Table 4. Capacity and Participation Disorders in Patients with and without Workplace Phobia
Capacity DisordersPatients with Workplace Phobia (n = 29)Patients without Workplace Phobia (n = 259)P Value*Cohen's d
Rated by physician according using Mini-ICF-APP
    Adherence to regulations0.73 (0.78)0.42 (0.73)0.2540.42
    Planning and structuring of tasks0.93 (0.84)0.61 (0.8)0.0450.4
    Flexibility1.45 (0.91)0.92 (0.97)0.0050.55
    Competency0.48 (0.8)0.24 (0.6)0.1100.39
    Endurance1.17 (1.0)0.92 (0.9)0.2020.28
    Assertiveness1.03 (0.9)0.79 (0.88)0.1600.27
    Contact with others1.1 (1.0)0.71 (0.8)0.0520.48
    Group integration0.76 (0.87)0.59 (0.83)0.3060.20
    Intimate relationships0.93 (1.0)0.79 (0.9)0.4530.15
    Nonwork activities1.28 (0.92)1.17 (0.87)0.5530.13
    Self-care0.1 (0.4)0.05 (0.3)0.3770.16
    Mobility0.79 (0.97)0.48 (0.87)0.0720.35
    Competence to judge and decide1.38 (0.86)0.88 (0.92)0.0050.55
Rated by Physician Using IMEP
    Degree to which there are participation limitations due to illness in the following domains of life
        Activities of daily living (washing, dressing, eating, moving in one's home)1.2 (2.0)1.04 (1.9)0.6510.08
        Activities at home (work in house and garden, family care)2.59 (2.5)2.15 (2.4)0.3560.18
    Activities outside the house (hand to mouth buying, moving in one's hometown)3.28 (2.2)2.46 (2.3)0.0740.36
    Duties (cleaning up, adherence to dates, doing shopping outside one's house)4.83 (2.0)3.44 (2.3)0.0020.61
    Recreational activities (hobbies, relaxation, enjoying time spent off work)4.34 (2.6)4.21 (2.1)0.7530.06
    Social activities (meeting friends, talking with neighbors, going to parties)4.28 (2.0)3.8 (2.16)0.2580.22
    Close relations (being with one's partner or family)4.31 (2.12)3.39 (2.5)0.0540.37
    Sexual life (appropriate quality and quantity)4.14 (3.3)3.61 (3.0)0.3810.18
    Coping with stress (family conflicts, illness, financial problems, unexpected life events)5.69 (1.8)5.15 (1.9)0.1480.29
    Work (adequately fulfilling one's duties at work and following further training)6.17 (2.3)5.2 (2.3)0.0330.42
  • Data are means (standard deviations).

  • * 2-Tailed t test for independent samples.

  • P < .05.

  • IMEP, Index for the Measurement of Restrictions in Participation; Mini-ICF-APP, Observer-rating of Disorders in Capacities and Participation due to Mental Disorders.