Table 3. Participant Free Recall of After Visit Summary (AVS) Content
Participant RecallAVS1 (n = 68)AVS2 (n = 68)AVS3 (n = 68)Usual AVS (n = 68)Total (n = 269)P Value*
Recalled specific element/category, n (%)
    My name6 (8.8)4 (6.1)3 (4.5)5 (7.4)18 (6.7).76
    Visit date9 (13.2)8 (11.8)9 (13.2)7 (10.3)33 (12.1).94
    Provider name9 (13.2)5 (7.4)8 (11.8)7 (10.4)29 (10.7).72
    Diagnosis10 (14.7)11 (16.2)9 (13.2)20 (29.4)50 (18.4).06
    Medications41 (60.3)40 (58.8)44 (64.7)34 (50.0)159 (58.5).30
    Patient instructions19 (27.9)19 (27.9)26 (38.2)22 (32.4)86 (31.6).52
Percentage of categories recalled0.15 (0.14)0.19 (0.19)0.32 (0.28)0.24 (0.22)0.23 (0.22)<.001
Percentage of medication items recalled
    First call back0.48 (0.27)0.51 (0.26)0.56 (0.27)0.56 (0.28)0.53 (0.27.27
    Second call back0.51 (0.28)0.47 (0.24)0.51 (0.27)0.60 (0.29)0.52 (0.27).11
  • Data are mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise indicated.

  • * P values reflect comparisons using the χ2 test for categorical variables and 1-way analysis of variance for continuous variables.

  • AVS1 and AVS2 are significantly different from AVS3. AVS1, AVS2, and AVS3 are not significantly different from control AVS in pairwise comparisons using the Scheffé test.