Outcome | Patients with Abdominal Pain (n = 201) | Patients with Back Pain (n = 167) | P Value |
Found the cause of the pain | 126/201 (63) | 131/167 (78) | .001 |
Trusted that the treatment plan was appropriate | 158/183 (86) | 127/153 (83) | .40 |
Returned to normal life function by 1 month | 73/115 (63)* | 38/145 (26)*† | <.001 |
Understood (somewhat or very much) what may happen to them because of the problem | 142/201 (71) | 132/167 (79) | .07 |
Avoided pain recurrence | 101/115 (88)‡ | 33/46 (72)‡ | .01 |
Avoided long-term loss of function | 31/42 (74)§ | 51/106 (48)†§ | .005 |
Returned to work and productivity soon | 10/46 (22)†¶ | 10/53 (19)†¶ | .72 |
Experienced no complications or side effects related to the cause or treatment of pain | 176/192 (92) | 88/163 (54) | <.001 |
Avoided unexpected problems not related to pain | 172/192 (87) | 154/162 (95) | .01 |
Got rapid (within 1 week) and complete relief | 50/196 (26)† | 8/165 (5)† | <.001 |
Avoid hospitalization | 180/201 (90) | 155/167 (93) | .28 |
Avoided surgery | 167/200 (84) | 145/166 (87) | .30 |
Avoided burden on family | 135/201 (67) | 81/167 (49)† | .003 |
Avoided further tests, visits, treatments | 121/196 (62) | 76/162 (47)† | .005 |
Avoided additional radiation exposure | 180/195 (92) | 156/164 (95) | .28 |
Avoided personal costs of care | 118/201 (59) | 85/166 (51) | .15 |
Minimized use of medications | 122/199 (61) | 66/167 (40)† | <.001 |
Returned to leisure/sports activities within a few weeks | 150/197 (76) | 49/166 (30)† | <.001 |
Minimized uncomfortable tests or treatment | 167/201 (83) | 102/167 (61) | <.001 |
Data are n/N (%).
↵* Limited to patients whose pain interfered with day-to-day functioning at the time of the scan.
↵† <50% Of patients experienced the outcome.
↵‡ Limited to patients whose pain went away completely after the pain episode.
↵§ Limited to patients whose pain interfered with day-to-day functioning at the time of the scan and pain was still affecting functioning 1 month after the scan.
↵¶ Limited to patients who were working outside the home before the pain episode and who missed work or were not fully productive because of pain.