Table 1. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Concentrations Based on the Bacteria Causing Pharyngitis in Patients with 4 Centor Criteria
OrganismPatients, n (%)CRP Concentrations (mg/L)
Mean (95% CI)Median (IQR)
GAS83 (56.1)34.4 (25.6–43.3)12.0 (4.0–62.0)
Non-GAS infection*65 (43.9)29.9 (19.7–40.2)8.0 (4.0–46.0)
    No bacteria29 (19.6%)27.9 (11.0–44.9)4.0 (4.0–37.5)
    Group B streptococcus8 (5.4%)19.1 (0–41.0)4.0 (4.0–36.7)
    Group C streptococcus13 (8.8)56.3 (25.7–86.9)61.0 (4.0–94.5)
    Group G streptococcus5 (3.4)31.6 (0–65.3)38.0 (4.0–56.0)
    Other streptococci10 (6.7)9.2 (4.4–14.0)8.0 (4.0–11.2)
  • CI, confidence interval; GAS, group A streptococcus; IQR, interquartile range.

  • * One patient had infection from a bacteria not included here.