Table 1

“Red-Flag,” Clinical Exclusion, and Expected Follow-up Criteria by Cancer Type Used in Electronic Algorithms Applied to the Electronic Health Records of 118,400 Patients from April 20, 2011, to July 19, 2012

Cancer“Red-Flag” CriteriaClinical Exclusion CriteriaExpected Diagnostic Evaluation
Lung cancerAny of the following flagged by radiologist as suspicious for malignancy:
∙ Chest radiograph or chest CT scan
∙ Age <30 years
∙ Prior history of lung cancer
∙ Terminal illness diagnosis
∙ Hospice/palliative care enrollment
∙ Prior tuberculosis diagnosis
∙ Pulmonary evaluation within last 6 months
Any of the following within 30 days after red-flag criteria:
∙ Pulmonary referral completed
∙ Lung procedure (biopsy, bronchoscopy, thoracic surgery)
∙ Repeat x-ray or CT scan
Colon cancerPositive FOBT, or∙ Age <40 or >75 years
∙ Colonoscopy within 5 years (for positive FOBT) or 3 years (for hematochezia or IDA) prior to high-risk criteria met
∙ Prior history of colorectal cancer
∙ Prior total colectomy
∙ Terminal illness diagnosis
∙ Hospice/palliative care enrollment
∙ Upper GI bleed within 1 year before or 60 days after red-flag criteria are met
Additional IDA-specific criteria include the following:
∙ Prior thalassemia diagnosis
∙ Hospitalization within 14 days before red-flag criteria met
∙ Surgery within 14 days before high-risk criteria met
∙ Menorrhagia diagnosis within 5 years before or 60 days after high-risk criteria met
∙ Other cause of bleeding within 1 year before or 60 days after high-risk criteria met
∙ Pregnant within 1 year before or 60 days after high-risk criteria met
∙ Colonoscopy performed within 60 days after red-flag criteria
New hematochezia diagnosis or
Laboratory results consistent with IDA:
∙ Hemoglobin ≤11 g/dL
∙ Mean corpuscular volume ≤81 fL
∙ No ferritin ≥100 ng/mL in prior 12 months
Prostate cancerPSA result of 4.1–15 ng/mL∙ Age <40 or >70 years
∙ Prior history of prostate cancer
∙ Prostate biopsy within prior 2 years
∙ Prostatitis diagnosis within 30 days before or 90 days after red-flag criteria met
∙ Terminal illness diagnosis
∙ Hospice/palliative care enrollment
Any of the following within 90 days after red-flag criteria:
∙ Repeat PSA performed
∙ Urology referral requested or completed
∙ Prostate biopsy performed
  • CT, computed tomography; FOBT, fecal occult blood test; GI, gastrointestinal; IDA, iron-deficiency anemia; PSA, prostate-specific antigen. Reprinted with permission. © (2015) American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved. Murphy et al: J Clin Oncol 33(31), 2015: 3560–7.5