Table 2. Number and Percentage of Study Visits with Depression Diagnosis and with Antidepressant Recommendation and/or Prescription at Various Study 9-Item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) Score Thresholds
PHQ-9 ScoreAll VisitsVisits with Practice or Provider Use of a Brief Depression Symptom Measure
Visits (n)Depression Diagnosis*Antidepressant Recommendation and/or Prescription*Visits (n)Depression Diagnosis*Antidepressant Recommendation and/or Prescription*
<1059567 (11.3)42 (7.1)5010 (20.0)12 (24.0)
<953856 (10.4)32 (6.0)4310 (23.3)10 (23.3)
<848645 (9.3)31 (6.4)368 (22.2)9 (25.0)
<742135 (8.3)21 (5.0)286 (21.4)8 (28.6)
<636929 (7.9)19 (5.2)235 (21.7)7 (30.4)
<530420 (6.6)11 (3.6)184 (22.2)4 (22.0)
  • Data are n (%) unless otherwise indicated. The PHQ-9 was administered to all participants in the prestudy visit questionnaire (but was not disclosed to study providers).

  • * Based on a review of the study visit note in the medical record.