External peer reviews provide a vital service to JABFM and to the family medicine specialty. By donating their time and expertise to reading manuscripts and writing critiques, reviewers assist authors in improving their manuscripts and raising the quality of work published in JABFM. The activity of peer reviewing also helps reviewers develop their own writing and critical appraisal skills.
In October 2007, the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) developed a new policy statement “Definition of a Peer Reviewed Journal,” which is posted on its website at http://www.wame.org/resources/policies#definition. Here we excerpt selections from that statement:
“A peer-reviewed biomedical journal is one that regularly obtains advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers who are not part of the journal's editorial staff. Peer review is intended to improve the accuracy, clarity, and completeness of published manuscripts and to help editors decide which manuscripts to publish. Peer review does not guarantee manuscript quality and does not reliably detect scientific misconduct.
Peer reviewers should be experts in the manuscript's content area, research methods, or both; a critique of writing style alone is not sufficient. Peer reviewers should be selected based on their expertise and ability to provide high quality, constructive, and fair reviews.
Peer reviewers advise editors on how a manuscript might be improved and on its priority for publication in that journal. Editors decide whether and under which conditions manuscripts are accepted for publication, assisted by reviewers' advice.
Peer reviewers are sometimes paid for their efforts but usually provide their opinions free of charge, as a service to their profession. Editors should require all peer reviewers to disclose any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, related to a particular manuscript and should take this information into account when deciding how to use their review. Generally speaking, people with a direct financial interest in the results of the manuscripts should not be reviewers.”
Authors and researchers are invited to enlist as a peer reviewer for JABFM (see the peer reviewer registration form on the website at www.jabfm.org). We aim to secure a content specialist and family physician generalist for each reviewed manuscript to provide a broad and scholarly critique to assist authors in disseminating their work. Reviewers receive a copy of the editor's decision letter and the reviews. We have published information about the JABFM peer review process,1 as well as guidance on how to write a helpful review.2 Reviewers should also be aware of the JABFM editorial statement regarding conflict of interest.3
In 2007, the following 350 individuals provided their expert assistance to the JABFM peer review process:
Adrienne Z Ables
Wael A. Aboughali
John Abramson
David A. Acosta
Ameena T. Ahmed
Erin J. Aiello
Genazzani D. Alessandro
Deborah Allen
William A. Alto
Gail M. Amundson
J. Ellen Anderson
Sven O. Andersson
Bengt Arnetz
Cheryl B. Aspy
Latifi A. Asrar
Helen L. Ball
Inis Jane Bardella
Frances K. Barg
Mikhail Bargan
Vernon A. Barnes
Beth Barnet
Donald Barr
Kirsten Barrett
Kay A. Bauman
Dennis J. Baumgardner
Elizabeth A. Bayliss
John W. Beasley
Franco Benazzi
Ian M. Bennett
Alfred O. Berg
Ethan Berke
Barbara A. Berman
Onil K. Bhattacharyya
Frances E. Biagioli
Dawn Bielawski
Juliann Binienda
Helen J. Binns
Barry Bleidt
B. Wayne Blount
Hillary Bogner
Patrik Borg
Anne K. Bothe
Carlos Brotons
David R. Brown
Randall T. Brown
Richard L. Brown
W. J. Brown
Sean T. Bryan
Sandra K. Burge
Doug Campos-Outcalt
Jennifer Carroll
Nancy Carter
Rajesh Chauhan
William E. Chavey
Frederick M. Chen
John G. F. Cleland
Sarah Clement
Richard D. Clover
Andrew S. Coco
Andreas Cohrssen
Douglas A. Conner
Peter R. Crampton
Paul F. Crawford, III
Michael A. Crouch
Brian K. Crownover
Richard W. Crummer
Jennifer F. Culhane
Larry Culpepper
Jeffrey M. Curtis
Robert J. Darios
Alan K. David
Lauren DeAlleaume
Darwin Deen
Frank deGruy
M. Dianne Delva
James J. Diamond
Vanessa Diaz
Steven C. Dilsaver
Tim Doran
Steven A. Dosh
Thomas Doyle
Jonathan A. Drezner
Francis Dumler
Charles B. Eaton
Susan Eggly
Thomas R. Egnew
Nancy C. Elder
William G. Elder, Jr.
William A. Ellert
John W. Ely
John W. Epling, Jr.
J. I. Escobar
Bernard G. Ewigman
Tom Fahey
Joshua J. Fenton
Jeanne Ferrante
Robert L. Ferrer
Daron G. Ferris
Michael D. Fetters
Terry S. Field
Edgar Figueroa
Kenneth S. Fink
Murray M. Finkelstein
Kevin Fiscella
Judith A. Fisher
Sue Flocke
Michael R. Floyd
Stuart Forman
Erica Frank
Andrea Franks
Peter Franks
Allen Fremont
Keith A. Frey
Ivar L. Frithsen
Erika S. Froelicher
Elizabeth Garrett
Suzanne Gehl
Stephen J. Genuis
Thomas P. Gessner
Mark D. Gideonsen
Valerie J. Gilchrist
James M. Gill
Elizabeth S. Ginsburg
Dwenda K. Gjerdingen
Marji Gold
Jeremy Golding
Adam O. Goldstein
Rise B. Goldstein
Jodi M. Gonzalez
Roland M. Grad
Ken Grauer
Beverly B. Green
Larry A. Green
Lee A. Green
Michael E. Green
Tomas L. Griebling
Kenneth J. Grimm
Michael Grover
Jennifer L. Hamilton
E. Haneke
Robert L. Hatch
R. Hayhow
Diana L. Heiman
Robin Helm
Margaret Helton
Nikhil Hemady
Eric Henley
Gregory E. Herman
Theodor F. Herwig
Vincent W. Hevern
Joseph Hobbs
Neil Holland
Richard L. Holloway
Christina T. Holt
Eugene Hong
William J. Hueston
Sharon K. Hull
Jamal Islam
Paul A. James
Janine E. Janosky
Donna B. Jeffe
Masahito Jimbo
Cynda Ann Johnson
Mark S. Johnson
Christine L. M. Joseph
Stephanie Y. Kao
Omar A. Khan
Niharika Khanna
George E. Kikano
Jeffrey T. Kirchner
Howard S. Kirshner
Douglas J. Klein
Stephen P. Kliewer
Joseph C. Konen
Neil Korsen
Kurt Kroenke
Jerry E. Kruse
Robin L. Kruse
Anton J. Kuzel
Robert Langan
Elaine Larson
Frank Lawler
Duk-Hee Lee
Lawrence M. Leeman
Patricia M. Lenahan
Jeffrey L. Lenow
Ruth Lesnewski
Carmen W. Liang
Eric M. Liederman
Andre F. Lijoi
Timothy W. Lineberry
Jennifer C. Livaudais
Charles F. S. Locke
Everett E. Logue
Carmela G. Lomonaco
Rich Londo
Karl Lorenz
David P. Losh
Margaret M. Love
May N. Lutfiyya
Catherine L. Lysack
Paula K. Maasilta
Michael V. Maciosek
Michael K. Magill
Arch G. Mainous, III
Morris Maizels
Ruth S. Margalit
Katherine Margo
Jennifer S. Marsden
Cara Marshall
David W. Marsland
Samuel C. Matheny
Dimitrios K. Matthaiou
Laura McCray
Susan H. McDaniel
S. E. McGregor
Helen E. McIlvain
Amy McQueen
W. E. Mehling
Mark B. Mengel
Joel H. Merenstein
Daniel L. Meyer
J. L. Michener
Virginia Miller
Fred Miser
James E. Mitchell
Seema Modi
James W. Mold
Alain J. Montegut
Michael V. Moore
Karen Muchowski
Marlon P. Mundt
John B. Murphy
Eddie Needham
Lynne S. Nemeth
Giang T. Nguyen
Paul J. Nietert
Thomas E. Norris
Kevin C. Oeffinger
Robert C. Oh
Robert E. O'Connor
Wilson D. Pace
Heather Paladine
Suzanne Parsons
Donald Pathman
Valory N. Pavlik
Kevin A. Pearce
Allen L. Pelletier
Michael J. Petrizzi
William R. Phillips
B. M. Piraccini
Charles D. Ponte
David Price
Linda W. Prine
Michael D. Prislin
James C. Puffer
Perry A. Pugno
Wayne Putnam
Howard K. Rabinowitz
Barbara D. Reed
Jo Marie Reilly
Michael D. Reis
Peter A. Rives
Richard G. Roberts
W. David Robinson
John C. Rogers
Steven E. Roskos
Robert G. Ross
Mack T. Ruffin, IV
R. Ruiz-Moral
Daniel A. Salmon
Hogne Sandvik
Judith A. Savageau
Barry G. Saver
Eric A. Schaff
Kenneth G. Schellhase
Maryjean Schenk
Michael Schooff
Sarina Schrager
Richard Schwab
Kendra Schwartz
Thomas L. Schwenk
J. Paul Seale
Dean A. Seehusen
Hilary K. Seligman
Peter A. Selwyn
Eric K. Shaw
William J. Sieber
Victor S. Sierpina
L. F. P. Smith
Mindy A. Smith
Robert Smith
Ariel K. Smits
Adam J. Sorscher
Jeannette E. South-Paul
Stephen J. Spann
Ra Nae Stanton
Barbara Starfield
Paul D. Stein
Phyllis K. Stein
Gregg D. Stoner
Jeff L. Susman
Andrew L. Sussman
John E. Sutherland
J. Swan
David L. Swanson
H. Tang
M. Tanner
Stephen H. Taplin
C. Tarrant
Cathy R. Taylor
Peter G. Teichman
Jonathan L. Temte
Dixie L. Thompson
Katherine H. Tkaczuk
A. M. Trescot
Marc Tunzi
William B. Ventres
Anthony J. Viera
Ilia D. Volkov
Peggy J. Wagner
Eric Wall
Lorraine S. Wallace
J. Todd Weber
Ganesa Wegienka
Matthew R. Weir
Brian J. Wells
Frances K. Wen
James J. Werner
John M. Westfall
Randy K. Wexler
Lauren Whetstone
Philip S. Whitecar
Robert A. Wild
Stephen A. Wilson
Daniel K. Winstead
Marsha Wittink
Robert M. Wolfe
Sharon S. Wong
Laurie Woodard
William M. Woodhouse
Justine P. Wu
Tsu-Yin Wu
George C. Xakellis, Jr.
Jinping Xu
Mark J. Yaffe
Bektas Murat Yalcin
Barbara P. Yawn
Atif Zafar
Adam J. Zolotor