Table 3.

Comparison of Average Pre- and Post-Intervention TRANSLATE Model Element Scores at 23 Primary Care Practices Enrolled in Practice Facilitation and Academic Detailing Project, 2014–2015

TRANSLATE Element*Score, Mean (SD)P Value
Before the InterventionAfter the Intervention
Target2.70 (0.95)3.00 (1.02).031
    PF13.00 (1.00)3.00 (1.00)
    PF23.33 (0.68)3.33 (0.68)
    PF32.80 (0.84)4.00 (0.00)
    PF41.86 (0.69)2.00 (0.82).001
Registry and reminder systems3.22 (0.72)3.39 (0.48)NS
Administrative buy-in3.15 (0.75)3.43 (0.59).029
Network information systems3.22 (0.86)3.48 (0.70).007
Site coordination3.09 (0.60)3.22 (0.60)NS
Local physician champion2.74 (1.09)2.80 (1.02)NS
Audit and feedback2.63 (0.96)2.85 (0.85).022
Team approach2.85 (0.98)3.11 (1.03)NS
Education2.70 (0.67)2.91 (0.63).057
    PF12.60 (0.22)2.60 (0.22)
    PF22.17 (0.41)3.00 (0.00)
    PF33.60 (0.55)3.60 (0.55).014
    PF42.57 (0.54)2.57 (0.79)
Cumulative score26.28 (3.68)28.20 (3.56)≤.001
  • * Practice facilitator (PF) scores are displayed only for those measures with significant differences between groups (Bonferonni post-hoc analysis).

  • Scores are based on evaluations by PFs on a scale of 1 (no accomplishment) to 4 (high accomplishment).

  • NS, not significant at α = .05; SD, standard deviation.