Table 3. Predicting Total Knee Replacement (TKR) Recommendation from Patient Race, Implicit Association Test (IAT) Order, and Implicit Racial Attitude and Stereotype Moderators
χ2P Value
Cooperativeness IAT (n = 417)
    Patient race main effect0.15.700
    Cooperativeness IAT main effect0.24.624
    Order main effect2.30.129
        Patient race + cooperativeness IAT0.50.479
        Patient race + order0.20.652
        Order + cooperativeness IAT0.00.983
        Patient race + cooperativeness IAT + order0.55.458
Race preference IAT (n=72)
    Patient race main effect0.63.428
    Race preference IAT main effect1.75.185
    Order main effect3.11.078
        Patient race + race preference IAT0.21.648
        Patient race + order0.07.796
        Order + race preference IAT2.26.133
        Patient race + race preference IAT + order0.32.570