The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM) is proud to announce the completion of a project to make all content available on our website. Mr. Phillip Lupo, our Senior Editorial Assistant, in collaboration with HighWire Press, managed this large endeavor, which involved scanning and uploading online all missing older issues (1988–2000), or approximately 6000 pages. An abstract and PDF version of each missing article is now available on the JABFM website in our archive of online issues at: The entire JABFM is now preserved for future generations of family medicine physicians and researchers. Enjoy!
Archive of all JABFM articles. Data from the JABFM website, hosted by HighWire Press. Available from: Accessed January 9, 2014.
Archive of the first JABFM volume from 1988. Data from the JABFM website, hosted by HighWire Press. Available from: Accessed January 9, 2014.
Conflict of interest: The authors are editors and staff of the JABFM.