Table 1. Risks Identified at the Baseline Survey and Risks Reported to be Resolved or Improved at 6 months, by Content Area and Study Group
Risks*Gabby GroupControl GroupP Value
Emotional and mental healthParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)21 (45.6)19 (42.2).74
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)12/18 (66.7)4/16 (25.0).02
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)15/35 (43.0)4/32 (13.0).01
EnvironmentalParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)44 (95.6)43 (95.6)1.00
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)11 (32.4)5 (12.8).04
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)13/119 (10.9)6/102 (5.9).18
Genetic health historyParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)46 (100.0)45 (100.0).32
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)14/36 (38.9)12/41 (29.3).37
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)19/71 (26.8)15/67 (22.4).55
Health careParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)16 (34.8)31 (68.9).01
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)5/12 (41.7)5/27 (18.5).13
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)8/34 (23.5)7/64 (10.9).09
Health conditions and medicinesParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)28 (60.9)28 (62.2).89
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)12/22 (54.5)5/25 (20.0).01
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)14/41 (34.1)8/36 (22.2).25
Immunizations and vaccinesParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)38 (82.6)42 (93.3).12
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)17/30 (56.7)15/38 (39.5).16
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)25/80 (31.3)21/111 (18.9).05
Infectious diseasesParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)46 (100.0)45 (100.0)NA
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)25/36 (69.4)23/41 (56.1).23
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)52/172 (30.2)44/182 (24.2).20
Men and health careParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)31 (67.4)26 (57.8).34
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)5/25 (20.0)9/23 (39.1).15
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered7/64 (10.9)14/39 (35.9).01
Nutrition and activityParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)46 (100.0)45 (100.0)NA
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)32/36 (88.9)29/41 (70.7).05
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)101/292 (34)67/302 (22.2).01
RelationshipsParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)21 (45.6)30 (66.7).04
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)5/16 (31.3)6/27 (22.2).51
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)10/36 (27.8)9/53 (17.0).22
Reproductive healthParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)40 (87.0)38 (84.4).73
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)10/31 (32.3)9/34 (26.5).61
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)16/87 (18.4)12/62 (19.4).88
Substance useParticipants who triggered ≥1 risk (%)27 (58.7)25 (55.6).76
Participants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)10/20 (50.0)11/22 (50.0)1.00
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)17/36 (47.2)17/41 (41.5).61
TotalsParticipants with at least 1 risk resolved/no. of participants reached at follow-up who had triggered at least 1 risk (%)36/36 (100.0)37/41 (90.0)
Risks triggered that were resolved/total no. of risks triggered (%)297/1067 (27.8)224/1091 (20.5)<.01
  • * The various risks were categorized as follows:

    • Emotional and Mental Health: history of or diagnosis of or depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia; depression (2-item Patient Health Questionnaire score ≥325); stress (4-item Perceived Stress Scale score ≥826); family history of psychiatric conditions (depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder).

    • Environmental Issues: exposure to lead; at risk for toxoplasmosis; living near toxic waste or a “superfund” site; untested well water in the home; frequently drinking from plastic water bottles; frequently eating food from cans with a white plastic lining; reported workplace exposure to chemicals or dangers; reported exposure to potentially toxic household chemicals.

    • Genetic Health History: ethnicity-based genetic health risk based on ancestry; family history of a genetic health condition; personal history of a genetic health condition; need to learn family health history.

    • Health Care and Programs: inadequate financial resources; does not have health insurance; has inadequate health insurance; does not have a primary care physician; not been to a dentist in over a year.

    • Health Conditions and Medicines: history of diagnosis of diabetes, prediabetes, gestational diabetes, hyper- or hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, seizures, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, renal disease, cardiovascular disease, thrombophilia, asthma; history of or diagnosis of a disability; history of or diagnosis of cancer; currently taking any prescription medications; currently taking any over-the-counter medicines.

    • Immunizations and Vaccines: need human papillomavirus vaccine; need hepatitis B vaccine; need varicella vaccine; need measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; need influenza vaccine; need tetanus vaccine; need tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine; unsure of immunization record.

    • Infectious Diseases: at risk for sexually transmitted infection; sexually active and has not been tested for sexually transmitted infections; history of or diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus, gonorrhea/chlamydia/syphilis, herpes simplex virus; at risk for tuberculosis, malaria, cytomegalovirus hepatitis C; not born in the United States.

    • Men and Health Care: partner has not been to doctor in >1 year; partner does not have a primary care physician; partner has not been counseled on a reproductive life plan.

    • Nutrition and Activity: bad diet or food choices (<5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables and/or regular intake of junk food); possibly taking too much vitamin A; not using a multivitamin with folic acid or a folic acid supplement; use of herbal or weight-loss supplements; not taking supplements of vitamin D, calcium, iron; need more essential fatty acids in diet; at risk for toxic concentrations of mercury; at risk for listeriosis; underweight (body mass index <18.5 kg/m2); overweight (body mass index ≥30 kg/m2); self-reported potential eating disorder; use of caffeine; not enough exercise (<30 min/d, 5 d/wk).

    • Relationships: history of or current physical or sexual abuse; history of or current emotional or verbal abuse; does not feel safe.

    • Reproductive Health: does not use birth control; uses withdrawal method of birth control; uses other less effective birth control method (Plan B, rhythm/natural family planning method, or “other”); history of preterm birth; history of infant born with low or high birth weight; history of cesarean delivery; history includes 1 or 2 miscarriage(s); history includes ≥3 miscarriages; history includes ≥2 miscarriages in second trimester; history of abortion; history of stillbirth; history of uterine anomalies; history of infant or child death; <3 months between past pregnancies; history of vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy; history of infant in neonatal intensive care unit; history of infant with a birth defect; participant was born before term or with a low birth weight; participant's mother was born before term or with a low birth weight.

    • Substance Use: excessive alcohol (≥4 drinks in a day over the past year); any current tobacco use; any illicit substance use in the past year.

  • At baseline, this group included 46 participants; n = 36 at 6 months.

  • At baseline, this group included 45 participants; n = 41 at 6 months.

  • NA, not available.