Table 2. Characteristics of Family Physicians Seeking American Board of Family Medicine Recertification and Examination Results in 2013 (n = 10,978)
CharacteristicUrban (n = 8,838)Rural (n = 2,140)
2013 primary exam score (SD)495.4 (105.7)516.7 (104.0)*
Percent who passed the examination86.890.7*
Scope of practice for primary care score14.3 (3.4)16.1 (4.0)*
Gender (% Female)38.529.1*
Age, years51.0 (8.5)51.9 (8.6)*
Degree (% DO)8.69.4
International medical school graduates18.59.7*
Medical school faculty25.022.6*
Hold other American Board of Medical Specialties certification3.11.5*
Practice organization
  • Values are percentage or mean (standard deviation).

  • * P for t test or Chi-Square test < .05.

  • SD, standard deviation; DO, doctor of osteopathic medicine.