Abraham R, Wilkinson E, Jabbarpour Y, Petterson S, Bazemore A. Characteristics of Office-Based Buprenorphine Prescribers for Medicare Patients, 33(1):9–16
Adelman MM. see Peckens S
Agnoli A. see Jerant A
Aikin KJ. see Sullivan HW
Akiki RK, Mehrzad R. Practical Management of Common Skin Injuries, Lacerations, Wounds, Trigger Fingers, and Burns, 33(5):799–808
Alcalá HE, Ng AE, Gayen S, Ortega AN. Insurance Types, Usual Sources of Health Care, and Perceived Discrimination, 33(4):580–591
Alderwick H. see De Marchis EH
Allahyar A. see Purkaple BA
Anders S. see Diiulio J
Anderson ML. see Parchman ML
Andraka-Christou BT. see Diiulio J
Andrews HF. see Betz ME
Angier HE. see DeVoe JE
Anim TE. The Dilution of Family Medicine: Waning Numbers of Family Physicians Providing Pediatric Care, 33(6):828–829
Arias A. see Torres X
Arteaga Rodriguez C. see Hernandez Fustes OJ
Ashcraft AM. see Peckens S
Bagcier F, Yurdakul OV, Ozduran E. Three Simple Rules in Pectoral Muscle’s Trigger Point Treatment, Which May Be a Cause of Chest Pain: Position, Palpation, and Perpendicular Needling, 33(6):1031
Baggio A. see Bitencourt SE
Bailey SR. see Onishi E
Bair H. The Unexpected Volunteer, 33(3):481–483
Baltrus PT, Li C, Gaglioti AH. Having a Usual Source of Care Is Associated with Longer Telomere Length in a National Sample of Older Adults, 33(6):832–841
Bambekova PG, Liaw W, Phillips RL Jr., Bazemore A. Integrating Community and Clinical Data to Assess Patient Risks with A Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE), 33(3):463–467
Banerjee ES. see Careyva BA
Bannon JE. See Ye J
Baron AN. see Sweeney SM
Barry MJ. see Brodney S
Bartlett G. see Siedlikowski S
Batish S. see Davis T
Baxley E. see Newton WP
Baxley EG. The Clinic is The Curriculum: Can Attention to the Clinical Learning Environment Enhance Improvement in Health Care Delivery and Outcomes?, 33(5):S46–S49
Baxley L. see Newton WP
Bazemore A. see Abraham R; Bambekova PG; Cottrell EK; Eden AR; Heintzman J; Jabbarpour Y; Newton W; Newton WP
Bazemore AW, Ireland J, Cattoi R, Newton WP. Shaping Keystones in a Time of Transformation: ABFM’s Efforts to Advance Leadership & Scholarship in Family Medicine, 33(1):156–159
Befort C. see Brooks JV
Bennett WL. see Venkataramani M
Berger ZD. see Lai AY
Berini C. see Price ST
Berktold J. see Sullivan HW
Berry-Stoelzle MA. see Kim P
Beste J. see Davis T
Betz ME, Hyde H, DiGuiseppi C, Platts-Mills TF, Hoppe J, Strogatz D, Andrews HF, Mielenz TJ, Hill LL, Jones V, Molnar LJ, Eby DW, Li G. Self-Reported Opioid Use and Driving Outcomes among Older Adults: The AAA LongROAD Study, 33(4):521–528
Binienda J. see Neale AV
Bitencourt SE, Rodrigues de Aguiar D, Baggio A, Mendes Marcon CE. Re: Primary Care Practices’ Implementation of Patient-Team Partnership: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest, 33(2):342–343
Boggiano V, Wilson CG, Fagan EB, Kirk J, Bossenbroek-Fedoriw K, Tak CR. The Impact on Future Prescribing Patterns of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Education and Waiver Provision During Residency, 33(6):998–1003
Bolen S. see Margolius D
Bonnabeau E. See Crego N
Bonnell LN, Littenberg B, Wshah SR, Rose GL. A Machine Learning Approach to Identification of Unhealthy Drinking, 33(3):397–406
Borders TF. see Peterson LE
Bossenbroek-Fedoriw K. see Boggiano V
Bowling J. see Guo Y
Bowman M. JABFM Welcomes a New Deputy Editor, 33(6):827
Bowman MA. Dr. Victoria Neale Retires As Deputy Editor of JABFM, 33(5):643–644
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA. Many Family Medicine Successful Interventions and Clinical Reviews for Common Illnesses, 33(2):161–163
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA, Lupo P. Increasing Article Visibility: JABFM and Author Responsibilities and Possibilities, 33(2):168–169
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA, Lupo P. Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2019, 33(2):164–167
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Neale AV. Medications, Medicating, and Medicated—When, Where, and How —Opioids and Others, 33(4):489–490
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Neale AV. Practical Family Medicine: After-Hours Video Telehealth, Office Procedures, Polyp Follow-up in Older Patients, Terminology for Domestic Violence Intervention, 33(5):641–642
Bowman MA. see also Lupo P; Seehusen DA
Boyd CM. see Schoenborn NL
Bracamonte B. see Chavez A
Bradshaw RD. see Sankaran J
Brady J. see Newton W
Brady JH. see Rozario NL
Breeden MA, Jacobs CK, Witthaus M, Salas J, Everard KM, Penton E, Scherrer JF. Prescribing Patterns and Use of Risk-Reduction Tools After Implementing an Opioid-Prescribing Protocol, 33(1):27–33
Bria K. see Fitzpatrick V
Brinn RK. Re: A Successful Walk-In Psychiatric Model for Integrated Care, 33(1):153–154
Brodney S, Fowler FF Jr, Stringfellow V, Valentine KD, Barry MJ. National Survey of Decision-Making for Antidepressants and Educational Level, 33(1): 80–90
Brooks EM, Tong S. Implementing Office-Based Opioid Treatment Models in Primary Care, 33(4):512–521
Brooks EM. see also Jiang V
Brooks JV, Kimminau KS, McCrea-Robertson S, Befort C. Rural Family Medicine Clinicians’ Motivations to Participate in a Pragmatic Obesity Trial, 33(5):736–744
Brown I. see Mulhem E
Brown JA. see Coleman AM
Bullard E. see Loskutova NY
Burgess NM. see Careyva BA
Burns R. see Rozario NL
Burnside E. see Schrager S
Butler AJ. see McCormick JR
Butler J III. see Oguntimein O
Buzzard LN. see Norton MC
Cafferty LA. see Ledford CJW
Callen E. see Loskutova NY
Candib LM. Asylum Body Work, 33(5):815–815
Canner JK. see Raad M
Cardel M. see Hong Y-R
Carek P. see Nanavati M
Careyva BA, Shaak K, Burgess NM, BS, Johnson MB, Banerjee ES, Chung Y, Davis AN, Payton C. Designing and Evaluating a Prediabetes Shared Decision Aid, 33(2):262–270
Carlin CS. see Fu HNC
Carson KA. see Miller BJ
Castells X. see Torres X
Cattoi R. see Bazemore A
Charlson M. see Cottrell EK
Chavez A, Bracamonte B, Kresin M, Yardley M, Grover M. High Volume Portal Usage Impacts Practice Resources, 33(3):452–456
Chelvakumar M, Shaw JG. Trained and Ready, but Not Serving?—Family Physicians’ Role in Reproductive Health Care, 33(2):182–185
Chen Q. see Longstreth GF
Chen Y. see Li L
Cheng TL. see Venkataramani M
Chicoine B. see Fitzpatrick V
Choi Y. see Schoenborn NL
Chung Y. see Careyva BA; Jayaweera A
Cochran DL. see Mungia R
Coffman M, Wilkinson E, Jabbarpour Y. Despite Adequate Training, Only Half of Family Physicians Provide Women’s Health Care Services, 33(2):186–188
Coffman M. see also Eden AR; Wilkinson E
Cohen DJ. see DeVoe JE; Sweeney SM
Cohen RA. see Mungia R
Cole DJ. see Harman AE
Coleman AM, Hartzell MM, Oh RC, Funari TS, Rivera LO, Brown JA. Improving Resilience and Combating Burnout in US Army Health Care Teams, 33(3):440–445
Collado A. see Torres X
Collins S. see El-Toukhy S
Cook RL. see Diiulio J
Cottrell EK, O’Malley JP, Dambrun K, Park B, Hendricks MA, Xu H, Charlson M, Bazemore A, Shenkman EA, Sears A, DeVoe JE. The Impact of Social and Clinical Complexity on Diabetes Control Measures, 33(4):600–610
Crabtree BF. see Sweeney SM
Crawford PF. see Ledford CJW
Crego N, Douglas C, Bonnabeau E, Earls M, Eason K, Merwin E, Rains G, Tanabe P, Shah N. Sickle-Cell Disease Co-Management, Health Care Utilization, and Hydroxyurea Use, 33(1):91–105
Crosson JC. see Sabo RT
Cruess RL, Cruess SR. Professionalism, Communities of Practice, and Medicine’s Social Contract, 33(5):S50–S56
Cruess SR. see Cruess RL
Crutchfield P. see Redinger M
Cuellar AE. see Soylu TG
Cunningham CO. see Friedman SH
Dai D. see Eden AR
Dai M, Willard-Grace R, Knox M, Larson SA, Magill MM, Grumbach K, Peterson LE. Team Configurations, Efficiency, and Family Physician Burnout, 33(3):368–377
Dai M. see also Jabbarpour Y
Daly JM. see Kim P
Dambrun K. see Cottrell EK
Danielson EC. see Diiulio J
Davis AN. see Careyva BA
Davis T, Beste J, Batish S, Watford R, Farrell S. Eliminating Patient Identified Barriers to Decrease Medicaid Inpatient Admission Rates and Improve Quality of Care, 33(2):220–229
de la Cerda DR. see Dickinson WP
De Marchis EH, Alderwick H, Gottlieb LM. Do Patients Want Help Addressing Social Risks?, 33(2):170–175
De Sutter A. see Moerenhout T
Desai U. see Tang T
Desmond S. see Oguntimein O
Devisch I. see Moerenhout T
DeVoe JE. Primary Care Is an Essential Ingredient to a Successful Population Health Improvement Strategy, 33(3):468–472
DeVoe JE. When and How Do We Need Permission to Help Patients Address Social Risk?, 33(2):176–178
DeVoe JE, Likumahuwa-Ackman SM, Angier HE, Huguet N, Cohen DJ, Flocke SA, Marino M, Gold R. A Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Roadmap for Evaluating COVID-19 in Community Health Centers: A Report From the OCHIN PBRN, 33(5):774–778
DeVoe JE. see also Cottrell EK
Diaz VA. see Price ST
Dickinson LM. see Dickinson WP
Dickinson WP, Nease DE Jr, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement to Improve Cardiovascular Care: From EvidenceNOW Southwest, 33(5):675–686
DiGuiseppi C. see Betz ME
Diiulio J, Militello LG, Andraka-Christou BT, Cook RL, Hurley RW, Downs SM, Anders S, Mamlin BW, Danielson EC, Harle CA. Factors That Influence Changes to Existing Chronic Pain Management Plans, 33(1):42–50
Donnally CJ III. see McCormick JR
Dorr DA. see Kim P; Parchman ML
Douglas C. See Crego N
Downs SM. see Diiulio J
Driscoll DF. see Hess C
Dy SM. see Lai AY
Earls M. See Crego N
Eason K. See Crego N
Eby DW. see Betz ME
Eden AR, Jabbarpour Y, Morgan ZJ, Dai D, Coffman M, Bazemore A. Gender Differences in Personal and Organizational Mechanisms to Address Burnout Among Family Physicians, 33(3):446–451
Eden AR, Jabbarpour Y, Morgan ZJ, Wilkinson E, Peterson LE. Burnout Among Family Physicians by Gender and Age, 33(3):355–356
Eden AR, Morgan ZJ, Jetty A, Peterson LE. Proportion of Family Physicians Caring for Children is Declining, 33(6):830–831
Eden AR. see also Peterson LE
Einstadter D. see Margolius D
El-Toukhy S, Méndez A, Collins S, Pérez-Stable EJ. Barriers to Patient Portal Access and Use: Evidence from the Health Information National Trends Survey, 33(6):953–968
Elber A. see Hess C
Elder NC. see McDonnell MM
Ells C. see Siedlikowski S
Engster SA, Fascetti C, Mykita A, Pompa K, Reis EC. Bringing Parent Voices into a Pediatric Research Network Through a Virtual Parent Panel, 33(5):665–674
Epling JW. see Rockwell MS
Etz RS. see Sabo RT
Everard KM. see Breeden MA
Ezekiel-Herrera D. see Heintzman J
Fagan EB. see Boggiano V; Farrar M; Kane C
Fain R. see Newton WP
Falcon K. see Hess C
Farrar M, White Z, Hulkower S, Fagan EB, Wilson CG. A Financial Model for Team-Based Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, 33(1):124–128
Farrell S. see Davis T
Fascetti C. see Engster SA
Fedoriw KB, Prentice A, Slatkoff S, Myerholtz L. A Systematic Approach to Opioid Prescribing, 33(6):992–997
Fellows JL. see Mungia R
Fenton JJ, Tapp H, Thakur NM, Pfeifle AL. Reliability of Peer Review of Abstracts Submitted to Academic Family Medicine Meetings, 33(6):986–991
Fenton JJ. see also Magnan EM
Fernald DH. see Dickinson WP
Figueroa EM, Nitti K, Sladek SM. Lowering Gestational Diabetes Risk by Prenatal Weight Gain Counseling, 33(2):189–197
Fischer GS. see Moerenhout T
Fisher CL. see Ledford CJW
Fisher L. see Tang T
Fitzpatrick V, Rivelli A, Bria K, Chicoine B. Heart Disease in Adults With Down Syndrome Between 1996 and 2016, 33(6):923–931
Fledderman N. see Redinger M
Fleming P, Yang YB, Lynde C, O’Neill B, Lee KO. Diagnosis and Management of Atopic Dermatitis for Primary Care Providers, 33(4):626–636
Flocke SA. see DeVoe JE
Foley KA. see Kane C
Fowler FF Jr. see Brodney S
Fraher EP. Primary Care Teams: Past, Present and Future, 33(4):495–498
Franklin LW. see Thrasher JB
Franks P. see Jerant A; Magnan EM
Friedman JL, Neutze D. The Financial Cost of Medical Assistant Turnover in an Academic Family Medicine Center, 33(3):426–430
Friedman SH, Cunningham CO, Lin J, Haramati LB, Levsky JM. Having a Primary Care Provider is the Strongest Predictor of Successful Follow-up of Participants in a Clinical Trial, 33(3):431–439
Fu HNC, Skolnick VG, Carlin CS, Solberg L, Raiter AM, Peterson KA. The Effect of Depression and Rurality on Diabetes Control, 33(6):913–922
Fugh-Berman A, Jung J. Response: Re: Marketing Messages in Continuing Medical Education (CME) Modules on Binge- Eating Disorder (BED), 33(5):816–818
Fugh-Berman A. see also Jung J
Funari TS. see Coleman AM
Funkhouser E. see Mungia R
Gaglioti A. see Baltrus PT
Gan Y. see Li L
Garg A. see Heintzman J
Gayen S. see Alcalá HE
Geissel, KN. Re: Marketing Messages in Continuing Medical Education (CME) Modules on Binge-Eating Disorder (BED), 33(5):816
Giebultowicz S. see Heintzman J
Gilbert GH. see Mungia R
Gold KJ. Women’s Work: Why Are Women Physicians More Burned Out?, 33(3):351–354
Gold R. see DeVoe JE
Goldberg DG, Soylu TG, Grady VM, Kitsantas P, Grady JD, Nichols LM. Indicators of Workplace Burnout Among Physicians, Advanced Practice Clinicians, and Staff in Small to Medium-Sized Primary Care Practices, 33(3):378–385
Goldberg DG. see also Soylu TG
Gómez E. see Torres X
Gonzalez MM. see Sabo RT
Gordan VV. see Mungia R
Gordon L. see Sweeney SM
Gottlieb LM. see De Marchis EH
Grad R. see Siedlikowski S
Grady JD. see Goldberg DG
Grady VM. see Goldberg DG
Graham T. see McDonnell MM
Green KM. see Oguntimein O
Greenspan S. see Hess C
Greever-Rice T. see Nagykaldi Z
Griggs JM. see Johansen ME
Grover M. see Chavez A
Grumbach K. see Dai M
Guan Q. see Spithoff S
Gunzler D. see Margolius D
Guo Y, Bowling J. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Initiation and Completion Among Adult Males in the United States, 33(4):592–599
Gurses AP. see Lai AY
Haftman ME. see Norton MC
Halbert CH. see Price ST
Hamady CR. see Thrasher JB
Hannum SM. see Lai AY
Haramati LB. see Friedman SH
Harle CA. see Diiulio J
Harless C. see Kane C
Harman AE, Warner DO, Cole DJ. Connecting Purpose and Performance: Rethinking the Purpose of Maintenance of Certification, 33(5):S15–S20
Harris AB. see Raad M
Hart KM. The Gender Penalty: Reasons for Differences in Reported Weekly Work Hours Among Male and Female Family Physicians, 33(5):650–652
Hartzell MM. see Coleman AM
Hashmi AZ. see Hess C
He X. see Oguntimein O
Heintzman J, Kaufmann J, Lucas J, Suglia S, Garg A, Puro J, Giebultowicz S, Ezekiel-Herrera D, Bazemore A, Miguel Marino M. Asthma Care Quality, Language, and Ethnicity in a Multi-State Network of Low-Income Children, 33(5):707–715
Heintzman J. see also Jiang V
Hemler JR. see Sweeney SM
Hendricks MA. see Cottrell EK
Hernandez Fustes OJ, Arteaga Rodriguez C. Re: Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management, 33(6):1032
Hess C, Levy B, Hashmi AZ, Hogan J, Greenspan S, Elber A, Falcon K, Driscoll DF. Subjective Versus Objective Assessment of Cognitive Functioning in Primary Care, 33(3):417–425
Hessler D. see Tang T
Heughan J-A. see Lai AY
Hill LL. see Betz ME
Hochheimer CJ. see Krist AH
Hogan J. see Hess C
Hong Y-R, Huo J, Jo A, Cardel M, Mainous AG III. Association of Patient-Provider Teach-Back Communication with Diabetic Outcomes: A Cohort Study, 33(6):903–912
Hooker SA. see Justesen K
Hoppe J. see Betz ME
Horowitz AM. see Oguntimein O
Hoverman VJ. see Sullivan HW
Huguet N. see DeVoe JE
Hulkower S. see Farrar M
Hulver MW. see Rockwell MS
Hum S, O’Brien MA. see Spithoff S
Huo J. see Hong Y-R
Hurley RW. see Diiulio J
Hyde H. see Betz ME
Irani T. see Tang T
Ireland J. see Bazemore A
Irvine NJ. Anti-HMGCR Myopathy: A Rare and Serious Side Effect of Statins, 33(5):785–788.
Jabbarpour Y, Jetty A, Dai M, Magill M, Bazemore A. The Evolving Family Medicine Team, 33(4):499–502
Jabbarpour Y. see also Abraham R; Coffman M; Eden AR; Jayaweera A; Wilkinson E
Jackson EA. see Johansen ME
Jackson JT. see Ledford CJW
Jacobs CK. see Breeden MA
Jaimes N. see Williams NM
Jain A. see Raad M
Jayaweera A, Chung Y, Jabbarpour Y. Primary Care Physician Characteristics Associated with Prescribing Potentially Inappropriate Medication for Elderly Patients: Medicare Part D Data, 33(4):561–568
Jerant A, Agnoli A, Franks P. Satisfaction with Health Care Among Prescription Opioid Recipients, 33(1):34–41
Jerant A. see also Magnan EM
Jetty A. see Eden AR; Jabbarpour Y
Jiang H. see Li L
Jiang V, Brooks EM, Tong ST, Heintzman J, Krist AH. Factors Influencing Uptake of Changes to Clinical Preventive Guidelines, 33(2):271–278
Jo A. see Hong Y-R
Johansen ME, Marcinek JP, Yun JDY. Thyroid Hormone Use in the United States, 1997–2016, 33(2):284–288
Johansen ME, Yun J, Griggs JM, Jackson EA, Richardson CR. Anti-Hypertensive Medication Combinations in the United States, 33:(1)143–146
Johnson MB. see Careyva BA
Johnson MS. Family Medicine and the “New” Opioid Epidemic, 33(1):1–3
Johnson NJ. see Sabo RT
Jones V. see Betz ME
Jung J, Fugh-Berman A. Marketing Messages in Continuing Medical Education (CME) Modules on Binge-Eating Disorder (BED), 33(2):240–251
Jung J. see also Fugh-Berman A
Justesen K, Hooker SA, Sherman MD, Lonergan-Cullum ML, Nissly T, Levy R. Predictors of Family Medicine Patient Retention in Opioid Medication-Assisted Treatment, 33(6):848–857
Kane C, Leiner C, Harless C, Foley KA, Fagan EB, Wilson CG. The Value of Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Family Medicine: From the Patient Perspective, 33(4):611–615
Kaplan AG. Inhaled Corticosteroid Treatment in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Boon or Bane?, 33(2):289–302
Kaufmann J. see Heintzman J
Keller S. see Miller BJ
Kennedy AG. see Van Eeghen C
Khanna N. Complexities in Integrating Social Risk Assessment into Health Care Delivery, 33(2):179–181
Khanna N, Montgomery R, Klyushnenkova E. Joy in Work for Clinicians and Staff: Identifying Remedial Predictors of Burnout from the Mini Z Survey, 33(3):357–368
Kharrazi H. see Lai AY
Kho AN. See Ye J
Kim P, Daly JM, Berry-Stoelzle MA, Schmidt ME, Michaels LC, Dorr DA, Levy BT. Prognostic Indices for Advance Care Planning in Primary Care: A Scoping Review, 33(2):322–338
Kimminau KS. see Brooks JV
King DE, Xiang J. Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Mortality in a US NHANES Cohort, 33(6):842–847
King DE. see also Peckens S
Kinney CL. Positive Professionalism, 33(5):S65–S68
Kirk J. see Boggiano V
Kitsantas P. see Goldberg DG
Klugiene EA. see Stack M
Klyushnenkova E. see Khanna N
Knierim KE. see Dickinson WP
Knight C. The American Academy of Family Physician’s Approach to Developing and Supporting the Intrinsically Motivated Learner, 33(5):S21–S23
Knox M. see Dai M
Kowalkowski M. see Rozario NL
Kravitz RL. see Magnan EM
Kresin M. see Chavez A
Krist AH, Hochheimer CJ, Sabo RT, Puro J, Peele E, Lail-Kashiri P, Vernon SW. Patient, Clinician, and Communication Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer Screening, 33(5):779–784
Krist AH. see also Jiang V
Kroll DS. Response: Re: A Successful Walk-In Psychiatric Model for Integrated Care, 33(1):153–154
Kuo E. see Parchman ML
Kuzel AJ. see Soylu TG
Kwan BM, Rementer J, Ritchie ND, Nederveld AL, Phimphasone-Brady P, Sajatovic M, Nease DE Jr, Waxmonsky JA. Adapting Diabetes Shared Medical Appointments to Fit Context for Practice-Based Research (PBR), 33(5):716–727
Lai AY, Yuan CT, Marsteller JA, Hannum SM, Lasser EC, Heughan J-A, Oberlander T, Berger ZD, Gurses AP, Kharrazi H, Pitts SI, Scholle SH, Dy SM. Patient Safety in Primary Care: Conceptual Meanings to the Health Care Team and Patients, 33(5):754–764
Lai B, Witt D, Thacher T, Witt T. A Proposed Opioid Tapering Tool, 33(6):1020–1021
Lail-Kashiri P. see Krist AH
Lannon C, Nichols DG. The Role of Certifying Boards in Improving Health: The Example of the American Board of Pediatrics, 33(5):S36–S41
LaRouche V. see Stack M
Larson SA. see Dai M
Lasser EC. see Lai AY
Ledford CJW, Fisher CL, Cafferty LA, Jackson JT, Seehusen DA, Crawford PF. Turning Points as Opportunities to Partner with Patients Living with type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes, 33(2):211–219
Lee KO. see Fleming P
Lefebvre A. Quality Improvement Teams: Moving from the Passionate Few to the Mandated Many, 33(5):S42–S45
Leiner C. see Kane C
Leonard M. see Ludden T
Levsky JM. see Friedman SH
Levy B. see Hess C
Levy BT. see Kim P
Levy R. see Justesen K
Li C. see Baltrus PT
Li G. see Betz ME
Li L, Gan Y, Jiang H, Yang Y, Zhou X, Zheng Y, Yu F, Liu J, Zhong Y, Chen Y, Yu M, Liu L, Liu J, Lu Z. Job Satisfaction and Its Associated Factors Among General Practitioners in China, 33(3):456–459
Liaw W. see Bambekova PG
Licciardone JC, Pandya V. Prevalence and Impact of Comorbid Widespread Pain in Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Registry-Based Study, 33(4):541–549
Likumahuwa-Ackman SM. see DeVoe JE
Lin J. see Friedman SH
Littenberg B. see Bonnell LN
Liu J. see Li L
Liu L. see Li L
Lonergan-Cullum ML. see Justesen K
Longstreth GF, Wong C, Chen Q. Misdiagnosis of Diverticulitis After a Prior Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), 33(4):549–560
Loskutova NY, Waterman J, Callen E, Staton EW, Bullard E, Shields J. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Patterns of Health Professionals Toward Medical and Non-medical Stimulant Use by Young Adults, 33(1):59–70
Lu Z. see Li L
Lucas J. see Heintzman J
Lucas J, Maeno T, Bailey SR. see Onishi E
Ludden T, Shade L, Thomas J, Urquieta de Hernandez B, Mohanan S, Russo MW, Leonard M, Zamor PJ, Patterson CP, Tapp H. Novel Models to Identify Census Tracts for Hepatitis C Screening Interventions, 33(3):407–416
Lupo P, Neale AV, Bowman MA, Seehusen DA. The Most Frequently Read Articles of 2019, 33(4):491–494
Lupo P. see also Bowman MA
Luz EN, Mondini IP, Oenning AB, Marcon CEMM. Re: Addressing Needs of Transgender Patients: The Role of Family Physicians, 33(5):818
Lynde C. see Fleming P
MacLean CD. see Van Eeghen C
Maeno T. see Onishi E
Magill M. see Jabbarpour Y; Newton W; Newton WP
Magill MM. see Dai M
Magnan EM, Franks P, Jerant A, Kravitz RL, Fenton JJ. When Physicians Say No: Predictors of Request Denial and Subsequent Patient Satisfaction, 33(1): 51–58
Mainous AG III. see Hong Y-R
Makhija SK. see Mungia R
Mamlin BW. see Diiulio J
Marcinek JP. see Johansen ME
Marcon CEMM. see Luz EN
Marghoob AA. see Williams NM
Margolius D, Siff J, Teng K, Einstadter D, Gunzler D, Bolen S. Primary Care Physician Factors Associated with Inbox Message Volume, 33(3):460–462
Marino M. see DeVoe JE
Marrache M. see Raad M
Marsteller JA. see Lai AY
Maruthur NM. see Venkataramani M
Massare J. see Schoenborn NL
Mathieson S. see Spithoff S
McCargar JD. see Mungia R
McCormick JR, Sama AJ, Schiller NC, Butler AJ, Donnally CJ III. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management, 33(2):303–313
McCormick JR, Sama AJ, Schiller NC, Butler AJ, Donnally CJ III. Response: Re: Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management, 33(6): 1032
McCrea-Robertson S. see Brooks JV
McDonnell MM, Elder NC, Stock R, Wolf M, Steeves-Reece A, Graham T. Project ECHO Integrated Within the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN), 33(5):789–795
McGlynn EA. Measuring and Improving Quality in the US: Where Are We Today?, 33(5):S28–S35
McMahon GT, Newton WP. Continuing Board Certification: Seeing Our Way Forward, 33(5):S10–S14
McMahon PA. see Mungia R
McWilliams A. see Rozario NL
Mehrzad R. see Akiki RK
Menachery SM. see Sankaran J
Mendes Marcon CE. see Bitencourt SE
Méndez A. see El-Toukhy S
Merwin E. See Crego N
Meyerowitz C. see Mungia R
Michaels LC. see Kim P
Mielenz TJ. see Betz ME
Miguel Marino M. see Heintzman J
Militello LG. see Diiulio J
Miller BJ, Carson KA, Keller S. Personalizing Potential Harm Aids Patient Understanding, 33(6):969–977
Mims LD. see Price ST
Minor S. That Clock is Really Big, 33(1):154
Mishra B. see Nagykaldi Z
Mitchell K. see Newton WP
Moerenhout T, Fischer GS, Saelaertl M, De Sutter A, Provoost V, Devisch I. Primary Care Physicians’ Perspectives on the Ethical Impact of the Electronic Medical Record, 33(1):106–117
Mohanan S. see Ludden T
Mold JW. see Purkaple BA
Molnar LJ. see Betz ME
Mondini IP. Re: Addressing Needs of Transgender Patients: The Role of Family Physicians, 33(5):818
Mondini IP. see also Luz EN
Montgomery R. see Khanna N
Morgan ZJ. see Eden AR; Newton W; Peterson LE
Morris MA. see Stransky ML
Mulhem E, Brown I, Song K. Electronic Health Record Reminder Effect on Hepatitis C Antibody Screening, 33(6):1016–1019
Mullins W. Re: Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic, 33(1):152–153
Mungia R, Funkhouser E, Makhija SK, Reyes SC, Cohen RA, Cochran DL, Meyerowitz C, Rindal DB, Gordan VV, Fellows JL, Trejo M, Oates TW, McCargar JD, McMahon PA, Gilbert GH. Practitioner Engagement in Activities of the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN): 7-Year Results, 33(5):687–697
Mungmungpuntipantip R, Wiwanitkit V. Re: Abnormally Low Hemoglobin A1c as Harbinger of Hemoglobinopathy, 33(2):342
Myerholtz L. see Fedoriw KB
Mykita A. see Engster SA
Nagykaldi Z, Scheid D, Zhao YD, Mishra B, Greever-Rice T. A Sustainable Model for Preventive Services in Rural Counties: The Healthier Together Study, 33(5):698–706
Nagykaldi ZJ. see also Purkaple BA
Nanavati M, Saenz S, Swayne K, Carek P. The Golden Letter: Innovation Collaboration to Reduce Avoidable Hospital Admissions, 33(6):1011–1015
Neale AV, Binienda J. Welcome New Associate Editor for Reflections in Family Medicine, 33(3):350
Neale AV. see also Bowman MA; Lupo P; Seehusen DA
Nease DE Jr. see Dickinson WP; Kwan BM
Nederveld AL. see Kwan BM
Neufeld B. Crashing Out of a Career, 33(2):339–341
Neutze D. see Friedman JL
Newton W, Peterson L, Morgan ZJ, Bazemore A, Magill M, John Brady J, Phillips R. Rebuilding after COVID: Planning Systems of Care for the Future, 33(3):485
Newton WP. How Should Board Certification Evolve?, 33:(5)S1–S9
Newton WP, Baxley L, Williamson A, Rode K. Improving Performance Improvement, 33(5):819–821
Newton WP, Bazemore A, Magill M, Mitchell K, Peterson L, Phillips RL. The Future of Family Medicine Residency Training is Our Future: A Call for Dialogue Across Our Community, 33(4):636–640
Newton WP, Magill M. The Impact of the ACGME’s June 2019 Changes in Residency Requirements, 33(6):1033–1036
Newton WP, Rode K, O’Neill T, Fain R, Baxley E, Peterson L. Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment after One Year, 33(2):344–346
Newton WP. see also Bazemore A; McMahon GT; Quan MA
Ng AE. see Alcalá HE
Nichols DG. see Lannon C
Nichols LM. see Goldberg DG
Nissly T. see Justesen K
Nitti K. see Figueroa EM
Norton MC, Haftman ME, Buzzard LN. Impact of Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration on Diabetes Outcomes and Health Care Use, 33(5):745–753.
Oates TW. see Mungia R
Oberlander T. see Lai AY
O’Brien MA. see Spithoff S
Oenning AB. see Luz EN
Oguntimein O, Butler J III, Desmond S, Green KM, He X, Horowitz AM. Patients’ Understanding of the Relationship Between Their Diabetes and Periodontal Disease, 33(6):1004–1010
Oh RC. see Coleman AM
Ojeda B. see Torres X
O’Malley JP. see Cottrell EK
O’Neal JP. see Sabo RT
O’Neill B. see Fleming P
O’Neill T. see Newton WP
Onishi E, Lucas J, Maeno T, Bailey SR. Patient “Catastrophizing” Associated with Expectations of Opioid Prescriptions for Acute Pain Control, 33(6):858–870
Ono SS. see Sweeney SM
Ortega AN. see Alcalá HE
Oshita JY. see Stransky ML
Otufowora A. Re: Does Prescription Opioid Misuse Affect the Level of Health Care Satisfaction Endorsed by Patients on Opioid Therapy?, 33(3):484
Ovsepyan V. see Schrager S
Ozduran E. see Bagcier F
Pakpoor J. see Raad M
Pandya V. see Licciardone JC
Parchman ML, Anderson ML, Penfold RB, Kuo E, Dorr DA. The Ability of Practices to Report Clinical Quality Measures: More Evidence of the Size Paradox?, 33(4):620–625
Parente DJ. BRCA-Related Cancer Genetic Counseling is Indicated in Many Women Seeking Primary Care, 33(6):885–893
Park B. see Cottrell EK
Park R. see Schoenborn NL
Pasanen ME. see Van Eeghen C
Patterson CP. see Ludden T
Payton C. see Careyva BA
Peckens S, Adelman MM, Ashcraft AM, Xiang J, Sheppard B, King DE. Improving Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Symptoms Using a Team-Based Approach, 33(6):978–985
Peele E. see Krist AH
Penfold RB. see Parchman ML
Penti B. see Tu J
Penton E. see Breeden MA
Perez-Nieves M. see Tang T
Pérez-Stable EJ. see El-Toukhy S
Perkins S. see Price ST
Peterson KA. see Fu HNC
Peterson L. see Newton W; Newton WP
Peterson LE, Morgan ZJ, Borders TF. Practice Predictors of Buprenorphine Prescribing by Family Physicians, 33(1):118–123
Peterson LE, Morgan ZJ, Eden AR. Early-Career and Graduating Physicians More Likely to Prescribe Buprenorphine, 33(1):7–8
Peterson LE. see also Dai M; Eden AR
Petterson S. see Abraham R; Wilkinson E
Pfeifle AL. see Fenton JJ
Phillips R. see Newton W
Phillips RL. see Newton WP
Phillips RL Jr. The Built Environment for Professionalism, 33(5):S57–S61
Phillips RL Jr. see also Bambekova PG
Phimphasone-Brady P. see Kwan BM
Pitts SI. see Lai AY
Platts-Mills TF. see Betz ME
Player MS. see Price ST
Pollack CE. see Schoenborn NL
Polonsky WH. see Tang T
Pompa K. see Engster SA
Prentice A. see Fedoriw KB
Price ST, Mims LD, Player MS, Berini C, Perkins S, Halbert CH, Diaz VA. Cardiovascular Screening and Lipid Management in Breast Cancer Survivors, 33(6):894–902
Provoost V. see Moerenhout T
Puffer JC. The American Board of Family Medicine: Celebrating 50 Years of Continuing Transformation, 33(5):S69–S74
Purkaple BA, Nagykaldi ZJ, Allahyar A, Todd R, Mold JW. Physicians’ Response to Patients’ Quality-of-Life Goals, 33(1):71–79
Puro J. see Heintzman J; Krist AH
Puvanesarajah V. see Raad M
Quan MA, Newton WP. Helping Family Physicians Keep Up to Date: A Next Step in the Pursuit of Mastery, 33(5):S24–S27
Raad M, Pakpoor J, Harris AB, Puvanesarajah V, Marrache M, Canner JK, Jain A. Opioid Prescriptions for New Low Back Pain: Trends and Variability by State, 33(1):138–142
Radix AE. Addressing Needs of Transgender Patients: The Role of Family Physicians, 33(2):314–321
Rains G. See Crego N
Raiter AM. see Fu HNC
Randall DA. Current Indications for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy, 33(6):1025–1030
Redinger M, Fledderman N, Crutchfield P. An Ethical Framework to Manage Patient Requests for Medical Marijuana, 33(1):147–151
Reed B. see Tang T
Reis EC. see Engster SA
Rementer J. see Kwan BM
Reves SR. see Sabo RT
Reyes SC. see Mungia R
Rhyne RL. see Dickinson WP
Richardson CR. see Johansen ME
Rindal DB. see Mungia R
Ritchie ND. see Kwan BM
Rivelli A. see Fitzpatrick V
Rivera LO. see Coleman AM
Roberge J. see Rozario NL
Rockwell MS, Wu YX, Salamoun M, Hulver MW, Epling JW. Patterns of Clinical Care Subsequent to Nonindicated Vitamin D Testing in Primary Care, 33(4):569–579
Rode K. see Newton WP
Rodrigues de Aguiar D. see Bitencourt SE
Rose GL. see Bonnell LN
Rozario NL, Sparling A, Burns R, McWilliams A, Brady JH, Kowalkowski M, Roberge J. Modifying Provider Vitamin D Screening Behavior in Primary Care, 33(2):252–261
Russo MW. see Ludden T
Sabo RT, Etz RS, Gonzalez MM, Johnson NJ, O’Neal JP, Reves SR, Crosson JC. Low Intensity Intervention Supports Diabetes Registry Implementation: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in the Ambulatory Care Outcomes Research Network (ACORN), 33(5):728–735
Sabo RT. see also Krist AH
Saelaertl M. see Moerenhout T
Saenz S. see Nanavati M
Sajatovic M. see Kwan BM
Salamoun M. see Rockwell MS
Salas J. see Breeden MA
Sama AJ. see McCormick JR
Sankaran J, Menachery SM, Bradshaw RD. Patient Interest in Video Integration for After-Hours Telemedicine., 33(5):765–773
Scheid D. see Nagykaldi Z
Scherrer JF. see Breeden MA
Schiller NC. see McCormick JR
Schmidt ME. see Kim P
Schoenborn NL, Boyd CM, Massare J, Park R, Choi Y, Pollack CE. Primary Care Clinician Decision-Making Around Surveillance Colonoscopies in Older Adults with Prior Adenomas, 33(5):796–798
Scholle SH. see Lai AY
Schrager S, Ovsepyan V, Burnside E. Breast Cancer Screening in Older Women: The Importance of Shared Decision Making, 33(3):473–480
Sears A. see Cottrell EK
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA. Must-Read Family Medicine Research—Glucosamine/Chondroitin Supplements and Mortality, Telomere Length and the Doctor-Patient Relationship, Reducing Opioid Use, and More, 33(6):823–826
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA, Neale AV. Well-Being, New Technologies, and Clinical Evidence for Family Physicians, 33(3):347–349
Seehusen DA. see also Bowman MA; Ledford CJW; Lupo P
Seiverling E. see Williams NM
Shaak K. see Careyva BA
Shade L. see Ludden T
Shah N. See Crego N
Shaw JG. see Chelvakumar M
Shenkman EA. see Cottrell EK
Sheppard B. see Peckens S
Sherman MD. see Justesen K
Shields J. see Loskutova NY
Siedlikowski S, Grad R, Bartlett G, Ells C. Physician Perspectives on Mammography Screening for Average-Risk Women: “Like a Double-Edged Sword, 33(6):871–884
Siff J. see Margolius D
Skolnick VG. see Fu HNC
Sladek SM. see Figueroa EM
Slatkoff S. see Fedoriw KB
Solberg L. see Fu HNC
Solé E. see Torres X
Song K. see Mulhem E
Soulakis ND. See Ye J
Soylu TG, Goldberg DG, Cuellar AE, Kuzel AJ. Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act in Small to Medium-Sized Primary Care Practices, 33(6):942–952
Soylu TG. see also Goldberg DG
Sparling A. see Rozario NL
Spithoff S, Mathieson S, Sullivan F, Guan Q, Sud A, Hum S, O’Brien MA. Clinical Decision Support Systems for Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in Primary Care: A Scoping Review, 33(4):529–540
St. Louis J, Weida N. Why Are Early Career Family Physicians Driving Increases in Buprenorphine Prescribing?, 33(1):4–6
Stack C. see Stack M
Stack M, LaRouche V, Zhang Y, Warden D, Stack C, Klugiene EA. Effects of Implementing a Comprehensive Opioid Reduction Protocol on Overall Opioid Prescribing Among Patients with Chronic, Non-Cancer Pain in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic: A Controlled Cross-over Trial, 33(4):502–511
Staton EW. see Loskutova NY
Steeves-Reece A. see McDonnell MM
Stein KL. see Sullivan HW
Stock R. see McDonnell MM
Stransky ML, Oshita JY, Morris MA. Prevalence of Behavioral Health Problems Among Adults With and Without Communication Disabilities, 33(6):932–941
Streiffer RH. Re: New Allopathic Medical Schools Train Fewer Family Physicians than Older Ones, 33(1):154–155
Stringfellow V. see Brodney S
Strogatz D. see Betz ME
Sud A. see Spithoff S
Suglia S. see Heintzman J
Sullivan F. see Spithoff S
Sullivan HW, Aikin KJ, Berktold J, Stein KL, Hoverman VJ. Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising and Patient Provider Interactions, 33(2):279–283
Swayne K. see Nanavati M
Sweeney SM, Hemler JR, Baron AN, Woodson TT, Ono SS, Gordon L, Crabtree BF, Cohen DJ. Dedicated Workforce Required to Support Large-Scale Practice Improvement, 33(2):230–239
Tak CR. see Boggiano V
Tanabe P. See Crego N
Tang T, Hessler D, Polonsky WH, Fisher L, Reed B, Irani T, Desai U, Perez-Nieves M. Successful Health Care Provider Strategies to Overcome Psychological Insulin Resistance in United States and Canada, 33(2):198–210
Tapp H. The Changing Face of Primary Care Research and Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs) in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 33(5):645–649
Tapp H. see also Fenton JJ; Ludden T
Teng K. see Margolius D
Thacher T. see Lai B
Thakur NM. see Fenton JJ
Thomas J. see Ludden T
Thrasher JB, Hamady CR, Franklin LW. Medical Professionalism Is Like Pornography: You Know it When You See it, 33(5):S62–S64
Todd R. see Purkaple BA
Tong S. see Brooks EM
Tong ST. see Jiang V
Torres X, Ojeda B, Collado A, Solé E, Vergara J, Gómez E, Castells X, Arias A. Characterization of Burnout Among Spanish Family Physicians Treating Fibromyalgia Patients: The EPIFFAC Study, 33(3):386–396
Trejo M. see Mungia R
Tsang D. see Williams NM
Tu J, Penti B. How We Talk About “Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence” Matters, 33(5):809–814
Urquieta de Hernandez B. see Ludden T
Usatine R. see Williams NM
Valentine KD. see Brodney S
Van Eeghen C, Kennedy AG, Pasanen ME, MacLean CD. A New Quality Improvement Toolkit to Improve Opioid Prescribing in Primary Care, 33(1):17–26
Venkataramani M, Cheng TL, Yeh H-C, Bennett WL, Maruthur NM. Family-Oriented Social Service Touchpoints as Opportunities to Enhance Diabetes Screening following a History of Gestational Diabetes, 33(4):616–619
Vergara J. see Torres X
Vernon SW. see Krist AH
Walunas TL. See Ye J
Wang AA. See Ye J
Warden D. see Stack M
Warner DO. see Harman AE
Waterman J. see Loskutova NY
Watford R. see Davis T
Waxmonsky JA. see Kwan BM
Weida N. see St. Louis J
White Z. see Farrar M
Wilkinson E, Coffman M, Petterson S, Jabbarpour Y. Gender Differences in Reported Weekly Work Hours Among Family Physicians, 33(5):653–654
Wilkinson E. see also Abraham R; Coffman M; Eden AR
Willard-Grace R. see Dai M
Williams NM, Marghoob AA, Seiverling E, Usatine R, Tsang D, Jaimes N. Perspectives on Dermoscopy in the Primary Care Setting, 33(6):1022–1024
Williamson A. see Newton WP
Wilson CG. see Boggiano V; Farrar M; Kane C
Witt D. see Lai B
Witt T. see Lai B
Witthaus M. see Breeden MA
Wiwanitkit V. see Mungmungpuntipantip R
Wolf M. see McDonnell MM
Wong C. see Longstreth GF
Woodson TT. see Sweeney SM
Wshah SR. see Bonnell LN
Wu YX. see Rockwell MS
Xiang J. see King DE; Peckens S
Xu H. see Cottrell EK
Yang Y. see Li L
Yang YB. see Fleming P
Yardley M. see Chavez A
Ye J, Zhang R, Bannon JE, Wang AA, Walunas TL, Kho AN, Soulakis ND. Identifying Practice Facilitation Delays and Barriers in Primary Care Quality Improvement, 33(5):655–664
Yeh H-C. see Venkataramani M
Yu F. see Li L
Yu M. see Li L
Yuan CT. see Lai AY
Yun J. see Johansen ME
Yun JDY. see Johansen ME
Yurdakul OV, Ozduran E. see Bagcier F
Zamor PJ. see Ludden T
Zeleznik J. Re: Identifying Problematic Substance Use in a National Sample of Adolescents Using Frequency Questions, 33(1):152
Zhang R. See Ye J
Zhang Y. see Stack M
Zhao YD. see Nagykaldi Z
Zheng Y. see Li L
Zhong Y. see Li L
Zhou X. see Li L