Table 3. Reasons for No and Late Colonoscopies (>6 Months) After a Positive Fecal Occult Blood Test or Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Based on Electronic Health Record Audits and Nurse Navigator Entries into the Study Database*
No ColonoscopyLate Colonoscopy (>6 Months)Events
UC (n = 8)Navigation (n = 2)UC (n = 6)Navigation (n = 4)
Repetitively canceled or missed appointments4217
Referred but no appointment until after 6 months33
Cost concerns112
Procedure concerns426
Too busy or other priorities112
Lost health insurance or changed coverage112
Other health issues123
  • * Participants could have more than one reason for not completing a colonoscopy or completing it late.

  • Number of reasons for either not completing a colonoscopy or completing it late.

  • UC, usual care.