Background: Family physicians provide care in emergency departments, especially in rural areas; however, no published data describe how they perceive their preparation for emergency practice. We surveyed graduates of Colorado family practice residencies concerning their emergency medicine practice, their comfort working in emergency departments, and their perceived preparation for practicing emergency medicine.
Methods: Seventy recent graduates of Colorado residencies were surveyed regarding their location, work in emergency departments, contact with emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, and perceptions about their emergency medical training.
Results: Forty-five percent of respondents practiced in rural settings, 33% worked in emergency departments (56% rural, 14% urban), 60% reported contact with EMS personnel (91% rural, 32% urban), 54% believed their training adequately prepared them for working in emergency departments (82% rural vs 32% urban), 63% of rural and 22% of urban respondents indicated they wanted more major trauma experience during training, 70% reported discomfort with managing trauma, and 44% were interested in a 6-month emergency medicine fellowship.
Conclusions: Most respondents believed their training in emergency medicine was adequate; however, most also reported discomfort with trauma management. Improved training for family physicians who provide emergency care could include expanded trauma care opportunities, increased work with EMS personnel, and postresidency training.