Table 1. Inclusion Criteria for Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders Who Underwent Medical Assessment2
  • Age 18 to 60 years

  • Answering the following 2 questions with “yes”:

    • Do you think that you are suffering at present from health problems that are not only somatic but also psychological in nature?

    • If there are psychological problems, have they existed for more than 6 months? (criterion of chronicity)

  • A score of 0 or 1 on at least 1 item or a score of 2 on at least 3 items of the WHO-Five Well-being Index (a 22-item self-rating questionnaire)

  • An average score of 4 or a score of 5 on at least 1 item on the self-rating questionnaire of illness-related participation disorders across different domains of daily life (IMET)23,24