Table 1. PRIME Net Cycle of Trust Recommended Strategies12 and Corresponding Survey Items
Cycle of Trust: Study Phase/StrategiesSurvey Items*
Before the study
    Strategy 1: Trust with targeted partners1. Build relationships with community partner based on mutual trust
2. Build relationships with practice/clinic partners based on mutual trust
    Strategy 2: Relevant topic and feasible study design3. Collaborate with community partners to determine research questions and protocols
4. Choose a feasible design that places minimal burden on the clinic and its workflow
Throughout the study
    Strategy 3: A competent research team5. Include practice/clinic partners in the research team to ensure understanding of the clinic context
6. Involve culturally and linguistically competent community partners on the research team (eg, bilingual/bicultural) and in the community, emphasizing familiarity with cultural norms along sex and class lines and other aspects of social identity
During the study
    Strategy 4: Tailored recruitment strategies7. Create recruitment strategies tailored to specific racial/ethnic community needs (eg, arranging transportation, accessing local media, addressing citizenship status concerns)
    Strategy 5: Study implementation8. Identify a person with knowledge of the study to ensure that practice/clinic partners have a contact for study-related problems
    Strategy 6: Tailored retention strategies9. Use appropriately timed personal contacts (eg, culturally appropriate thank you cards for participation) and/or token material incentives (eg, gift cards) to encourage participants to complete study activities
After study completion
    Strategy 7: Closing the loop and sowing the seeds of future research projects10. Customize reporting of study results to the interests of practice/community partners
11. Involve clinic/community partners in presenting research results to scientific and/or public audiences
  • * Response options: For each activity, respondents were asked (a) how often they plan for the activity (never, rarely, sometimes, usually, or always); (b) how often they implement the activity in their research studies (never, rarely, sometimes, usually, or always); and (c) to assess the capacity of their practice-based research network to perform each activity (very low, low, medium, high, or very high).