Table 4.

Practice Patterns and Treatment Attitudes by Attitude about Prediabetes

TotalPositive Attitude Toward PrediabetesLess Positive Attitude Toward PrediabetesP Value
Most family physicians do not consider screening for prediabetes to be a high priority in diabetes prevention.<.0001
    Disagree/strongly disagree56.167.540.3
    Agree/strongly agree17.211.425
I give general lifestyle advice targeted toward reducing cardiovascular disease instead of advice specific to diabetes to patients with abnormal blood glucose.<.0001
    Disagree/strongly disagree45.453.235.1
    Agree/strongly agree37.629.847.4
Most patients cannot successfully comply with lifestyle changes needed for diabetes prevention..0002
    Disagree/strongly disagree46.652.239.5
    Agree/strongly agree30.427.134.3
I recommend metformin to most patients with prediabetes.<.0001
    Disagree/strongly disagree42.936.552.4<.0001
    Agree/strongly agree30.036.420.9
Primary lifestyle change stressed.01
    Changing diet20.721.219.1
    Increasing leisure time physical activity10.07.513.6
    Weight loss11.311.710.4
    Stress all 3 equally58.059.657
Primary method of identifying someone at risk of developing diabetes.11
    Assessing BMI38.736.441.8
    Testing blood glucose concentrations52.155.348
    Asking about family history8.07.28.7
Follow national guideline or screening recommendation<.0001
    Don't know29.526.533.8
Primary guideline followed.0001
    American Diabetes Association25.23115.3
    USPSTF current guidelines35.531.843.5
    USPSTF draft guidelines2.01.33.4
    Other/combination of guidelines36.535.237.8
    Don't know0.80.80
  • Data are percentages unless otherwise indicated.

  • BMI, body mass index; USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force.