Index by author
November 01, 2002; Volume 15,Issue 6
Avant, Robert R
- You have accessFamily practice: exclusive, inclusive, or--heaven forbid--both?Robert R AvantThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 506-508;
Barassi, James
- You have accessCharacteristics of visits to licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians.Daniel C Cherkin, Richard A Deyo, Karen J Sherman, L Gary Hart, Janet H Street, Andrea Hrbek, Roger B Davis, Elaine Cramer, Bruce Milliman, Jennifer Booker, Robert Mootz, James Barassi, Janet R Kahn, Ted J Kaptchuk and David M EisenbergThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 463-472;
Beebe, Diane K
- You have accessDrug sample availability and prescribing behavior.Steve A Watts, William H Replogle, Sara L Noble and Diane K BeebeThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 509;
Booker, Jennifer
- You have accessCharacteristics of visits to licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians.Daniel C Cherkin, Richard A Deyo, Karen J Sherman, L Gary Hart, Janet H Street, Andrea Hrbek, Roger B Davis, Elaine Cramer, Bruce Milliman, Jennifer Booker, Robert Mootz, James Barassi, Janet R Kahn, Ted J Kaptchuk and David M EisenbergThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 463-472;
Bratton, Robert L
- You have accessVacuum erection device use in elderly men: a possible severe complication.Robert L Bratton and Harvey D CassidyThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 501-502;
Caffee, Anne E
- You have accessPharmaceutical starter samples.Peter G Teichman and Anne E CaffeeThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 509-510;
Calvo, Cecilia Beatriz
- You have accessInfluence of new evidence on prescription patterns.Cecilia Beatriz Calvo and Adolfo RubinsteinThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 457-462;
Cardone, Dennis A
- You have accessAsthma exacerbation associated with glucosamine-chondroitin supplement.Alfred F Tallia and Dennis A CardoneThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 481-484;
Cassidy, Harvey D
- You have accessVacuum erection device use in elderly men: a possible severe complication.Robert L Bratton and Harvey D CassidyThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 501-502;
Cherkin, Daniel C
- You have accessCharacteristics of visits to licensed acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians.Daniel C Cherkin, Richard A Deyo, Karen J Sherman, L Gary Hart, Janet H Street, Andrea Hrbek, Roger B Davis, Elaine Cramer, Bruce Milliman, Jennifer Booker, Robert Mootz, James Barassi, Janet R Kahn, Ted J Kaptchuk and David M EisenbergThe Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine November 2002, 15 (6) 463-472;
In this issue
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Vol. 15, Issue 6
1 Nov 2002