library of Medicine enables a nationally respected AI/ML researcher to use AFC data to better characterize chronic kidney disease progression by race and ethnicity, and sets up potential to better understand prevention and treatment.21 A grant from the Food and Drug Administration is exploring COVID-19 treatment patterns and equity.22 A collaboration with the US Census Bureau will connect AFC data to many other, highly sensitive national datasets for the express purpose of building more effective and reliable small-area social deprivation indices.23
Enabling Quality Improvement
Improving quality of primary care is not only a continuous process in health care, but an important dimension of primary care health services and implementation science research. For PRIME practices, their PRIME quality dashboard and patient care-gap tool offers benchmarks against national averages and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) quality goals. Through these benchmarks, primary care physicians can identify areas where they excel and those that require improvement, enabling interventions to enhance patient care. Turning EHR data into quality measures also allows practices to report for a variety of quality payment programs with very low burden. PRIME’s status as a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) also gives it authority to propose, develop, test, and advance quality measures for certification. This now includes the Person-Centered Primary Care Measure, Continuity, Comprehensiveness, and Trust.24 The ABFM considers these high-value primary care functions with growing evidence for their relationships with health, quality, and cost outcomes. PRIME is a laboratory for understanding which measures are important and making the case for advancing them so that primary care clinicians have incentives and support in achieving them.
The ABFM is partnering with the Arkansas State Department of Health, with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding, to broaden PRIME adoption in the state with a primary purpose of monitoring blood pressure treatment and improvement. While the funding focus is very specific, we believe it will offer a much broader capacity to help practices identify care gaps and collaborate in improving them. Relatedly, we want the partnership to help the state and CDC to help practices through facilitation and new resources.
Sentinel Surveillance for Health Security and Population Health
Given its access to a broad sampling of the US population and its geographic and demographic heterogeneity, PRIME is well-equipped to enhance public health surveillance systems. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, we differentiated patterns of Influenza Like Illness from COVID-19 and demonstrated their patterns across time and geography better than existing primary care disease monitoring programs at CDC.12 Existing systems are currently ill-equipped to address emerging behavioral, chronic, and infectious threats to population health, manmade or epidemic and across subgroups of the US population. By combining regular clinical electronic data extraction and predictive modeling, a primary care registry like PRIME offers the potential for regular population health updates and threat monitoring. We are exploring federal interest in supporting the expansion of PRIME for this capacity.
Shaping Health Policy
Use of the PRIME Registry is governed by the Center for Professionalism & Value in Health Care which aims to use evidence to improve the health care environment for health care professionals and patients. The insights gained from the PRIME Registry are already demonstrating important policy opportunities. By providing a clearer picture of primary care effectiveness and the challenges faced by family physicians, PRIME is informing policy makers about the areas where resources are most needed. The aggregation of this data at a national level allows for a more nuanced understanding of health care delivery and outcomes across the country, which is essential for shaping policies that aim to improve health for all. One of the first publications out of the CDC collaboration made it abundantly clear that primary care was not part of the COVID-19 vaccination strategy, but more importantly, it also revealed that the federal vaccination registry that was created for the pandemic was not interoperable with most EHRs in use in primary care—practices were not only unable to give vaccine, they could not easily see which of their patients were vaccinated.13 The ABFM believes that the data from PRIME can be used to support the case for primary care-focused reforms and help demonstrate the value of primary care services.
Building Out Primary Care Registry Capacity
The ABFM’s experience with PRIME suggests that there is much more capacity for other primary care registries, like those in PCORNet and the Health Center Control Networks. This includes research capacity in those networks, but also ways to safely enable other researchers to use them. There are also many other siloed primary care data within large health systems that could join the AFC or develop similar research capacity using its model. A confederation of these data holders might be appealing to federal health and research agencies to develop program support for research, AI/ML device development and testing, or health security monitoring. The PRIME Registry helps turn practice EHR data into information that they can use to track quality, identify care gaps, assess population health, and report quality to anyone they wish. Any practice interested in learning more or in joining PRIME should go to https://primeregisry.org/ where they can also sign up for a demonstration of the PRIME dashboard and the Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE).7 Guidance to researchers for assessing or accessing AFC data can be found at https://americanfamilycohort.org/.6
Stange and Crabtree provided an important window on primary care before EHRs.1,2 While primary care data registries like PRIME lack the richness of those direct observation studies, they do offer a much larger and more longitudinal window on the care provided to millions of people every day. Registries represent transformative tools for primary care research, bringing together the dimensions of clinical practice, research, quality improvement, and policy impact from a large, nationally reflective, diverse sample of practices and patients. Despite producing mountains of data in the daily course of care, the documentation labors of frontline clinicians currently return very little value to them or to the health system. The potential of these painstakingly collected data are enormous but extracting the extraordinary capacity of these data will require support.
As health care delivery science continues to evolve toward more large data-driven approaches, registries and extraction tools capturing authentic primary care information like PRIME will likely become even more integral to the functioning of primary care. By leveraging the potential of the PRIME Registry, the primary care community can continue to advance research, improve quality, and shape the policies required to achieve high-performing primary care for all.
The authors wish to thank the PRIME Registry staff: Sarah Hajjar, Eric Bickleman, Alison Morrison, Haley Burke, and Chelsea Kidd.
This article was externally peer reviewed.
This is the Ahead of Print version of the article.
Funding: The PRIME Registry is directly supported by American Board of Family Medicine and the ABFM Foundation. Additional funding of the registry related research and partnerships comes from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, National Library of Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration.
Conflict of interest: Dr. Phillips is the Director of the PRIME Registry.
To see this article online, please go to: http://jabfm.org/content/00/00/000.full.
- Received for publication January 5, 2024.
- Revision received March 19, 2024.
- Accepted for publication March 25, 2024.