Peer reviewers are critical to the success and quality of the JABFP. Here we acknowledge and thank the many individuals who, during 2004, volunteered their time and expertise to read and critique submissions for the journal. Peer reviewing is a labor of love. Top researchers in primary care and other specialties provide thoughtful recommendations and insights to their colleagues. This devotion to advancing primary care research and practice, plus the commitment to nurturing their colleagues is a tremendous service to us all. If you submitted a peer review to JABFP in 2004 and your name is not listed, please let us know. Readers are invited to enlist as peer reviewers for the JABFP. We want to expand our pool of reviewer expertise, and the scholarly perspectives in the critiques and suggestions that we provide to authors. You can become a JABFP peer reviewer by downloading the registration form from Click the “Peer Reviewers” button on the left column of the home page to access the form.
Andy Abril
Louise Acheson
David Acosta
Ameena T. Ahmed
William Alto
M. R. Anderson
R. Anton
Macaran A. Baird
J. Banks-Wallace
Steven L. Barnett
Barnette (first name unknown)
S. Basaria
Kay A. Bauman
Elizabeth Bayliss
Pamela Bean
Ettore Beghi
Franco Benazzi
Ian M. Bennett
Vance Berger
James Bergman
Arlene Bierman
James R. Blackman
Mary Blehar
Carol E. Blenning
Amy Bode
Hillary Bogner
Rachel Bramson
Kent Bream
Brucker (first name unknown)
Sean T. Bryan
Stephen A. Buetow
Sandra K. Burge
Doug Campos-Outcalt
Christina Chan
Frederick M. Chen
Loren Z. Chiu
J. E. Cleary-Goldman
Marsha M. Cohen
Jack M. Colwill
David D. Cravens
Renee M. Crichlow
Peter Cronholm
Michael A. Crouch
Brian Crownover
Patrick Culligan
Larry Culpepper
Timothy Daaleman
Alan K. David
Darwin Deen
Frank DeGruy
Mark J. DeHaven
Dianne Delva
Raymond Y. Demers
William W. Dexter
Lori M. Dickerson
Steven A. Dosh
David Doukas
Benjamin Druss
Christine Duffy
S. Shevaun Duiker
Scott Eathorne
Nancy C. Elder
John W. Ely
Michael E. Ernst
Stuart J. Farber
Kenneth S. Fink
Patrick Finley
Cheryl Flynn
Samuel N. Forjuoh
Arthur Fournier
Andrea S. Franks
Peter Franks
E. W. Freeman
John J. Frey III
Keith A. Frey
Sim S. Galazka
Lillian Gelberg
John Geyman
Nassir Ghaemi
Valerie J. Gilchrist
James Gill
Mary Lou L. Gillard
Dwenda K. Gjerdingen
Marji Gold
Adam O. Goldstein
Bernard Gonik
Ken Grauer
Judith A. Gravdal
Jocelyn Gravlee
Beverly Green
Larry Green
Anita R. Gross
Wayne A. Hale
W. L. Hall II
Rebecca Hardy
Susan Hardy
J. Hayano
R. P. Heaney
Bernhard Hellmich
Eric Henley
E. Heron
John M. Hicker
N. S. Howden
William J. Hueston
Carlos R. Jaen
Julie Jonassen
Wayne Katon
T. Jeffrey Kirchner
Joseph C. Konen
Colin P. Kopes-Keer
Kent K. Krack
N. R. Kressin
K. Laederach-Hofmann
Jennifer E. Lafata
Landgraf (first name unknown)
Michael Lauer
Michael LeFevre
Bernard Lo
C. Locke
Everett Logue
Franco Lumachi
P. J. Lustman
D. Lynge
Charles D. MacLean
Diane Jean Madlon-Kay
Michael K. Magill
Debbi Main
Arch G. Mainous III
R. J. Marchiando
Kyriakos S. Markides
Tsevti Markova
Jeffrey Martin
I. Martinelli
Samuel C. Matheny
Wasim Maziak
M. R. McGuigan
Helen McIlvain
Joel H. Merenstein
Aaron Michelfelder
John E. Midtling
James W. Mold
M. H. Monroe
Hugh Mulcahy
John B. Murphy
M. H. Murphy
Elza Muscelli
Donald E. Nease Jr.
Richard Neill
Warren P. Newton
Jim Nicholson
Thomas E. Norris
Paul Nutting
A. N. Ortega
Thomas Oxman
Anuradha Paranjape
Donald Pathman
Katherine Patterson-Neely
Randolph L. Pearson
R. P. Petchey
Lyle R. Petersen
R. P. Pierzchajlo
Linda W. Prine
Michael D. Prislin
Howard K. Rabinowitz
Donald Ransom
Shobha S. Rao
Lisa J. Rapport
Robert Ratner
E. S. Rawson
Janet Realini
Barbara D. Reed
William Reichel
Michael D. Reis
Rick E. Ricer
D. J. Rickert
K. J. Rinnert
W. David Robinson
William MacMillan Rodney
John C. Rogers
Roger A. Rosenblatt
Jo Ann Rosenfeld
Thomas A. Ruane
Mack T. Ruffin
Terry S. Ruhl
Sanjay Saint
Maryjean Schenk
Joseph E. Scherger
L. Schwartz
Thomas L. Schwenk
John Sear
James J. Sejvar
Sherer (first name unknown)
Paul Sloan
Philip D. Slone
Naomi Smidt-Afek
John Spangler
Stephan Spann
Jeffrey Staab
Howard F. Stein
Meir Steiner
G. Gayle Stephens
M. David Stockton
Joseph Straton
Barbara Supanich
Jeff L. Susman
Thomas R. Taylor
Peter G. Teichman
Frank Thien
Daniel J. Van Durme
C. J. Van Gool
Eric Wall
Barry Weiss
Myrna Weissman
Paul T. Werner
Patricia West
Robert A. Wild
Calvin L. Wilson
Stephen A. Wilson
K. L. Wisner
Robert M. Wolfe
Xiao Wu
W. Yancy
Barbara P. Yawn
Richard A. Young
Atif Zafar
Atif Zaman
Gregory S. Zaric
Therese Zink