Table 4. Relationship between Achieving Outcomes and Satisfaction with Results of Care (Ranked by Importance of Outcome to Patients)
OutcomePatients with Abdominal PainPatients with Back Pain
Very Satisfied (%)P ValueVery Satisfied (%)P Value
Found out the cause of the pain
Trusted that the treatment plan was appropriate
Returned to normal life function by 1 month
Understood what may happen
    Some or very much73<.0150<.01
    Not at all3911
Avoided recurrence
Avoided long-term loss of function
Returned to work and productivity soon
Avoided complications/side effects
Avoided unexpected problems
Got rapid and complete relief
Avoided hospitalization
Avoided surgery
Avoided burden on family
Minimized medical tests and visits
Avoided additional radiation
Avoided personal costs of care
Minimized use of medications
Returned to leisure/sports soon
Avoided uncomfortable tests