Table 1. Survey Participant Characteristics and Responses, Iowa City VA Health Care System (n = 132)
Characteristics/Preferences, 2012 to 2013Participants
Age in years (mean, SD)62 (4)
Male sex122 (92)
Rural area of residence78 (59)
Good/very good/excellent general health95 (72)
    White123 (93)
    Black6 (5)
    Other3 (2)
Health insurance in addition to VHA benefits (could report >1)
    Private individual or group plan34 (26)
    Military17 (13)
    Medicaid8 (6)
    Medicare31 (23)
    VHA benefits only65 (49)
Highest education more than some college or technical school74 (56)
Have at least 1 child (≤18 years) living in household17 (13)
More than 1 adult (>18 years) living in household89 (67)
Currently married/partnered77 (58)
Participant has someone who can bring to health care appointments if needed121 (92)
Has an additional non-VA primary care provider30 (23)
Health care provider has previously recommended a colonoscopy95 (72)
Ever had a colonoscopy60 (45)
Ever had colonoscopy performed at a VA facility12 (20)
Who should make the decision for when you should be screened for colon cancer?*
    You alone or mostly you21 (16)
    The doctor and you equally77 (58)
    Mostly the doctor or the doctor alone33 (25)
Who should make the decision for which test should be used for screening?*
    You alone or mostly you37 (28)
    The doctor and you equally35 (26)
    Mostly the doctor or the doctor alone59 (45)
More likely to take colonoscopy every 10 years or FIT every year?
    FIT88 (67)
    Colonoscopy11 (8)
    No preference32 (24)
    Prefer not to be screened1 (1)
Preferred method to receive CRC screening due reminders (could report >1)
    Mail110 (83)
    Phone55 (42)
    E-mail30 (23)
    At clinic visit40 (30)
    No reminder1 (1)
Preferred method to receive FIT kit
    Mail120 (91)
    Pick up at nearest VA facility1 (1)
    No preference11 (8)
FIT satisfaction (answered “extremely” or “very”)
    How easy was it for you to follow the FIT kit directions?117 (89)
    How convenient was the FIT kit for you?118 (89)
    If the FIT was mailed to you each year, how likely would you be to complete it each year?128 (97)
  • Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated.

  • * One missing response.

  • CRC, colorectal cancer; FIT, fecal immunochemical testing; SD, standard deviation; VHA, Veterans Health Administration.