Table 3. Perceived Severity and Estimated Cost of Selected Near Miss Events in Seven Primary Care Practices
Code# of ReportsEvent DescriptionSeverity Ratinga Mean (SD)Likelihood of Adverse Event if Near Miss not Identifiedb n (%)Potential Financial Cost of Event to Patientb n (%)Estimated Financial Cost of Event to Practiceb n (%)
Five Most Common Near Miss Events
1.1.1160Filing problems51.8 (30.7)38 (23.8)12 (7.5)5 (3.1)
1.1.295Chart data problems35.4 (29.9)11 (11.6)8 (8.4)4 (4.2)
1.3.245Implementing investigations52.2 (28.2)10 (22.2)4 (8.9)3 (6.7)
1.3.377Reporting investigations72.0 (28.3)38 (49.4)17 (22.1)1 (1.3)
1.4.155Ordering medication or treatments59.1 (29.3)17 (30.9)6 (10.9)5 (9.1)
Five Near Miss Events Rated Most Potentially Severe
1.2.18Other specific problems with computer59.2 (25.2)5 (62.5)1 (12.5)0 (0)
1.3.377Reporting investigations72.0 (28.3)38 (49.4)17 (22.1)1 (1.30)
1.4.155Ordering medications or treatments59.1 (29.3)17(30.9)6 (10.9)5 (9.1)
1.4.236Dispensing medications or implementing treatments63.0 (31.0)16 (44.4)11 (30.6)3 (8.3)
2.112Failure to follow standard or recommended practice56.5 (21.7)2 (16.7)3 (25.0)1 (8.3)
Fivec Near Miss Events Rated Most Potentially Costly to the Practice
1.1.430Appointment or referral46.1 (28.6)6 (20.0)4 (13.3)
1.28Equipment and physical building/surroundings/practice site49.7 (31.8)2 (25.0)1 (12.5)
1.3.245Implementing investigations52.2 (28.2)10 (22.2)4 (8.9)
1.4.155Ordering medication or treatments59.1 (29.3)17 (30.9)6 (10.9)
1.4.236Dispensing medications or implementing treatments63.0 (31.0)2 (44.4)11 (30.6)
2.112Failure to follow standard or recommended practice56.5 (21.7)2 (16.7)3 (25.0)
  • a On a scale of 0–100, where 0=not very serious and 100=extremely serious.

  • b Rated categorically with 0 = none/minimal; 1 = some; 2 = a lot. Percent reflects ‘A lot’ responses within each error type.

  • c Two events tied for fifth most costly.

  • SD, standard deviation.