Table 3. Percentages of Participants Who Report They Frequently Perform Behaviors to Prevent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTIs) by Level of Observed T-Zone Touching and Hand Hygiene Behaviors
More Touching/Poor Hygiene (N = 53)Less Touching/Better Hygiene (N = 39)P Value
Recommended by the CDC to prevent URTIs
    Don't smoke or stop smoking if you smoke68.1%72.0%.73
    Cover the mouth/nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing/sneezing54.738.5.17
    Cover the mouth/nose with the elbow when coughing/sneezing92.588.5.56
    Wash hands frequently throughout the day96.296.0.96
    Try to not touch own eyes, nose, or mouth with hands47.246.2.93
    Get plenty of sleep each night47.138.5.47
    Avoid being around people when they have a cold or flu33.323.1.35
No recommendation by the CDC to prevent URTI
    Take vitamin C regularly25.011.5.16
    Drink large amounts of water daily60.434.6.03
    Cover the mouth/nose with the hand when coughing/sneezing52.950.0.81
    Stay at home (do not go to school or work) while ill with a cold or flu20.015.4.62
    Avoid stressful situations26.020.0.57
  • CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.