Research ArticleOriginal Research
The Rural Older Adult Memory (ROAM) Study: A Practice-based Intervention to Improve Dementia Screening and Diagnosis
Linda Boise, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Lyle Fagnan, Anne King, Monica Goubaud, David I. Buckley and Cynthia Morris
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine July 2010, 23 (4) 486-498; DOI:
Linda Boise
Elizabeth Eckstrom
Lyle Fagnan
Anne King
Monica Goubaud
David I. Buckley
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In this issue
The Rural Older Adult Memory (ROAM) Study: A Practice-based Intervention to Improve Dementia Screening and Diagnosis
Linda Boise, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Lyle Fagnan, Anne King, Monica Goubaud, David I. Buckley, Cynthia Morris
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine Jul 2010, 23 (4) 486-498; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2010.04.090225
The Rural Older Adult Memory (ROAM) Study: A Practice-based Intervention to Improve Dementia Screening and Diagnosis
Linda Boise, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Lyle Fagnan, Anne King, Monica Goubaud, David I. Buckley, Cynthia Morris
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Medicine Jul 2010, 23 (4) 486-498; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2010.04.090225