To our peer reviewers: We thank you for your time, expertise, and dedication to the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM).
JABFM peer reviewers serve a vital role in the field of family medicine and its scientific community. We acknowledge and thank our peer reviewers for contributing their time and expertise throughout this year. In 2021, 473 individuals performed 614 peer reviews, regarding the suitability of articles for publication in the JABFM. It was another busy year for the JABFM with 540 manuscript submissions, which makes each reviewer's contribution all the more valuable.
Top Reviewers
Each manuscript submitted to the JABFM is first reviewed by the editors and, when deemed suitable for peer review, is evaluated and scored by volunteer reviewers. In the list below, peer reviewers with an asterisk next to their name are our top reviewers for 2021 based on the quantity of critiques provided.
Seeking New Reviewers
We also enjoy welcoming new peer reviewers into the fold. Peer review is a vital service that helps authors and researchers improve their work. Reviewers are always free to decline a request or to indicate periods of unavailability. If you would like to volunteer to review for the JABFM, please download and complete the Peer Reviewer Form, which can be accessed online at Then, e-mail it, along with your curriculum vitae, to plupo{at}
2021 Peer Reviewers
Ndidi Ogechi Ivy Abara
Ahmed H. Abdelhafiz
Wael A. Aboughali
Dmitry Abramov
Louise S. Acheson
Ursula A. Ackermann-Liebrich
David C. Agerter
Alicia L. Agnoli
Omar Gasudraz Ahmed
Katherine Akers
Steven Albert
Gwen L. Alexander
Grace A. Alfonsi
Tanya E. Anim
Ann Gene Anthony*
Christine Arenson
Amie M. Ashcraft
Steven J. Atlas
Elisabeth L. Backer*
Laura-Mae Baldwin
Matthew G. Barnes
Donald Barr
Tyler Barreto
Kirsten Barrett
Dennis J. Baumgardner
Melissa A. Bender
Ian M. Bennett
Matthew Berman
Brittany A. Bettendorf
Juliann Binienda
Rajshekhar Bipeta
Richard Birtwhistle
Arthur Blain
Carol E. Blenning
Alan Blum
Debra Boardley*
George W. Bock
Thomas Bodenheimer
John M. Boltri
Curtis Bone
Jason C. Booza
Tyrone F. Borders
Christopher M. Bositis
Deborah Bowen
Loretta Brabin
Laura A. Brady
Crister Brady
Seuli Brill
Suzanne Brodney
Steven Brooks
Jenna Buchanan
Hoon Byun
Lauren Cafferty
Rebecca E. Cantone
Peter J. Carek
Timothy S. Carey
Beth Careyva
Caroline S. Carlin
Patricia A. Carney
June Carroll
William E. Cayley
Donald Chaffee
William E. Chavey
Augustine Chavez
Frederick M. Chen
Anthony Cheng
Alyna T. Chien
Maribel Cifuentes
Francesca Cimino
Khaya D. Clark
Elizabeth C. Clark
Susan E. Cochella
Alicia Cohen
Kathryn L. Colborn
Kimberly L. Collins
Wilson M. Compton
Jeffrey S. Cook
Alexis Coulourides Kogan
Jira Coumarbatch
Anastasia J. Coutinho
Peter R. Crampton
Paul F. Crawford
Amy Crawford-Faucher
Peter Croft
Brian K. Crownover
Larry Culpepper*
Doyle M. Cummings
Amy Cunningham
Timothy P. Daaleman
Mingliang Dai
Elvan Daniels
Srinivas Dannaram
Alan K. David
Joshua Davis
John W. Davis
Philip Day
Peter Del Fante
Claudia Der-Martirosian
Carolyn DiGuiseppi
Sharon A. Dobie
Mark P. Doescher
Joseph W. Dombrowsky
Richard James Dom Dera
David A. Dorr
David J. Doukas
Mari-Lynn Drainoni
Deborah Dreyfus
Joanna Drowos
Michael F. Drusano
Francis Dumler
Mark H. Ebell
Aimee R. Eden
Milton Eder
Jennifer Y. Edgoose
Samuel Edwards
Marlene J. Egger
Ellen M. Einterz
Nancy C. Elder
Sherine El-Toukhy
John W. Ely
John W. Epling
Deborah R. Erlich
Philip M. Eskew
James A. Espinosa
Anna Espinoza
Rebecca S. Etz
Kelly M. Everard
Heather B. Fagan
Tom Fahey
Lesley Fallowfield
Krista Farey
Bryan Farford
Timothy W. Farrell
Kelly Fedoriw
Steven R. Feldman
Joshua J. Fenton
Jeanne M. Ferrante
Scott A. Fields
Edgar Figueroa
Kenneth S. Fink
Kevin Fiscella
Rebecca Fischbein
Margaret M. Flinter
Chester H. Fox
Jennifer Frank
Adam Franks
Daniel Jason Frasca
John J. Frey
Kimberly G. Fulda
Kylee A. Funk
Raghu Gandhi
Meghan Bryanna Gannon
Carol Ewing Garber
David S. Garcia
Elizabeth Garrett
Brian Garvey
Breanna Gawrys
Eric Gayle
Suzanne Gehl
Jenenne Geske*
Valerie J. Gilchrist
Sarah L. Goff
Adam O. Goldstein
Cesar A. Gonzalez
Briget Graca
Beverly Green
Larry A. Green*
Grant M. Greenberg
Yuqi Guo
Diane L. Habash
Robert M. Hamm
E. Haneke
Kelly Haskard Zolnierek
Robin Helm
Margaret Helton
Courtney Hobza
Neil R. Holland
Christina T. Holt
James D. Holt
Amanda Howe
Susan Hsieh
Nicole Huang
Lauren S. Hughes
Nathalie Huguet
Stephen Hulkower
Katherine Hurst
Jihad Irani
Henry R. Ivey
Yalda Jabbarpour
Brian R. Jackson
Natalia Jaimes
Sweety Jain
Paul A. James
Avanthi Jayaweera
Masahito Jimbo
Michael Johansen
Mark S. Johnson*
Andrew T. Jones
Bonnie T. Jortberg
Timothy S. Jost
Linda S. Kahn
Sukhjeet Kaur Kamboj
Kimberly A. Kaphingst
Ryan Kauffman
Robert D. Keeley
Kelly J. Kelleher
Sara Keller
Rodger Kessler*
Laila Khalid
Niharika Khanna
Morteza Khodaee
Autumn M. Kieber-Emmons
Anne King
Dana E. King
Michelle Klawans
Benjamin E. Kligler
Tadashi Kobayashi
Michael M. Kochen
Elin C. Kondrad
Thoyaja Koritala
Richard L. Kravitz
David Kroll
Eric Kutscher
Anton J. Kuzel
Bethany M. Kwan
Edward Kwon
Maude Laberge
Michelle Lampman
Robert Langan
Jason S. Lanham
Ross A. Lawrenson
Victoria Lee
Rosanne M. Leipzig
Patricia M. Lenahan
Robert P. Lennon
Joanne Leovy
Brian Lerner
Barcey T. Levy
Andre F. Lijoi
Sonja M. Likumahuwa-Ackman
Paula Darby Lipman
Sahoko H. Little
Mark Loafman
Jody Lounsbery
David A. Loxterkamp
Romain Lutaud
Diane J. Madlon-Kay
Elizabeth Magnan
Rohan Mahabaleshwarkar*
Megan R. Mahoney*
Arch G. Mainous*
Mark Makowsky
David M. Mannino
Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis
Katherine Margo
Amanda Markovitz
Cara Marshall
Patricia Martin
James Massey
Samuel C. Matheny
Adriana Matos
Soeren Mattke
Una D. McCann
Dennis McCarty
Susan H. McDaniel
Jane A. McElroy
Patrick S. McFarlane
Juliet M. McKee
Ivan N. Mefford
Meir Mei-Zahav
Tai Mendenhall*
Dan Merenstein
Christopher M. Miles
William Miller
Melissa A. Miller
Lisa D. Mims
Suzanne Minor
Tasaduq Mir
Miranda Moore*
Roy N. Morcos
Sherri Lynn Morgan
Laura Morgan-Frankart
Cortney M. Mospan
Karen Muchowski
John P. Muench
Pamela A. Mund
William J. Murdoch
Joseph M. Murley
Zsolt J. Nagykaldi
Raj Narayan
Terence Dwight Naumann
Donald E. Nease
Andrea Lynn Nederveld
Tara J. Neil
Steven K. Neufeld
Summer Newell
Lu Ning
Thomas E. Norris
Patrick J. O'Connor
Cormac John O'Connor
Shyam Odeti
Oluwamurewa Ayodeji Oguntimein
Robert C. Oh
Ebiere Okah
M.N. Oliver
Thomas R. O'Neill
Frank A. Orlando
Amimi Sandra Osayande
Darrell R. Over
Lynda J. Owen
Scott A. Paluska
Michael L. Parchman
Daniel J. Parente
Brian Park*
John M. Pascoe
Darshan J. Patel
Payal Patel
Neela K. Patel
Het A. Patel
Donald Pathman
Nikita Patil
Jyothi R. Patri
Valory N. Pavlik
Randolph L. Pearson
Allen Perkins
Deborah L. Pestka
Lars Peterson
James Phelps
William R. Phillips*
Jessica A. Pineda
Charles D. Ponte
Thejaswi Poonacha
Michael B. Potter
P. Prasadarao
John Presutti
David Price
David W. Price
Victor Puac-Polanco
Elizabeth A. Quigley
Meghan F. Raleigh
Cynthia M. Rand
David Awrey Randall
Anita Ravi
Brian V. Reamy
Frank M. Reed
Peter L. Reynolds
Bradley A. Richie
Deborah Rinehart
Jill Rissi
Peter A. Rives
Sean Robinson
Pamela G. Rockwell
Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez
Elizabeth Ann Rogers
Karen L. Roper
Lisa G. Rosas
Adam J. Rose
Danielle E. Rose
Thomas C. Rosenthal
Fred William Rottnek
Katherine D. Rouleau
Terry S. Ruhl
David Rushlow
Tracy A. Rydel
Saria C. Saccocio*
Ashkan Salamatipour
Enrique Sanchez Valdivieso
Janani Sankaran
Paulo Santos
Amit Sapra
David Satin
Amelia Sattler
Ghanshyambhai T. Savani
Margot Savoy
Jennifer Scheid
Joseph E. Scherger
Sarina Schrager*
Miriam E. Schwartz
Kendra Schwartz
Jessica Servey
Johanna Shapiro
Eric K. Shaw*
Robyn L. Shepardson
Pesach Shvartzman
William J. Sieber
Victor S. Sierpina
Donald Silberberg
Sabrina Silver
Matt Silvis
Suryapratap Singh
Caitlin Smith Davis
Leif I. Solberg
Lori Weir Solomon
Tulay G. Soylu*
Sheryl Spithoff
Yazhini Srivathsal
Joshua St. Louis
Matthew A. Stack
Joseph B. Stanford
Elizabeth W. Staton
Jennifer Stein
Brian Stello
Nancy G. Stevens
Earl Ray Stewart
Michael A. Stoto
Mark L. Stovak
Steven D. Stovitz
Michelle Stransky
George D. Strelioff
Helen W. Sullivan
Meera Sunder
Christine Sutine Chang
David E. Swee
Shannon Marie Sweeney
H. Tang
Hazel Tapp*
Derjung M. Tarn
Yhenneko J. Taylor
Peter G. Teichman
Pierre-Paul Tellier
Chris M. Terpening
Anne Thackeray
Caroline Tietbohl
Ashish Tikotekar
Barbara Tobias
Sophia Tolliver
Rachelle Toman
Sebastian T. Tong*
Stefan Topolski
Marc Tunzi
Carl V. Tyler
Daniel J. Van Durme
Constance van Eeghen
David Vearrier
Charles P. Vega
William B. Ventres
Mohamud A. Verjee
Bonnie M. Vest
Anthony J. Viera
Varsha G. Vimalananda
Karen M. Vitale
Kirsten Vitrikas
Judith Volcy*
Elizabeth Needham Waddell
Gordon Walbroehl
Daniel Waldman
Eric Wall*
Michael Weaver
John K. Weiser
Barry D. Weiss
Richard C. Wender
Andrea Westby
Jack M. Westfall
Randy K. Wexler
Brett White
John Sharkey White
Elizabeth Wickersham
Marcy Wiemers
Barbara L. Williams
Thad E. Wilson
Scott Wiltz
Kirsten Winnie
Jonathan D. Winter
Terrence J. Witt
Diana Wohler
Anne B. Woods
Imam M. Xierali*
Jinping Xu
Jessica R. Zarndt
Xiaoquan Zhao
Linda K. Zittleman
Adam J. Zolotor
Samuel H. Zuvekas
Conflict of interest: The authors are editors of the JABFM.
↵* Top reviewers in 2021 (based on quantity and quality of peer reviews written).
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