Academic health center, role in supporting physicians who work in challenging contexts, 25(6):756-758
Accreditation, accommodating proposed maternity care training requirements, 25(6):827–831
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), septicemia in, 25(3):318–322
Active surveillance, prostate cancer, patient perspective, 25(6):763–770
Acupuncture, for hot flashes, breast cancer survivors, 25(3):323–332
Adolescence, primary care, depression, and anxiety, 25(3):291–299
Adult attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), self-report scale, 25(6):840–846
Agranulocytosis, cocaine use and, 25(4):528–530
Alcohol consumption
excessive, primary care program to reverse, 25(5):712–722
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
lifestyle habits and mortality in overweight individuals, 25(1):9–15
screening and counseling tool for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
primary care program to reverse excessive alcohol consumption, 25(5):712–722
screening and counseling tool for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
Aldosterone, hyperaldosteronism, patients with hypertension, 25(1):98–103
Alternative medicine, acupuncture for hot flashes, breast cancer survivors, 25(3):323–332
American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
cheating, implications for examinees, 25(3):400–401
reliability of, implications for test takers, 25(1):131–133
“sum of subtest to overall score discrepancy,” 25(2):260–261
heart failure self-assessment module simulation actions vis-à-vis guideline recommendations, 25(4):551–552
American Board of Medical Specialties, self-assessment modules, knowledge assessment responses, 25(6):939–940
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, NHSC workforce with, 25(5):723–733
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dyspnea caused by respiratory muscle weakness, 25(3):396–397
Angina pectoris, undiagnosed, low education and, 25(4):416–421
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
azithromycin for bronchial asthma in adults, 25(4):443–459
Antiplatelets, oral, focus update on prasugrel, 25(3):343–349
Anxiety, in adolescents, somatic and emotional predictors, 25(3):291–299
Apnea, insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, 25(1):104–110
septic, sternoclavicular joint, 25(6):908–912
shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, 25(6):919–922
action plans, team approach, 25(2):247–249
bronchial, azithromycin for, 25(4):443–459
Bacteremia, septicemia in patients with AIDS, 25(3):318–322
Bacterial infections, soil-related, 25(5):734–744
Behavioral counseling, screening and counseling tool for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
Behavioral symptoms, Klinefelter syndrome in prepubertal age, 25(5):745–749
Bell palsy, diabetes mellitus and, 25(6):819–826
Bipolar disorder, EHR-based tools for screening, 25(3):283–290
BIRADS, incomplete screening mammograms based on age and race, 25(1):128–130
Body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, and mortality, 25(4):422–431
Breast cancer
incomplete screening mammograms based on age and race, 25(1):128–130
survivors, acupuncture for hot flashes, 25(3):323–332
Cancer risk, weight status and perception of colorectal cancer risk, 25(6):792–797
Cancer screening
colorectal cancer, 25(1):63–72, 25(1):73–82, 25(3):308–317, 25(6):771–781, 25(6):782–791, 25(6):792–797
incomplete screening mammograms based on age and race, 25(1):128–130
long-term cancer survivors, 25(4):460–469
prostate cancer, 25(1):111–119, 25(6):927–929
Cardiovascular abnormalities
anomalous coronary arteries found in syncopal workup, 25(4):541–546
children and young adults with sudden cardiac arrest, 25(4):408–415
French approach to risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
resistant hypertension, 25(4):487–495
Cardiovascular diseases, focus update on prasugrel, 25(3):343–349
Career choice, match rates into family medicine, 25(6):894–907
Career satisfaction, “grit” and, in rural and nonrural doctors, 25(6):832–839
Case reports
agranulocytosis and cocaine use, 25(4):528–530
anomalous coronary artery found in syncopal workup, 25(4):541–546
endoscopic repair of colonic perforation, 25(3):383–389
eosinophilic gastroenteritis with anemia and syncope, 25(6):913–918
Klinefelter syndrome in prepubertal age, 25(5):745–749
levamisole-altered cocaine, 25(4):531–535
mental health treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
mesh and irritable bowel syndrome, 25(1):120–123
muscle disease in children with elevated transaminase, 25(4):536–540
septic arthritis, sternoclavicular joint, 25(6):908–912
septicemia in patients with AIDS, 25(3):318–322
strongyloides as a cause of fever, 25(3):390–393
target lesions and other paintball injuries, 25(1):124–127
Catheterization, focus update on prasugrel, 25(3):343–349
Cell phones, communication technology usage among patients, 25(5):625–634
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
declining numbers of family physicians caring for, 25(2):139–140
depression and anxiety in adolescents, 25(3):291–299
family physicians closing their doors to, 25(2):141–142
muscle disease in children with elevated transaminase, 25(4):536–540
phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
stringency of pediatric quality care measures, 25(5):686–693
Chlorthalidone, diuretic of choice in hypertension simulations, 25(6):805–809
Chronic disease
care for patients with pain, 25(5):652–660
reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
Clinical epidemiology
clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza, 25(1):55–62
EHR measurement of depression and suicide, 25(5):582–593
Clinical practice guidelines, phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
Clinical trials, azithromycin for bronchial asthma in adults, 25(4):443–459
levamisole-altered, case series, 25(4):531–535
use, agranulocytosis and, 25(4):528–530
difficulties encountered in collaborative care, 25(2):168–176
quality improvement collaboratives and practice change, 25(2):149–157
Colonoscopy, endoscopic repair of colonic perforation, 25(3):383–389
Colorectal cancer
care, providers' needs for information about, 25(5):635–651
risk, weight status and perception of, 25(6):792–797
discussions by screening rates, 25(6):771–781
educational materials to improve, 25(1):73–82
intervention trial, 25(1):63–72
physician recommendation and patient adherence, 25(6):782–791
rural areas, 25(3):308–317
critical access hospital graduate medical education: too little, and maybe too late, 25(1):6
essentials for great teams: trust, diversity, communication … and joy, 25(2):146–148
family physicians closing their doors to children: considering the implications, 25(1):141–142
guest family physician commentaries, 25(1):5, 25(3):274
the impending crisis in the decline of family physicians providing maternity care, 25(3):272–273
measuring the impact of practice-based research networks, 25(5):557–559
more house calls by fewer physicians, 25(6):759–760
Share the CareK: building teams in primary care practices, 25(2):143–145
supporting physicians who work in challenging contexts: a role for the academic health center, 25(6):756–758
Communication, technology usage among patients, 25(5):625–634
Community health centers, satisfaction of family physicians, 25(4):470–476
Community health networks, stringency of pediatric quality care measures, 25(5):686–693
Community medicine
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
pain and depression, underserved cohort, 25(3):300–307
recommendation and adherence for colorectal cancer screening, 25(6):782–791
mental health treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
team approach to chronic care management for diabetic patients, 25(2):245–246
Competency-based education, accommodating proposed maternity care training requirements, 25(6):827–831
Complementary medicine, acupuncture for hot flashes in breast cancer survivors, 25(3):323–332
Computed tomography (CT), increased emergency department use for common chest symptoms without clear patient benefits, 25(1):33–41
communication technology usage among patients, 25(5):625–634
computer-assisted diagnosis, Cushing syndrome, 25(2):199–208
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
Contraception, informed consent, medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
Coordinating centers, multi-practice-based research networks and, 25(5):577–581
Coping skills
impact of patient safety incidents on physicians and staff, 25(2):177–183
trauma in a group of inner-city family physicians, 25(6):840–846
consider muscle disease in children with elevated transaminase, 25(3):937–938
irritable bowel syndrome: a “mesh” of a situation, 25(3):398–399
maternal depressive symptomology: 16-month follow-up of infant and maternal health-related quality of life, 25(3):398
Cortisol, in Cushing syndrome, 25(2):199–208
Cost analysis, cost of integrating a physical activity counselor, 25(2):250–252
Cost effectiveness, reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
cost of integrating a physical activity counselor, 25(2):250–252
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
tools, for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
Crisis intervention, improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
Critical access hospitals (CAHs)
increasing GME in, 25(1):7–8
role in GME, 25(1):6
Cross-cultural comparison, French approach to cardiovascular risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
Cross-sectional studies
low education and undiagnosed angina, 25(4):416–421
survey, satisfaction of family physicians, community health centers, 25(4): 470–476
Culture, perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
Cushing syndrome, diagnosis, 25(2):199–208
Data reporting, data collection and reporting costs for diabetes quality improvement, 25(3):275–282
Decision making
clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza, 25(1):55–62
diagnostic errors in primary care, 25(1):87–97
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
prostate cancer, 25(6):753–755, 25(6):763–770
Delivery of health care
Care by DesignK and the patient-centered medical home, 25(2):216–223
colorectal cancer screening discussions by screening rates, 25(6):771–781
French approach to cardiovascular risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
managing patient populations in primary care, 25(2):238–244
mental health treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
team approach to providing asthma action plans, 25(2):247–249
cognitive and behavioral problems, management guidelines, 25(3):350–366
recognition and diagnosis, practical guidelines, 25(3):367–382
in adolescents, somatic and emotional predictors, 25(3):291–299
EHR-based tools for bipolar screening, 25(3):283–290
EHR measurement of, 25(5):582–593
pain and, in underserved cohort, 25(3):300–307
Diabetes, type 2
dietary fiber for treatment of, meta-analysis, 25(1):16–23
proton pump inhibitor therapy, lower glycosylated hemoglobin levels associated with, 25(1):50–54
Diabetes care
preventative, insurance coverage and, 25(1):42–49
quality improvement, data collection and reporting costs, 25(3):275–282
Diabetes mellitus
Bell palsy and, 25(6):819–826
body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, and mortality, 25(4):422–431
role of the champion in primary care change efforts, 25(5):676–685
team approach to chronic care management, 25(2):245–246
Cushing syndrome, 25(2):199–208
dementia, 25(3):367–382
influenza, 25(1):55–62
Diagnostic errors, in primary care, 25(1):87–97
Diaphoresis, night sweats, 25(6):869–877
Diet, improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
Dietary fiber, for treatment of type 2 diabetes, meta-analysis, 25(1):16–23
Diuretics, diuretic of choice in hypertension simulations, 25(6):805–809
Doctor-patient relations
addressing intimate partner violence, 25(3):333–342
colorectal cancer screening discussions by screening rates, 25(6):771–781
difficult encounters with psychiatric patients, 25(5):669–675
French approach to cardiovascular risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
Domestic violence, addressing intimate partner violence, 25(3):333–342
Drug industry, expired sample closet medications, 25(3):394–395
Drug utilization, agranulocytosis and cocaine use, 25(4):528–530
Dyspnea, caused by respiratory muscle weakness, 25(3):396–397
Editorial Office News and Notes
Content Usage and the Most Frequently Read Articles by Issue in 2011, 25(3):266–269
Peer Reviewers for JABFM in 2011, 25(2):135–138
Editor's Notes
Answers to Common Clinical Questions, 25(1):1–4
Cardiovascular Diseases and Other Evidence for Primary Care Clinical Practice, 25(4):403–405
Focus on Clinical Practice: Improving the Quality of Health Care, 25(3):263–265
Primary Care Research Conducted in Networks: Getting Down to Business, 25(5):553–556
Prostate Cancer Decision-Making, Health Services, and the Family Physician Workforce, 25(6):753–755
Education, low, undiagnosed angina and, 25(4):416–421
Electronic health records (EHR)
electronic standing orders in primary care, 25(5):594–604
lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
measurement of depression and suicide, 25(5):582–593
stringency of pediatric quality care measures, 25(5):686–693
tools to screen for bipolar disorder, 25(3):283–290
Electronic medical records (EMRs)
implementation after 2 years, 25(4):522–527
insurance coverage and receipt of diabetes care, 25(1):42–49
perspectives on implementation, 25(4):511–521
Electronic prescribing, early adopters of, struggle with meaningful use, 25(1):24–32
Emergency medicine
increased CT use for common chest symptoms without clear patient benefits, 25(1):33–41
reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
Endocrine diseases, Cushing syndrome, 25(2):199–208
Endoscopic repair, iatrogenic colonic perforation during diagnostic colonoscopy, 25(3):383–389
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, with anemia and syncope, 25(6):913–918
Evidence-based medicine
clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza, 25(1):55–62
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
lifestyle habits and mortality, overweight individuals, 25(1):9–15
owners and pets exercising together, 25(6):923–926
Family medicine
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, 25(1):104–110
match rates into, 25(6):894–907
perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
quiet healing, 25(4):547–549
Teams in a Patient-Centered Medical Home Practice, 25(2):224–231
trauma in a group of inner-city family physicians, 25(6):840–846
Family medicine research
colorectal cancer screening intervention trial, 25(1):63–72
communication technology usage among patients, 25(5):625–634
impact of patient safety incidents on physicians and staff, 25(2):177–183
practice-based research networks in 2011, 25(5):565–571
team approach to chronic care management for diabetic patients, 25(2):245–246
use of the AIM-HI for fitness in family practice, 25(5):694–700
Family physicians
declining numbers caring for children, 25(2):139–140
declining percentage attending to women's gender-specific health needs, 25(4):406–407
declining proportion providing maternity care, 25(3):270–271
electronic medical record implementation after 2 years, 25(4):511–521
engagement in Maintenance of Certification, 25(6):761–762
impact of patient safety incidents, 25(2):177–183
perspectives on electronic medical record implementation, 25(4):522–527
providing maternity care, decline of, impending crisis in, 25(3):272–273
satisfaction, community health centers, 25(4): 470–476
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
fever of unknown origin, strongyloides as a cause of, 25(3):390–393
Focus groups, building a patient-centered medical home, 25(2):192–198
Formulary checks, early adopters of electronic prescribing, 25(1):24–32
France, approach to cardiovascular risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
Fungal infections, soil-related, 25(5):734–744
Gastrointestinal disorders
eosinophilic gastroenteritis with anemia and syncope, 25(6):913–918
irritable bowel syndrome and surgical mesh, 25(1):120–123
soil-related bacterial and fungal infections, 25(5):734–744
Gastrointestinal tract, endoscopic repair of colonic perforation, 25(3):383–389
Geriatric patients, see Older patients
Glycosylated hemoglobin, lower levels in type 2 diabetes, proton pump inhibitor therapy associated with, 25(1):50–54
Graduate medical education (GME)
increasing, in CAHs, 25(1):7–8
role of CAHs, 25(1):6
Grit, satisfaction and, in rural and nonrural doctors, 25(6):832–839
clinical practice, phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
management of cognitive and behavioral problems in dementia, 25(3):350–366
recognition and diagnosis of dementia, 25(3):367–382
Hawthorne Effect, in practice-based research, 25(1):83–86
Health behavior, improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
Health care disparities, colorectal cancer screening in rural areas, 25(3):308–317
Health care economics, managing patient populations in primary care, 25(2):238–244
Health care reform
Care by DesignK and the patient-centered medical home, 25(2):216–223
teams in a patient-centered medical home practice, 25(2):224–231
Health care seeking behavior, mental health treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
Health care surveys, national survey of hemochromatosis patients, 25(4):432–436
Health care systems, lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
Health care teams
approach to chronic care management for diabetic patients, 25(2):245–246
approach to providing asthma action plans, 25(2):247–249
Care by DesignK and the patient-centered medical home, 25(2):216–223
cost of integrating a physical activity counselor, 25(2):250–252
delegating responsibility to nonprofessionals, 25(2):209–215
difficulties encountered in collaborative care, 25(2):168–176
patient care team, “office nurse” level of training, 25(6):854–861
patient-centered medical home practice, 25(2):224–231
reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
Shared Care Model for the homeless, 25(2):253–254
Health education, educational materials to improve colorectal cancer screening, 25(1):73–82
Health information technology
practice-based research networks, meeting future challenges, 25(5):572–576
quality vs. practice size and, 25(5):614–624
Health insurance, coverage and receipt of diabetes care, 25(1):42–49
Health knowledge, low education and undiagnosed angina, 25(4):416–421
Health personnel, NHSC workforce with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 25(5):723–733
Health policy
data collection and reporting costs for diabetes quality improvement, 25(3):275–282
engagement of family physicians in Maintenance of Certification, 25(6):761–762
insurance coverage and receipt of diabetes care, 25(1):42–49
managing patient populations in primary care, 25(2):238–244
match rates into family medicine, 25(6):894–907
NHSC workforce with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 25(5):723–733
agranulocytosis and cocaine use, 25(4):528–530
national survey of hemochromatosis patients, 25(4):432–436
Hemochromatosis, national survey of patients, 25(4):432–436
Herniorrhaphy, mesh and irritable bowel syndrome, 25(1):120–123
critical access hospitals
increasing GME in, 25(1):7–8
role in GME, 25(1):6
emergency departments
increased CT use for common chest symptoms, 25(1):33–41
reducing utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
Hot flashes, acupuncture for breast cancer survivors, 25(3):323–332
House calls
Medicare beneficiaries, trends, 25(6):862–868
more, by fewer physicians, 25(6):759–760
Hydrochlorothiazide, diuretic of choice in hypertension simulations, 25(6):805–809
Hyperaldosteronism, prevalence in patients with resistant hypertension, 25(1):98–103
Hyperbilirubinemia, phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, and mortality, 25(4):422–431
control, delegating responsibility to nonprofessionals, 25(2):209–215
resistant, 25(1):98–103, 25(4):487–495
simulations, diuretic of choice in, 25(6):805–809
Iatrogenic colonic repair, of colonic perforation during diagnostic colonoscopy, 25(3):383–389
adult, update on, 25(4):496–510
shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, 25(6):919–922
Immunology, shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, 25(6):919–922
Infants, phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
Infectious diseases
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
azithromycin for bronchial asthma in adults, 25(4):443–459
strongyloides as a cause of fever, 25(3):390–393
Influenza, diagnosis, development and validation of clinical decision rule, 25(1):55–62
Informed consent, medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
Insomnia, as independent predictor of obstructive sleep apnea, 25(1):104–110
Intellectual disability, Klinefelter syndrome in prepubertal age, 25(5):745–749
Interprofessional relations, difficulties encountered in collaborative care, 25(2):168–176
Iowa Research Network (IRENE) practices, educational materials to improve colorectal cancer screening, 25(1):73–82
Irritable bowel syndrome, mesh and, 25(1):120–123
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (JABFM), peer reviewers for, 25(2):135–138
Klinefelter syndrome, characteristic cognitive and behavioral pattern, prepubertal age, 25(5):745–749
Learning disorders, Klinefelter syndrome in prepubertal age, 25(5):745–749
Leukopenia, levamisole-altered cocaine, case series, 25(4):531–535
agranulocytosis and cocaine use, 25(4):528–530
-altered cocaine, case series, 25(4):531–535
Lifestyle habits, mortality and, overweight and obese individuals, 25(1):9–15
Lifestyle modification, use of the AIM-HI for fitness in family practice, 25(5):694–700
Low-income population, stringency of pediatric quality care measures, 25(5):686–693
Lubrication, speculum, Pap test accuracy and, 25(6):798–804
Maintenance of Certification-Family Practice (MC-FP)
engagement of family physicians, 25(6):761–762
“sum of subtest to overall score discrepancy,” 25(2):260–261
Mammography, incomplete screening mammograms based on age and race, 25(1):128–130
Managed care, guidelines, cognitive and behavioral problems in dementia, 25(3):350–366
Marketing, expired sample closet medications, 25(3):394–395
Maternity care
accommodating proposed training requirements, 25(6):827–831
decline of family physicians providing, impending crisis in, 25(3):272–273
declining proportion family physicians providing, 25(3):270–271
Meaningful use, early adopters of electronic prescribing, 25(1):24–32
Medical education
accommodating proposed maternity care training requirements, 25(6):827–831
match rates into family medicine, 25(6):894–907
perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
Medical errors, impact of patient safety incidents on physicians and staff, 25(2):177–183
Medical home, patient-centered
building, 25(2):192–198
Care by DesignK and, 25(2):216–223
teams in, 25(2):224–231
Medical oncology, prostate cancer, watchful waiting/active surveillance, patient perspective, 25(6):763–770
Medical specialty, “grit” and, in rural and nonrural doctors, 25(6):832–839
Medicare, beneficiaries, trends in physician house calls, 25(6):862–868
Medication history documentation, early adopters of electronic prescribing, 25(1):24–32
Mental health
adult ADHD self-report scale, 25(6):840–846
depression and anxiety in adolescents, 25(3):291–299
difficult encounters with psychiatric patients, 25(5):669–675
EHR-based tools for bipolar screening, 25(3):283–290
pain and depression, underserved cohort, 25(3):300–307
treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
Metabolism, Cushing syndrome, 25(2):199–208
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, Hawthorne Effect in practice-based research, 25(1):83–86
Minority health, colorectal cancer screening in rural areas, 25(3):308–317
healthy lifestyle habits and, overweight and obese individuals, 25(1):9–15
short-term, body mass index and, 25(4):422–431
Motor activity, cost of integrating a physical activity counselor, 25(2):250–252
Muscle disease, children with elevated transaminase, 25(4):536–540
Muscular dystrophy, muscle disease in children with elevated transaminase, 25(4):536–540
Mycoses, soil-related bacterial and fungal infections, 25(5):734–744
Narrative, perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
National Health Service Corps (NHSC), workforce with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 25(5):723–733
diabetes mellitus and Bell palsy, 25(6):819–826
muscle disease in children with elevated transaminase, 25(4):536–540
Neuromuscular disorders, dyspnea caused by respiratory muscle weakness, 25(3):396–397
Newborns, phototherapy use in, clinical adherence to guideline, 25(4):437–441
Night sweats, 25(6):869–877
Nursing, “office nurse” level of training, 25(6):854–861
Nutrition, lifestyle habits and mortality, overweight individuals, 25(1):9–15
body mass index, diabetes, hypertension, and mortality, 25(4):422–431
healthy lifestyle habits and mortality in individuals, 25(1):9–15
owners and pets exercising together, 25(6):923–926
weight status and perception of colorectal cancer risk, 25(6):792–797
Obstetrics, accommodating proposed maternity care training requirements, 25(6):827–831
Obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia as independent predictor of, 25(1):104–110
Older patients
anomalous coronary artery found in syncopal workup, 25(4):541–546
patient assessment of quality of primary care, 25(4):e1–e12
trends in physician house calls to Medicare beneficiaries, 25(6):862–868
Opioid prescriptions, care for patients with chronic nonmalignant pain, 25(5):652–660
Otolaryngology, diabetes mellitus and Bell palsy, 25(6):819–826
Outreach facilitators, helping clinicians improve patient outcomes, 25(2):232–237
Overweight, healthy lifestyle habits and mortality, 25(1):9–15
depression and, in underserved cohort, 25(3):300–307
management, opioid prescriptions, 25(5):652–660
speculum lubrication, Pap test accuracy and, 25(6):798–804
Paintball, target lesions and other injuries, 25(1):124–127
Papanicolaou test, accuracy, speculum lubrication and, 25(6):798–804
Patient-centered care
building a patient-centered medical home, 25(2):192–198
Care by DesignK and the patient-centered medical home, 25(2):216–223
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
teams in a patient-centered medical home practice, 25(2):224–231
Patient education, team approach to providing asthma action plans, 25(2):247–249
Patient outcomes, outreach facilitators help clinicians improve, 25(2):232–237
Patient safety
impact of incidents on physicians and staff, 25(2):177–183
quality vs. practice size and health information technology, 25(5):614–624
Patient satisfaction, building a patient-centered medical home, 25(2):192–198
Pediatrics, see Children
Performance, “office nurse” level of training, 25(6):854–861
Personal health records, impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
Pets, owners and, exercising together, 25(6):923–926
Pharmacological therapy
focus update on prasugrel, 25(3):343–349
managing cognitive and behavioral problems in dementia, 25(3):350–366
Pharmacology, contraception, consent, and medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
Philosophy, perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
Phototherapy, use in newborns, clinical adherence to guideline, 25(4):437–441
Physical activity
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
owners and pets exercising together, 25(6):923–926
Physician behavior, contraception, consent, and medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
house calls by, 25(6):759–760
practice patterns, expired sample closet medications, 25(3):394–395
recruitment and retention, in rural America, 25(1):7–8
work in challenging contexts, 25(6):756–758
Polypropylene mesh, irritable bowel syndrome and, 25(1):120–123
Practice-based research
adult ADHD self-report scale, 25(6):840–846
assessment of Hawthorne Effect, 25(1):83–86
care for pain and opioid prescriptions, 25(5):652–660
colorectal cancer screening intervention trial, 25(1):63–72
difficult encounters with psychiatric patients, 25(5):669–675
early adopters of electronic prescribing struggle, 25(1):24–32
educational materials to improve colorectal cancer screening, 25(1):73–82
EHR measurement of depression and suicide, 25(5):582–593
electronic standing orders in primary care, 25(5):594–604
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
providers' needs for information about colorectal cancer care, 25(5):635–651
quality vs. practice size and health information technology, 25(5):614–624
recommendation and adherence for colorectal cancer screening, 25(6):782–791
role of the champion in primary care change efforts, 25(5):676–685
screening and counseling tool for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
use of the AIM-HI for fitness in family practice, 25(5):694–700
Practice-based research networks
adult ADHD self-report scale, 25(6):840–846
azithromycin for bronchial asthma in adults, 25(4):443–459
care for pain and opioid prescriptions, 25(5):652–660
coordinating centers and, 25(5):577–581
data collection and reporting costs for diabetes quality improvement, 25(3):275–282
description of, in 2011, 25(5):565–571
difficult encounters with psychiatric patients, 25(5):669–675
EHR measurement of depression and suicide, 25(5):582–593
electronic standing orders in primary care, 25(5):594–604
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
measuring impact of, 25(5):557–559
medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
meeting future challenges, 25(5):572–576
providers' needs for information about colorectal cancer care, 25(5):635–651
quality vs. practice size and health information technology, 25(5):614–624
role of the champion in primary care change efforts, 25(5):676–685
screening and counseling tool for alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
use of the AIM-HI for fitness in family practice, 25(5):694–700
Practice facilitation, outreach facilitators help clinicians improve patient outcomes, 25(2):232–237
Prasugrel, focus update on, 25(3):343–349
Preconception care, medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
cancer screening of long-term cancer survivors, 25(4):460–469
children and young adults with sudden cardiac arrest, 25(4):408–415
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
update on adult immunizations, 25(4):496–510
Primary care
perspectives on process, people, politics, and presence, 25(5):930–936
quality, patient assessment, subsequent outcomes and, 25(4):e1–e12
Primary health care
antibiotic prescription in febrile children, 25(6):810–818
cancer screening of long-term cancer survivors, 25(4):460–469
Care by DesignK and the patient-centered medical home, 25(2):216–223
clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza, 25(1):55–62
coordinating centers and multi-practice-based research network research, 25(5):577–581
cost of integrating a physical activity counselor, 25(2):250–252
data collection and reporting costs for diabetes quality improvement, 25(3):275–282
delegating responsibility to nonprofessionals, 25(2):209–215
diagnostic errors, 25(1):87–97
difficulties encountered in collaborative care, 25(2):168–176
early adopters of electronic prescribing, 25(1):24–32
EHR-based tools for bipolar screening, 25(3):283–290
electronic medical record implementation after 2 years, 25(4):522–527
electronic standing orders, 25(5):594–604
engagement of family physicians in Maintenance of Certification, 25(6):761–762
“grit” and, in rural and nonrural doctors, 25(6):832–839
Hawthorne Effect in practice-based research, 25(1):83–86
hyperaldosteronism in patients with hypertension, 25(1):98–103
impact of a wellness portal on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, 25(1):104–110
lessons and challenges, 25(5):560–564
mental health treatment initiation, 25(2):255–259
NHSC workforce with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 25(5):723–733
outreach facilitators and patient outcomes, 25(2):232–237
pain and depression, underserved cohort, 25(3):300–307
program to reverse excessive alcohol consumption, 25(5):712–722
providers' needs for information about colorectal cancer care, 25(5):635–651
quality improvement collaboratives and practice change, 25(2):149–157
quality vs. practice size and health information technology, 25(5):614–624
reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
role of the champion in primary care change efforts, 25(5):676–685
satisfaction of family physicians, community health centers, 25(4): 470–476
Prostate cancer
chemoprevention of, 25(1):111–119
decision-making, health services, and the family physician workforce, 25(6):753–755
effect of lowering prostate-specific antigen normal cutoff, 25(6):927–929
localized, watchful waiting/active surveillance, patient perspective, 25(6):763–770
Proton pump inhibitors, therapy, associated with lower glycosylated hemoglobin levels in type 2 diabetes, 25(1):50–54
Psychiatry, difficult encounters with psychiatric patients, 25(5):669–675
Psychology, trauma in a group of inner-city family physicians, 25(6):840–846
levamisole-altered cocaine, 25(4):531–535
target lesions and other paintball injuries, 25(1):124–127
Qualitative research
building a patient-centered medical home, 25(2):192–198
electronic medical record implementation after 2 years, 25(4):522–527
Quality improvement
data collection and reporting costs for diabetes quality improvement, 25(3):275–282
quality improvement collaboratives and practice change, 25(2):149–157
Quality of health care
building a patient-centered medical home, 25(2):192–198
collaboratives and practice change, 25(2):149–157
data collection and reporting costs for diabetes, 25(3):275–282
diagnostic errors in primary care, 25(1):87–97
EHR-based tools for bipolar screening, 25(3):283–290
expired sample closet medications, 25(3):394–395
focus on clinical practice, 25(3):263–265
French approach to cardiovascular risk factor management, 25(4):477–486
managing patient populations in primary care, 25(2):238–244
program to reverse excessive alcohol consumption, 25(5):712–722
quality vs. practice size and health information technology, 25(5):614–624
reducing emergency department utilization by the uninsured, 25(2):184–191
role of the champion in primary care change efforts, 25(5):676–685
stringency of pediatric quality care measures, 25(5):686–693
Radiation, increased emergency department CT use for common chest symptoms, 25(1):33–41
Registries, cancer screening of long-term cancer survivors, 25(4):460–469
Renin, hyperaldosteronism in patients with hypertension, 25(1):98–103
Respiratory muscles, dyspnea caused by respiratory muscle weakness, 25(3):396–397
Respiratory tract diseases
clinical decision rule for diagnosis of influenza, 25(1):55–62
soil-related bacterial and fungal infections, 25(5):734–744
Retrospective studies
children and young adults with sudden cardiac arrest, 25(4):408–415
phototherapy use in newborns, 25(4):437–441
Risk behaviors, improving in primary care, 25(5):701–712
Rural communities, physician recruitment and retention by, possible effect of increasing GME in CAHs, 25(1):7–8
Rural health
educational materials to improve colorectal cancer screening, 25(1):73–82
NHSC workforce with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 25(5):723–733
Sample closets, expired medications, 25(3):394–395
alcohol misuse, 25(5):605–613
colorectal cancer, 25(1):63–72, 25(1):73–82, 25(3):308–317, 25(6):771–781, 25(6):782–791, 25(6):792–797
depression and anxiety, adolescents, 25(3):291–299
hyperaldosteronism, patients with hypertension, 25(1):98–103
incomplete screening mammograms based on age and race, 25(1):128–130
instruments, adult ADHD self-report scale, 25(6):840–846
long-term cancer survivors, 25(4):460–469
prostate cancer, 25(1):111–119
sudden cardiac arrest, children and young adults, 25(4):408–415
Septic arthritis, sternoclavicular joint, 25(6):908–912
Septicemia, patients with AIDS, 25(3):318–322
Shoulder, injury related to vaccine administration, 25(6):919–922
Smoking, improving multiple health risk behaviors in primary care, 25(5):701–712
Social problems, team approach to chronic care management for diabetic patients, 25(2):245–246
Soft tissue infections, Hawthorne Effect in practice-based research, 25(1):83–86
Soil microbiology, bacterial and fungal infections, 25(5):734–744
Special communications
collaboration with partners to strengthen skills in pregnancy, delivery, and newborn care, 25(4):511–521
managing patient populations in primary care: points of leverage, 25(2):238–244
navigating change: how outreach facilitators can help clinicians improve patient outcomes, 25(2):232–237
Sports medicine
children and young adults with sudden cardiac arrest, 25(4):408–415
shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, 25(6):919–922
Standing orders, electronic standing orders in primary care, 25(5):594–604
Sternoclavicular joint, septic arthritis of, 25(6):908–912
Strongyloides, as a cause of fever, 25(3):390–393
Substance abuse, trauma in a group of inner-city family physicians, 25(6):840–846
Sudden cardiac arrest, children and young adults, 25(4):408–415
Suicide ideation, EHR measurement of, 25(5):582–593
Surgical mesh, irritable bowel syndrome and, 25(1):120–123
Survivors, cancer
breast cancer, acupuncture for hot flashes, 25(3):323–332
long-term, cancer screening of, 25(4):460–469
providers' needs for information about colorectal cancer care, 25(5):635–651
anomalous coronary artery found in syncopal workup, 25(4):541–546
eosinophilic gastroenteritis with anemia and syncope, 25(6):913–918
Teratogens, medications with potential adverse fetal effects, 25(5):661–668
Thermoregulation, night sweats, 25(6):869–877
Thiazide diuretics, diuretic of choice in hypertension simulations, 25(6):805–809
Tobacco use cessation, lifestyle habits and mortality, overweight individuals, 25(1):9–15
Transaminases, elevated, muscle disease in children with, 25(4):536–540
Underserved populations
pain and depression, 25(3):300–307
Shared Care Model for the homeless, 25(2):253–254
trauma in a group of inner-city family physicians, 25(6):840–846
Uninsured patients
insurance coverage and receipt of diabetes care, 25(1):42–49
reducing emergency department utilization by, 25(2):184–191
administration, shoulder injury related to, 25(6):919–922
update on adult immunizations, 25(4):496–510
Vaginal speculum, lubrication with pain and Pap test accuracy, 25(6):798–804
Vasculitis, levamisole-altered cocaine, 25(4):531–535
Watchful waiting, prostate cancer, patient perspective, 25(6):763–770
Weight status
healthy lifestyle habits and mortality, 25(1):9–15
perception of colorectal cancer risk and, 25(6):792–797
Wellness portal, impact on preventive care, 25(2):158–167
Women's health
addressing intimate partner violence, 25(3):333–342
declining percentage of family physicians attending to, 25(4):406–407
speculum lubrication with pain and Pap test accuracy, 25(6):798–804
Workload, “office nurse” level of training, 25(6):854–861
Workplace wellness, use of the AIM-HI for fitness in family practice, 25(5):694–700