We thank our peer reviewers for their time, expertise, and dedication to the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM). The JABFM peer reviewers serve a vital role in contributing to the field of family medicine and the scientific community. We take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our peer reviewers for their support during the past year. In 2014, 417 individuals provided 508 peer reviews and advice regarding the suitability of articles for publication in the JABFM. Reviewers took an average of 23 days to submit a review.
Top Reviewers
We would like to recognize our top reviewers. Each of the manuscripts submitted to the JABFM suitable for peer review is evaluated and scored by the editors. In the list below, peer reviewers with an asterisk next to their name are our top reviewers for 2014 based on evaluation scores plus quantity of critiques provided.
Seeking New Reviewers
We also enjoy welcoming new peer reviewers into the fold. Peer reviewing is a vital service activity that helps authors and researchers improve their work. Reviewers are always free to decline a request or to indicate periods of unavailability. If you would like to volunteer to review for the JABFM, please download and complete the Peer Reviewer Form, which can be accessed at http://jabfm.org/site/misc/PeerReviewForm.doc; then, e-mail it along with your curriculum vitae to jabfm{at}med.wayne.edu or fax it to 313-577-9828. Thank you!
2014 Peer Reviewers
Nahed Abdel-Haq
John Abramson
David A. Acosta
Alan M. Adelman
David C. Agerter
Erin J. Aiello
Stephen C. Alder
Grace A. Alfonsi
Mohammad M. Alkot
Deborah Allen*
William A. Alto*
Jennifer R. Amico
Christine Arenson
Bengt Arnetz
Vikram Arora
Latifi A. Asrar
Russell T. Attridge
John Bachman
Michael T. Baer
Seong-Yi Baik
Steffani R. Bailey
Suzanne Bakken*
Lodovico Balducci
Mikhail Bargan
Matthew G. Barnes*
Beth Barnet
Donald Barr
Kirsten Barrett
John W. Beasley
Bruce G. Bender
Ian M. Bennett*
Keisa Bennett
Terrell Benold
Alfred O. Berg*
George R. Bergus
Ravi Bhargava
Charles J. Billington
Juliann Binienda
Rajshekhar Bipeta
Arthur E. Blank
Debra Boardley
Thomas Bodenheimer
Linda Boise
John M. Boltri*
Robert C. Bowman
Massimo Broggini
Carlos Brotons
Subbaraju Budharaju
Lucinda M. Buys
William Bynum
Thomas L. Campbell
John Cape
Roberto Cardarelli
Beth Careyva
Martha Carlough
Patricia A. Carney
A.P. Catinella
Andrew J. Cave
William E. Cayley, Jr.
Bruce A. Center
Bindiya Chauhan
Rajesh Chauhan
William E. Chavey
Frederick M. Chen
John A. Chiladakis
Kaj S. Christensen*
Lynn Clemow
Richard D. Clover
Andrew S. Coco
Andreas Cohrssen
Jeffrey S. Cook
Paul F. Crawford, III*
Jesse C. Crosson
Michael A. Crouch
Brian K. Crownover
Larry Culpepper*
Doyle M. Cummings
William Curry
Timothy P. Daaleman
Jessica Dalby
Steven D. Dallas
Jeanette M. Daly*
Peter G. Danis, III
Michael Z. David
Melinda M. Davis
Lauren DeAlleaume
Peter Del Fante
Jennifer E. DeVoe
L. Miriam Dickinson*
Joseph R. DiFranza
Sharon A. Dobie
Lisa Dodson
Stephen L. Doggett
Rowena J. Dolor*
Fanglong Dong
John N. Dorsch
Steven A. Dosh
Chyke A. Doubeni*
David Doukas
Marguerite Duane
Francis Dumler
Milton Eder
Marlene J. Egger
Thomas R. Egnew
Nancy C. Elder
William G. Elder, Jr.*
Gijs Elshout
John W. Ely
Shannon K. English
J.I. Escobar
Bernard G. Ewigman
Heather B. Fagan
Joshua J. Fenton*
Jeanne M. Ferrante*
Alexander G. Fiks
Kenneth S. Fink*
Kevin Fiscella
Colleen T. Fogarty
Patricia Fontaine
Chester H. Fox
Jennifer Frank
Andrea Franks
Brandi K. Freeman
Joshua Freeman
Allen Fremont
Sim S. Galazka
Ted Ganiats*
David Garr
Juan J. Gascon
Suzanne Gehl
Christa George
Cynthia M. Geppert
Jenenne Geske
James M. Gill
Dwenda K. Gjerdingen*
Rise B. Goldstein
Bharat Gopal
Laura M. Gottlieb
Edward Grandi
William B. Grant
Beverly B. Green*
Larry A. Green*
Lee A. Green*
Jessica L. Greenwood
Michelle Greiver
Michael Grover
Alexander B. Guirguis
Dave Hachey
Jacqueline R. Halladay
Margaret A. Handley
Diane M. Harper
Kelly Haskard Zolnierek
Robert L. Hatch*
Clare Hawkins
Ronni Hayon
Jennifer Hefner
Diana L. Heiman
John Heintzman*
Robin Helm
Vincent W. Hevern
John Hey, III
John M. Hickner
Paul C. Hicks
Michelle L. Hilaire
David E. Hildebrandt
Thomas C. Hines
Richard Hoffman
John Holmes
Christina T. Holt
Michael A. Horst
Amanda M. Howard-Thompson
Susan Hsieh
Shawna V. Hudson
Stephen W. Hwang
Jihad Irani
Henry R. Ivey, Jr.
Linda A. Jaber
Livia Jackson
Carlos Roberto Jaen
James Janisse
Muhammad A. Javed
Wiley D. Jenkins
Anthony F. Jerant
Xiangyang Jiao
Masahito Jimbo*
Mark S. Johnson*
Derek Jorgenson
Linda S. Kahn
Deepak Kamat
Rahul Kapur
Neil S. Kaye
Robert D. Keeley
Drew M. Keister
Omar A. Khan
Niharika Khanna
Kim S. Kimminau
Anne King
Dana E. King
Stella King*
Anita Y. Kinney
Benjamin E. Kligler
Lyndee Knox
Richelle J. Koopman
Claudia A. Kozinetz
Martin Krepcho
N.R. Kressin
Alex H. Krist
Kurt Kroenke*
Robin L. Kruse
Anton J. Kuzel*
Sandi J. Lane
Carol J. Lange
Aaron M. Lear
Michael LeFevre
Patricia M. Lenahan
Sarah Lesko
Lenard I. Lesser
Lawrence Leung*
Winston Liaw
Andre F. Lijoi
Sonja M. Likumahuwa
Steven Y. Lin
Deerajnath Lingutla
Paula Darby Lipman
Charles F.S. Locke
Maja-Lisa Loechen
Everett E. Logue
David P. Losh
Margaret M. Love
Catherine L. Lysack
Michael K. Magill*
Arch G. Mainous, III
William T. Manard
Todd R. Marcy
Cara Marshall
Jeffrey Martin
Luca Mascitelli
Douglas M. Maurer
Catherine McCarthy
John McCarthy
Lisa McCarthy
M. Diane McKee
Michael M. McKee
David R. Mehr
Amitkumar Mehta
Virginia Miller
Nia S. Mitchell
James W. Mold*
Lynda Montgomery
Martina Mookadam
Motomi Mori
Christopher P. Morley*
Karie A. Morrical-Kline
Pierre A. Morris
Karen Muchowski
William J. Murdoch
Maureen A. Murtaugh
Zsolt J. Nagykaldi*
Mohammad Obadah Nakawah
Priya Nambisan*
Jatinder Narang
Susan Nash
Laeth S. Nasir
Jon O. Neher
Lynne S. Nemeth*
Robert J. Newman
Warren P. Newton
James Nicholson*
Polly H. Noel
Thomas E. Norris
Mary Patricia Nowalk
Jason O'Grady
Ann S. O'Malley
Thomas R. O'Neill*
M. Norm Oliver*
Mariusz Olszewski
Steven M. Ornstein
Wilson D. Pace*
J.F. Pagel
Scott A. Paluska
Nancy Pandhi*
Michael L. Parchman
Bennett Parnes
Himanshu Pathak
Donald Pathman*
Valory N. Pavlik
William S. Pearson
Deborah Peikes
Eribeth K. Penaranda
Kevin A. Peterson
Lars Peterson*
Margaret B. Planta
James D. Plumb
Charles D. Ponte
Shailendra Prasad
P. Prasadarao
Perry A. Pugno
Jon Puro
Mary Puttmann-Kostecka
Howard K. Rabinowitz
Mithun S. Rajput
Ravishankar Ramaswamy
Stephen Ratcliffe
Michael D. Reis
Robert L. Rhyne
Thomas B. Richards
Bradley A. Richie
Mark D. Robinson
Leonardo Roever
John C. Rogers
Thomas C. Rosenthal
Kenneth D. Royal
Robert S. Rudin
Mack T. Ruffin, IV
Terry S. Ruhl
Saria C. Saccocio*
Puneet Sahota
Amanda H. Salanitro
Ricardo Salazar
Daniel A. Salmon
Brooke E. Salzman
Enrique Sanchez Valdivieso
Paulo A. Santos
David Satin
Judith A. Savageau
Amir M. Sayem
Kenneth G. Schellhase
Joseph E. Scherger*
Eugene P. Schoener
Delia Scholes
Sarah H. Scholle
Sarina Schrager
Richard J. Schuster
Gerry K. Schwalfenberg
Kendra Schwartz*
Timothy H. Self
Peter A. Selwyn
Nicolas Senn
Richard K. Severson
Mohammed Shaik
Rajesh Sharma
Eric K. Shaw
Avani Sheth*
Stephanie L. Shimada
Anne R. Simpson
Vijay Singh
Peter C. Smith
E.J. Sondik
Hassan Soubhi
William Spears
Stuart M. Speedie
John B. Standridge
Joseph W. Stanfield
Ra Nae Stanton
Michael Stehney
Paul D. Stein
Jost Steinhaeuser
Nancy G. Stevens
Melissa Stiles
Mark L. Stovak
Henrik Stovring
George D. Strelioff
Denise K. Sur
Andrew L. Sussman
John E. Sutherland
Christine Sutine Chang
Paul R. Swank*
Hazel Tapp*
Peter G. Teichman
Chris M. Terpening
Jeffrey Tiemstra
Stefan Topolski
Dennis Tsilimingras
Janice Tsoh
Matthew E. Ulven
Carole C. Upshur
Anje C. Van Berckelaer
Daniel J. Van Durme*
Charles P. Vega
William B. Ventres
Daniel C. Vinson
Michael Von Korff
Eric Wall*
Lorraine S. Wallace
Anne D. Walling
Alison M. Walton
Gregg Warshaw
Richard R. Watkins
Barry D. Weiss
Verna L. Welch
Frances K. Wen
Monica L. Wendel
Andrea Wendling
James J. Werner
David R. West*
Randy K. Wexler
Brett White
Thad Wilkins
Joanne E. Wilkinson
Keoki Williams
Robert L. Williams
Paul S. Williamson
Calvin L. Wilson
Daniel K. Winstead
Jason P. Womack
W. Michael Woods
Susan Woolhouse
Imam M. Xierali*
Jinping Xu
Mark J. Yaffe
Joseph R. Yancey
Barbara P. Yawn*
Mark W. Yeazel
Linda K. Zittleman
Allan Zuckoff
Karen Zulkowski
Stephen J. Zyzanski*
Conflict of interest: The authors are editors and staff of the JABFM.
↵* Top reviewers in 2014 (based on quantity and quality of peer reviews written).