Table 4. Participating Organizations and Clinical Practices and Data Collection Results over the 9-Month Study Period
Organization 1Organization 2Organization 3Organization 4
Clinical practice representativeDirector of behavioral healthInternal medicine physicianAssociate medical directorResearch and data manager
Participating practices, n149139
Practice specialties, n
    FM + IM0300
    FM + IM + pediatrics7000
Practice location (urban/rural), n*6/89/05/87/2
Medical providers per practice, median (range)4 (1–9)8 (6–15)2 (1–5)7 (2–15)
Patients per practice, median (range)2,925 (554–10,359)6,644 (5,539–10,199)2,765 (1,869–16,237)8,689 (2,375–15,058)
Practices implementing MAS, n (%)10 (71)8 (89)13 (100)9 (100)
Surveys per practice
    Median (range)24 (0–136)23 (0–149)69 (3–416)164 (16–311)
  • * Based on 2010 census designation; some practices designated “rural” by the census are better characterized as suburban.

  • FM, family medicine; IM, internal medicine; IMH, integrated mental health; MAS, Medication Adherence Survey.