Table 4. Participant Satisfaction With After Visit Summaries (AVSs)
Participant Satisfaction ItemsMean Scores ± SD*P Value
AVS1 (n = 47)AVS2 (n = 54)AVS3 (n = 55)Usual AVS (n = 53)Total (n = 209)
The information on the form is easy to understand.3.77 ± 1.133.98 ± 0.714.00 ± 0.774.00 ± 0.923.94 ± 0.87.492
The information on the form was well organized.4.04 ± 0.594.11 ± 0.504.02 ± 0.814.12 ± 0.584.07 ± 0.63.813
The layout of the form is pleasing.3.89 ± 1.003.80 ± 1.113.80 ± 0.893.88 ± 0.813.84 ± 0.95.926
It is easy for me to find information I need on the form.3.68 ± 1.133.91 ± 0.943.93 ± 0.984.02 ± 0.703.89 ± 0.94.338
The amount of information is more than I really need.3.18 ± 1.043.30 ± 1.033.04 ± 1.053.39 ± 1.003.23 ± 1.03.330
The information on the form is useful to me.3.98 ± 0.774.19 ± 0.654.05 ± 0.784.12 ± 0.474.09 ± 0.68.471
It is hard for me to understand the information on the form.3.76 ± 0.833.62 ± 0.953.69 ± 1.033.92 ± 0.663.74 ± 0.88.346
I like having the contact information for my doctor and clinic on the form.4.07 ± 0.744.15 ± 0.714.07 ± 0.544.15 ± 0.544.11 ± 0.63.835
The form gives me the right amount of information about my doctor visit.3.72 ± 0.984.09 ± 0.564.04 ± 0.544.02 ± 0.643.98 ± 0.70.037
The form does not have all the information I would like to get after my doctor visit.3.64 ± 0.863.60 ± 0.953.70 ± 0.823.25 ± 1.073.55 ± 0.94.071
Overall, I am satisfied with the information I got after my doctor visit.4.02 ± 0.774.02 ± 0.764.02 ± 0.694.04 ± 0.744.02 ± 0.77.999
Mean satisfaction scale score§3.88 ± 0.423.92 ± 0.493.86 ± 0.513.91 ± 0.413.89 ± 0.46.918
  • * These mean scores are based on a 5-point Likert Scale. A higher score is better.

  • This scale was administered during the second follow-up phone interview. Number of respondents is less than at the first follow-up call.

  • Negatively worded items. Scales scoring was reversed accordingly.

  • § Cronbach α = 0.82 for overall scale.