Table 3. Practice Clinician Survey Scores for Specific Questions and Associations with Clinical Quality Measure Performance
MeasureAgreementStaff EducationEHR RemindersStanding OrdersEHR Patient Education
Clinical process/effectiveness
    Antidepressant medication management90.9 (18.3)63.1 (23.8)50.8 (26.8)N/A46.1 (23.5)
    Asthma: use of appropriate medications97.0 (8.9)59.0 (22.6)53.1 (26.2)N/A50.0 (23.8)
    Blood pressure control96.5 (13.8)79.0 (20.3)74.6 (22.6)N/A59.5 (23.4)
    Cancer screening
        Breast97.2 (10.1)89.2* (15.6)88.0* (14.8)69.7* (36.9)61.0 (24.3)
        Cervical98.0 (7.8)83.4* (19.2)83.6* (19.4)39.7* (38.6)56.4 (25.7)
        Colorectal99.8* (1.1)85.9* (17.1)88.2* (14.5)51.0* (40.6)60.2 (24.5)
        Poor control of hemoglobin A1C90.4 (16.2)78.2 (22.8)74.2 (25.9)63.7 (40.5)64.2* (22.3)
        LDL-C management91.6 (16.6)63.4 (24.2)68.0 (23.6)55.5 (41.1)64.2 (22.3)
        Urine protein screening92.8 (20.2)74.9* (22.0)80.2* (23.2)64.6* (39.8)64.2* (22.3)
    Heart failure
        ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy96.0 (14.5)54.7 (22.1)59.0* (27.0)N/A48.0 (24.8)
        β-Blocker therapy96.5 (13.9)54.7 (22.1)56.2* (27.2)N/A48.0 (24.8)
    Ischemic vascular disease
        Use of aspirin or another antithrombotic98.2 (7.5)64.4* (23.9)75.8* (23.8)N/A54.4 (23.3)
        LDL control94.0 (11.7)62.4 (24.6)64.0 (23.2)48.3 (41.2)54.5 (23.3)
Efficient resource use
    Appropriate treatment for children with upper respiratory infection89.8 (21.6)63.2* (27.1)36.5* (27.9)N/A38.6* (26.5)
Patient safety
    Use of high-risk medications in the elderly91.7* (18.9)56.8 (22.0)69.2 (20.8)N/A43.5 (24.9)
    Warfarin time in therapeutic range97.3 (13.7)76.8* (23.0)43.2 (29.2)N/A49.3 (27.5)
Population/public health
    Chlamydia screening for women89.3* (25.1)65.7* (24.6)64.0* (29.8)30.7* (35.7)45.4 (26.8)
    Depression screening88.5 (23.2)69.1* (26.6)67.7* (29.5)41.2* (42.2)50.2* (29.7)
    Influenza immunization97.9 (7.1)90.6* (14.5)88.2* (14.7)82.0 (29.2)62.7 (25.1)
    Pneumococcal immunization for older adults100.0 (0.0)88.0* (17.2)87.0* (16.0)72.0* (35.0)62.3 (24.5)
    Tobacco use screening and cessation intervention98.3 (8.5)86.2 (16.7)83.5 (17.7)N/A62.6 (25.4)
  • * Significantly (P < .05) correlated with corresponding quality measure in bivariate (unadjusted) analysis.

  • Significantly (P < .05) correlated with corresponding quality measure in multivariate (adjusted) analysis.

  • ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; EHR, electronic health record; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; N/A, not applicable; SD, standard deviation.