OtherFamily Medicine-World Perspective
Barriers to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Jordan. A Nationwide Qualitative Study
Laeth S. Nasir and Raeda Al-Qutob
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Practice March 2005, 18 (2) 125-131; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.18.2.125
Laeth S. Nasir
Raeda Al-Qutob
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In this issue
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Vol. 18, Issue 2
1 Mar 2005
Barriers to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Jordan. A Nationwide Qualitative Study
Laeth S. Nasir, Raeda Al-Qutob
The Journal of the American Board of Family
Practice Mar 2005, 18 (2) 125-131; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.18.2.125
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