Abara NO, Huang N, Raji MA, Kuo Y-F. Effect of Retail Clinic Use on Continuity of Care Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 32(4):531–538
Abramov D. Does My Patient with Multiple Comorbidities Have Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction, and Does It Matter?, 32(3):424–427
Agana DF, see Porter M
Agana DFG, see Kirkpatrick S
Agnani AS, see Diep AM
Ahn S-H, see Lee S-H
Ahrns HT, see Seiverling EV
Al-naqeeb J, Danner S, Fagnan LJ, Ramsey K, Michaels L, Mitchell J, Branca K, Morris C, Nease DE, Zittleman L, Levy B, Daly J, Hahn D, Dolor RJ, Williams HC, Chalmers JR, Hanifin J, Tofte S, Zuckerman KE, Hansis H, Gundersen M, Block J, Karr F, Dunbrasky S, Siebe K, Dillon K, Cibotti R, Lapidus J, Simpson EL. The Burden of Childhood Atopic Dermatitis in the Primary Care Setting: A Report from the Meta-LARC Consortium, 32(2):191–200
Angier H, see Heintzman J; Huguet N
Arizmendez NP, Kotovicz F, Kram JJF, Baumgardner DJ. Multimodal Local Opioid Prescribing Intervention Outcomes in Chronic Noncancer Pain Management, 32(4):559–566
Arya M, see Wettermann R
Asghari S, see Kendall CE
Avant R, see Peterson LE
Bailey S, see Heintzman J
Bailey SR, see Cantone RE
Balasubramanian BA, see Lindner S
Baldwin L-M, see Ike B
Ball CS, see Farford B
Barreto TW, Chung Y, Wingrove P, Young RA, Petterson S, Bazemore A, Liaw W. Primary Care Physician Characteristics Associated with Low Value Care Spending, 32(2):218–225
Barron LA, see Ylitalo KR
Batten AJ, see Hatef E
Baumgardner DJ, see Arizmendez NP
Baxley E, see Newton WP
Bazemore A, see Barreto TW; Beachler B; Jetty A; Levin Z; Martin P; Webb AR
Beachler B, Jabbarpour Y, Kamerow DB, Wilkinson E, Levin Z, Bazemore A. New Allopathic Medical Schools Train Fewer Family Physicians Than Older Ones, 32(5):653–654
Becker ML, see Kendall CE
Benavidez G, see Ylitalo KR
Bender BG, see Colborn KL
Berry-Stoelzle M, see Kim P
Betz ME, Villavicencio L, Kandasamy D, Kelley-Baker T, Kim W, DiGuiseppi C, Mielenz TJ, Eby DW, Molnar LJ, Hill L, Strogatz D, Carr DB, Li G. Physician and Family Discussions about Driving Safety: Findings from the LongROAD Study, 32(4):607–613
Bielick L, see Porter M
Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, see Landsmeer MLA; Van der Gaag WH
Bierman AS, see Ngo-Metzger Q
Bindels PJE, see Landsmeer MLA
Block J, see Al-naqeeb J
Bohnen AA, see Van der Gaag WH
Borsky AE, see Ngo-Metzger Q
Boucher LM, see Kendall CE
Bourne C, see Panchal BD
Bowman MA, see Lupo P; Seehusen DA
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA, Lupo P. Peer Reviewers for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine in 2018, 32(2):126–129
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA. Family Medicine: Data Driven Practice with Emphasis on Underserved Patients, 32(3):285–287
Bowman MA, Neale AV, Seehusen DA. New Research on Back Pain, Diet and Diabetes, Advanced Care Planning, and Other Issues Frequently Seen in Family Medicine, 32(6):759–762
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Neale AV. Conversations, Communication and Counseling Are Key Family Medicine Tactics to Improve Patient Health, 32(1):1–3
Bowman MA, Seehusen DA, Neale AV. Implementing Practice Changes in Family Medicine to Enhance Care and Prevent Disease Progression, 32(4):451–453
Boyd CM, see Green AR
Bradley KA, see Chavez LJ
Brady JE, see O'Neill TR
Branca K, see Al-naqeeb J
Brewer SE, see Fisher M
Brewer SE, Crump NM, O'Leary ST. Patient-Centered Research Priorities: A Mixed-Methods Approach from the Colorado Children's Outcomes Network (COCONet), 32(5):674–684
Bridges K, see Mir TH
Brosey E, see Mangurian C
Brown HW, see Guan W
Brungardt A, Daddato AE, Parnes B, Lum HD. Use of an Ambulatory Patient Portal for Advance Care Planning Engagement, 32(6):925–930
Buchanan J, see Campodonico J
Butt M, see Seiverling EV
Byhoff E, Garg A, Pellicer M, Diaz Y, Yoon GH, Charns MP, Drainoni M-L. Provider and Staff Feedback on Screening for Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health for Pediatric Patients, 32(3):297–306
Cameron D, see Wagner J
Camp BG, see Ylitalo KR
Campodonico J, Wolfrey J, Buchanan J. Reports of Two Broken Nexplanon Rods, 32(2):269–271
Cantone RE, Garvey B, O'Neill A, Fleishman J, Cohen D, Muench J, Bailey SR. Predictors of Medication-Assisted Treatment Initiation for Opioid Use Disorder in an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Model, 32(5):724–731
Carek P. Declining Presence of Family Physicians in Hospital-Based Care: A Major Concern or Totally Makes Sense?, 32(6):768–770
Carek PJ, see Kirkpatrick S; Porter M
Carr DB, see Betz ME
Carroll JK, see Fiscella K; Funk KA
Carroll K, see Northrup TF
Carter KJ, see Morcos RN
Cash R, see Panchal BD
Castillo M, see Coronado GD
Castillo ML, see Thompson JH
Castro F, see Morcos RN
Castro M, see Thompson JH
Ceasar R, see Satterwhite S
Ceesay F, see Owei I
Chacko L, see Porter M
Chalmers JR, see Al-naqeeb J
Chang JS, see Satterwhite S
Charns MP, see Byhoff E
Chavez LJ, Bradley KA, Lapham GT, Wickizer TM, Chisolm DJ. Identifying Problematic Substance Use in a National Sample of Adolescents Using Frequency Questions, 32(4):550–558
Chelvakumar M, Jabbarpour Y, Coffman M, Jetty A, Shaw JG. Long-acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Provision by Family Physicians: Low But on the Rise, 32(1):10–12
Chen A, see Coronado GD
Chen CCG, see Green AR
Chen X, see Pourat N
Cheng TL, see Venkataramani M
Cheong Y-S, see Lee S-H
Chisolm DJ, see Chavez LJ
Chou R, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Chung Y, see Barreto TW; Webb AR
Cibotti R, see Al-naqeeb J
Clinton WL, see Lampman M
Coffman M, see Chelvakumar M
Cohen D, see Cantone RE
Cohen DJ, see Lindner S; Wagner J
Colborn KL, Helmkamp L, Bender BG, Kwan BM, Schilling LM, Sills MR. Colorado Asthma Toolkit Implementation Improves Some Process Measures of Asthma Care, 32(1):37–49
Collins KL, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Connelly L, see Jortberg BT
Coronado GD, see Thompson JH
Coronado GD, Thompson JH, Petrik AF, Nyongesa DB, Leo MC, Castillo M, Younger B, Escaron A, Chen A. Patient-Refined Messaging for a Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Program: Findings from the PROMPT Study, 32(3):318–328
Cosgrove L, Erlich E, Shaughnessy AF. No Magic Pill: A Prescription for Enhanced Shared Decision-Making for Depression Treatment, 32(1):6–9
Cottrell E, see Heintzman J
Crawford PF, Rupert J, Jackson JT, Walkowski S, Ledford CJW. Relationship of Training in Acupuncture to Physician Burnout, 32(2):259–263
Crowe L, see Kendall CE
Crump C, Sundquist K, Sundquist J, Winkleby MA. Exercise Is Medicine: Primary Care Counseling on Aerobic Fitness and Muscle Strengthening, 32(1):103–107
Crump NM, see Brewer SE
Cuffney M, see Dickinson WP
Curtis I, see Hatef E
Daddato AE, see Brungardt A
Dagogo-Jack S, see Owei I
Dai M, see Peabody MR
Dai M, Hagen M, Eden AR, Peterson LE. Physician Opinions about American Board of Family Medicine Self-Assessment Modules (2006–2016), 32(1):79–88
Dale AP, see Marchello CS
Dale AP, Ebell M, McKay B, Handel A, Forehand R, Dobbin K. Impact of a Rapid Point of Care Test for Influenza on Guideline Consistent Care and Antibiotic Use, 32(2):226–233
Dale AP, Ebell MH. Response: Re: Impact of a Rapid Point of Care Test for Influenza on Guideline Consistent Care and Antibiotic Use, 32(4):641–642
Daly J, see Al-naqeeb J
Daly JM, see Kim P
Daniel SS, see Mospan CM
Danner S, see Al-naqeeb J
Davidow AC, see Twarog JP
Davis AC, see Pourat N
Davis JW. Los Seres Humanos Matter: A Hispanic Health Story from Texas, 32(1):115–117
Davis MM, see Thompson JH
Daw K, see Engster SA
Day P, see Mir TH
de Caprariis PJ. Re: A Reflective Case Study in Family Medicine Advance Care Planning Conversations, 32(4):639
De Marchis E, Knox M, Hessler D, Willard-Grace R, Olayiwola JN, Peterson LE, Grumbach K, Gottlieb LM. Physician Burnout and Higher Clinic Capacity to Address Patients' Social Needs, 32(1):69–78
De Marchis EH, Hessler D, Gottlieb LM. Response: Re: Physician Burnout and Higher Clinic Capacity to Address Patients' Social Needs, 32(5):753
Deen MH, see Wickersham E
Dera NT, see Gaglioti AH
Deshmukh UU, see Powell AC
DeVoe J, see Heintzman J
DeVoe JE, see Huguet N
Diaz Y, see Byhoff E
Dickinson LM, see Hall TL; Jortberg BT
Dickinson WP, see Hall TL; Jortberg BT
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Cuffney M, Fisher L. A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices, 32(3):341–352
Diep AM, Thoppe HS, Yang A, Agnani AS, Phillips WR. Accuracy of Reporting Primary Care Specialty Status in Medical Research, 32(6):941–943
DiGuiseppi C, see Betz ME
Dilger BT, Gill MC, Lenhart JG, Garrison GM. Visit Entropy Associated with Diabetic Control Outcomes, 32(5):739–745
Dilley J, see Mangurian C
Dillon K, see Al-naqeeb J
Distelberg B, see Stephenson J
Dobbin K, see Dale AP
Dolor RJ, see Al-naqeeb J
Dorr DA, see Wagner J
Drainoni M-L, see Byhoff E
Drowos J. New Allopathic Medical Schools and Family Physicians, 32(5):651–652
Dunbrasky S, see Al-naqeeb J
Dusza SW, see Seiverling EV
Ebell M, see Dale AP
Ebell MH, see Dale AP; Marchello CS
Eby DW, see Betz ME
Eden A, see Jetty A
Eden AR, see Dai M
Edwards ST, see Lindner S
Elder N. Practice-Based Research Today: A Changing Primary Care Landscape Requires Changes in Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Research, 32(5):647– 650
Elliott SW, see Powell AC
Engster SA, Fascetti C, Daw K, Reis EC. Parent Perceptions of and Preferences for Participation in Child Health Research: Results from a Pediatric Practice-Based Research Network, 32(5):685–694
Enthoven WTM, see Van der Gaag WH
Erlich E, see Cosgrove L
Escaron A, see Coronado GD
Fagnan LJ, see Al-naqeeb J
Fain R, see Newton WP
Fang B, see Peterson LE
Farford B, Pantin SA, Presutti J, Ball CS. Evaluation of a Family Medicine Transitional Care Service Line, 32(4):619–627
Fascetti C, see Engster SA
Feimster JW, Mellinger JD. Endoscopic Services in the United States:By Whom, for What, and Why?, 32(4):454–456
Fenton JJ, Magnan EM, Jerant A, Kravitz RL, Franks P. Patient Characteristics Associated with Making Requests during Primary Care Visits, 32(2):201–208
Fenton JJ. What Is the AAFP's Political Action Committee Fighting For?, 32(6):948–950
Ferlatte O, see Kealy D
Fernald D, see Kwan BM
Fernald DH, see Dickinson WP; Fisher M; Jortberg BT
Ferrarone P, see Kwan BM
Fihn S, see Hatef E
Findlay S.D., see Zigman Suchsland ML
Fiscella K, Carroll JK. Re: How Evolving United States Payment Models Influence Primary Care and its Impact on the Quadruple Aim: The Need for Health Equity, 32(1):118
Fisher L, see Dickinson WP; Jortberg BT
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Fernald DH, Holtrop JS, Nederveld A, O'Leary ST, Simpson M, Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Nease DE Jr. Process for Setting Research Priorities: A Case Study from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium, 32(5):655–662
Fisher M, Brewer SE, Westfall JM, Simpson M, Zittleman L, O'Leary ST, Fernald DH, Nederveld A, Nease DE Jr. Strategies for Developing and Sustaining Patient and Community Advisory Groups: Lessons from the State Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practicesand Partners (SNOCAP) Consortium of Practice-Based Research Networks, 32(5):663–673
Fleishman J, see Cantone RE
Flocke S, see Witt AM
Forehand R, see Dale AP
Franks P, see Fenton JJ
Fu X, see Porter M
Fuentes-Afflick E, see Mangurian C
Funk KA, Pestka DL, Roth MT, McClurg TR, Carroll JK, Sorensen TD. Primary Care Providers Believe That Comprehensive Medication Management Improves Their Work-Life, 32(4):462–473
Gaglioti AH, Walston D, Vasquez Guzman CE, Dera NT, Ortiz C, Wright LC, Roberts T, Parker S, Young V. A Practical Approach to Establishing a Practice-Based Research Network Stakeholder Engagement Infrastructure, 32(5):695–704
Garg A, see Byhoff E
Garrison GM, see Dilger BT
Garvey B, see Cantone RE
Gerard WA. Pawn and King Play: A Stalemate on Rural Emergency Medicine Staffing, 32(3):292–294
Geske J, see Pinon L
Gill MC, see Dilger BT
Gillette C, see Mospan CM
Giménez García RM, Molina SC. Drug-Induced Hyperpigmentation:Review and Case Series, 32(4):628–638
Giordano TP, see Wettermann R
Gitlin DF, see Kroll DS
Giwa A, see Mangurian C
Gold M. Response for “LARC Provision by Family Physicians: Low But on the Rise,” 32(1):4–5
Gold SB, Park B, Bazemore A, Liaw W. Response: Re: How Evolving United States Payment Models Influence Primary Care and Its Impact on the Quadruple Aim, 32(1):119
Goldberg DGG, Haghighat S, Kavalloor S, Nichols LM. A Qualitative Analysis of Implementing EvidenceNOW to Improve Cardiovascular Care, 32(5):705–714
Gottlieb LM, see De Marchis E
Gowin M, see Wickersham E
Grant RW, see Santo EC
Gravel JW. Stuck in Graduate Medical Education Traffic? Teaching Health Centers Are Family Medicine's High-Occupancy-Vehicle Lane, 32(2):130–133
Green AR, Lee P, Reeve E, Wolff JL, Chen CCG, Kruzan R, Boyd CM. Clinicians' Perspectives on Barriers and Enablers of Optimal Prescribing in Patients with Dementia and Coexisting Conditions, 32(3):383–391
Greene A, see Seiverling EV
Griggs JO, see Ylitalo KR
Grumbach K, see De Marchis E
Guan W, Schmuhl NB, Brown HW. Response: Re: If We Do not Ask, They Will not Tell: Screening for Urinary and Fecal Incontinence by Primary Care Providers, 32(1):119–120
Gundersen M, see Al-naqeeb J
Habib A, see Levin Z
Hagen M, see Dai M
Haggerty T, Xiang J, King D. Patient Body Mass Index (BMI) Knowledge in a Rural Primary Care Population, 32(3):413–417
Haghighat S, see Goldberg DGG
Hahn D, see Al-naqeeb J
Hall JD, see Wagner J
Hall TL, Knierim KE, Nease DE, Staton EW, Nkouaga C, Dickinson LM, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practices' Implementation of Patient-Team Partnership: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest, 32(4):490–504
Handel A, see Dale AP
Hanifin J, see Al-naqeeb J
Hansis H, see Al-naqeeb J
Hardy V, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Harvill ET, see Marchello CS
Hatef E, Kharrazi H, Nelson K, Sylling P, Ma X, Lasser EC, Searle KM, Predmore Z, Batten AJ, Curtis I, Fihn S, Weiner JP. The Association Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic and Housing Characteristics with Hospitalization: Results of a National Study of Veterans, 32(6):890–903
Hefner JL, see Tolliver SO
Heintzman J, see Huguet N
Heintzman J, Cottrell E, Angier H, O'Malley J, Bailey S, Jacob L, DeVoe J, Ukhanova M, Thayer E, Marino M. Impact of Alternative Payment Methodology on Primary Care Visits and Scheduling, 32(4):539–549
Helmkamp L, see Colborn KL
Hess B, see Ylitalo KR
Hessler D, see De Marchis E; De Marchis EH
Hessler DM, see Dickinson WP; Jortberg BT
Hieronymus H, see Keck JW
Hill L, see Betz ME
Hinojosa R. Veterans' Likelihood of Reporting Cardiovascular Disease, 32(1):50–57
Hlávka J, see Lam J
Holtrop JS, see Fisher M; Jortberg BT; Kwan BM
Hoopes MJ, see Huguet N
Hoskote M, see Lyles CR
Huang N, see Abara NO
Huguet N, Angier H, Hoopes MJ, Marino M, Heintzman J, Schmidt T, DeVoe JE. Prevalence of Pre-existing Conditions Among Community Health Center Patients Before and After the Affordable Care Act, 32(6):883–889
Ike B, Baldwin L-M, Sutton S, Van Borkulo N, Packer C, Parchman ML. Staff and Clinician Work-Life Perceptions after Implementing Systems-Based Improvements to Opioid Management, 32(5):715–723
Ingerick P, Iuga AO. Re: Physician Burnout and Higher Clinic Capacity to Address Patients' Social Needs, 32(5):752–753
Ireland J. American Board of Family Medicine Elects New Officers and Board Members, 32(4):643–645
Ireland J. American Board of Family Medicine Rolls Out Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment (FMCLA) as 2019 Pilot, 32(1):121
Irwin L, see Kroll DS
Iuga AO, see Ingerick P
Jabbarpour Y, see Beachler B; Chelvakumar M; Jetty A
Jackson JT, see Crawford PF
Jacob L, see Heintzman J
Jaske E, see Lampman M
Jerant A, see Fenton JJ
Jetty A, see Chelvakumar M; Martin P
Jetty A, Jabbarpour Y, Petterson S, Eden A, Bazemore A. The Declining Presence of Family Physicians in Hospital-Based Care, 32(6):771–772
Joob B, Wiwanitkit V. Re: If We Do not Ask, They Will not Tell: Screening for Urinary and Fecal Incontinence by Primary Care Providers, 32(1):119
Jortberg BT, see Dickinson WP
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Connelly L, Holtrop JS, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Practice Characteristics Associated with Better Implementation of Patient Self-Management Support, 32(3):329–340
Kaboli PJ, see Lampman M
Kamerow DB, see Beachler B
Kandasamy D, see Betz ME
Kansagara D, see Wagner J
Karr F, see Al-naqeeb J
Kavalloor S, see Goldberg DGG
Kazal LA. Re: Signs and Symptoms That Rule Out Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Outpatient Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 32(5):753
Kealy D, Rice SM, Ferlatte O, Ogrodniczuk JS, Oliffe JL. Better Doctor-Patient Relationships Are Associated with Men Choosing More Active Depression Treatment, 32(1):13–19
Keck JW, Thomas AR, Hieronymus H, Roper KL. Prediabetes Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices at an Academic Family Medicine Practice, 32(4):505–512
Keely E, see Liddy C
Kelley-Baker T, see Betz ME
Kendall CE, Shoemaker ES, Porter JE, Boucher LM, Crowe L, Rosenes R, Bibeau C, Lundrigan P, Becker ML, Asghari S, Rourke SB, Liddy C. Canadian HIV Care Settings as Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), 32(2):158–167
Khandalavala B, see Pinon L
Kharrazi H, see Hatef E
Kim P, Daly JM, Berry-Stoelzle M, Schmidt M, Levy BT. Use of Advance Care Planning Billing Codes in a Tertiary Care Center Setting, 32(6):827–834
Kim W, see Betz ME
King D, see Haggerty T
King DE, Xiang J. The Dietary Inflammatory Index Is Associated With Diabetes Severity, 32(6):801–806
Kirkpatrick S, Agana DFG, Lynch K, Carek PJ. Emergency Department High Utilizers among Family Medicine Patients, 32(2):264–268
Kiyoi S, see Lyles CR
Knierim KE, see Hall TL
Knight KR, see Satterwhite S
Knox M, see De Marchis E
Koes BW, see Van der Gaag WH
Koirala S, see Morcos RN
Kone K, see Mir TH
Koren DE, see Simoncini GM
Kotovicz F, see Arizmendez NP
Kraemer JD, see Lin KW
Kram JJF, see Arizmendez NP
Kravitz RL, see Fenton JJ
Kroll DS, Latham C, Mahal J, Siciliano M, Shea LS, Irwin L, Southworth B, Gitlin DF. A Successful Walk-In Psychiatric Model for Integrated Care, 32(4):481–489
Kruzan R, see Green AR
Kunihiro S, see Nowels D
Kuo Y-F, see Abara NO
Kushel M, see Martin P; Satterwhite S
Kwan BM, see Colborn KL
Kwan BM, Fernald D, Ferrarone P, Loskutova N, Holtrop JS, Staton EW, Westfall JM. Implementation and Evaluation of a Laboratory Safety Process Improvement Toolkit, 32(2):136–145
Lam J, Hlávka J, Mattke S. The Potential Emergence of Disease-Modifying Treatments for Alzheimer Disease: The Role of Primary Care in Managing the Patient Journey, 32(6):931–940
Lampman M, see Lampman M
Lampman M, Stockdale S, Kaboli PJ, Jaske E, Wood GB, Clinton WL, Stewart G. The Effects of Telephone Visits and Rurality on Veterans Perceptions of Access to Primary Care, 32(5):749–751
Landsmeer MLA, Runhaar J, Middelkoop M, Oei EHG, Schiphof D, Bindels PJE, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA. Predicting Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis Among Overweight Women, 32(4):575–584
Lapham GT, see Chavez LJ
Lapidus J, see Al-naqeeb J
Laschober R, see Ylitalo KR
Lasko L, see Witt AM
Lasser EC, see Hatef E
Latham C, see Kroll DS
Lavallee DC, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Ledford CJW, see Crawford PF
Lee P, see Green AR
Lee S-H, Ahn S-H, Cheong Y-S. Effect of Electronic Cigarettes on SmokingReduction and Cessation in Korean Male Smokers: A Randomized Controlled Study, 32(4):567–574
Lenhart JG, see Dilger BT
Leo MC, see Coronado GD
Levin Z, see Beachler B
Levin Z, Meyers P, Peterson L, Habib A, Bazemore A. Practice Intentions of Family Physicians Trained in Teaching Health Centers: The Value of Community-Based Training, 32(2):134–135
Levy B, see Al-naqeeb J
Levy BT, see Kim P
Li G, see Betz ME
Liaw W, see Barreto TW; Martin P; Webb AR
Liddy C, see Kendall CE
Liddy C, Moroz I, Mihan A, Keely E. Assessment of the Generalizability of an eConsult Service through Implementation in a New Health Region, 32(2):146–157
Lin KW, see Mishori R
Lin KW, Kraemer JD, Piltch-Loeb R, Stoto MA. Response: Re: The Complex Interpretation and Management of Zika Virus Test Results, 32(2):281
Lin SX, Patel K, Younge RG. Opioid Medications Prescribing and the Pain-Depression Dyad in Primary Care: Analysis of 2014–2015 National Ambulatory Medical CareSurvey (NAMCS) Data, 32(4):614–618
Lindner S, Solberg LI, Miller WL, Balasubramanian BA, Marino M, McConnell KJ, Edwards ST, Stange KC, Springer RJ, Cohen DJ. Does Ownership Make a Difference in Primary Care Practice?, 32(3):398–407
Long JW, see Powell AC
Loskutova N, see Kwan BM
Luijsterburg PAJ, see Van der Gaag WH
Lum HD, see Brungardt A; Nowels D
Lundrigan P, see Kendall CE
Lupo P, see Bowman MA
Lupo P, Neale AV, Bowman MA, Seehusen DA. Content Usage and the Most Frequently Read Articles of 2018, 32(3):288–291
Lyles CR, Tieu L, Sarkar U, Kiyoi S, Sadasivaiah S, Hoskote M, Ratanawongsa N, Schillinger S. A Randomized Trial to Train Vulnerable Primary Care Patients to Use a Patient Portal, 32(2):248–258
Lynch K, see Kirkpatrick S; Porter M
Lynch S, see Penrod NM
Ma X, see Hatef E
MacKenzie M, see Purkey E
MacKenzie M, Purkey E. Barriers to End-of-Life Services for Persons Experiencing Homelessness as Perceived by Health and Social Service Providers, 32(6):847–857
Madabhushi V, see Peterson LE
Magnan EM, see Fenton JJ
Mainous AG, Schatz DA. Is It Time to Prioritize Diabetes Prevention in Practice?, 32(4):457–459
Mainous AG III., see Peabody MR
Mangurian C, Giwa A, Brosey E, Shumway M, Dilley J, Fuentes-Afflick E, Pérez-Stable EJ, Schillinger D. Opinions of Primary Care Clinicians and Psychiatrists on Monitoring the Metabolic Effects of Antipsychotics, 32(3):418–423
Marchello CS, Ebell MH, Dale AP, Harvill ET, Shen Y, Whalen CC. Signs and Symptoms That Rule out Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Outpatient Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 32(2):234–247
Marchello CS, Ebell MH. Response: Re: Signs and Symptoms That Rule Out Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Outpatient Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, 32(5):753–754
Marek H, see Wettermann R
Marghoob AA, see Seiverling EV
Marino M, see Heintzman J; Huguet N; Lindner S
Martin P, Liaw W, Bazemore A, Jetty A, Petterson A, Kushel M. Adults with Housing Insecurity Have Worse Access to Primary and Preventive Care, 32(4):521–530
Maruthur NM, see Venkataramani M
Mattke S, see Lam J
McClurg TR, see Funk KA
McConnell KJ, see Lindner S
McDougle L, see Tolliver SO
McElroy TC, see Twarog JP
McGrath MP, see Twarog JP
McKay B, see Dale AP
McKee J, see Mospan CM
Mellinger JD, see Feimster JW
Meyer MR, see Ylitalo KR
Meyers P, see Levin Z
Miaskowski C, see Satterwhite S
Michaels L, see Al-naqeeb J; Thompson JH
Middelkoop M, see Landsmeer MLA
Mielenz TJ, see Betz ME
Mihan A, see Liddy C
Miller WL, see Lindner S
Mir TH, Osayande A, Kone K, Bridges K, Day P. Assessing the Quality of the After-Visit Summary (AVS) in a Primary-Care Clinic, 32(1):65–68
Mishori R, Singh L, Lin KW, Wei Y. #Diversity: Conversations on Twitter about Women and Black Men in Medicine, 32(1):28–36
Mitchell J, see Al-naqeeb J
Molina SC, see Giménez García RM
Molnar LJ, see Betz ME
Montgomery SB, see Stephenson J
Moore JH, see Penrod NM
Morcos RN, Carter KJ, Castro F, Koirala S, Sharma D, Syed H. Sources of Error in Office Blood Pressure Measurement, 32(5):732–738
Moreno C, see Panchal BD
Moroz I, see Liddy C
Morris C, see Al-naqeeb J
Morton KR, see Stephenson J
Mospan CM, Gillette C, McKee J, Daniel SS. Community Pharmacists as Partners in Reducing Suicide Risk, 32(6):763–767
Muench J, see Cantone RE
Murad MH, see Powell AC
Nagykaldi Z, see Wickersham E
Nasim U, see Peterson LE
Neale AV, see Bowman MA; Lupo P; Seehusen DA
Nease DE, see Al-naqeeb J; Hall TL
Nease DE Jr, see Fisher M
Nederveld A, see Fisher M
Nelson K, see Hatef E
Neumiller JL, see Perreault P
Newton W. The American Board of Family Medicine: What is Next?, 32(2):282–284
Newton WP, see O'Neill TR; Peterson LE
Newton WP, Baxley E, Rode K, O'Neill T, Fain R. Improving Continuing Education for Family Physicians: The Role of the American Board of Family Medicine, 32(5):756–758
Newton WP, Rode K, O'Neill T, Fain R, and Baxley E. Longitudinal Assessment: Where We Are and Why It Is Important, 32(3):448–450
Ngo-Metzger Q, Zuvekas S, Shafer P, Tracer H, Borsky AE, Bierman AS. Statin Use in the US for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Remains Suboptimal, 32(6):807–817
Nichols LM, see Goldberg DGG
Nkouaga C, see Hall TL
Northrup TF, Carroll K, Suchting R, Villarreal YR, Zare M, Stotts AL. The Impact of Increased Hydrocodone Regulation on Opioid Prescribing in an Urban Safety-Net Health Care System, 32(3):362–374
Nowels D, Nowels MA, Sheffler JL, Kunihiro S, Lum HD. Features of US Primary Care Physicians and Their Practices Associated with Advance Care Planning Conversations, 32(6):835–846
Nowels MA, see Nowels D
Nyongesa DB, see Coronado GD
Oei EHG, see Landsmeer MLA
Ogrodniczuk JS, see Kealy D
Olayiwola JN, see De Marchis E
O'Leary ST, see Brewer SE; Fisher M
Oliffe JL, see Kealy D
O'Malley J, see Heintzman J
O'Neill A, see Cantone RE
O'Neill T, see Newton WP
O'Neill TR, Newton WP, Brady JE, Spogen D. Using the Family Medicine Certification Longitudinal Assessment to Make Summative Decisions, 32(6):951–953
O'Neill TR, Peabody MR, Stelter K, Puffer JC, Brady JE. Validating the Test Plan Specifications for the American Board of Family Medicine's Certification Examination, 32(6):876–882
Ortiz C, see Gaglioti AH
Ortiz L, see Stephenson J
Osayande A, see Mir TH
Otufowora A. Re: Better Doctor-Patient Relationships Are Associated with Men Choosing More Active Depression Treatment, 32(4):640
Otufowora A. Re: Timely Outpatient Follow-Up Is Associated with Fewer Hospital Readmissions Among Patients with Behavioral Health Conditions, 32(5):754–755
Owei I, Umekwe N, Ceesay F, and Dagogo-Jack S. Awareness of Prediabetes Status and Subsequent Health Behavior, Body Weight, and Blood Glucose Levels, 32(1):20–27
Packer C, see Ike B
Palmer S, see Panchal BD
Panchal AR, see Panchal BD
Panchal BD, Cash R, Moreno C, Vrontos E, Bourne C, Palmer S, Simpson A, Panchal AR. High-Risk Medication Prescriptions in Primary Care for Women Without Documented Contraception, 32(4):474–480
Pantin SA, see Farford B
Parchman ML, see Ike B
Park B, see Gold SB
Parker S, see Gaglioti AH
Parnes B, see Brungardt A
Patel K, see Lin SX
Peabody MR, 32(6):868–875, see O'Neill TR
Pellicer M, see Byhoff E
Penrod NM, Lynch S, Thomas S, Seshadri N, Moore JH. Prevalence and Characterization of Yoga Mentions in the Electronic Health Record, 32(6):790–800
Peraj E, see Twarog JP
Pérez-Stable EJ, see Mangurian C
Perreault P, Vincent L, Neumiller JL, Santos-Cavaiola T. Initiation and Titration of Basal Insulin in Primary Care: Barriers and Practical Solutions, 32(3):431–447
Pestka DL, see Funk KA
Peterson L, see Levin Z
Peterson LE, see Dai M; De Marchis E; Peabody MR
Peterson LE, Fang B, Phillips RL, Avant R, Puffer JC. The American Board of Family Medicine's Data Collection Method for Tracking Their Specialty, 32(1):89–95
Peterson LE, Nasim U, Madabhushi V. Declining Endoscopic Care by Family Physicians in Both Rural and Urban Areas, 32(4):460–461
Peterson LE, Puffer JC, Nasim U, Petterson S, Newton WP. Family Physicians' Contributions to Rural Emergency Care and Urban Urgent Care, 32(3):295–296
Petrik AF, see Coronado GD
Petterson A, see Martin P
Petterson S, see Barreto TW; Jetty A; Peterson LE; Webb AR
Phillips RL, see Peterson LE
Phillips WR, see Diep AM
Piltch-Loeb R, see Lin KW
Pinon L, Khandalavala B, Geske J. Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic, 32(4):601–606
Polak KM, see Tong ST
Porter JE, see Kendall CE
Porter M, Quillen D, Agana DF, Chacko L, Lynch K, Bielick L, Fu X, Yang Y, Carek PJ. Are Patients Frequently Readmitted to the Hospital Different from the Other Admitted Patients?, 32(1):58–64
Pourat N, Chen X, Wu S-H, Davis AC. Timely Outpatient Follow-up Is Associated with Fewer Hospital Readmissions among Patients with Behavioral Health Conditions, 32(3):353–361
Powell AC, Rogstad TL, Elliott SW, Price SE, Long JW, Deshmukh UU, Murad MH, Steffen MW. Health Care Utilization and Pain Outcomes Following Early Imaging for Low Back Pain in Older Adults, 32(6):773–780
Predmore Z, see Hatef E
Presutti J, see Farford B
Price SE, see Powell AC
Puffer JC, see O'Neill TR; Peterson LE
Purkey E, see MacKenzie M
Purkey E, MacKenzie M. Experiences of Palliative Health Care for Homeless and Vulnerably Housed Individuals, 32(6):858–867
Quillen D, see Porter M
Raji MA, see Abara NO
Ramsey K, see Al-naqeeb J
Ratanawongsa N, see Lyles CR
Reeve E, see Green AR
Reich SL, see Thompson JH
Reis EC, see Engster SA
Rhyne RL, see Hall TL
Rice SM, see Kealy D
Rivelli JS, see Thompson JH
Roberts T, see Gaglioti AH
Rode K, see Newton WP
Rogstad TL, see Powell AC
Roper KL, see Keck JW
Rosenes R, see Kendall CE
Ross RL, see Wagner J
Roth MT, see Funk KA
Rourke SB, see Kendall CE
Runhaar J, see Landsmeer MLA
Rupert J, see Crawford PF
Russo AT, see Twarog JP
Sachdeva B, see Wagner J
Sadasivaiah S, see Lyles CR
Santo EC, TuongVi Vo MT, Uratsu CS, Grant RW. Patient-Defined Visit Priorities in Primary Care: Psychosocial Versus Medically-Related Concerns., 32(4):513–520
Santos-Cavaiola T, see Perreault P
Sarbacker GB, see Shealy KM
Sarkar U, see Lyles CR
Satterwhite S, Knight KR, Miaskowski C, Chang JS, Ceasar R, Zamora K, Kushel M. Sources and Impact of Time Pressure on Opioid Management in the Safety-Net, 32(3):375–382
Schatz DA, see Mainous AG
Schilling LM, see Colborn KL
Schillinger D, see Mangurian C
Schillinger S, see Lyles CR
Schiphof D, see Landsmeer MLA
Schmidt M, see Kim P
Schmidt T, see Huguet N
Schmuhl NB, see Guan W
Searle KM, see Hatef E
Seehusen D, see Bowman MA; Neale AV
Seehusen DA, see Bowman MA
Seehusen DA, Bowman MA, Neale AV. Multiple Research Methodologies Can Advance the Science of Family Medicine, 32(2):123–125
Seiverling EV, Ahrns HT, Greene A, Butt M, Yélamos O, Dusza SW, Marghoob AA. Teaching Benign Skin Lesions as a Strategy to Improve the Triage Amalgamated Dermoscopic Algorithm (TADA), 32(1):96–102
Seshadri N, see Penrod NM
Shafer P, see Ngo-Metzger Q
Sharma D, see Morcos RN
Shaughnessy AF, see Cosgrove L
Shaw JG, see Chelvakumar M
Shea LS, see Kroll DS
Shealy KM, Wu J, Waites J, Taylor NA, Sarbacker GB. Patterns of Diabetes Screening and Prediabetes Treatment during Office Visits in the US, 32(2):209–217
Sheffler JL, see Nowels D
Shen Y, see Marchello CS
Shoemaker ES, see Kendall CE
Shumway M, see Mangurian C
Siciliano M, see Kroll DS
Siebe K, see Al-naqeeb J
Sills MR, see Colborn KL
Simoncini GM, Koren DE. Hepatitis C Update and Expanding the Role of Primary Care, 32(3):428–430
Simpson A, see Panchal BD
Simpson EL, see Al-naqeeb J
Simpson M, see Fisher M
Singh L, see Mishori R
Smith WR, see Tong ST
Solberg LI, see Lindner S
Sorensen TD, see Funk KA
Southworth B, see Kroll DS
Spogen D, see O'Neill TR
Springer RJ, see Lindner S
St. Louis J, Valdini A. Abnormally Low Hemoglobin A1c as Harbinger of Hemoglobinopathy, 32(6):923–924
Stange KC, see Lindner S
Staton EW, see Hall TL; Kwan BM
Steffen MW, see Powell AC
Stelter K, see O'Neill TR
Stephenson J, Distelberg B, Morton KR, Ortiz L, Montgomery SB. Different Depression Treatment Recommendations and Adherence for Spanish- and English-Speaking Patients, 32(6):904–912
Stewart G, see Lampman M
Stockdale S, see Lampman M
Stoto MA, see Lin KW
Stotts AL, see Northrup TF
Strogatz D, see Betz ME
Suchting R, see Northrup TF
Sundermeyer RL, see Young RA
Sundquist J, see Crump C
Sundquist K, see Crump C
Sutton S, see Ike B
Svikis DS, see Tong ST
Syed H, see Morcos RN
Sylling P, see Hatef E
Taylor NA, see Shealy KM
Thayer E, see Heintzman J
Thom DH. Re: Impact of Medical Scribes in Primary Care on Productivity, Face-to-Face Time, and Patient Comfort, 32(1):120
Thomas AR, see Keck JW
Thomas S, see Penrod NM
Thompson JH, see Coronado GD
Thompson JH, Davis MM, Michaels L, Rivelli JS, Castillo ML, Younger BM, Castro M, Reich SL, Coronado GD. Developing Patient-Refined Messaging for a Mailed Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in a Latino-Based Community Health Center, 32(3):307–317
Thompson MJ, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Thoppe HS, see Diep AM
Tieu L, see Lyles CR
Tofte S, see Al-naqeeb J
Tolliver S.D., see Tolliver SO
Tolliver SO, Hefner JL, Tolliver S.D., McDougle L. Primary Care Provider Understanding of Hair Care Maintenance as a Barrier to Physical Activity in African American Women, 32(6):944–947
Tong ST, Polak KM, Weaver MF, Villalobos GC, Smith WR, Svikis DS. Screening for Psychotherapeutic Medication Misuse in Primary Care Patients: Comparing Two Instruments, 32(2):272–278
Tracer H, see Ngo-Metzger Q
Tunzi M, Ventres W. A Reflective Case Study in Family Medicine Advance Care Planning Conversations, 32(1):108–114
Tunzi M, Ventres W. Response: Re: A Reflective Case Study in Family Medicine Advance Care Planning Conversations, 32(4):639–640
TuongVi Vo MT, see Santo EC
Turner K, see Peabody MR
Twarog JP, Russo AT, McElroy TC, Peraj E, McGrath MP, Davidow AC. Blood Donation Rates in the United States 1999–2016: From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 32(5):746–748
Ukhanova M, see Heintzman J
Umekwe N, see Owei I
Uratsu CS, see Santo EC
Valdini A, see St. Louis J
Van Borkulo N, see Ike B
Van der Gaag WH, Enthoven WTM, Luijsterburg PAJ, Jantine van Rijckevorsel-Scheele J, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Bohnen AA, van Tulder MW, Koes BW. Natural History of Back Pain in Older Adults over Five Years, 32(6):781–789
Van Rijckevorsel-Scheele J, see Van der Gaag WH
Van Tulder MW, see Van der Gaag WH
Vasquez Guzman CE, see Gaglioti AH
Venkataramani M, Cheng TL, Yeh H-S, Maruthur NM. Lifestyle Intervention Programs for Adults at High-Risk for type 2 Diabetes:A Platform to ReachHigh-Risk Children?, 32(4):596–600
Ventres W, see Tunzi M
Vigil PD, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Villalobos GC, see Tong ST
Villarreal YR, see Northrup TF
Villavicencio L, see Betz ME
Vincent L, see Perreault P
Vrontos E, see Panchal BD
Wagner J, Hall JD, Ross RL, Cameron D, Sachdeva B, Kansagara D, Cohen DJ, Dorr DA. Implementing Risk Stratification in Primary Care:Challenges and Strategies, 32(4):585–595
Waites J, see Shealy KM
Walkowski S, see Crawford PF
Walston D, see Gaglioti AH
Wearner R, see Jortberg BT
Weaver MF, see Tong ST
Webb AR, Liaw W, Chung Y, Petterson S, Bazemore A. Accountable Care Organizations Serving Deprived Communities Are Less Likely to Share in Savings, 32(6):913–922
Wei Y, see Mishori R
Weiner JP, see Hatef E
Westfall JM, see Fisher M; Kwan BM
Wettermann R, Marek H, Giordano TP, Arya M. Text Messages Can Encourage Patients to Discuss and Receive HIV Testing in Primary Care, 32(3):408–412
Whalen CC, see Marchello CS
Wickersham E, Gowin M, Deen MH, Nagykaldi Z. Improving the Adoption of Advance Directives in Primary Care Practices, 32(2):168–179
Wickizer TM, see Chavez LJ
Wilkinson E, see Beachler B
Willard-Grace R, see De Marchis E
Williams HC, see Al-naqeeb J
Wingrove P, see Barreto TW
Winkleby MA, see Crump C
Witt AM, Witt R, Lasko L, Flocke S. Translating Team-Based Breastfeeding Support into Primary Care Practice, 32(6):818–826
Witt R, see Witt AM
Wiwanitkit V, see Joob B; Yasri S
Wolff JL, see Green AR
Wolfrey J, see Campodonico J
Wood GB, see Lampman M
Woodhouse WM, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Wright LC, see Gaglioti AH
Wu J, see Shealy KM
Wu S-H, see Pourat N
Xiang J, see Haggerty T; King DE
Yang A, see Diep AM
Yang Y, see Porter M
Yasri S, Wiwanitkit V. Re: The Complex Interpretation and Management of Zika Virus Test Results, 32(2):280–281
Yeh H-S, see Venkataramani M
Yélamos O, see Seiverling EV
Ylitalo KR, Camp BG, Meyer MR, Barron LA, Benavidez G, Hess B, Laschober R, Griggs JO. Barriers and Facilitators of Colorectal Cancer Screening in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), 32(2):180–190
Yoon GH, see Byhoff E
Young RA, see Barreto TW
Young RA, Sundermeyer RL. Response: Re: Family Medicine and Obstetrics: Let us Stop Pretending, 32(2):279–280
Young V, see Gaglioti AH
Younge RG, see Lin SX
Younger B, see Coronado GD
Younger BM, see Thompson JH
Zamora K, see Satterwhite S
Zare M, see Northrup TF
Zhang Y, see Zigman Suchsland ML
Zigman Suchsland ML, Hardy V, Zhang Y, Vigil PD, Collins KL, Woodhouse WM, Chou R, Findlay S.D., Lavallee DC, Thompson MJ. Provider Perspectives of Patient Experiences in Primary Care Imaging, 32(3):392–397
Zittleman L, see Al-naqeeb J; Fisher M
Zuckerman KE, see Al-naqeeb J
Zuvekas S, see Ngo-Metzger Q