Abscess, tuboovarian, fatal pneumococcal sepsis from, 17(1):68–70
Adolescent(s), with ADHD, on-road driving by, controlled-release methylphenidate and, 17(4):235–239
Advertising, direct-to-consumer, public perceptions of, 17(1):6–18
Alcohol, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin as biomarker of, in diabetic/hypertensive patients, 17(4):247–255
Alcohol intoxication, nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis with, 17(1):54–58
Angina, Prinzmetal, multiple sclerosis with, 17(1):71–73
Antibiotics, for common cold, physician specialty and, 17(3):196–200
Apnea, obstructive sleep, in pregnancy, 17(4):292–294
Arctic Circle, racial prejudice in, 17(1):78–79
Asthma in Medicaid-insured children, emergency room use by, 17(2):96–100 practical clinical trial for, conducted in primary care, 17(3):190–195
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), in adolescent, on-road driving by, controlled-release methylphenidate and, 17(4):235–239
Back pain, management in family practice, 17:S23–S31
Breast cancer, diagnostic rate in postmenopausal women with self-reported breast symptoms, 17(6):408–415
Breast-feeding, early termination of, parental mental health and, 17(3):173–183
Bursitis, subacromial septic, from corticosteroid injection, 17(4):299–302
California, Spanish-speaking physicians in, access to, 17(3):165–172
Cancer of breast, in postmenopausal women, self-reported breast symptoms and diagnostic rate in, 17(6):408–415 of skin, overcoming obstacles to examination and prevention counseling, 17(6):416–423
Cancer pain high-dose fentanyl patch for, 17(5):388–390 management by family physician, 17:S48–S56
Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, as alcohol biomarker in diabetic/hypertensive patients, 17(4):247–255
Cardiovascular disease, in women, dyslipidemia and, 17(6):424–437
Cerebral venous thrombosis, acute headache caused by, 17(4):295–298
Cerebrospinal fluid neutrophilic pleocytosis, in hospitalized West Nile virus patients, 17(6):470–472
Chest pain, panic disorder and coronary artery disease in, 17(2):114–126
Childbirth, assisted, avoiding with knotted bedsheet, 17(5):394–395
Children Medicaid-insured, with asthma, emergency room use by, 17(2):96–100 well-child visit noncompliance in, parental health and demographics in, 17(5):324–331
Clinical practice guidelines compliance with, 17(6):474–475 physician opinions and attitudes about, 17(2):150–157
Clinical trial, of asthma, conducted in primary care, 17(3):190–195
Colonoscopy, in rural communities, by family physician, safety and effectiveness of, 17(5):353–358
Colorado, primary care by specialists in, 17(2):81–90
Community family practice physician-older patient interaction in, 17(1):19–25 public health and, 17(3):207–211
Congestive heart failure, rofecoxib-induced, 17(2):131–135
Continuity of care, patient satisfaction and, in family practice clinic, 17(5):341–346
Coronary artery bypass surgery, Dressler syndrome after, 17(3):230–232
Coronary artery disease, panic disorder and, 17(2):114–126
Correspondence challenges for family medicine and for family physicians, 17(6):474 compliance with clinical guidelines and the law of thirds, 17(6):475 impact of clinical practice guidelines should not be overestimated, 17(6):474–475
Corticosteroid injection, subacromial septic bursitis from, 17(4):299–302
Cough, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and, 17(1):48–53
Counseling, on skin cancer prevention, 17(6):416–423
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors, congestive heart failure induced by, 17(2):131–135
Deep-breath test, white-coat hypertension and, 17(3):184–189
Demographics, parental, well-child visit noncompliance and, 17(5):324–331
Diabetes mellitus borderline, peripheral neuropathy and, 17(2):127–130 carbohydrate-deficient transferrin as alcohol biomarker in, 17(4):247–255
Diabetes mellitus type 2, lipid management in, 17(2):101–107
Diapers, gel-based, urine culture collected from, 17(2):91–5
Dressler syndrome, after coronary artery bypass surgery, 17(3):230–232
Driving by ADHD adolescents, controlled release methylphenidate improvement of, 17(4):235–239 by older persons, physician assessment of, 17(1):38–43
Drug prescribing, multitiered incentive-based formularies in, 17(6):401–407
Dyslipidemia, in women, cardiovascular disease and, 17(6):424–437
Dysmenorrhea pelvic pain from, management in family practice, 17:S43–S47 primary, guaifenesin for, 17(4):240–246
Ecuador, obstetrics advanced life support in, 17(4):276–282
Editorial, how long does it take to become a competent family physician?, 17(5):391
Emergency room use, by Medicaid-insured children with asthma, 17(2):96–100
Endometriosis, pelvic pain from, management in family practice, 17:S43–S47
Endoscopy, acute methemoglobinemia after, 17(3):227–229
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, office-based ultrathin, 17(6):438–442
Evidence-based medicine obesity in adults, diagnosis and treatment of, 17(5):359–369 office radiographs, second reading of, 17(4):256–263
Expiration dates, on medicine containers, location, content, and legibility of, 17(5):395–397
Exposure assessment, assessment of, neuropsychiatric symptom relief and, 17(2):136–141
Factor V Leiden mutation, pregnancy and, 17(4):306–308
Family practice clinic, continuity of care and patient satisfaction in, 17(5):341–346
Fentanyl patch, high-dose, for cancer pain, 17(5):388–390
Fever, in respiratory infection, 17(1):32–37
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), approval process of, tensions in, 17(2):142–149
Formularies, multitiered incentive-based, 17(6):401–407
Genital dysplasia, in women with HIV infection, 17(2):108–113
Glucose tolerance, impaired, peripheral neuropathy and, 17(2):127–130
Guaifenesin, for primary dysmenorrhea, 17(4):240–246
Headache, acute, caused by cerebral venous thrombosis, 17(4):295–298
Health care costs, very low literacy skills and, 17(1):44–47
Health care policy, tensions in FDA approval process, 17(2):142–149
Health care system, care providers and settings for Medicare beneficiaries in, 17(5):384–387
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, for practice-based researchers, 17(6):461–465
Heart attack, neck pain mimicking, 17(1):74–77
Herpes simplex type 2 virus infection, meningitis from, 17(4):303–305
Human immunodeficiency virus infection, in women, genital dysplasia in, 17(2):108–113
Human papillomavirus infection, knowledge and behaviors related to, 17(1):26–31
Hypertension carbohydrate-deficient transferrin as alcohol biomarker in, 17(4):247–255 white-coat, deep-breath test and, 17(3):184–189
Infection herpes simplex virus type 2, meningitis from, 17(4):303–305
HIV, in women, genital dysplasia in, 17(2):108–113
human papillomavirus, knowledge and behaviors related to, 17(1):26–31 respiratory antibiotics for, physician specialty and, 17(3):196–200 febrile, 17(1):32–37
Influenza diagnosis of, medical history and physical examination in, 17(1):1–5 vaccination against, in pregnancy, 17(4):287–291
Insomnia, primary, treatment of, 17(3):212–219
Internal medicine specialists, and antibiotic prescribing for common cold, 17(3):196–200
Intimate partner violence, physician perceptions of, 17(5):332–340
Joint pain, management in family practice, 17:S32–S42
Law of thirds, 17(6):475
Life support, advanced obstetric, in Ecuador, 17(4):276–282
Lipid management, in diabetes type 2, 17(2):101–107
Literacy skills, very low, health care costs and, 17(1):44–47
Medicaid recipients pediatric asthma patients as, emergency room use by, 17(2):96–100 very low literacy skills in, health care costs and, 17(1):44–47
Medical history, in influenza diagnosis, 17(1):1–5
Medical literature, grading evidence in, SORT in, 17(1):59–67
Medicare beneficiaries, care providers and settings for, 17(5):384–387
Medicine containers, expiration dates on, location, content, and legibility of, 17(5):395–397
Meningitis, Mollaret, 17(4):303–305
Mental health, parental, breast-feeding early termination and, 17(3):173–183
Metapneumovirus, human, 17(6):466–469
Methemoglobinemia, acute, after endoscopy, 17(3):227–229
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, misdiagnosed as spider bite, 17(3):220–226
Methylphenidate, controlled release, and attention during on-road driving by ADHD adolescents, 17(4):235–239
Mollaret meningitis, 17(4):303–305
Multiple sclerosis, Prinzmetal angina with, 17(1):71–73
Neck pain heart attack mimicked by, 17(1):74–77 management in family practice, 17:S13–S22
Neuropathy peripheral, in borderline diabetes, 17(2):127–130 peripheral sensory, in older patients, prevalence, predictors, and consequences of, 17(5):309–318
Neuropsychiatric symptoms, from occupational hazardous chemical exposure, 17(2):136–141
Neutrophilic pleocytosis, in cerebrospinal fluid of hospitalized West Nile virus patients, 17(6):470–472
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), congestive heart failure induced by, 17(2):131–135
Nutrition labels, on snack food packages, patient understanding and use of, 17(5):319–323
Obesity, in adults, diagnosis and treatment of, 17(5):359–369
Obstetrics, advanced life support in, in Ecuador, 17(4):276–282
Obstructive sleep apnea, in pregnancy, 17(4):292–294
Occupational hazardous chemical exposure, assessment of, neuropsychiatric symptom relief and, 17(2):136–141
Office radiographs, second reading of, 17(4):256–263
Office ultrathin esophagogastroduodenoscopy, 17(6):438–442
Older patients deciding to change primary care physicians, when and why, 17(6):453–460 driving ability of, physician assessment of, 17(1):38–43 peripheral sensory neuropathy in, prevalence, predictors, and consequences of, 17(5):309–318 physician interaction with, in community family practice, 17(1):19–25
Pain in back, 17:S23–S31 cancer-related in adult, 17:S48–S56 high-dose fentanyl patch for, 17(5):388–390 in joints, 17:S32–S42 management by family physician, 17:S1–S12 in neck, 17:S13–S22 in pelvis, from dysmenorrhea or endometriosis, 17:S43–S47
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, cough and, 17(1):48–53
Panic disorder, coronary artery disease and, 17(2):114–126
Papanicolaou smear, sigmoidoscope for, 17(3):233
health and demographics of, well-child visit noncompliance and, 17(5):324–331 mental health of, breast-feeding early termination and, 17(3):173–183
Patient satisfaction, continuity of care and, in family practice clinic, 17(5):341–346
Pelvic pain, from dysmenorrhea or endometriosis, management in family practice, 17:S43–S47
Peripheral sensory neuropathy, in older patients, prevalence, predictors, and consequences of, 17(5):309–318
Physical examination, in influenza diagnosis, 17(1):1–5
Physician(s) family colonoscopy by, safety and effectiveness of, 17(5):353–358 practice-oriented and research-oriented, 17(6):474 family practice residents perspectives on length and content of training, 17(5):377–383, 17(5):391 healing by patients, 17(2):158–159 intimate partner violence perceptions of, 17(5):332–340 older driver assessment by, 17(1):38–43 opinions and attitudes about clinical practice guidelines, 17(2):150–157 primary care, older patients deciding to change, when and why, 17(6):453–460
Spanish-speaking, access to, in California, 17(3):165–172 specialists, providing primary care services in Colorado, 17(2):81–90
Physician-patient relationship direct-to-consumer advertising effect on, public perceptions of, 17(1):6–18 older patients in
in community family practice, 17(1):19–25 who decide to change physicians, 17(6):453–460
Pneumococcal sepsis, fatal, from tuboovarian abscess, 17(1):68–70
Postmenopausal women, self-reported breast symptoms in, breast cancer diagnostic rate in, 17(6):408–415
Factor V Leiden mutation and, 17(4):306–308 influenza vaccination in, 17(4):287–291 obstructive sleep apnea in, 17(4):292–294 smoking cessation in, postpartum relapse prevention strategies after, 17(4):264–275
Primary care addressing spiritual concerns in, 17(3):201–206 antibiotic use for common cold in, 17(3):196–200 asthma clinical trial conducted in, 17(3):190–195 community-oriented, public health and, 17(3):207–211 office-based ultrathin esophagogastroduodenoscopy in, 17(6):438–442 self-reported health status in, racial disparities in, 17(6):443–452 by specialists, in Colorado, 17(2):81–90
Prinzmetal angina, multiple sclerosis with, 17(1):71–73
Privacy rule, of HIPAA, for practice-based researchers, 17(6):461–465
Probability, communicating with patients about it, 17(6):473
Public health, family medicine and, 17(3):207–211
Racial disparities, in self-reported health status, in primary care, 17(6):443–452
Racial prejudice, in Arctic community, 17(1):78–79
Radiographs, in office, second reading of, 17(4):256–263
Rare conditions, in family practice, 17(4):283–286
Reflections in family practice adopted, 17(2):158–159 welcome to the Arctic Circle, 17(1):78–79
Religion, in health outcome, 17(5):370–376
Renal failure, acute, from nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis, with alcohol intoxication, 17(1):54–58
Research letters numeracy and medicine: key family physician attitudes about communicating probability with patients, 17(6):473 using a bed sheet to avoid an assisted delivery, 17(5):394–395 variable location, content, and legibility of expiration dates on medicine containers, 17(5):395–397
Researchers, practice-oriented, 17(6):474
HIPAA Privacy Rule for, 17(6):461–465
Respiratory infection antibiotics for, physician specialty and, 17(3):196–200 febrile, 17(1):32–37
Respiratory tract pathogen, human metapneumovirus as, 17(6):466–469
Review articles, grading evidence in, SORT in, 17(1):59–67
Rhabdomyolysis, nontraumatic, with alcohol intoxication, 17(1):54–58
Rofecoxib, congestive heart failure induced by, 17(2):131–135
Rural communities, colonoscopy by family physician in, safety and effectiveness of, 17(5):353–358
Self-reported breast symptoms, by postmenopausal women, breast cancer rate in, 17(6):408–415
Self-reported heath status, in primary care, racial disparities in, 17(6):443–452
Sensory neuropathy, peripheral, in older patients, prevalence, predictors, and consequences of, 17(5):309–318
Sepsis, pneumococcal fatal, from tuboovarian abscess, 17(1):68–70
Septic bursitis, subacromial, from corticosteroid injection, 17(4):299–302
Sigmoidoscope, for Papanicolaou smear, 17(3):233
Skin cancer, overcoming obstacles to examination and prevention counseling, 17(6):416–423
Sleep disorders obstructive sleep apnea as, in pregnancy, 17(4):292–294 primary insomnia as, treatment of, 17(3):212–219
Smoking cessation, in pregnancy, postpartum relapse prevention strategies after, 17(4):264–275
Snack food package nutrition labels, patient understanding and use of, 17(5):319–323
Spanish-speaking physicians, access to, in California, 17(3):165–172
Special communications addressing spiritual concerns in family medicine: a team approach, 17(3):201–206 family physicians’ opinions and attitudes about clinical practice guidelines, 17(2):150–157 strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT): patient-centered approach to grading evidence in medical literature, 17(1):59–67 zebras on the commons: rare conditions in family practice, 17(4):283–286
Specialist(s), and antibiotic prescribing for common cold, 17(3):196–200
Specialists, providing primary care services in Colorado, 17(2):81–90
Spider bite brown recluse, management of, 17(5):347–352 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus mimicking, 17(3):220–226
Spiritual concerns, addressing in family medicine, 17(3):201–206
Spirituality, in health outcome, 17(5):370–376
Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant, misdiagnosed as spider bite, 17(3):220–226
Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT), 17(1):59–67
Thrombosis, cerebral venous, acute headache caused by, 17(4):295–298
Training in family practice, length and content of, 17(5):377–383, 17(5):391
Transferrin, carbohydrate-deficient, as alcohol biomarker in diabetic/hypertensive patients, 17(4):247–255
Tuboovarian abscess, fatal pneumococcal sepsis from, 17(1):68–70
Urine, collection for culture, from gel-based diapers, 17(2):91–95
Vaccination, influenza, in pregnancy, 17(4):287–291
Violence, from intimate partner, physician perceptions of, 17(5):332–340
Well-child visits, noncompliance with, parent health and demographics in, 17(5):324–331
West Nile virus, cerebrospinal fluid neutrophilic pleocytosis in, 17(6):470–472
White-coat hypertension, deep-breath test and, 17(3):184–189
Women cardiovascular disease in, dyslipidemia and, 17(6):424–437 postmenopausal, self-reported breast symptoms and breast cancer diagnostic rate in, 17(6):408–415