Table 3. Toolkit's Action Plan for Brown Bag Medication Review
Ways to remind patients to bring medications
    Appointment cards
    During appointment reminder calls
    During office visits
    Posters in exam rooms and waiting rooms
    Bulletin board display of anonymous cases that make the case for bringing medications
    Emphasize that the review usually results in taking fewer medications
    Provide a carrier (bag or sack) in which patients can bring medications to visits
What to tell patients to bring
    All prescription medications including pills and creams
    All over-the-counter medicines taken regularly
    All vitamins and supplements
    All herbal medications
What to do during the medication review
    Offer praise for bringing the medications
Τrack progress
    Track the percentage of patients each day who have had a medication review completed
    Aim for 90% of patients to have a review over a 12-month period
  • Adapted from ref. 11.