Item No. | Item Title | Description |
0 | No activity | There has been no activity on registry adoption or use. |
1 | Selected | The practice has chosen a registry but has not yet begun using it. |
2 | Installed | The practice has a registry installed on a computer and has set up a template, and entered demographic data on patients of interest (e.g., diabetes) or has outlined a process to systematically enter the data. |
3 | Testing workflow | The practice is testing the process for entering clinical data into the registry but is not yet using the registry to help with the daily care of patients. |
4 | Patient management | All clinical data is entered into the registry and the practice is using the registry daily to plan patient care and is able to produce consistent reports on population performance. |
5 | Full integration | Registry is kept up to date with a consistent and reliable process. The practice checks on and monitors the registry processes and uses the registry to manage the entire patient population. |
For the full scale see
↵* The Key Driver Implementation Scale term is that used by the investigators of the Transforming Primary Care Practice in North Carolina (AHRQ R18 HS019131).